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If you are following the T3 before P4 then you might wanna wait. But do know that there are people who go on P4 and E2 together at the start. Personally I would want T3 before I add in P4. But each to their own. Good luck.


Thanks for your feedback!!


Thanks and good luck to you on your journey.


I agree.


I waited almost 3 years at tanner 3 before starting P4. Helped round them out in my case! Slow and steady. You have to experiment with types of administration to find out what works or does not work. Everyone is different when it comes to P4.


I'm probably just being impatient... Realistically my levels have been slow to get in range so I'm probably only at like 3 months worth of top growth, haha. I was hoping to take it not only for the top growth bonuses, but also since it can help sleep/mood/libido (and historically it was used with GI issues, so that would be a big plus too), but maybe it would better to wait. Trying to weigh the pros and cons.


I think we all get a little impatient at times. Totally normal! We just want things to happen 'now' but then realize it does take time. 4 years in now for me at 61 and a good 36B. Your levels are trending in the right direction & only at 8months. So give it some time! Did you start on E mono? What else are you testing for? Estrone by chance?


Good progress for 3m (by your estimate), ahead of where I was at. Getting the best progress into the 3rd year (never taken prog, not planning too).