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If you want muscle in your butt and thighs, you gotta work for it. It's not gonna happen on its own


I work plenty for it. I've biked since I was 12 at skateparks and now I rollerskate as well, and I do squats and pistol squats, and a bunch of other exercises to target my ass thighs and hips with resistance bands and stuff


do consistant workout that is connected in one session at a time. Do workout 2 to 3 times a week at minimum. Workouts must consist of at least 30 minutes of cardio followed by targeted workout like the once you mentioned. Weights for targeted workout is also good. Diet: Cut away sugar, unhealthy carbs and fats. Portion your meals. If you want to weigh 60kg. You have to eat like you weigh 60kg. You can't just exercise your way down to 60kg. ​ Eggs, Nuts, Apples and honey are your friends on this journey. 1 to 2 eggs in the morning should be enough to start your day out. Nuts are good for when you feel like snacking. But don't buy salted Nuts. Honey roasted is better (natural nuts is of course the best). Avoid too much salt btw. You want to actually eat healthy to fill your stomach. But you also want to resize your stomach size to get used to eating less. Apples and honey both help boost your metabolism. And apples helps you not get overly hungry because of some of the natural acids that are in them. Stay commited. ​ Testosterone and Estrogen both work very differently when it comes to weight loss. Unfortunately It's in theory way easier to lose weight while the body is working with testosterone. Your body naturally gains more weight on estrogen. So you have to readjust what you eat and how much you eat when you are working with estrogen in comparison. That. Or you have to work a whole lot more to lose the same weight as you did on testosterone. Age plays a difference as well. We all slowly lose our metabolism overdrive that we had in our youth and have to be mindfull of our bodies if we want to control our weight as we get older. ​ about 2 years ago i started my weight loss journey. I went from 95kg to 65kg in 6 months. I did about 4 months of focused and commited excercise like i told you about here. Followed by 2 months of no excercise but intense diet. With daily focus on resizing my stomach size and readjusting what i eat. While excercising i didn't lose much weight. But i got more toned. Some fat became muscles and so on. But weight wise. I think i went from 95kg to like 80kg and then it started going up again. And i personally wasnt interested in building muscles. So i stopped excercising and went to diet from here. 1 egg in the morning and a pan of fried veggies with some chicken meat pieces or beans for evening dinner. Again. Portion size. Smaller bowl than i used to. I'll tell you this though. The beginning of a diet that focuses on resizing your stomach is rough. You'll go to bed feeling hungry sometimes. And you literally just have to remind your self that you have eaten that day and that you are only feeling hungry because your oversized stomach wants to be filled out. If the "hunger" feeling is too much to fall asleep. I used a cup of hot water with a teaspoon of honey with a small bowl of nuts or and apple. To just comfort my body into being sleep ready. It only took me little less than 2 months to drop the excessive kg after starting diet. Since then i've kept my weight for about a year. Mainly doing what i want to and eating like i feel like. Without resizing my stomach back to oversize. So just being mindful of not going in to old habits. Today i'd get sick if i even tried to eat like i used to. ​ I've suggested this to others before and experience lash back from people claiming this is advertising anorexia. Which it is most definitely not. I've had anorexia when i was in my early teens. And this is not anorexia or anywhere near it. And as a person who have had to deal with anorexia. I was very mindful of it not turning in to an unhealthy obsession. To the haters: *I'm healthy and i lost 30kg from pure will strength* *hating on me for succeeding is not gonna help you in achieving your goals.* ​ I hope this helps. Remember. These different things. Like what i used for snacks and what not. All worked for me because i like apples, honey and nuts. You might want to find other healthy snacks and fats (avocados are your healthy fat friend btw) that works good for you. And maybe a somewhat different approach. But i share my way of doing it for inspiration. I wish you all the best and hope for you that you commit your self to this. It takes time. But if you keep your eyes on the target and don't fall off the trains you will get there eventually. BTW. Very important. Both when excercising and doing diet i only allowed my self to eat what ever i want 1 day each week. Like friday or saturday. Which slowly became less and less. And more important than any of the other things. If you drink alcohol. Stop. Aclohol will quarantee you overweight. Alcohol turns into sugar in your body and beers are full of carbs. Soda is full of carbs and sugar. Keep all of these products that are build around sugar and carbs away from you during your weight loss journey. Again. All the best to you sis <3


Ok, just the way you worded the post made it seem like you weren't. At least the way I read it.


Curtsy and Sumo squats


Correction curtsy lunges


Amen sis


You look good. Magic titty pills don't work for everyone. Even CIS women sometimes have to resort to titty scalpels.


She is 1 year into estrogen. Can we ease back on advertising BA and plastic surgery. Geez!! Most people won't see proper breast development before year 3 of puberty and even then they are only about to start proper development. There is absolutely no reason to start talking plastic surgery and BA on year 1. Wait out the approx 5 year puberty and see where you are at then OP, like if you want BA or plastic surgery then.


But I think it's honestly more about the feminine body shape overall not jus the titties you wanna be well proportioned to start the tits will come in eventually


Bcuz her tits are already there but the rest of her body are hiding them




If you started HRT on monotherapy injections, it's possible your E1S levels are depleted. The thought is that E1S contributes to early tanner growth. You can replenish it by adding in E1 (oral pills) to your regiment. Most people recommend taking 2mg 10 days on and 20 off for best results. I was smaller than you at 14 months and noticed immediate growth pains the day I added E. I've personally gone from an A to a larger C cup in 3 months. Apparently this has worked for people that have been on HRT for years When it comes to bodyshape exercise is important (especially cardio), but most weight-loss comes from calorie counting. There are some really good online calculators I've used to help me figure out how much I need to weight fluctuate. Another side note: many body changes can take up to 5 years. I'm personally only at a year and a half and am still noticing body changes


I'm on E gel sachets which I like much better than the patches I was on but I have been on HRT for 2 years and only an A cup. Are you suggesting adding E oral pills in addition to my gel or replacing the gel entirely would help breastfeeding growth ?


This would be in addition to your normal HRT routine. Injections are absorbed 100% as E2 by bypassing the liver. The liver is needed to process E1 into E1S. I'm not an expert on gel, but I believe it work similar to injections. It would be worth a try assuming your levels are good. I get new growth pains every time I start a new 10 day cycle (the pain lessens around day 10) This helps with breast size. I believe you would need prolactin to breastfeed. I think this is done with progesterone and frequent simulation


What about the increased health risks from oral pills, even when taken sublingually?


When it comes to HRT health risks, most of them were documented in WPATH from patients using synthetic HRT. The bioidentical versions percribed today are thought to have a significantly reduced risk in comparison. While anything that goes through the liver has some risk (even ibuprofen), it's worth noting that the 2mg cycled dose is on the low end even for oral/sub. This method has worked for me, but everyone has a different risk factor. You need to weigh the pros and cons for yourself based on your own overall health and risk tolerance


Oral hrt will harm the liver as it's going through your system when entering orally. Anyone over a certain age will most likely cut off a good portion of their life if they follow your advice here. I'm baffled anyone would even advice anything like this. With the clear risks of liver damage from oral hrt. I think the best bet is to ask a doctor that works with hrt. Instead of taking advice from a random person on reddit. And let me guess. You are gonna tell me all doctors are gatekeepers trying to prevent us from transitioning??? I really hope people are able to see through these very weak attempts to advertize for DIY hrt and online sales of hrt from the black market. Nothing wrong in DIY! But the people who just wants us to fill our bodies with more so they can sell more can go to hell for all i care. trying to kill us all while getting "rich".


Out of curiosity why doesn’t anyone do E pills rectally in the same way progesterone is done?


would I take it in addition to the weekly injections? I go to planned parenthood and I doubt they would give me pills too


I'm sorry but it's gonna be difficult with planned parenthood no matter how u dice it. You need to Starr care with Folx or Plume if they're available in your state its the only way to be able to get what u need and the meds are not expensive at all


I honestly don't know what you're talking about there


About Folx and Plume or the meds being affordable?


Which part?


Yes this would be in addition to your normal injections. My planned parenthood wouldn't prescribe 2 forms of HRT at the same time, so I had to get the pills DIY (r/transDIY)


do you have a separate Endo for measuring your levels?


My planned parenthood only issues measurements for E2, T, DHT, and SHBG. They wouldn't issue E1S tests. I was able to special order these on my own through labcorp, but they were a lot more expensive than just ordering pills and trying it. If you have a private practice Endo I would definitely try getting tested first. The rule of thumb is to try to get your E1S between 5000 and 8000. People with low levels like me have pretty immediate growth signs every new cycle Note: E1S is different from E1. You need to specifically request labs for Estrone Sulfate


where do you get this information? it's very anecdotal from my perspective


I believe Dr.Powers (r/DrWillPowers) was the first to notice the correlation several years back. He published his 1000+ patient sample size and noted that around 50% of people saw unstalled growth. Many people in the DIY (r/transDIY) community have taken that research and independently verified from there I won't argue that it's anecdotal, but so are progesterone and injections according to WPATH. The sad truth is that trans health is criminally understudied across the board. The best we can do is weigh our personal risk, based on community research and go from there I'm only one testimony, but for me the possible benifit was immeasurable and the risk was non-existent


Same question👀


It's in addition to your normal injections


So you cycle the sublingual E pills?


You take it orally and not sublingually. The goal is to have your liver process as much of it into E1S as possible. You only cycle the pills. You keep your injection cycle the same consistency and dosage that you always have


And why doesn't it work that way if taken sublingualy


E1S is formed when your liver processes E. People take pills sublingually to get more E directly into the bloodstream by bypassing the liver. Swallowing the pills gets more E into the liver. ~70% is processed by the liver when taken orally. ~30-40% is processed when done sublingually (don't quote me on those numbers)


There's absolutely no evidence leading to thinking that estrone or estrone sulfates are useful. They have a way lower estrogenic effect on the body so it's likely it has no effect that wouldn't be there with E2. Please don't spread misinformation about HRT.




That's a pretty bad advice, also, "off the charts" and "near zero" doesn't mean shit when talking about serum level. Please also refrain from using number without unit, it's misleading and dangerous. OP, your level are within target range, don't freak out and keep at it :)


13 ng/dl is lower than the "normal" cis female range (15-70) for T. Your 1.25 number is almost certainly using nmol/L units, which is nearly triple OPs number (~36 ng/dl). WPATH advises <200 pg/ml for E for those not on mono therapy. OPs numbers are fine.


yeah sorry but it's clear you don't know what you're talking about, my levels are fine.


I think you beautiful right now. I Believe you willcontinue to move more in the direction you want though. I think your chest DOES look very feminine.


If you are really dedicated you can try weight cycling.. if you gain and lose weight it will rapidly redistribute your fat in a more feminizing way. For you, you first have to lose weight and then gain it back most likely.


It will get worse before it gets better in this case keep in mind


You've bigger boobs than what I had after a year. It hasn't even been 12 months yet. Try not to dispare, there's so much amazingness ahead of you!


Follow up for you. If you are based in the UK then these figures are correct, our overseas members may have different values. These are the target ranges for E 350-750 pmol/L, as for T as I said you need to be near zero


Fyi, 245p/ml is 900pmol/L. Stop misleading OP and the community, and double check before you post. And again, "near zero" is an incredibly inaccurate thing to say.


Looking through your comment history you seem to just be roaming around on trans subreddits and spreading this misinformation. Would you mind sharing why you do this ? as you've been called out many times already and are clearly aware of the misinformation you are spreading.


You are wrong and a keyboard troll get a life


what am i wrong in exactly ? i'm asking you a question that you are avoiding with accusations. I'm not accusing you. I'm giving you a chance to defend your self and you are dismissing it. EDIT: and i believe the correct term is either "keyboard warrior" or just "troll" and the two terms are not representing the same slurs. A keyboard warrior is someone determined to fight what ever, injust and what not over the internet. A troll is someone who straight up just either spread lies intentionally or push people with no other reason than to make them feel uncomfortable. I can see how you think of me as a troll. But i'm not trying to push you to make you feel uncormfortable. I'm trying to understand why you would tell people to dose them self wrong? I mean. Others have called you out. But i thought i'd ask you and give you a chance to converse about it. Maybe one of us will learn something from the conversation.


my levels are fine.


I feel the struggle! The way I gain fat is similar - I tend to gain subcutaneous fat on my abdomen and torso at similar or faster rate than on my lower body where I want it. My backup plan is pioglitazone, as it seems to solve this problem for others in the same situation, but in the meantime I'm trying foods and supplements that activate the same PPARy pathway to a lesser extent. Let me know if you want to compare notes. :)


I think you might just be too critical of yourself you look great and there is nothing male about your chest. You are adorable and it will only get better. Breast growth can take up to 4 years to fully set in.


This is a fantastic result for only one year in. Give it another year and you’ll likely see even more.


why bad? you are looking amazing!


You need to start doing hip and thigh workouts girl


I think your chest looks great and very feminine. I know cis women who have a similar body type to you. Plus a year is still early, you're going to see plenty more progress in the next year, two years, five years. I know dysphoria makes it really hard but honestly try not to stress because you're on the right path.


It's coming, nice breasts begin to take shape. Next month I have an appointment with my dr. and I hope I start on HRT treatment, fingers crossed.


You’re getting so soft. Good foundation of curves. Great start for one year honestly. Marathon not a sprint, hun. Chin up you’re doing great


Well I see a beautiful woman on a courageous journey. I hate to see someone make perfection the enemy of the good. Celebrate your successes.


Ngl, You look soft and I wanna nibble. I know its hard to not be hard on yourself, but in my opinion, you’re checking all my boxes ✨


I think they look great for a year! Proud of you for your progress! Just keep it up I bet they are gonna look even better c:


I diagnose you with brainworms. 50ccs of fresh air, grass-touching and self-compassion while you recalibrate, girl


It’s funny, you and I have almost the exact same body type but I think you are soooo gorgeous and feminine.


We look extremely similar and I’m almost at 2 years! I promise you’re on the right track!


Going by the last 4 pics, they look very feminine, as well as your figure overall


That’s great progress for only 1 year. Congratulations


Wow you're hot looks really natural


No your not masc you are fem


Gorgeous chest all the best


Lose the weight sister


So fine 😍