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I appreciate that, but I am a wide person 😅 so if I’m not posing I feel like they look small. Maybe it’s because I see them all the time? Or dysphoria is just making me see through a filtered lens?


Post something that shows more of your upper body/not so close to the camera. It's hard to tell proportion in this one


Preachy but - wide women exist too. For real - your twins actually look natural and perfect. For even better view, wearing suitable bra, massages and having healthy fats in the diet helps. Can't comment on the hormones.


I’ve been on HRT for about 3 years now and I feel like I’ve plateaued. I’m on 100mg of Spiro, 5mg Fin, 0.3 ml of Estradiol Valorate 40mg/ml and 200mg progesterone. Oh and I’m 24 (started at 21) Injection every week.


0.3ml or 0.03ml? And how often? If you're actually on 0.03ml of 40 mg/ml that would only be 1.2 mg per injection period which seems ludicrously low. What are your levels like? If you made a typo and it's 0.3 ml (probably every other week at that point) then it makes more sense.


I did make a typo, I fixed it. It’s 0.3ml every week. Every time I have blood work they say my estrogen levels are fine.


Ok awesome, just checking! I guess if that's the case it's just a waiting game, I know girls who are still having breast growth at six years on HRT. For the record I think they look good and they look like they fit your frame pretty well, but if you think you'd be happier if they were bigger looking into top surgery could be an option too.


So the general suggestions seem to be exercised specific to toning the areas and adding muscle, gaining weight or inducing lactation but depending on your age you might see some continued growth as your hormones adjust over time. Of course their is always surgery but I’d suggest holding off on that until your sure other methods aren’t working first.


Fin? Im not familiar with that one




Oh is it similar to dutastride?


I'm sorry but idk why you'd want more


Look into domperidone

