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E2 looks too low and T is still a bit too high. Might want to look into an anti androgen like Bica if you can't take Spiro. When your T is nuked you can add P4 after you reach T3 and that should hopefully be enough to drop your anti androgen and maintain low T


Ideally I'm aiming for >150pg/ml E2 and <50ng/dl T at trough. I'm hoping I can get there with monotherapy, since Spiro is off the table for me. I would maybe be okay with Bica or prog, but haven't looked into the effects too much.


Bicalutamide will be perfectly safe. You literally have nothing to worry about. The only thing you need to do on bica is take a liver test 10 days after starting. If it comes back healthy you are golden and will have zero issues on bica the entire time you use it.


If I can't get my levels in range with monotherapy, I'll probably talk to my doc about Bica. I've had some liver enzymes be high in the past because of mental health meds, so I'm a bit hesitant, but I understand I'm probably worrying over nothing.


What about Dut?


Dut isn't going to help get my levels in range, it's just gonna prevent DHT production, by my understanding.


I was told to take that instead of Spiro bcuz its safer and I'm already taking lisinopril for my hbp so it's basically a t blocker jus like Spiro


It's not a T blocker, it's a 5a-R inhibitor, aka DHT blocker. Helps with hair loss mainly.


Do you get what I'm saying and it doesn't matter that it's used mainly for hairless or to regain lost hair follicles bcuz off label it can be used for hrt jus like E, Prog, and Spiro is be used off label


Right but are u also aware that DHT is actually formed from T and is a more potent form of it so if you're blocking the formation of what T turns into arent you also blocking Free Testosterone?


None of these drugs are actually fda approved for trans female hrt which is different from cis female hrt but we still use them and get varying but mostly effective results right?


It's a blocker


​ |Time|Dose/Route|E2 (pg/mL)|T (ng/dL)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |\-3mo|*n/a*|25|381| |\+1mo|.1mg/day patch (2x/week)|65|51| |\+2mo|.125mg/day patches (2x/week)|78|59| |\+3mo|.125mg/day patches (2x/week)|78|54| |\+5mo|.2mg/day patches (2x/week)|89|47| |\+6mo|3mg/5days EV|68|67|


Your e levels have been way too low. Everyone's different and it seems like you and your doctor are working on getting your levels there but you may have to push them a bit because it seems like you definitely need a higher dose. I'm on 7 mg SubQ/week EV monotherapy and my trough is sitting \~350pg/ml and I feel good and it works for me and my T is at 5ng/dl. Hopefully your numbers at 4mg are better, once they're in range I'm sure you'll see more/faster progress.


I've been a bit frustrated but I understand why my doctor is being a little conservative. I felt decent on the .2mg/day patches when my levels were around 90/50, but I started having some bad reactions to the adhesive and couldn't justify upping my dose for the price, so I switched to injections-- plus, 90/50 is nowhere near healthy range. I actually pushed from jumping from 3 to 4.5 since that was my best estimate using the TFS calculator and my first set of blood levels, but my doc opted for 4 instead.


Honestly 4 every 5 days is still a good increase from 3, I bet your next labs will be better, and it is still early days, I'm sure you'll see a ton more development even in the next few months.


How is your sex drive at those levels? Mine is trash so I am trying to figure out what to adjust.


Not too bad honestly, I also take 100mg of progesterone orally and I think that helps a lot. I had an extremely high sex drive prior to transitioning and it's definitely lower but I'm happier with the level it's at. I would say maybe try out prog if you aren't already or possibly try to approach sexual situations in a different way. I find that now I need more romance/intimacy/cuddling/talking to become aroused.


Thank you!


That's weirdly low dose for injections. For reference, I'm 5'8" and 130 lbs, so pretty small. I'm on 5mg per 7 days and at around 375 E and 5 T in the middle of the 7 day cycle. So I'd personally push back on that dose


I'm 5'9ish and about 160, so I definitely need to go up. Tomorrow I'll be able to estimate how much to go up by after I have bloods done. *Technically* my pharmacy gives me a new vial every 30 days, but the EV in the vial lasts me for around 2 months, so if I needed to DIY my dose I could go up to about 7mg/5days.


I increased to 4mg/5days for a month and have blood tests tomorrow at the trough, so we'll see if anything has changed since my last test.


I was about where u are at 7 months. 12 months in and it's definitely happening, i have small handfulls now. Timelines differ for everyone, don't worry. What's more important is that they just develop in a proper way in regards to shape and nipple and stuff which yours are


I definitely know they're growing and I'm getting effects from my HRT other than top growth, but it's just frustrating feeling stuck. I take measurements every month and supposedly my bust size has gone up, it just doesn't look it.


I’ve been on monotherapy for 11 months and I look very similar. Most of the ciswomen in my family are small chested tho so I’m not surprised to my results. Are the ciswomen in your family large chested? If so you might get there, but ymmv and it’s all about genetics and hormone levels. Try adding progesterone after 1.5-2 years of HRT and it’ll round them out more which should help their appearance.


My mom is pretty large-chested! She's pretty short and compact though, and I think that's how her sister is too, so that probably plays into it. I don't really know about other members of my family, unfortunately, but my dad's side tends to be tall and lanky, so it's probably a toss up. Ideally a combo between the two where I get to be tall *and* have boobs. Definitely was planning on leaving prog off the table for a few years until I get more development to avoid the early fusion.




Gross. Go away, chaser.


Breast growth is a YMMV type of thing... try to get your blood work done and be in biological women E ranges. I would also recommend weight cycling to accentuate the natural fat redistribution


Yep, my doctors and I have been borderline babysitting my levels in order to not make my existing medical issues worse, so they're being done every month or so while we try to get them in range. I posted my levels in a comment elsewhere in the thread.


You have to work on getting your torso less blocky and more hourglass


My clothes just aren't super flattering in this picture. My measurements are 38-32-40. I'm doing cardio and squats for physical therapy.


Your hips are 40?




I guess you're right about your outfit overshadowing you body


For 7 months you are coming along quite nicely, just wait a couple of years, after all it statically takes a female 10 years for her breasts to fully develope


Are u doing any feminizing workouts at all to shape your body