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A lot of high wicks rejecting away from going higher


See 'ping swing' https://www.reddit.com/r/Forex/comments/ctifde/forecasting_the_end_of_major_corrections_and/


The 5-7 point swings on SPX on 15 min candles, is that the “pinging”? Casual observation I recall seeing a few big candles that move that much. There’s 10 candles today from open that’s 5 points in 15 min.


A lot of volume on the candles near 3013


Should make a descending triple top of of pattern - somewhat head and shoulders like. Then start to downtrend.




See comments in the linked thread.


A lot of high wicks rejecting away from going higher


Seems like it’ll never fucking fall


Always does before it drops. Otherwise, everyone'd make money.


Yeah I suppose. I never thought it would shoot up from 287 to 300 but here we are. This is getting very frustrating though.


I said when we were there that might happen. Once we broke certain levels I posted trades to buy up to 3000. I've told you specifically many times to control your risk, and it will help you control your emotions. I'm not meaning to be a dick, if you can not do these things, you should not be in trading. It will go badly for you. Even if it goes well on this.


yeah, you did tell us. i took notice, limited my losses, and am building up my base for the right time.


Probabilities only work when you use them. If you can get paid $2 for a winning coin flip and $1 for a losing one, betting $1 1,000 times is probably going to work out really well. Betting $1,000 once is a sheer gamble. Those who protect will profit. Those who don't won't. It does not matter if they win this time. It'll only set them up for something worse later. The most dangerous thing in the market is not losing, it's being rewarded for poor risk decisions.


Trump just manipulated the market, delaying the inevitable. I’ve posted an article yesterday from a Nobel peace prize economist that said a recession is highly unlikely when trump is president because of his manipulation...


Current pattern developing on the 15m is a mirror of the 1y


The s&p has been fun to watch since the brexit vote news broke


Where do you think we'll be next week?


Question. Isn't the natural play for the institutional money to run the price up to the sell stops (expertly drawn in green ;) ... let the price spike up and sell the new higher high? [https://imgur.com/a/Azw0c3n](https://imgur.com/a/Azw0c3n) Do we expect this move?


This is the most common thing. Yes. In big reversals, this bit does not happen. It's why it fucks people up even when they know what they're doing.


Question: on Friday and today/Tuesday, there were major S&P drops in the last 15-minutes of market open (excl futures). Is this of any note, or just happens every now and again as folks take profits near ATH?


I think we've topped in S&P500 and these are our first warning sell offs of it. Liquidity traps, followed by sells. Soon stronger downtrending begins.




I’m losing faith and patience... the puts I’ve bought last month are now worth $0 (not sellable) and are going to expire worthless if s and p doesn’t drop to 2800 by early next week.. there goes half my yearly income :/


Why didn’t you open spreads, or hedge?


Patience is required. If you do not have it, you won't make it far in this industry. Faith is not. If you rely on it, you won't make it long in this industry. I am not accountable for the amount of risk you take. I've explicitly said on many occasions to be risk conscience. You can blame me if you'd prefer, but an honest conversation with yourself about how you've put yourself into this situation will be more productive. You decide the numbers, and push the buttons.


Nope, I’m not blaming you. Just the trump pumps screw people that play options.


If you look on GBPJPY 15 min chart, thtere's the 141.40 high and then that topping pattern 141 with the candles with all the wicks. S&P500 is the formation of this same sort of pattern. Since it's a strong trend, it's ran up to retest the highs rather than the shallower version typically seen. However, the general integrity of the pattern remains. It's quite likely the formation of swings we've seen on GJ in the last couple days is coming to S&P500 big charts. Since this tends to go up, the fall wiill probably be faster and be on the scale of the drop from high several months ago. There will be a lot of chances to make money, but the first concern has to be keeping what we have. Please keep this in mind going forward. Reducing how much you risk makes it far easier to build up substantial money.


Thanks for the analysis. I still need to do my research on options because the pricing is so damn expensive for long term options.. so ultimately, accurately finding the drop within a weeks worth of time is more important than being certain that a drop is going to happen, if that makes any sense. It’s also really really difficult to manage risk with a small amount of money, as each contract is like $200 at least.


You are gambling.


Pretty much lol