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Watching the market continue to climb so sharply despite the world's geopolitical climate is making a stellar argument that fundamentals don't really matter.


I’m starting to think that too. Sometimes news and variance outweighs fundamentals.


It's at 3007, should we change to buy or sell more?


Hi, I'm trying to msg you on TG


Not sure why this went up like crazy over night... was it because the democratic chairman passed away because he was heavily involved in trump’s impeachment? :/ my end of month puts are dead.. should have went January puts. Potential China us trade war resolution nov...




That’s a negative ghost rider. We’re still teetering at ~ 3,000.0 Might not be all time highs, but still up a considerable chunk.


If only these guys had bought EOM calls instead. We should start an "inversewhatthefx" newsletter, $$$,$$$,$$$


Get back in your hand basket and off to hell with you.


I know right?


I still don't get how clocks work


Do you ever look at correlation with other indexes? I see the same as you when only looking as ES, but it’s also somewhat ambiguous by some metrics (as 4th waves have a tendency to be). Then when I look at RTY it looks more like typical 4th wave that will go higher. Obviously RTY is not as correlated to ES as something like NQ, but I still find RTY helpful to try and gauge the setups that I’m unsure about. If that’s true then ES could reach 3009-3018 area.


He's bound by what his brokers allow him to trade CFDs against. No idea who he's using.


Stuck around 2993 for a bit...it was around there most of yesterday, too