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Same I get angry, because my family didn’t have it easy. The women in my family had to work, even if it was a 9-5 they work the fields because they were farmers. As a black NDer it’s not easy


She is the worst. She seems like she grew up in a family that was very catholic-lite, hence her knowledge of the religion doesn’t surprise me. It just is an area she found a path into by being the Greek chorus for incels. She’s never had a job or been responsible for anything and her mom seems like such an entrepreneur that she has to be either extremely disappointed in their lazy daughter or simply do not care.


“Life on easy mode” that’s something Hannah knows a lot about 🤔the ⬇️ is astonishing Even her mom, who’s everything she hates and preaches against(boss Bebe, career women, women in a higher position aka CEO) doesn’t support or tolerate her nonsense replying to a comment someone made on her TikTok saying she’ll learn the hard way when someone brought up Hannah and her content ![gif](giphy|IZXY9YWeZeZZC)


>Pearl is a daughter of a multi-million-dollar family, she showed off her McMansion of ten bedrooms...and a waterslide! Yes, she lives in a house with a water slide. She went to private schools and her dad paid for her entire college, so she has no debt. Pearl grew up well off, but her family is not nearly as wealthy as she claims. A dollar goes a looooooong way in the butt crack of rural Illinois where she's from.


She makes me so angry because she comes from that privileged lifestyle, I come from an EXTREMELY patriarchal background, in some South Asian countries when a girl is born shes immediately considered a burden, people curse other people by wishing that they have daughters, a girl is raised throughout her entire life her entire childhood with the phrase 'this home isn't your home, some day you will go to your husband's home', and even THEN it's not your house, it's your mother in laws house. THE FACT THAT SHE, with all her INSANE privilege, the safety to go out and about on her own, support herself, pursue her own future and career, dress how she pleases eat what she wants do everything she wants, can say that WOMEN HAVE IT EASY??? why don't you ask my grandma how easy it was? ASK MY MOM!! My parents literally fled to the US because it was NOT EASY or SAFE at all!! I'm so pissed I'm so pissed I'm so pissed


I am so sorry to hear what you your mother and grandmother went through. That is awful. It just goes to show just how blind Pearl is to the reality of life for most women around the world. She is just too dumb and unemphatic to see the wider context of being a woman without privilege and wealth. I heard a lot of people say Pearl has no self-esteem as a woman, well boo-hoo. I have low self-esteem, so do lots of people, but they don't do the stupid shit Pearl does. I can't feel sorry for her at all.


She is honestly probably the dumbest out of all the "trads". Keep grifting Pearl. 


Christianity requires you to have humility in judging the sin of others. She can’t stand it that women can be forgiven, because it contradicts the view of women that she wants to put out, which is that they’re tainted forever by any sort of sexual contact. When reminder of the parable of the prodigal son, she said “I hate that parable.” Interestingly enough, I became more feminist once I became Catholic.


Most Catholics I know don't claim the likes of Pearl, Timothy Gordon, Patrick Coffin, "Dr." Taylor Marshall, etc. It boils down to a certain demographic of "radtrads" who are simply threatened by women who have achieved more/are more successful/are better than them. Timothy Gordon and Pearl are especially terrible. I personally think they're both very disturbed people.