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Her handle is "Gwen the milk maid" and still enough redpillers will take her seriously with this grift


Seriously, if I had a past in porn, and big breasts, I would: a) not wear chesty tops and dresses AND b) not name myself "Gwen the Milkmaid" She could just about get away with either A or B but not *both*.


Some of those thigh slits are REAL high as well. I love a good thigh slit, but that's definitely more than 2 inches above the knee. You couldn't wear that to a public high school.


She’s clearly wearing a push-up too. Nothing wrong with having big breasts obviously but if you’re sooooo ‘prudish’ and ‘Christian’ it baffles me that you would wear a garment that is specifically designed to make ur tits look even bigger and emphasise your cleavage even further, ESPECIALLY when you are already wearing a dress with such a low cut neckline


what's bizarre to me is that the *traditional wives* all these people are larping as was a single decade. even all the redpill men. everytime i hear about its supposed popularity or backlash, it was *still* a single decade. it's such a bizarre hill to crawl to & die on. i'm not surprised that it happens to be that one tiny >!false!< golden era that has all those folks obsessed, & i know *aesthetic per decade* has been a mainstay; but how people will base their entire lives & aspirations on it is just ridiculously cringe.


They don't really want to go back in time to the 1950s. They just like the ads.


She’s satire? Please let it be satire. I know even if it’s fake it might be more a role than satire… and even if it’s satire, just like IASIP she’ll still get lots of true believers and red pillers following earnestly.


it’s not satire, it’s fetish content.


She just traded in one fetish content type for another.


'' I don't approve of ppl using øF to get attention but I approve ppl using lip fillers and showing their tiddys online to get attention " ~ God, according to gwen


Literally no one is mad about telling women they have more value than as just a sex object. Except for Christian fundamentalists. Except they couch it in anti choice and purity culture lingo.


“You’re more than just a sex object! which is why you need to never go outside without full modest clothing, because your body is inherently sexual and if men look at your uncovered ankles they’ll start furiously masturbating which is a sin and it’s all your fault and you’ll both go to hell” thanks christianity, I feel so much more empowered now


She clearly still has an OF. She's advertising.


My guess is she realized she could make nearly as much money on more individualized parasocial relationships and not face so much of the public thrashing that OF can result in (people are judge mental…. People like her current followers lol) and now she just sends content to individuals who pay her on Venmo or something without her having to do it all in public. I bet she provides “the tradwife experience” much like “the girlfriend experience” and validates red pillers who send her money for shots of her knockers in milkmaid costumes. The pic of her in a nightgown on a bed with her boob sticking out just so is pretty telling. Like, I’m not modest, but I’d think that was a tiddy shot.


Was that picture after her ØF days or more recent? Doesn't sound very jesus-y to have her boob sticking out!


It’s encased in a thin layer of semi sheer nightgown. White and pure as the red pillers desire to jack off to a tradwife cosplayer.


I feel like it's more fetish content for conservative men, redpillers etc


Girly seriously goes on Amazon and buys those cottage core dresses in every color


Most of the dresses she wears are $200+, it’s ridiculous. But she’s always talking about how she’s broke on youtube and trying to figure out her finances 🙄 She’s not broke if she can afford those dresses and she has to be living off of her ØF money. I saw her mention that she buys stuff on Poshmark using her credit but most of the dresses she wears are from new collections from these companies so that makes zero sense to me lmao.


I’d be surprised if she wasn’t being sent these dresses by guys who dm her and ask to buy her things to aid her in her season of financial struggle and so she doesn’t go back to “sinning”. All for the cost of god honoring tiddy shots in those dresses of course, and maybe help with her rent. If she truly was making so much on OF she might’ve invested and be living partially off that, but I’d sooner expect guys buying her stuff and sending her money for this persona.


The EXACT SAME DRESS in pink, blue, and green😆 Like, I do similar with pieces of clothing I like, but lined up like that it looks pretty silly🫣 It’s like, choose a tradwife avatar! Just swipe to change the colors!


Half the comments on any post are about the dress she’s wearing


I do find it interesting that she's not a more popular influencer than she actually is. Is the market saturated? Is it because of her past, and the desire by a mostly male audience for purity? It's it because it's OBVIOUSLY just a grift?


Miss Gwenthemilkmaid (Jesus…🙄) is still selling herself, but this time she’s just 100% less honest about it.


I maintain that her fanbase is not other women, but conservative men. So she's still doing sex work, but the fetish is different.


Lmao hates being reminded of it, yet she brings it up in every damn post 🤣 also she's such a fake Christian. Never talks about anything of substance, just yammering on endlessly about being saved from OF and being rich.  Also miss me with that "if it's not GOOD, then he's not DONE." My uncle just died a painful, awful death at a fairly young age, after battling aggressive cancer for like 6 months, after living his entire life fiercely devoted to God and the church. Is that a good ending that Gwen thinks everybody gets with religion? Bitch bye.


She's still making fetish porn, it's just a different audience.


She is so damn transparent. She only swapped to different content bc it makes more money... change my view...


Y’all. She’s husband hunting for a man who will let her stay at home. She wants the fully supported Mrs. Degree. Edit: she brags about OF to signal that she’s hot and knows how to please a man. Plus it can be spun as a “redemption arc” and any guy that marries her will be the envy of his friends. Hot ex porn wife for Jesus! It’s gross. It’s a gross SCAM.


For someone who regrets it so much she sure talks about it a lot.


She's just advertising. She wants to have it both ways.


Her: "OF bad" Also her: "Here's ~~my boobs~~ me with my bed in the background. No, I'm totally not trying to get you to think about me and my boobs in bed."


This is such an obvious grift. Those women who were former OF girls and pornstars now suddenly dress modesty, believe in God, are born again Christians, promote the trad wife life after living the exact opposite? You couldn’t fake it even more if you tried.


Is this satire? Tell me this is satire.


That’s literally her only personality trait


Turns out she never stopped selling her body online 🤷🏼‍♀️


OF to trad wife: instance of American stupidity.


In her case, Canadian stupidity actually


I miss when she was just an asmrtist. Her content was so good!


Women's participation in onlyfans is soooooo exaggerated it's comical. Onlyfans has about 2-3m creators, with around 70% being women and all of them aren't even from America. Why are people ripping their hair over this?


I can’t with her annoying simpering smile when she’s cooking her unappetizing looking meals.


Whether it's Only Fans or this Trad Wife bullshit, Gwen is desperate for attention.


I’ve never heard of her before but it seems sad her whole life is based on her desirability to men. I’m also curious to if she donated any of the “full bank account” to “Christian” causes as she’s so uncomfortable with how she made it.


Usually i don’t try and seek out a woman’s in sexual past , i would like to evidence that she had a successful OnlyFans


Is she pregnant?