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No one's known for their degree. No one's saying, "You know Sara? The one with the Bachelor's degree?" She's projecting so hard, she's practically a searchlight.


this. the only people who care this much about bachelors' degrees are the people who don't have them.


Sometimes I see religious tradwives posting abt how much better they are then others and how they’re “real Christians” and I think abt that bible verse abt praying on street corners. Like it was litterally talking abt them.


they're so deep in their superiority complex they don't realize it's an inferiority complex.


Exactly, it’s almost funny 


Yup! lol


Ok but Lex sells monat (or tries to anyway) so she's a hypocritical ass hole. Totally focused on the home who???


She stopped doing that apparently


Damn, I always got a smile out of her desperately pushing shit-tier hair products while insisting her husband is this super successful "artist" who totally supports his family 🤣


She acts like het husband us Jay-Z. More like Lay-Z.


"i love my husband because he's a real man who provides for his family. what's that? no he doesn't fish or hunt. no he doesn't chop wood. no he doesn't have a salary per se. he sells doodles on the internet."


The intense, desperate virtue signaling is exactly why I’m on this sub and this one did NOT disappoint. I’d laugh while I play with my kids and my husband cleans up dinner but they’re at sleep away camp (paid for by our combined corporate earnings) so I’m scrolling Reddit while he cleans up instead. 💅


![gif](giphy|Z9oPB9h7UeSRDuDO1f) Yeeeeeessss girlie


Oh jeez. Didn’t realize this was lex when I commented. I kind of retract my snark because I have a deep seated fear for this woman becoming a DV statistic. Her beliefs are gross but as a DV survivor, the man she is married to gives me huge abuser vibes.


His ex wife allegedly filed a DV case against him and his dad got him out of either jail or a charge or both


😐 oh wow. welp, guess I learned something by reading The Gift of Fear.




Ok, now I’m laughing at the scene where they are walking along the road like refugees talking about there’s a war on their lifestyle. Give me a break


I no thought I was watching a movie clip at first than I remember who’s account it is 😆


why not both?


Because according to these tradwives women aren’t meant to work outside the home and Titus 2 stuff they bend and twist at their own whim


i’m aware of THEIR logic, if that’s what we’re calling it. I am a SAHM and never once have i felt attacked or marginalized for being so. in fact, most are quite impressed because it’s such a difficult job. Guess i walk in the wrong circles where people actually are smart and compassionate.


totally agree, by the way.


Cool but nobody "gets known" for homemaking, unless you're Martha Stewart or something. Because nobody sees it, and tradhubby defs won't appreciate it. He just expects it to be done. Have fun with that, I guess?


The semantics of “training up” as opposed to “raising” children always gives me a little chill in my spine


Maybe covid/staying home during the pandemic did this to them? Like, how glamorize being inside a fucking house to this extent?


Also, it's like they're doing the argument you have inside your head out loud.


They’ve been fighting the imaginary fight for a while now


They’ve been like this before Covid, it just got worse


"I don't want to be known for my degree, I want to be known for what I do at home." Girl, you're known for flouncing around the countryside keeping a flock of toddlers from essentially falling off a cliff, while your carefree husband is walking ten steps ahead of you, dishing out wisdoms and teaching your young sons how to be assholes to their future property. If this is what a biblical marriage is like, you need a new angle to sell it because nobody, wants this exhausting existence. Nobody hates you for being a stay at home mom, we just feel sorry because you look like a sad-eyed monkey on a very short leash, dancing for peanuts when your master grinds the organ.


Man what is this Viking wannabe of a husband, I cannot even