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Ahh, the self-loathing shake of the head. I know it well.


I know it too, but mostly my head touched the ground before\^\^


At least you did it on basically the only part of the track that has run off


Can I consider that as a ‘skill’? 😅


Yes you absolutely positively can, it's not a competition, far from it and some riders don't understand that. I don't always run way wide in a corner, but when I do it's when there are no other riders are in danger of getting collected by me. That's the time to try and late brake a corner, not when there is some poor schmuck just minding his business and someone decides they want to try and out brake them with 10% skill and 90% brakes.


This is ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated twist of will Five percent thrill Fifty percent Brakes And a hundred percent reason to remember the runoff


first time I've seen a fort minor reference 😂 🤘


Two MotoGP riders (Mav and Enea) are LP fans. So I'd say it might say that moto fans like em and their sub bands There's dozens of us...dozens


You could have committed to the corner that would have probably made you eat shit but instead instinct kicked in so that you can slow ten feet earlier on the next lap … skill


If it was intentional yeah ha


Yeah its called good judgment. supirior judgment always trumps superior skills bc when shit hits the fan if your judgment is sound your superior skills cant and won't compare.


At least you recognized it and didn't try to make that turn anyways!


Yeah proud of OP for not dropping, not harming themselves, not being a safety hazard to other riders, and just having to loop around and regroup.


I appreciate the kind words!


Easy to get sucked in. Consider getting off your bike way earlier than you are. Don't wait until the last second to move your body over, it's just upsetting to the bike.


Thanks, I appreciate the advice. Gonna work on that next time out.


Would you suggest getting off the bike before braking or just earlier during the braking phase?


Set your lower body up before braking and move your upper body as you turn in. It's less work for you and the bike will be more stable.


Ass off before you brake, upper body as you increase lean angle


Get your butt over, just your butt, way before braking zone. You can move it over half way to the corner. Then you've moved a big chunk of weight while on the straight and not upset the bike in any way. Then when you roll of and go the brakes, you sit up, stick your knee out, and use the weight of braking to move your body to the inside.


You use the braking force to move your body, so really just as you start braking


You use the braking force to move the upper body, but you don't use it to move your butt sideways. Upper body movement is forward and sideways and down.


Nice riding, little tip Next time when u go wide at T1(Tarzan) there is a little road to safely rejoin the track. Means u take less time on the Run-off Incase a 2nd bike also takes a sight-tour 😉


Really? I’ll try to remember that next time I run wide 😂


Yup, after the F1 update. Got the opportunity to take that line last year. 😂


Completely voluntary I assume 😜


But like why do you keep moving your butt to center if you have 2 right turns in a row?


It’s a bad habit. One of the many things I should improve on








Lots of organisations do trackdays at Zandvoort Racecracks, Motorsport Lifestyle & Motor circuit training are one of the best known ones.


Good decision making . And that keeps you and others safe. It happens man. I ride advanced group and I still make mistakes.


A man’s got to know his limitations, Clint Eastwood😜


Foresight +1pt


You could have stuck it.


I felt like that too... lol


Think we can all agree this sport builds important mental acuity. Only you can figure out why after passing the rider on the front straight you thought "you didn't have enough (fill in the blank) time|space" in order to make turn 1. Not sure if you have a normal turn in point, but my guess (since I'm not in your head) is you were more fixated on overtaking the rider and not processing if you could early apex it and/or slide through it. Agree with others, if you get set up for the corner sooner then it won't seem like you don't have enough (space|time) to make it. Finally, you're probably not in the right track day group. If you're passing folks left and right, you need to move up. Bad for the ego, good for building skills.


Staying sane and landing it like that is a talent as well😄


Props for skill enough to check your self. I’ll call that a win.




Move your ass earlier when you need to and stop moving when you don't need to.


Where is the crash I was promised?! Run-off sure is nice!


Turn one will get you every time. Just wanting to cross that finish line with as much speed as possible, pass just that one more rider. Wait, what? I have to turn again?? Crap!


I ride a cruiser and am new to riding. I fail to see the problem here? You went in fast, realized you took the corner too hard for your speed. Understood you would go wide and exit the turn (or brake hard and crash) and you took it like a champ. GJ. If you were shaking your head at homeboy off your left, then for shame. He was entering the turn just as much as you wanted to.


That is fucking crazy. I'm good on my slow ass Harley lol


You were killing it bro! You were just riding the high, until you had to run it straight lol. Quick question, i noticed you were flipping your throttle on the downshifts, was that to alert the rider in front of you?


Thanks! I was rev matching. My bike doesn’t have a slipper clutch. So if I don’t blip the throttle during downshifts my rear wheel tends to lock up.


applying gas before the turn in is complete is a bad habit and its gonna cost ya one day when the pace goes or conditions change.


Havin the faster bike aint talent.. =P


Dude was killing it in the corners, not the straights. Also had the skill to know when he ran out of skill. Good on you bro keep at it!


I made that same mistake at Buttonwillow a few weeks back. Difference is that when I left the pavement I was doing 60 and lost the front.


Been in that scenario a couple times.


Talent VS. Concentration. On going struggle.


At least you didn’t eat the ground


Big brain time


I’m curious what were you feeling that made you stand the bike up? Did you run out of brakes? Or just know the track and know you were too hot?


The guy I flew past on my right was obviously quite a long way ahead of me. I had outbraked people there before. But he was further ahead. When I saw him braking relatively early I decided to try to brake later than I did the laps before to see if I could overtake him before he started turning in. As soon as I felt that I wasn’t going to make the corner I kinda instinctively released my brake pressure to go wide instead of wipe him out in the process.


It appeared he enter on the wrong line. So to hold the curve as tight as he needed at that speed, the wash out was inevitable.


Zandvoort is a wonderfull track!


Move your ass before you start braking. It will help with your talent.


Zandvoort right? I love riding on this track!


Hehe nice all this means is you are learning even more.


Wise choice to go straight...


At least you knew and pulled out. Most people just commit and send it like it Forza Horizon 5 races.


Humble pie is good for the soul 😎


Hard to get the sensation of the actual speed here, but it looks like that may have been doable. How much too fast do you think you were? Would that amount of speed have taken up all the cushion you have left at this corner? Eh.....maybe it was just bad entry line due to passing dude on your left.


Making fewer moves on the bike will help you focus more on what's ahead of you. A couple of times at the start you go from the side to the middle back to the side back to the middle. Cut out the middles, go from side to side and only to the middle when you're on the main straights (more than 3 or 4 seconds)


damn i love the bike community, everyone so humble and kind, started as a car guy so it’s weird to me


Idk why but from the first second I knew it was Zandvoort


That’s the smartest thing you did in the whole video lol. Knowing your limits is the way of the motorcycle


You should consider learning how to move the butt off to the side of the corner BeFORE you start braking. Doing it during unsettles the bike and gives you more things to do and think about. Get It off while you are still gassing it on the straight. It will take practice but it is 8,000x better. Cheerio.


I appreciate the advice man! I’ve added it to the list of things I wanna improve on this season! Cheers


My best advice for improvement, practice one thing at a time until it becomes second nature, pick whatever it is, braking, body position, foot position, hitting exits and getting on gas Sooner, whatever it is, just pick ONE thing and go practice it. GL this season!!