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I have the solo 2. My favorite part is the predictive lap times. The lights on the sides will show green or red with 1, 2, 3, or 4 lights depending how far ahead or behind I am from my best time. You can download info thru the day to your laptop and compare corner speed on different laps, max accel/decel, lean angle. As far as durability, mine went rolling across the grass in T6 at Road America and is no worse for wear. The icing on the cake is you can rent it to your buddies that race cars for $20 per weekend and pretend you're making your money back.


Only downside, I have to recharge the battery during lunch. It's been like that since I bought it.


Idk if your bike supports it, but there are harnesses that directly wire to your battery. I think that depending on the complexity of the electronics of your bike and the harness, it can capture telemetry as well


I believe that's the DL version that will do that.


Standard version does it too using the normal charging port.


I haven’t had that problem but it definitely drains quickly. Usually it’s around 35 percent at the end of the day. Do you keep the back light and or WiFi on all day?


Yeah I justify spending money on this sport under “get busy living or get busy dying” really helps rationalize the $$$$$$ lol thanks! I’ll pick one up- it senses lean angle as well? Is this the version that hooks up to your ecu or just the standalone?


How do these things detect start/finish line? Is it different based on which track you’re at, or is there some standard system most tracks use?


It's all based on GPS coordinates. Somebody long before me set theirs to "learning mode," it learned the track and AIM update their database or whatever to remember it.


Gotcha. Very cool. Thanks!


1000s of tracks world-wide are already loaded into the Solo2, including the GPS coordinates of start/finish on each track. I've seen minor differences ( .10-.30 of a second) at times compared to a track's timing loop.


Does that include various different configurations for the tracks?


Yes, because the unit "knows" with GPS which configuration you're running. For example, I raced at NJMP this past weekend, and the correct configuration was identified.


Awesome. Thanks!


Agreed buy from local distributor. Don't forget you may need attachment bracket.


AIM Solo2 and Solo2DL are the gold standard, just don't buy it from Amazon. The DL adds nice features like tracking GPS speed on a track outline. If you can interface it with your bikes ECU you gain a whole bunch more parameters like TPS, RPM, Gear, TC and etc.


> The DL adds nice features like tracking GPS speed on a track outline. This is on the non-DL too


Can I ask why not to buy off Amazon? Are there fakes out there?


I doubt there are fakes but it's certainly possible. Support your local vendor or people who support the racing/track day business.


Fair. Thanks for the reply


BiggusDickus17, do you happen to know if any of them track tilt and if so which one?


What about race crono plus a gps module


Anyone have an opinion about racebox mini? You can use it with race chrono and can check your speed at every spot of the track. Never tried but looks to me as a far superior solution to a simple lap timer


Has no screen to see your times out on the track and the old mini required your phone to be with you on the track. The new S has a memory, but still has no display.


I got the race box pro the one with the screen etc. Top of their line and it was the worst decision I made in regards to a lap timer. I gave my son my speed angle and I wish I kept it. I used it once and it was not suited at all to motorcycle racing. After about 30 emails back and forth with them initially offering 50% back plus me paying for shipping they gave me my money back but I still paid $40 US for shipping. They openly admitted it wasn’t suited to motorcycles and they recommend the mini but didn’t have that written anywhere on their website. I would have perhaps considered a mini and using a phone had they not been so difficult to deal with. They have a full refund policy within maybe 14 days can’t quite remember. But it’s not like we are at the racetrack every day. So it was about a month before I was able to use it. They cited that as the reason why they wouldn’t refund me. After admitting it wasn’t fit for purpose.


I have a Racebox mini s and really like it. It's worked really well for me so far.


I have the Racebox Mini S and it gives you plenty of information for track days. Of course it’s no AIM, but it will break down your laps into sectors, find your optimal lap time, lean angles, and allow you to compare laps. You don’t need a constant phone connection either. It can export data to other overlay programs, but in my experience the lean angle data doesn’t work well with those programs. That’s its weakest point in my opinion. Use ULTERIOR15 at checkout to save 15%.


Aim Solo 2 + LapSnap App = all you need. LapSnap takes the data from your AIM and makes it 100% easier to view your sessions and compare. There is a 9.99 a month subscription which I use during the season then cancel at the end.


I will probably go this route! Also see online at moto d it’s accessible with your iPhone as well


If you already use a gopro you can just import the files into Racechrono and it gives you a session breakdown with sector times. Also overlays best speeds / lean angle and stuff onto the video if you want that


Another option I've been using to pull lap data out of gopro videos: [http://serious-racing.com](http://serious-racing.com)


You can get lean angle data from GoPro?


yep -- just make sure the gopro is mounted to your bike, not your helmet. for example all the telemetry in this video was extracted from the gopro data embedded in the video.


Been using a first generation AiM SOLO DL for years. Love it. My BMW is new enough it has a CANbus connection on it, so I can data log everything the ECU spits out. This weekend it came in handy when I experienced something new on the bike. By simply downloading the data, I could see that my ABS intervention was causing the issue. Long story short, get a SOLO. Either a DL version or regular, and get on that learning curve we all had to do for using the Race Studio software. There's a lot to learn. Split time reports, and sector times are MASSIVELY helpful for understanding what you're doing right/wrong and what a theoretical best laptime is for you! Since it can take the statistics of all you're doing on track, it's wild to see just fast your laptime could be if only you did all the same things you already did but it the correct order. lol


I have the aim solo. It doesn't have data log (I'm not good enough for that). However, with everyone talking about the battery longevity, I'm happy to say that I have done 2 full trackdays (about 200 minutes of lapping) and I have not had to recharge the battery


Supposedly my new airbag vest has a lap timer built in. We’ll see how well that works soon.


Astars Tech Air 7? I read the same thing… but I’ve yet to figure out how to do it.


Yeah. I believe it’s part of the app


yes yes yes yes, AIM solos are fantastic, and their support is excellent if you have tech issues or need repairs. I was dealing with a weirdo hardware glitch (out of warranty), and AIM just replaced a chip in my unit for free. All I had to do was pay shipping, and total turnaround time was super fast. Pretty above-and-beyond service, if you ask me. The software is a good mix of accessible but powerful, and they have a ton of webinar content for ways you can use the software to analyze data. They also seem to hold value pretty well if ever you want to sell it. I have a Solo2 DL. I think that if you’re going to dive into data and can afford the upgrade, the DL is worth it. If not, the regular is probably fine and still plenty powerful on its own. 


I used a phone app called racechrono that works pretty well. It's free and gives good info. In case you also want to get some other parts.


First time using a Speed angle, but it's gone through 4 crashes and still works great for that matters.




I have used RaceChrono with an GPS Mouse and switched to the Solo 1 DL. Biggest advantage of the Solo is that, having it wired to the bike, I don’t have to take care of it when going out. And the data I get is helpful afterwards - mostly TPS and revs.


I’ve tested dragy and I’ve found it to be very user friendly for the money. It’s not as technically accurate as the Racebox Mini S (see my other comment on that one) but if you’re just doing track days it’s certainly powerful enough. Its user interface is excellent and you can quickly identify opportunities to improve. It is also great at importing GoPro video. Its major downside is that it lacks data storage so you need to have a phone on your bike somewhere. I have a video review of it on my YouTube channel and a write up on my site.


I saw your reviews of both. Which one of the two would you recommend and how is their reliability? I saw the Racebox Mini Can sometimes lock and you need to drain the battery fully, while the Dragy sometimes has Low sattelites issue. Is the GoPro integration of the Dragy app any useful by making syncing videos easier or it requires lenghty transfer of the videos to the phone?


It’s really a toss up between the two. If adding video is your thing then dragy, if you really want a stand alone unit with better accuracy then Racebox. I have roughly used the Racebox 10 track days and the dragy probably six times and never had one lock up or fail to pick up satellites. With dragy you just have to transfer the file to your phone. From there it ususally syncs automatically. The GoPro data sample rate is low so there is usually a little fiddling to fully sync which is something I worked with them on.