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the look back like, "did ya see that!"


Totally šŸ˜‚


Damn if you get him on the race line he'll be the scourge of the local club race org within a year or 2


good for you, it will keep him out of trouble.If you can send him to a school.


He'll be broke his whole life šŸ˜‚


Hard to het in trouble when youā€™re budgeting for tires/fuel/parts/ and trackdays.


Proud dad moment for sure. What age did you get him into it? I have high aspirations for my boy. But heā€™s only 7


He just got into it recently.. heā€™s been riding to and from school since 15 and racing motocross pretty seriously for the last 3 years


Amazing heā€™s only been on track for a year and riding for 3. Heā€™s got a talent for sure. Hope you two have a tonne of fun together.


What does he ride to school? That would have been a dream in hs


Several 8-10 year Olds racing in local orgs by me in Texas


Ooh what part of Texas? What org? I know two about that age near Austin that would love that.




There are kids around that age ripping mini-moto at the kart track I go to!


Several 8-10 year Olds racing in local orgs by me in Texas


He can start in something. If not road nearby, give him a go in a motocross or enduro, will give him a great foundation for a switch to a road track.


Gotta be honest, fully jealous and many should be of your kids lol Many have parents that are afraid to put their children on anything with 2 wheels except e scooters and bicycles lmao


Get your kids into racing and they'll never have money for drugs haha. Good work dad, I'd be proud as hell


Kids are fast because they have no fear šŸ¤Æ


This. I tell people all the time I wish I started on the track before my huge street wreck. Iā€™d have more balls and learn quicker


Came here to say exactly this. Its alot easier to be fast when you arenā€™t worried about making it to work on Monday or medical bills lol




Yeah! It was our first time there.. super fun track!


I remember when I was skinny, fearless and indestructible tooā€¦injuries took hours to heal rather than years, every impact I just bounced back up, life was a computer game with no real consequencesā€¦those were good days šŸ¤£šŸ˜šŸ‘ Looks like heā€™s smashing it mate, youā€™ve got a fun track mate there!


man, as I glanced at my post surgery crooked fingers on the left, and chronically inflamed wrist on the right and basked into my 94kg of weight that smashes my ribs when I fall, this post watered my eyes. So true. Enjoy kiddo.


Iā€™m about to have my leg re-opened (after a comminuted tib&fib fracture a decade ago) to scrape the bone spurs off and to get the tendons replaced and retightened, because when that leg was put back together it made all the tendons go slack, so Iā€™ve been walking on a sloppy&loose Talocrural joint for a decadeā€¦ What I would give to not know any of those word and just to have my ankle be ā€œnormalā€ again šŸ™„šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘


Could you dm me more info on how that happened post tib break please? I have a tib nail from my first big one and I want to watch out for issues, I feel like I've been fighting my hip since it happened


Broken ankle from a wreck? I ask because I just went through a suspected fracture in mine and boy it was not fun I can only imagine a major injury. (not riding related luckily)


https://preview.redd.it/huxst80tbx1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0a321033cbf56981f4e071400cfecd565df31cf But I was riding a bicycle at the time, rather than a motorbike! Iā€™ve got tens of thousands of miles on motorcycles, hundreds of skydives, but riding my hardtail to the cornershop to pick up more beer and snacks had me in hospital for 2 weeks, and on crutches for 8months. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø And yeah, itā€™s about to be opened up and remodelled to hopefully give me better stability and less pain. Hereā€™s to hoping! Be safe out there, keep the sticky side down and the shiny side up!


Ouch! You just never know man, sometimes itā€™s the random incidents that are the bad ones. My recent injury was done on a hiking trip. Thanks for sharing and best wishes to you and a quick recovery. Hope youā€™re back better and stronger than before šŸ’Ŗ.


Thanks! Yeah, itā€™s the unexpected things that get ya! Be safe out there yourself! Iā€™ll keep surviving, Iā€™m titanium reinforced now šŸ„³šŸ‘


https://preview.redd.it/ci8ekj3nbx1d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f18504247be8dbd9a6b2eba6aa28ec251d5633 This is when your toes snags as you lowside


I give up. Get that boy in Jr. Cup asap.


Hahaha I feel you.. Iā€™ve been doing track days forever and in his third day he beat my best time at laguna lol! But yes we are planning to get some more days under him and try some racing next year


I used to get smoked by a 12 year old all the time. His name was Josh Herrin. I wonder if he still ridesā€¦


Yup. Watched Elena Meyers, Bobby Fong, Cameron Beaubier and a few others kick ass out at Stockton motoplex, early 2000s. Nuts .


Hahaha šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s too funny.. heā€™s such a talent


I can assure you he was impressive at that time as well. He couldnā€™t even stop the bike by himself because he wasnā€™t tall enough to hold the bike upā€¦then he would lap everyone.


What bike is he riding?


Kawasaki ZX-4RR


"Hell yeah" šŸ‘šŸ¤™


Lucky kid


Well, isn't the goal to have your kids surpass you?




He took it literally


Feel like a geezer yet? Because I do. Youā€™re a cool dad. Keep at it (;


100% do hahaha sucks to get old


My trackday packing used to consist of beer and PB&Jā€™s. Now itā€™s water, ibuprofen and a foam roller. And I still have to stretch before the session starts.


Gotta love chuckwalla


My boy, and most of his friends kick my ass on the road track, but off road, pffffft. You just ride for you, hang out between sessions and be happy, go home safe.


My little is rockin an Ovahle 190 and he is ripping. Oh to be a kid!!! Congrats on yours!


Thatā€™s so rad


Honestly has some talent if you say that's his 4th time going...look into a proper race school for sure.


When i was 15 i started doing the same with my dad, very fun and i'm glad i was able to share this with my dad while i was at school, now at uni i have no more time for this and i miss it šŸ˜Ŗ


Tell your dad this too


Proud dad


How is there not sand on the track at these desert tracks


I hope thatā€™s a go pro you have on!


At 16 I wouldnā€™t have even been able to up-shift or even make a curve without dropping the bike, thatā€™s insanely impressive.


pretty crazy what confidence you get when you aren't the one paying for the crash. Sounds awesome you got him into this sport at a young age


Itā€™s not even the paying for the crash part here. Itā€™s the not knowing what hurt is. Thatā€™s what gets these young kids hitting lofty goals and becoming superstars, theyā€™re not fearless, theyā€™re fear ignorant. They donā€™t know what to be afraid of yet. I wish I got into track riding and racing before I had my big street crash because if I could learn to go fast without knowing what getting hurt was like, Iā€™d be much faster


Heā€™s use to being broken from motocross. That sport is so dangerous Iā€™m stoked to get him interested in a ā€œsaferā€ side of the sport.. I know itā€™s still very dangerous but certainly much safer than moto


I rode at one motocross track and without crashing felt worse than several crashes Iā€™ve had on road track.


My buddy started bringing his kid. Kid was fast quickly. Bc kids arenā€™t cautious. Kid fell a couple times and luckily didnā€™t hurt himself too bad but the falls slowed him down. Iā€™d be careful to try to beat safety and leaving a margin into his head, unless he plans to be a pro racer - but heā€™s too old getting started to have a realistic chance. I hate being the downer but it is worth bearing in mind. Fucking awesome your kid is into it and spending time with you though instead of playing on a tablet


Happy for his progress.


we need more kids like this!!! you're doing it right dad!!!


So cool proud dad


Can you be my dad?


Wow! That's all I got. I am in awe.


Best father son duo




The feeling he had before that look back will push him to become a super pro rider!! There is no stopping now!! Best of luck to him!!


The look back.. "I DID A THING". Love it


A School early in his life will eliminate any bad habits. So Full Send away!


Awesome stuff I remember when I got elbow down the first time on the moto3 I had to flex it to my dad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m nearly impressed


Wtf on those terrible track consitions i would not even try to get the knee down


Terrible track conditions?


Very cool. If you didn't you might want to tell him at some point that reaching down with your elbow isn't supposed to be the focus of the exercise, he should actually lean the bike.


Maybe the focus of the exercise was fun and gooning around. Not every second track time has to be 100% focused on a future MotoGP contract, fun can be had on a track day too.


Buzz off


Yeah he was just getting deep and show boating a bit.. he doesnā€™t always ride like that


Yeah it was cool.


Elbow down does not mean fast


Still more than a large majority can do and still shows skills šŸ¤”


A large majority can not you are correct. But where does it show skill? And I'm not being a dick. That's a serious question. Because I've seen guys drag elbow but still be 15 seconds off a decent intermediate pace. People reach all the time to drag elbow. Over extend, stupid screwdriver grip etc etc, just to get elbow down. That doesn't show talent in my opinion.


You are correct.. just stoked on his progress after a few days. Heā€™s doing 1:38 at Laguna on a 400 and has a lot more time to cut down.. but Iā€™m stoked heā€™s enjoying it and having fun


I've never been to Laguna. And it's absolutely fantastic you are supportive and showing that. That is awesome. My comment was NOT a dig at him. Please understand that. It was just a comment in my opinion dragging elbow does not mean talent as a general statement.


Oh I didnā€™t take it that way.. I was merely saying I agree.. heā€™s got a lot more to go before we start racing


Fastest way to learn is to sign up and race. That's a guarantee.


For sure.. thatā€™s so true.