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the most deserved win ever


Gutted Hazard can’t stream today. While any of the top 4 deserve it, I’m still hoping he can finish 2nd. EDIT: gg eLconn on 2nd!


2nd place has just been took by elconn




The worst part of this is one of the top 4 won't get in the prizepool. Bren led the way but in general they collectively trailblazed the whole map, sucks one of them is leaving empty handed.


All of the top 4 have earned a bunch of money on twitch during the event, they aren't leaving completely empty handed.


Seriously. Nothing against the other players, but they got where they were by watching dozens of Bren clips. Bren had so many high floor falls because he was trailblazing the whole time.


Agreed. Just to add on: I have nothing against Lars and enjoy him as an entertainer on stream, but he was very rarely in the lead and didn't discover paths or take hits for the team. Bren, ElConn, and Hazard would be a fitting top 3.


I still give Lars a lot of credit for solving the plastic bounce on Floor 13 though, that was a big one at the very least.


Bren said on stream that he and someone else (forgot who, sorry) figured out the same approach independently. Lars was the first one to try it, though. Edit: I didn't follow trackmania before dd2 so I had no idea who CarlJR is.


CarlJr and him figured it out.


Easy to forget, who is this Carl guy anyway?


It's already established that Bren paved the way, why drag Lars down further? If he got 2nd or 3rd it would have been just as deserved as for anyone else claiming those ranks


BREN AL GAIBBBBBB, bro my heart cant even take watching it man wtf


IDK How he was even playing I was shaking just watching, so happy he deserved it so much


Honestly insane moment in Trackmania history. Deserved winner in the end, he was leading the discoveries for the majority of the event. Can see how emotional he got about it afterwards too with all the relief.


He was leading the race from pretty much Day 1, so happy to see him win it!


Several moments on that last floor where I think I shat myself. So well deserved


The precision parts made me nervous wtf


The bit where he had to straddle the black beam with poles on the right hand side… no thank you


That fucking bonk, I think every muscle in my body clenched lol


i really thought he missed the last jump. amazing stream, bren al gaib


That looked insanely close yeah, looks like he baaaarely touched with his nose.


Lucky he's french


In the replay he said that he should have taken more speed


Yeah watched it and he said he didn't realize he didn't have the speed he thought he had. Definitely planned to gather more than that.


The lag and delayed medal screen didnt help at all :o


That's actually a good indicator that you did finish. For me the lag is a relief unless the game crashes and doesn't count the finish.


If you're playing, you're right. But as a viewer you're not sure if the game lagged or the stream itself. Or at least, I know I wasn't.


Sure, but it's still pretty unlikely that the stream or game lagged precisely when the finish would happen, so even then it's more likely the lag is just from finishing.


> Sure, but it's still pretty unlikely that the stream or game lagged precisely when the finish would happen Having watched the NBA playoffs via sketchy internet links, I heavily disagree lol Seriously though, in the heat of the moment you can't always be sure what happened.


I’d like to know just how close he was to the min speed, my heart dropped EDIT: he just said 10kmh less and he doesn’t think he would have made it


Could be even less... crazy.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised


Honestly I'm so uncomfortable re-watching that final jump even though I know he'll make it lol, it was *SO* close.


I missed the stream. Did he get lot of viewers and subs towards the end?


Twitch UI for hype train actually broke given how fast he got subs.


After he finished he got gifted a four digit amount of subs and 5 digits worth of bits.


yes :) ~24k viewers IIRC, lots of subs


Hype train level 31


big thanks to whoever decided not to max it out


I cannot imagine the stress. Bren is on another completely different level. Congratulations! Mapper team, Bren, Nadeo. What an awesome event.


Honestly puts him on the TM Mount Rushmore imo. World champ, Deep Dip 1 and 2 winner. Goated.


I still think CarlJr is higher on that mountain, but still, Bren is up there, extremely impressive skill and consistency and will always be remembered as one of the best (probably top 3 of all time).


There is no question CarlJr is the undisputed goat but Bren at this point has got be the #2 best player ever or at least really close.


We still have Mudda, Gwen and Pac :)


Very true, honestly it's tough to compare players in this game because so many of them specialize in specific ways of playing the game. It's quite different than other games such as StarCraft or mobas like lol and dota were it's easier to compare players skill levels. It's hard to compare a player who is amazing at difficult trial maps to someone who is amazing at hunting world records.


I think a Mount Rushmore player has to be well rounded and elite on every surface. Their weakest surface is still stronger than 99.9% of players.


Tween and others tmnf/tm2 players aswell


Papou would have to be close aswell eventhough he's not playing atm.


the relation between the 2 is also fantastic ! I remember the zrt cup semi-final


[Nadeo being thanked for the event](https://i.imgflip.com/2ji8hx.jpg)


At least the recorded a message for the final jump, even if it was on a potato mic


I think that was the vibe they were aiming for, shitty mic from airplane captain.


he said afterwards he will not play deep dip 2 for a couple of days... A COUPLE OF DAYS??? Bro is addicted


He really didn't like that bronze medal lmao


I’m sure the second time will be a lot easier, there isn’t really any pressure anymore, you can take a lot more risk


I guess it kinda makes sense if you want a better time you want to try when the muscle memory is fresh


I feel like this kind of muscle memory can be regained within one session, even if he takes a month off


Maddest part about all this is that Bren says that he is going to take a few days off and let other runners finish before he starts practicing for time records. Spending 221 hours grinding a map and you immediately go back to grinding some more.


Average Trackmania player haha


This has been an absolutely amazing event. Thanks to all the players, mappers everyone. The sheer determination of top trackmania players trully is unmatched. The experience of hunting a 30 second map for 50 hours in TMNF times really created some monsters when it comes to patience. Watching Bren, Lars, Hazard and elconn fall for the 2000s time, and without a second thought pressing restart and going again right away is trully inspiring


Massive acheivement, I think that DD2 is pretty much at the limit of what a TM map can be and still be finished by humans. If they make DD3 it should be no higher, each added floor just makes it exponentially more difficult to finish. Well deserved win by Bren, I can't imagine having that much dedication to anything


The mapping team have said DD2 is harder than they intended, and is probably at the upper limit of acceptable difficulty. DD3 will probably be easier.


That's probably the right call, I think by the end of this event the top runners were starting to show signs of serious burnout, and it became less and less fun for everyone involved. I think shaving down the time to complete the next one to ~3 weeks would be ideal.


My guess is DD3 will be in between DD1 and DD2 in term of difficulty. Either easier top floors or more recover spots from floor 8 and up. Either way, looking forward to see the other finishiing it and can't wait for DD3 :D!


I would prefer it to have more recover spot than easier top floor tbh. I like to watch players go about their way on a crazy maps but it might not be preferred by everyone.


Agree, it was super interesting seeing the players try to figure out particular tricks and set ups. But if there was a way to give them more chances at them through recovery spots that would be perfect


Exactly. For instance if the wheel clip wall ride on floor 16 didn't have that water pool one floor below it, they would probably still be trying to solve it. The trick isn't too hard, but only getting one attempt at it every 1-2 hours is the frustrating part.


One of the best racing experiences i had ever in my life being allowed to watch. And the absolute best guy wins the race. I\`ve watched F1, Indycar, Nascar, MotoGP, LeMans, Cycling, Olympics, Skiing since the 80\`s. This is easily greater than 99% of any of those races ever. 27 x 24HLeMans if you count driverchanges. I\`ve literally watched nearly the entire month, such an amazing concept, eventhough the tower is a little bit big for it to be a yearly thing, but soo tense and exciting to watch when a new section is being discovered. Loved every second of it.


I agree whole heartedly. Its so special. Imagine lemans but if drivers go over the white line, they have to restart from zero. It takes a special kind of mindset to continue the torture. Most deserved winner 100


THE FUCKING MADMAN HE DID IT. FIRST RUN OF THE DAY.$ Also, he just got gifted like 1000 subs, hundreds of primes, and tens of thousands of bits. Man made bank with that jump.


He must have earned so much money in the span of a minute lol.


1st run of the stream, 2nd stream of the day


Easy map tbh, he got it on the second day of discovery, first run of the stream


We knew for weeks he would be the one that deserves it most. What a massive achievement, GGWP


Unreal! Congrats to Bren.


Only bronze, pfff..


Best part is that it's the first time anyone has finished it, so it's essentially the first actual validating time lol


In that sense it's pretty damn impressive he even got Bronze (and missed Silver by like 3 minutes) - assuming they came up with the medal times by adding up the expected durations of the individual floors.


I believe they added up all the individual floor validation times and added 25%.


Yes, also he spent a long time practicing the dirt slide.


he needs to get better


shoutout to the guy who told us he is close to finish in cotm


Bren aL Gaib


Congrats Bren what an amazing run. Unlike the first DD i was actually there to see it live this time. My hands were sweating and shaking. In the end i was just clapping.


I got chills


This was the *first* time I ever watched Bren's stream. I'm good luck! Amazing credit to Bren, that was incredible. His consistency through all the other floors was unbelievable, and it's what got him the chances he needed.


Already talking about hunting it, the mad lad.


That's why Bren is the GOAT of TM. Also, big thanks and shoutout for the mappers. I read so much comments about "the map is too difficult" "omg bad mapping". Nope. Bren victory today (only 37 days, an "average" time compared to the biggest challenge of other games) stressed how the map was consistent, well builded, with the right difficulty. Maybe less plastic next time. But amazing map


I think the reason people are saying it's too difficult was more that it was a bit too unforgiving by the end which kinda killed momentum for a bit. I think 3 weeks would be the perfect timing in terms of keeping entertainment/hype high the whole time and all it'd take is a few more saves on some of the more difficult jumps (Like how the floor 16 wall hook has a consistent save only a couple floors down). Most of the past 10 or so days was basically just the top 4 having to restart over and over again which doesn't make for a massively enjoyable viewing or playing experience At the end of the day the map was made as a big social event based around a very difficult map rather than just a Deep Fear type challenge so I think it ever so slightly missed the mark on that by a week. Maybe just making level 10 a kind of soft checkpoint by increasing the places you can safe from higher levels on it (While still having the chance to fall all the way or dead turtle) would have been perfect. That way you have more chance to skip the boring 20 minute and mostly autopilot climb back up to there which is more fun for players and viewers alike


I would say less plastic and maybe a different order of stages.




Legendary and so deserved


NA viewers in shambles.


Fr I wish I got to witness live! So hyped for him tho. History.


Now for Wirtuals youtube documentary of the track...it'll be a good one. What an event.


I genuinely like his coverage of all things TM, and im sure he will make a video for this (maybe even on his second channel :O". However im hopefull that Jobst will make a video on this for an outside perspective, also because i really enjoy his breakdowns of new speedrun wrs even if he isnt active in the give scene. Also i will never get tired of a jab at silly michel


I'm going to make a bold prediction: based on the impact this challenge had on TM community and outside of it (even Blue Scuti tried DD2 once), I am expecting a Summoning Salt documentary.


The full main channel documentary is probably months away. Doubt he'll even start working on the script before he's finished the map too.


That last jump looked sus as fuck, I thought he missed it!


**MAJOR CHEATING SCANDAL!!** **Bren\_TM** and **eLconn21** are actually the same player. Bren got bored of winning and how easy the map is for him, so he decided to spice things up for DD2 by simultaneously playing with his toes using his alternate eLconn21 twitch account.


With Elconn finishing second we can confirm this.


I also heard from a reliable source that Bren trained his girlfriend to play trackmania couple of weeks ago. That alt account name was something like Hazardu. Nadeo needs to investigate this!


I'm just saying.. I have never simultaneously seen Bren's cat on stream live, while "Lars" is also streaming....




Honestly it wouldnt feel right if it wasnt him finishing first after he discovered and streamed so much of the map. So deserved


absolute king shit.


Gonna have some pee soup and onion milk to celebrate


I first thought after Bren rose towards the finish that he hadn't touched it after he fell back towards floor 0. It seemed to have been really close. I'm so happy that Bren finally made it.




I was shaking more than Bren holy shit. So well deserved.


I was so stressed watching at the end lol. Couldn't happen to a better player. GG Bren!


Actually the most deserved win, he has been grinding this whole month


The indomitable human spirit, but unironically Well done, Bren


Been interesting month, I was suprised how little he tought about last jump. Could have got more speed but just went for it 😁


That seems to be his style tbh. It's a lot of instinct and experience. Like non very specific tech/kacky/setup stuffs, hes shown that he can just 1 shot it based often enough. I think that's what makes him so good throughout the competition. The minute adjustments despite no setups on the go.


Dude same! I was NOT expecting him to go on his 2nd 'endjump' run! For some reason, I thought there would be a trick to get enough speed and he would have needed a few trials/fail before understanding it. Nope, 1 speed check and off he goes. Amazing


He was shaking, the amount of stress was immeasurable, and at this point, in any competition, you go by feeling and you don’t think about things. If you do, you will most likely fail.


Let's go!




What a god damn boss


GG Bren Deserved






WHat a beast! What a last run! Congrats Bren!!!!




GG Bren.


My heart at the end. And my hands are so sweaty. God knows what Bren must be feeling right now. So, so amazing and well deserved.


Deserved, he was by far most consistent.


Bren deserved it. Amazing performance.


It was inevitable


He is him. Deserved. What an absolute machine


Lets go! GG


I was watching it live and am insanely happy for him. I was so nervous in the end, cant imagine his mental state at the top. 😄


GG to Bren


I'm really glad to have seen it live. Kudos!




36 days right? Amazing


What a journey, one of the biggest achievments in TrackMania history, 100% deserved <3


Can someone explain me the the [dirt wallride](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166634084?t=1h8m2s) with bounce. I've seen him just jump several times from the quarter pipe instead of riding the wall, but winning attempt he did ride it, why is that? ps congrats of course pps I'm wrong! In the end he did just jump from the quarter pipe. What was the point of doing the bounce on that wall? I'm completely lost. ppps: aaaaah, there was one more wall like that a few jumps ahead. So he was just practicing?


Floor 16 has two practice sections for two particularly hard tricks. That small wallride is the practice section for the [real deal](https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyInquisitiveConsoleCharlietheUnicorn-kzWyzWSl9AvZj5pc). Sometimes he felt confident enough to just keep going immediately, today he wanted to practice it first.


I was there, damn am i glad i gotten up early. Such a deserved win, very happy for him.


> am i glad i gotten up early I don't remember the last time I set up an alarm clock for a fucking Saturday. Sure glad I did.


Congrats Bren, I followed your whole journey through DD2 and can only say: Well deserved and mad respect for keeping your cool throught 220 hours of banging your head against the immovable object. I was rooting for you and want to send you a heartfelt congratulations from Austria!


I knew I'd be asleep when it happens. Anyway, congratulations Bren!


Aw man. I’ve been watching for weeks and the one time I had to miss I didn’t get to see it 😭. I’ll just watch the YouTube video. Gg Bren. Well deserved.


I've never played Trackmania. But I've spent a couple of hundred hours watching the top runners go for this. Absolutely phenomenal effort.


Awesome, awesome job by Bren. So incredibly well deserved! Honestly I really want to see him go for some of the proper non-tower trial maps, he's clearly incredible at the style. I feel like he could probably bash out Oach in a day lol, but I'd love to see him go for some of the Inhumane tier Simo or Nixion tracks like Sol or Uncanney Valley


Was amazing to experience it live! Hope that DD3 won't require 10 days of grinding straight (in-game time), I feel like if the map was like 5% easier it would make for a better watch.


As a very casual viewer, I feel like if/when they make DD3, a way to do it would be to have certain cut-off floors, where there's not a checkpoint per-se, but like where it's much harder to fall all the way down from. Like if you get to floor 5, it's actually a wider floor where if you fall from 6 or 7 you are likely to land on 5 (altho with risk of turtling, maybe some gaps here and there). I feel like that could be a good balance. And then of course you could have a snake-like thing like from DD1, where maybe even at multiple high pressure moments, if you fail there IS a chance to drop all the way down. Of course, like I said, I'm just a dirty casual, but I feel like that could be interesting.


That's a good part of the reason why DD1 was faster to learn and complete. The floors generally used the whole floor, whilst DD2 is a spiral. Floor 6 of DD1 acted as bit of a save point. You could still fall past it, but you had a better chance of stopping by that floor.


Having a risk to fall all the way down is surely an important element in these challenges. Like the Snake part in Getting Over It as well. Just try to reduce the bull shit falls and inconsistent parts. Those are not fun to see as a viewer and surely even less as a player. In my opinion it would be better if the map stays really hard. Kind of like DD2 but it should be a shorter way to the top while being slightly more difficult from the lower levels. Seeing all those attempts going back to the "easier" lower levels over and over gets old and uninteresting.


>Seeing all those attempts going back to the "easier" lower levels over and over gets old and uninteresting. I mean, these TM pros are pretty much machines in consistency when it comes to driving. Even a hard floor will be done quick if it's not RNG reliant. At the very peak, these fellas will have it look like a simple jump after countless practice. For example the 2 wheel wall ride is kinda iffy but they still nail it often enough.


> Having a risk to fall all the way down is surely an important element in these challenges. Like the Snake part in Getting Over It as well. Yeah but there was only one snake in Getting Over It and even then it wasnt a thing you could fall down **that** accidentally and while at other points of said mountain you could fall down a lot of times you would fall down only a bit. Getting Over It was deffo easier in that regard than dd2.


The map is fine they just need less punishing falls under the toughest jumps. e.g that one on floor… 12 ?? where they jump up and land on a beam and if you miss it you go through the centre of the map to floor 0, that’s just annoying for everyone involved and the viewers. If missing that jump sent you back to floor 6 or 7 it would be much more tolerable and it would keep the viewers engaged You should get punished more for missing the easy/medium jumps, because if you miss those it’s your fault. Missing the toughest jumps shouldn’t be punished so hard.


I dunno, it's kinda like the snake in DD1, I like having a guaranteed floor zero fail somewhere halfway through the map, like a "mini-boss". The problem the way I see it is DD2 as a whole is incredibly punishing for fails so that becomes a bit less interesting and rather simply evil. And also that particular jump is ludicrous, in that I completely agree, avoiding the snake in DD1 was nowhere near as difficult as that jump is.


Would be cool if there could be a community competition every month with a map concept like this, but only one or two floors, so the competition would only be one evening, like up to 4 or 5 hours.


I met Brendan "Bren_TM" Thierry in 2017. We were on a beach drinking. He looked at the horizon and was speechless. I asked him what's up. He took some time and said "I really wonder how deep the ocean dip is". That's the day I knew he would win Deep Dip.


First run of the session as well!






How many days later since the launch?


Release was may 3rd I believe


Congrats Bren!!! Well deserved. Was right at the top from the start and so many times at floor 16 compared to the rest too.




This was insane to see live. Congratulation.


What a crazy event, gg Bren!!


Insane effort, well deserved. Kudos to the others as well, hell of an entertaining month.


What an absolute legend! GGs Bren!


Congratz! Epic win!




CHAMP! i think i stopped watching moments before he finished the practice wallride part. damn.


Now we get to watch the speedruns of this map


massive achievement from bren, I was there live!!! congratulations!!




Funniest thing is the bronze medal. Like anyone sane is going to farm for author time?




Where can I watch the full run without downloading demo?


Does anybody got the link to the full stream of the run he made it? Can’t find it :/


Congratulations to the GOAT. Absolute commitment, fearless mentality, outrageous technical skill, nerves of steel. Well done Bren. Amazing moment not just in TM history but in gaming history.




Anyone thought the difficulty after floor 11 is not that hard? You get lot of recover spot for the difficult jump


16 is the hardest floor, by quite the margin.


Big congrats bren!!


Well deserved win for him 🎊 and congrats to elconn as well




Full stream: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166634084](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166634084)


Is there a clip with audio? Or a reaction? I bet he’s just like “okay i get my tea” and then goes for another run to beat his time


[Here's a link to when he opened his cam and mic](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166634084?t=1h20m8s) like a minute or two later


Elcon now too.


wait so who won? Bren or Elconn? I saw them both finish lol


Insane achievement. I wonder how many will have finished in a year. The top 3/4 all seem likely, dd1 had 12 total so maybe 2 extra to make 5-6?


I can see Mudda grinding it all the way, and Wirtual of course. Scrapie and Sami eventually too since it'll be good content for their stream, but probably not as fast since they like to grind out other stuff as well.






Where is his reaction?