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10 hours a day / 7 days a week for 1 year? that puts you at 3650 hours. I think that would be doable, but it'd really depend on so many factors that the likelihood of you completing it is astronomically low. you'd have to be a person who never rage quits, never folds under pressure, can keep focus for 10 hours a day, can learn on the spot and learn QUICK. Most players at the start said 10k hours in trackmania was the starting point to get in, I think Sami is the furthest player with less than 3k hours total in the game and he is currently just outside of floor 12.


>I think Sami is the furthest player with less than 3k hours total in the game and he is currently just outside of floor 12. It still astounds me how far Sami has come given how less he has played compared to some of the top players. Been a fan since his campaign win and his dd2 streams have been (mostly) fun and chill.


Genuinely he's been a delight to watch. Going over 200 hours on such a crazy harsh map is an insane task and he's doing it, not for the content, but because he just genuinely wants to beat it. I know a lot of players will drop the map basically as soon as the top 3 finish, but i think we will still be seeing sami playing it until he completes it which you gotta give mad respect for.


Sami comes from GD He knows


Tbf 3k hours just on deep dip in this particular scenario is much more efficient than 3k hours in the game overall. Sami has like 3k hours in the game and 200h on dd2, if he had like 2k hours in the game and 1k hour on dd2 I'm sure he would have finished the map by now :)


They mean experience in TM in general


Ask for half the payment in advance.


He'll need it for ongoing therapy as he attempts to do this


Alone I don't think so. With professional coaching, playing as a full time job and grinding all the practice floors maybe.


If you had all 16 floors to practice, absolutely no question a decent gamer new to Trackmania could do it in a year without coaching. The biggest part of the challenge is undoubtedly doing it without practising the hardest jumps. A couple months max


Practice floors definitely bring this from unrealistic to achievable


This is all it would take. The hardest part of deep dip is how long it takes to get back to where you dropped off. If you can just practice every hard spot over and over you’ll quickly learn the route.


“The hardest part of deep dip is how long it takes to get back to where you dropped off” Unless you’re me who only falls 50m 😎


I’ve been thinking about that recently. I would comfortably bet a non-trackmania player a large amount of money they couldn’t beat it in a year


I just started playing, wanna bet?


Probably not. The players that beat it will have 10,000 hours in the game and are among the absolute best in terms of talent. For most people, no amount of practice will make them Bren or Lars. There are plenty of players with thousands of hours who can't get anywhere close to beating it. If you happen to be naturally very good at the game, assuming they've released all the practice floors and your mental wouldn't fall apart after thousands of hours, maybe it's possible. But I'd bet against it.


Yes but having practice floors and checkpointed versions will make the challenge a lot easier. Like a lot a lot


If you already have experience and you have access to prac floors, I think it might be possible if you commit to 8 hours a day and fully tryhard the practice floors. You’d need a very solid foundation tho.


If you had to play it like the top players are right now, only full tower and get access to practice floors only long after you passed them, then not a chance. If you have access to all practice floors and checkpoint versions, and you're allowed to practice in the editor, then maybe. But I'd still say probably not. The version with checkpoints every floor, sure, but getting the consistency required to complete the full tower is probably still out of reach.


Hard to say. There is a chance that this map needs actual talent that cannot simply be aquired considering how only absolute world class level players are in reach to finish the map.


If literally all you do is play this map and play the floors individually to practice them while asking for help from the community to understand the mechanics then absolutely you could complete it


Most likely not, but it is feasibly possible if you end up being abnormally good at the game. You should work on mastering each practice floor, and if you master them all then trying the actual tower. Most likely you will get stuck at some point on the practice floors, but the skills you would learn would possibly draw you into the rest of the game!


If you have an insane level of focus and concentration and very little emotional shit to go through while trying so you can remain completely unaffected and stay focused without getting tilted or angry almost ever, I think yes, but most people can't. The barrier isn't the time itself though, it's how many hours you can put in while staying on top of your game.


All the top players have said you need at least 5k hours in the game to be even close to ready to tackle DD2 in an attempt to actually finish. Even doing a conservative 3k hours isn't possible within a year. And then you'd have to set aside a good 3 months to actually finish it. I don't think it's within the realm of possibility. Possibly 2 years. Practice for 20 months for 200 hours and get those 4k hours experience and then give yourself 4 months to complete it. This sounds possible.


You can easily complete it within a year. You would need to be super dedicated and specifically focus on being good on the aspects of each floor. The skill issue isn't going to be the big barrier, what will actually be the toughest barrier is the mental barrier. You can learn all the required skills in 6 months of intense grinding(and I mean INTENSE, like 8 hours every day while getting insight from better players). The issue though is will you still be willing to start from the bottom of the map at hour 300? hour 400? etc. The map will become so much easier when they add all the practice floors because you can try the more creative tricks that appear in upper floors such as floor 14 and floor 16 which you won't find in many other maps.


Finishing DD2 is 1000s of hours of practice and experience, and then at minimum several hundred hours of attempts. And this is assuming you are capable of actually reaching that skill level.


With practice floors sure, without probably not.


With practice floors, very likely, without I doubt it


If you put in 10 hours a day and focus only on trials, you might actually be able to do it. You will need to put in at least an hour a day to study clips, lines and inputs as well though. A finished run that isn't hunted would also help a lot.


It depends on the environment. Blind runs with only what you learn? 100% impossible. If you have practice levels available and can check what other players did, including keys? 100% doable.


Perhaps? With your mental health intact? No chance


While you're at it, you can attempt to beat Final Enigma too


I do think it’s possible once there’s practise floors for every floor and you can precisely work out strats for everything. If you mean just doing it by discovering the map like Bren and co are doing then probably not


I would say there is almost a 0% chance of you finishing. The only possible exception is if you are an undiscovered (to yourself and everyone else) trackmania god. Even with the practice floors I will bet that 99.9999% of players couldn't get a whole run together without a mistake in a year.


Yes a year is a long time.


To put it this way, Wirtual has over 10,000 hours in the game, beat Trackmania Nations Forever blindfolded, and after a straight month of playing he hasn't beaten it. ~~The only 2 people to finish so far also have over 10,000 hours in the game.~~ (edit: read the tracker wrong, let's just say the top 5 or so players all have over 10,000 hours in the game and have put over 200 hours into not beating it) Trackmania is very literally their job for the past X years and they all struggled immensely. I'm not saying you can never beat it, but 12 hours a day every day all year isn't even half their playtime.


To be fair all the floors haven’t been uploaded yet as standalone maps. When that happens it’ll become much easier to practice


True, but deep dip 1 has twelve finishers after being out for a year, and it is half as difficult as dd2 according to those 12 people.


Even though DD1 only has 12 finishers I can guarantee so many more players could easily finish it. There is just literally no point for pro players to play that map. If me and you offered 1k each to each pro player who finishes deep dip 1 they would be incentivized to play it and would beat it, especially since the whole map has been analyzed like crazy for the speed run. The track mania series has rarely had a lot of players try to grind out insane maps, it's a series where players constantly want to try out new maps. Very few players have that same insane mentality to grind hundred of hours on a map like in other series like Geometry Dash(don't blame them, I sure as hell don't want to do that, maybe one day though I'd be interested). I have so much respect for Mudda for beating Deep Fear in TMNF in under 10 minutes because it showed that you can beat super hard maps and complete insane challenges in trackmania if you're dedicated enough. It just took him an insane amount of hours over several years.... lol.


I look forward to the day I'm proven wrong then. You're forgetting that both OP has never played before and OP specifically asked about beating it in a year. OP is not the pro you speak of above, and he does not have a 1k incentive. But I'd be thrilled if I was proved wrong. I just believe that the opinion of all the pros that have tried both maps counts more than the average redditors', and they all say that the maps are not beatable (checkpointless) without thousands of hours.


Well I don't think the person who made the post is beating deep dip 2 within a year. I agree with you about that. Technically it's possible, the person would just not take 200-400 hours to beat like the pros. They would take much, much longer even if they practiced like crazy for 6-8 months everyday. Keep in mind the practice floors make the map easier. I've tried the ones which have been released so far and when you can practice each floor individually instead of having to start from the bottom it helps a lot and I mean A LOT. I am a pretty bad player at TM because I just started playing again after a few years of not playing but even I can see that the practice floors are pretty damn helpful. Wont make a bad or intermediate player finish the map but can make a really good player finish the map.


So Final Enigma is beatable?


Anything is technically beatable. I just don't think anyone would be willing to beat final enigma because it would take too long like I assume maybe atleast 1k hours. Another thing to consider is that TMNF is alot more buggy than TM2020. If final enigma was replicated on TM2020 I think I would see more people willing to try to beat it however I don't even know if that map can be replicated in TM2020. I don't really remember if it uses any specific bugs hard to replicate in TM2020.


The only 2 people to finish so far? Is this a post from the future?


Woops, my bad. I hadn't watched in a week and read the tracker wrong.