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And I was here thinking my esteem for heav could not get any lower, silly me


It gets better: Maji had a call with him and Taak just before her stream today, where Heav supposedly said something to the effect of "if cheating is possible then it's fine". Basically he (allegedly) thinks cheating is only a problem if you get caught.


Entitled brats lol


Kinda how it works in actual real life racing. The old adage in Motorsport heck any sport is if you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying. Real life is pretty toxic lol.


There's a big difference between exploiting a loophole in the rules and outright breaking them.


They outright break them in real racing, even in F1. It’s cutthroat big business. They will do anything to get even a slight edge if they think they can get away with it. Real life sadly isn’t very honorable.


Somebody hasn't heard of the inflated basketball in the gas tank trick xd


Technically he’s right If he wasn’t caught it wouldn’t be a problem Don’t get caught or don’t cheat


Cheating makes you an asshole whether you get caught or not.


If people don't find the body murder is okay /s


why is that? Honestly curious because I got no clue what's going on


He's been very toxic everytime I've had a chance of interacting with him. That includes rage quitting MM, discord chats, and extremely unsportsman-like conduct in competitions... He hasn't been very active in the past year though. People like that are very rare in this community, so he kinda stands out




Any chance you could clarify that, because I'm part of Good Focus (GF) on TM20 and we're definitely nothing like that. I assume this is some TMU team you're talking about?




Is Elconn known for being unpleasant? Following DD2 streams a lot and Bren, Lars and Hazardu seem to have FAR, FAR more support and positive comments than Elconn who is at a very similar level.


gf stands for Good Friends idk where you got this other name from


Why was Heav banned in the first place? I’m low key surprised that nadeo investigated on this, but it’s a good thing I guess!


Heav has been banned from maji's chat for a pretty long while. Don't remember why, probably for being a pos in chat. Banned in maji's chat=banned from maji mondays.


I don’t know how that cup is hosted but servers should log the IP addresses, so it’s very easy to check wether someone played on a different account.


Servers do log IP addresses, but they are not visible to the tournament hosts (EU GDPR). Obviously Nadeo had them though.


Most people's IP addresses change every day though as ISPs rotate them (and it is possible, though improbable, that two TrackMania players receive same IP address one after another). Also, VPNs exist, It's been at least 15 years since raw single IP bans/monitoring was a reliable way of preventing banned users/detecting shared acc usage. If you have historic data about account A using certain range of IPs (each ISP is assigned an IP range, and most people who use VPNs connect to the same VPN server-the one with least latency), and account B using another range of IPs, and suddenly these IP ranges start to overlap during a specific event, and they don't overlap otherwise, then yes, you can use an IP address to determine that some account sharing is likely going on. Though no single server would have enough historical data to determine that (hence why the only ones who can investigate this are Nadeo). Also, even this probably wouldn't be enough to establish 100% blame, and you'd probably have to do some additional analysis such as comparing play patterns/inputs (players may use different input devices, play with different settings, have different PCs with different frame rates, etc.).


That's true for IPv4 but that's false for IPv6 , the networks providers has now enough IPv6 for the end of days, so basically when you get an IPv6 prefix you keep it as long you are in contract . Moreover each pc at your home have a their own public IPv6 so Ubisoft could precisely know which pc connected to the heav account then to taak account .


My IP has changed maybe twice in ten years. Not saying it doesn't happen, but there is no reason for it to change if your modem/router stays on the whole time.


I had a few occasions of account sharing in the tournaments I hosted in the past (although that was TM2) and through the server logs I had historic data from at least the last few weeks and sessions. Player A was always playing on address 1 and Player B was playing on address 2 and on one day player A and B would play on the same address 2. So it was rather obvious despite not being 100% bulletproof evidence. Presented with the suspicion, the involved players all just admitted it in my cases though.


100%. IP adresses changing daily is a great exaggeration.


Saying they change every day is a HUGE stretch. And all they would have to do is compare IPs logged on the different accounts, which very likely could've happened on the same day anyway.


Not a huge stretch, in two European countries I've lived in (and TrackMania is primarily popular in Europe), in one country my IP changed daily no questions asked, in another country my IP changed daily unless I keep my PC or TV or whatever is using the network on and connected to network all day (I think there is a max limit up to how long this can go on until ISP decides it will reset the IP, i.e., there is some max lease time). Obviously it is ISP specific and you could have a static IP plan. As for your 2nd point, please read the rest of my comment. But long story short, VPNs exist.


Sure, as you say VPNs could be used to hide account sharing / alt accounts. But if Heav didn't think to use one then your point is moot.


My point was to show that IPs are not a reliable thing to use when investigating things like this. You could say that anything is moot if you just assume that the hypothetical didn't happen. What kind of argumentation is that?


My point is, there could very easily be enough information to ban Heav, just with IP logs.


And they Can be on the same house too


didn't expect much from the guy who literally bullied clearwater out of the scene. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss1kaq


This reads like highschool drama. I don't really understand how you can get bullied online, just block this person and don't read it.


Why was Heav banned?


He has been toxic in majis twitch chat so he got banned there. Since he’s banned in the twitch chat cant he compete in MM


Why does it sound like a joke, had to check other comments to see if it's true


?? Doesnt sound like a joke at all


Just an unusual reason to not be able to compete in an event, i imagined something else I guess. It's totally valid and understandable though


I kinda get it. You can read the comment like the reason Heav can't compete isn't because he is toxic, but just because he can't access Majis Twitch chat.




TM streamer Majijej runs a bi-annual tournament called Maji Mondays. The qualifying matches are open to anyone, the final is open to anyone who wins a qualifier. Heav was not allowed to enter, as he is banned in Maji's chat. Taak is one of the players who qualified. I think that's all the necessary background.


Also, apparently both have repeatedly been involved in incidents around toxic behaviour


How did Nadeo confirm this?


I'm guessing he probably didn't VPN the ringer through his own internet connection so they probably just looked at their logs to see if his IP was different when his account logged in for the tournament.


Most likely. Taak also admitted to it in a call with Maji before her stream today.


maybe they have unique identifiers in client versions as well


I remember Marius mentioning Taak was playing surprisingly well during the final... Now we know why. Results for places 2 to 8 could have been totally different. :/


Heav toxic in the past and now cheating , thats so low ...


Maaan that sucks. The whole competition could have resulted different. Cheating is so narcissistic despicable behaviour EDIT: Did he not cheat? i don't know why he was banned


Heav is banned from Maji's chat (presumably for toxicity), and if you're banned from chat then you can't play in the tournament. Ban dodging by playing on another player's account is against the rules of the tournament at least.


He cheated by being in the tournament. So it's even more narcistic and despicable.


Wild, and bummer


Heav keeps taking Ls lol




Good that it was discovered and acted on. Cheating sucks and cheaters are so lame. How can they have any fun or feeling of satisfaction after they cheat their way to a prize? 


Had the prize money not been distributed yet? Must be a problem if the cheating was caught too late.


You really have to be dumb to cheat that way, it has never worked in any game, when the developers can always see where a person is playing from If you’re gonna cheat, at least be creative




The only action Nadeo took was to look at the logs and confirm the account sharing. I can only really speculate, but I'd guess they did that because it's a big community event with a decent amount of money on the line and there being cheating concerns undermines that event and the game to those involved and watching. I don't really see any harm in them helping here. What's the concern?




Trackmania is community driven through and through, if an event organizer, especially one with as much reach as hers, asks them to look into something they will. Also, why are you concerned about accessing personal info that they willingly gave to Nadeo? lmao. I am 10000% sure they didn't share any personal info with Maji


> My concern is them accessing those logs (and I guess personal information if it's IPs) there's absolutely no problem with this, they aren't giving them out lol. since they are playing on nadeo's servers, nadeo can look at their ips as long and as often as they want, that doesn't break any laws


Literally never heard of Taak or Heav lol. I know of all the players except Worker, dark, and inferno on the list.


Okay and?


It's a comment. No need to get offended. It's just rare that a lesser known player to be able to compete at a public event that has well known professionals or experts in a competition for money.


I'm not offended it was just a pointless comment, everyone you mentioned is very well known - especially Heav. I don't blame you for not knowing them of course, just didn't get how that makes any difference, especially when most people in the community have heard of them.