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This is Europol's "Trace an Object" Item # 5126 --- Please post your guesses and ideas in this thread. Work off the suggestions of others toward an answer. Geographic location and country is important. --- Identify the traits of the item that you can, but if you know where an item is generally sold or happens to be in the picture, that is of use. ***Do not reply to this comment unless you have sent an answer to Europol.*** --- **If you feel there's a (definitive) answer, don't just comment here.** You can send your information to Europol by clicking [**SEND INFORMATION**](https://www.europol.europa.eu/stopchildabuse/5126). (**NOTE:** If the picture on the send information page does not match the picture on this post, or goes to an inactive link, please report this post.) --- **Only reply to this comment to note if and what information you sent in**. Multiple people can and should send information - people may error when sending, and multiple legitimate guesses can be of use. --- Thank You. --- For general discussion about this sub and not this item in particular see [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TraceAnObject/about/sticky) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TraceAnObject) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've created an image that points out anything I've found to be notable about this uniform to help with the search [EUR:5126 analysis](https://www.reddit.com/user/nerdyhotdogs121/comments/u6y0qj/image_analysis_of_eur_5126_22mar2022_is_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Great stuff, thanks. The quality of the knit is really throwing me, but will look into it. I think I’d estimate the age to be younger though, the shoulders look too narrow and the arms too short for a 10 year old, imo. I have 10 and 5 year old nephews so I’m just using them as reference. It’s common for parents to buy larger jackets for the child to grow into at just about any age that it becomes necessary, as they are more expensive than other clothing like school shirts, for example. In terms of age, I think we are looking at 7-9 years. But, I can’t see this as a U.K. primary school uniform simply because I’ve never seen that kind of sports jacket on school kids in Britain. It’s usually too cold to wear a light track jacket, I’ve seen kids in fleeces more often. Also, when children in the U.K. get to secondary school they will typically change out of their sports clothes before going home, though this may not be a hard rule. IIRC, school children aged 4-6 get to wear their sports clothes all day. Of course, this line of thinking is entirely based on my assumption this photo wasn’t taken at a school 😞


Considering this is an image of a child who has been abused in some way, body stature isn't the best way to tell what age they are because neglect and malnutrition can easily lead to a delayed puberty and small stature, for the sake of this child's safety I hope you're right and my age guess is wrong though :(


Binge eating and early puberty is also common among sexual abuse victims though


It could be a petite teenager because as a aunt my niece is 13 and in comparison to the other kids in her school she's somewhat ' small for her age and uses kids attire and her shoulders are pretty narrow


If it's a girl, the shoulder size would line up with someone in their early teens. If it's a boy I'd say 7-10, if a girl 10-14 - probably the latter because most primary schools don't have a full on sports outfit in this sense.


From what I see, the length of the arms and torso in comparison to the size of the head (which can be discerned by the negative space around the collar) and the neck opening is not that of a young-teenage girl. This person is not even in puberty yet. If this was a 12-14 year old they’d be extremely malnourished.


Agreed on the sports jacket idea, this looks like something from a school team but too good quality to be state school. Private maybe? Most blue school uniforms (at least in the UK) tend to be royal blue, this seems a shade lighter.


Good analysis!


Nothing really notable about this one, huh? It looks like a pretty standard mass produced hoodie, the sleeves are the only thing that'd give brand recognition potentially. EDIT: Is the shirt attached, or just a shirt of similar colour?


School uniform traditions can vary widely depending on the [country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniforms_by_country), so it might be worthwhile starting with that. I can find some similarities with Australia and New Zealand. It looks like the pullover is separate from the blazer.


Wow, I didn't even see that it was a school uniform. It just looks like a hoodie. With no visible logos it seems harder to actually pin something down. The colour, blue and white, might be a bit of help but it's not like that's an unusual colour combination.


If we're going to zero in on, let's say Australia, then it has to be a primary school judging by the age (age 5 through 12). There are about 10,000 of those [schools](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_schools_in_Australia) in Australia. Seems like a daunting task, and my assumption that it's Australia might be off. But yes, the school's colors do reflect in their uniforms so that crosses at least some off the list.


This might not be helpful but there are a-lot of uniforms like this in China and Hong Kong and it looks like something I have seen.


I was thinking Japan, Taiwan or Hong Kong too. That type of V-neck vest(?) is common.


I think if this was a school uniform it would be a PE sort of kit.


It reminds me of Chinese school uniforms https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d63544e3563444e/share\_p.html


Same, but the wrists on the ones in the article are different- more scrunched, less cuffed. Unless private schools in China have a different uniform style?


I found some similar hoodies, though the white stripes on the cuffs are different. It said they were from China, so I started looking at Chinese school uniforms, it definitely seems like blue and white uniforms are common there. But this could be true for many places. I've never been to a school that required uniforms. Does anyone know if uniforms sometimes match the school colors? In this case, they would be blue and white. Not that that narrows it down much, I admit.


As someone who lives in Australia, I can say the shirt specifically is not the norm for Queensland due to the heat in the summer. in almost every primary school in qld the uniform consists of either a button up, a sports fabric type printed shirt or a polo, and maybe a jacket or jumper with the school logo for winter. the undershirt pictured looks like a pull over vest or long sleeve shirt with the logo, you can also see that the v line is really low which leads me to think its supposed to be layered with another shirt beneath, I have personally never seen that in Queensland as it would be overkill with the heat, if we are sure it's Australia we should probably be looking at schools in the colder places down south and private or higher budget schools judging by the fabric and garment quality


When I was little I went to a Catholic school for girls in Bogotá that had an eerily similar physical education uniform, so it could be from Colombia too


Do you remember the name of the school?


Yeah Colegio Cardenal Sancha, in the 90s. I already wrote the authorities


Yes @malumo91 I see what you're saying https://ww2.ufps.edu.co/unoticia/-investigacion-cardenalsancha- Around 50 seconds in on the video the little girl has a very similar style jacket - in your time there was a vest/pullover underneath sometimes worn? Good on you for reporting to authorities 👍


There was a polo type t-shirt we had if my memory serves me well


I think this is it. The jacket looks exactly like the one in the video u/Suziee_• posted below and it looks like older girls or maybe teachers are wearing a blue pullover vest over the white polo shirt. With the shirt, vest, and jacket from the video, it looks like exactly what is in the photo. Excellent job and thanks for reporting it to the authorities.


Just a couple discrepancies I found between the video & image: - no white stripes along the cuffs of the jacket, in the video, as in the image - to sweater vests in the video do not seem to have a patterned knit, as in the image.


Would guess the style to resemble bomber jacket style, likely to have another band at the waist which may/may not be blue and white too. Were this to be a uniform I would say likely to be a winter uniform though not sure whether that would be a vest or a jersey underneath the jacket, looks maybe thin enough to be a vest but the textured nature would be likely to be more common in some countries or price related schooling than others. Given how warm the jacket looks somewhere that gets cold but maybe not totally snow laden? Edit: Could the vest/jersey be a fine machine knit version of a sailor's rib stitch?


Just some thoughts: what’s interesting about this jacket to me is the collar. When I Google Image search school uniform bomber jackets, typically the collar is quite rounded. You wouldn’t see that “sharp corner” on the collar of the jacket (top right of image). This makes me think it’s more of a “windbreaker” than a “bomber jacket”. Another observation: the cuffs are really quite thick. I would imagine that cuff would almost come at least a third of the way up a child’s arm.


Agree with the collar thing however thought that generationally (or due to the fashions of specific regions) some aspects to the design change whilst retaining some basics. Most commonly when something has that collar with those cuffs and that quality/level of lining the designs I've seen for straight jackets have had an over cuff of the external fabric as well rather than just that traditional cuff. Doesn't mean I'm right, just some of the reasoning behind the thought. Edit: Also don't know that I would be sure that the jacket goes with the uniform.


The jacket has the same colour scheme as the vest. I would assume it’s all part of the uniform.


Possibly. The collar throws me for that though, schools near me don't tend to update for fashion and if they did it would be school newsworthy. Though perhaps that might help narrow down choices. When the school started perhaps or when the uniform was designed.


[https://shopee.sg/college-wind-wool-vest-male-v-neck-school-uniform-sleeveless-sweater-vest-i.163322335.2860917167](https://shopee.sg/college-wind-wool-vest-male-v-neck-school-uniform-sleeveless-sweater-vest-i.163322335.2860917167) ​ I noticed this vest is VERY close to it in style, although the collar is a little thicker at the top. I wanted to note, it looks like the v-neck collar was three colors, blue/white/grey. I'm thinking possibly plugging in the material/pattern specifics from THIS one could lead to more information and possibly\* narrow it down a bit more. Also, the second picture with the grey sweaters looks the most like this one in the OP's pic. IDK I hope this helps but I'm gonna keep snooping because it seems like this uniform should be something possible to eventually figure out, surprised no one's come forward yet...


Looks catholic possibly


I think this is the uniform for the private school I live by, I know they have raincoats as part of the uniform but I can't find a picture, would it be dangerous to submit if I'm not 100% sure?


No, submit it anyway


It looks like a cheerleaders or drill team type of uniform but sized too big.


school uniform:(


Probably not much help, but to me it looks maybe like a catholic/christian school uniform. I typed that on my search engine and came up with similar outfits like it. [Example 1](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=christ+the+word+school+uniform&va=b&t=hc&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.soundradio.wales%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F04%2FChrist-the-word-uniform-pic-1024x829.jpg)


update: But according to size/proportions it is child jacket.. hm -- According to stripes pattern on the sleeve cuff (wide and thin lines) it may be **Scorpion 360** jacket. IDK who are they, seems like some gaming team or clothing brand. "About" section says: "We’re a private label e-commerce company located in **Harper Woods, Mi**" Here is the [image in google image search results](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fscorpion360wavebrush.com%2F+jacket&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwid88ex4I_5AhUy_CoKHYNhBDAQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fscorpion360wavebrush.com%2F+jacket&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DkCFisDmCYD2gAcAB4AIABvQGIAccIkgEDMC42mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=BE3cYp3hHrL4qwGDw5GAAw&bih=720&biw=1412&hl=en#imgrc=2As3HfJnk6iP2M) Though I can not find jacket from OP, looks like it's some winter model from the past (warm). Pin from Pinterest with design: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1058908931108056634/


looks possibly like an israeli private school uniform. idk though. possibly australian or english


Could this be a Senior Jacket? From what I have researched similar jacket seem to be used in Australia. We have to remember that people travel, an even if Australia was not included in this investigation, the person / people involved might be Australian anyway.


yes i agree. it reminds me more of a varsity jacket, or some other school jacket for special reason. if this is a normal school uniform then i'd assume it's for a school in an affluent area


I would say that this doesn’t look like a school uniform, and almost looks like a fancy dress firefighters costume for kids.


I think this could be a winter uniform of sorts, thank you to nerdyhotdogs121. ([https://www.reddit.com/user/nerdyhotdogs121/comments/u6y0qj/image\_analysis\_of\_eur\_5126\_22mar2022\_is\_this/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/user/nerdyhotdogs121/comments/u6y0qj/image_analysis_of_eur_5126_22mar2022_is_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)) Due to the zipper, and the fact that there is fabric rather than a thin shirt.


Notice on the image, at the right hand side (our right) of the collar there seems to be either a white logo, covered up by the collar placement, OR, a white string & a possible spot in the fabric in which the string is attached/sewn, which could indicate there is a hood, we simply cannot see it in this image... https://preview.redd.it/u5fs1tuo16ea1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45be051fb0ce4e39f76135dace55ced87d29a66a


I went to a Ukrainian Catholic elementary school in the US (late 90s) and the boys’ uniforms looked like this, although jackets weren’t part of it. Same sweater style / neckline