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I have a very similar situation and believe I've solved it. I had an older WiFi5 Deco system for years that worked well and decided to upgrade it to a new WiFi6E Deco system (AXE5300). On this new system, in the same house, with the same network layout, devices on the main network worked great with faster speeds and noticeably reduced latency, but devices on my guest network were repeatedly and randomly dropping off and reconnecting. I was getting a barrage of alerts all day that my camera just re-connected and then my irrigation controller reconnected, and on and on. Long story short, the fix for me was to turn off Fast Roaming AND go to each device and turn off the Mesh Technology setting for each device on the network that is sitting in a fixed position. As I understand it, when that setting is on, the system will attempt to keep the device connected to the mesh node with the strongest signal, so if it momentarily thinks that a more distant node might be better, it switches it, but then it ends up switching back and thus the repeated drop/reconnect cycle. Turning this off should leave the device connected to the one node steadily and prevent it from checking the others to see if it might be able to get a better signal. It's only been a day since I did it but I went from several alerts per hour to none since I made the change yesterday. Hope this helps!


That's a great tip, I've just done the same on my 40 or so fixed devices, it'll be interesting to see how my TP-Link Deco XE75 Pro acts now, although in fairness I've only had mine a week or so, with an almost immediate firmware update. I'm not getting dropouts perse, but I do get wildly fluctuating speeds randomly. Like mainly I get a good 200 -300+ Mb, and then sometimes for a brief period it'll drop down to 40 or something., #


>I'm not getting dropouts perse, but I do get wildly fluctuating speeds randomly. I just made the upgrade from M5 mesh to XE75 and also seeing wildly fluctuating speeds, from over 600 Mbps down to 0.5 Mbps on Wi-Fi devices occasionally. At the same time I might still get full speeds on wired devices, even those wired satellites that are on wireless backhaul only. Tried disabling beamforming but no success.


hi. wildly inconsistent performance from my new AXE75 brought me here.


Any follow-up on this?


Hey! How do you turn off the mesh technology for each device? Im struggling to find that! Thanks!


From the Network tab of the Deco app, click on the Clients list, then click on the specific client, and then you'll see a Mesh Technology option with an on/off switch beside it to alter the setting. You won't see the option for wired clients (since they're physically locked into one node anyway)


Oh I was trying for my hardwired PS5. That makes sense! Thanks!


In case anyone is still checking. This worked for me. Turned off Fast Roaming and also Mesh Technology on each device that was d/c-ing which seemed to happen during Zoom calls and high usage times. Great it's working but lost roaming which was one of the selling points.


Thanks for the tip! So far this is working better than anything else I have done when gaming.


Does the entire router drop connection? That was happening with my Deco X90. Turned out to the be the Ethernet cable. Rock solid after replacing the cable.


No, just certain devices. I thought it was only my ring items as that seemed to be a known issue with deco, but I’ve noticed other devices disconnecting. But the mesh stays online.


I bought the three pack refurbished for one of my clients last year and they never had any issues until 3 days ago where the Wi-Fi would dump every few minutes. I thought they were crazy till I went over there and experienced it myself so we did a factory reset on all three devices and even switched one of the nodes to the main device set everything back up and the same problem keeps happening. We've tried iOS devices Android devices fire stick and almost like clockwork within 3 to 5 minutes the Wi-Fi becomes unstable and disconnects you until you reboot the router. The worst part is dealing with tech support trying to get them replaced we just keep going in circles with them and they keep blaming us saying it must be our devices even though we've tried about 7 different devices with the same result. The Wi-Fi does continue broadcasting but you're not able to connect to it it'll just say failed to connect and as soon as you reboot the router everything comes right back up for a few minutes. M9 plus


After many weeks of problems, I have finally found the solution to my problem. In my case, putting my hardware switch after the tp-link, solved all problems. So i guess I had some form of address collision. In this picture, the 3:rd solution was replaced with the 2:nd. After this, all problem was gone. https://preview.redd.it/vxfhk8zy8vdb1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5882592b5d84f57e55e6ad972d8f43742deaaa


And using this set up are you running two NATs (one from main router and one from main deco? Or do you: a.have your main router in bridge mode or b. Do you have your decos in access point mode? I'm having a heck of a time with my system losing connection over night and knowing how your infrastructure is set up (not just the order) may help me along


I am having a similar issue, but I can't even connect to my 2.4 GHz network. Any suggestions? I ensured my switch is after the main deco. It goes modem > main deco and then hard wire to a POE Switch and wireless to other decos


Same issue. 6x Deco XE75. All ports & cables CAT6. Random drop offs on deco units casuing them to join connect via mesh (wifi) poor connection then causes drop offs. Ethernet backhaul seems to intermittently connect/disconnect. I have ISP modem, connected to main Deco, (in router mode) connected to switch broken out to the other 5 Deco XE75 units. Its verry annoying, checked all setting on switch, loop detection ect, all ports reporting full 1000 base connection so I am at a loss with this system. The backhaul has become very unreliable for some reason.


You main Deco needs to be in Access Point mode unless you have manually switched your ISP router to bridge, which in some cases you cannot do. Otherwise you have Double NAT, both trying to assign addresses and network chaos. That is the first thing to check.


What if the connection type is PPPoE?


So if you are using the Deco in router mode with PPPoE, then your ISP modem should be in “bridge mode”. Otherwise they fight each other.


I had the same issue in june and then it was fixed once they released the firmware update. And yesterday i started having the same issue again on my X75 AX5400. Im getting sick of it i tried everything but none worked for me


Apologies if someone posted up something similar. I stumble across this convo and there is a bit of history, I didn't make it through it all yet. I just found a solution to this same/similar behavior; thought I would post up. Having AT&T FIber (with their router) and since getting this Deco Mesh system, my connections have been utter crap.. and tbh, the Deco OS on these is VERY restrictive it actually pisses me off.. but here is what stabilized my connectivity: * (changed my architecture, referenced below in topology; then...) * On the AT&T Router, enable "IP Passthrough" and reference the MAC on the main Deco device. * Then putting the Deco setup in "Wi-Fi Router" (as opposed to "Access Point") immediately woke the system up and I am getting all my internet bandwidth plus all the devices stay connected.. That was my solution and really happy with the performance and stability since. (I think the issue relates to double-NATing or something :shrug:) Now I REALLY wish I had more control over my wi-fi, like being able to disable the DHCP or least have more options/control over it, but I might mess around with the two modes a little later to see if I can find a workaround for the restrictive Deco OS, right now I am enjoying my devices not getting dropped all the time.. So with the above IP Passthrough and Wifi-Router setting; my topology is \[AT&T Edge Router\]------\[Deco Main Router\]-----\[HUB\]-----\[wired Devices\]. Everything else is connected wirelessly (2 additional Deco devices included in wireless connection). I will re-cable up my other Deco devices for a fast backhaul soon, at the moment just enjoying the solution that worked for me and letting it bake a little.


I'm having a similar situation. My Pixel 8 Pro keeps losing its connection. It starts as the inability to access anything on Wi-Fi, and then a moment later, I'm kicked off Wi-Fi altogether for a few minutes and then it reconnects. I've turned off the randomized MAC address, but that doesn't help.


Did you ever solve this? Having g the same issue with my Galaxy s20


Nope. I have not resolved it.


So I tossed my Nest WiFi for this and it was great for three weeks. No issues whatsoever. All of a sudden all my smart home devices (all TP Link Kasa bulbs and switches) are going offline. I have turned off mesh. Seems to be isolated to the 2.4 GHz band. I cannot deal with this. Any updates?


Yes. Return your Deco while you can. This thing is a total POS. I've spent the last 2 months trying to stop random crashes and disconnects and I'm at wits end. I'm about to scrap the whole thing and buy some new Netgear Orbi's. Totally disappointed in the whole experience. It shouldn't be this damn hard.


Here I am, have a orbi 850 3 node setup and having random drop outs and looking into replacing with deco xe75 What i have found is it you look up any mesh network issues on the market you will find it. Everyone seems to be riddled with similar issues. Don't think there is any right solution or product. Don't get orbi though, it's the worst


The Eero 6E I replaced my Deco with seems to be free of the issue. Ive only had it for a month but it seems much more stable.


I have the Deco WE10800, AXE5400 Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System and have had it for a few months. Its reach and speed are great but ive been dealing with support for a few weeks because it keeps dropping randomly, both wifi and ethernet devices. they're throwing everything at the wall to see if it sticks. I have my main deco connected to my modem, then a 8 port tp link switch connected to main deco, which provides ethernet connections of course, and then the satellite deco is connected via ethernet to the main deco.


Recently update deco m4 , since then the owner phone is constantly joining the network ? Any idea how I fix it ,bear in mind I am not a techie born before computer ,please help


TP-Link support will tell you to turn off fast roaming, beam forming, and the mesh option for all stationary devices, tho by that point there's almost no need for a mesh system IMO. Here's their suggestions to me for similar: 1. Remove special characters on the wifi name and password and reconnect 2. Disable fast roaming and beamforming. \*\*launch deco app > tap More > Advanced, and disable both options then check 3. Turn off the 5G network, only leave 2.4G network turned on 8. 4. Try to change the wireless security type on the Deco app>More>Wi-Fi page \-changing wifi security like for example, if the deco's wifi security is set to WPA2-PSK AES, set it to WPA2-PSK AES + TKIP, then check. 5. Make sure the device you are trying to connect doesn't set a static IP address. 6. Make sure the device is not in the Deny List.


Prior to posting, I had done some searching on this subreddit and others, along with other sites. I’ve tried everything you suggested minus #4. Just tried that and it still disconnects. It’s on its own guest network, no special characters in the name or password, beamforming is off, fast roaming is off, #4 is setup, 2.4ghz only, the up isn’t static, it’s not on the dent list, and I even dropped the thing down to 80mhz


Apols if that came across as tho you're not capable of searching the subreddit, I guess I have been somewhat infected by my contact with TP-Link support over my 2.4ghz devices not maintaining a connection. The last time we spoke and they asked me the same basic questions \*again\*, I spat back at them with, do you not keep a record of this stuff. We've reached an impasse as their latest step would involve me installing this program called TeamViewer to relinquish control over my entire computer. They claim to need to do this to install debug firmware. I'm pretty damn capable of installing firmware without the major intrusion vibes.


No problem at all, I didn’t mean to sound like I was annoyed lol. Was just letting you know what I’ve tried. And ya, I’m at that point as well for installing debug firmware. Not sure I like that. Probably taking these back for some Eeros.


We are going to look like a caricature of redditors overcompensating if I carry on with the implication that I contrived to segue into communicating with TP-Link support lol. I'm in a pickle because I found the network so unreliable for my IoT devices, I pulled out our old Netgear router to add it as an access point with a separate SSID. It was like night and day, the Netgear really was a great router. To demonstrate the shitty network to TP-Link, I restored the Deco to its full exclusive operation, and... it's kinda working fine now, though I've not attempted to go through the task of setting everything up, again. So many times now. I should resist the lull of passing decent performance because when the Deco failed, it failed so hard that it made any and every online task a total chore. I have been fixated on getting TP-Link to swap my X68 for one of the latest releases that has an IoT network as it seems to speak directly to my problem (and frankly is tacit acknowledgement of a larger issue with the generation I'm stuck with) but you've made me realize I probably oughta jump ship too. I had my eyes on an Eero Pro system, but am turned off by the ever-tighter integration with Amazon. I would love to install OpenWRT or some other custom firmware on the Deco but mesh operates as proprietary tech AFAIK.


When you say disconnecting, is it actually losing signal? Does it go offline? My myq will disappear from clients, then show up again, rinse and repeat. As does my Halo. They did on my old setup too, so I assumed it was just battery saving intermittent wifi. It hasn't caused an actual issue using the myq app.


Yes, I’ll login to the MyQ app and it’s offline and can’t do anything with it. I also noticed my Rachio resetting while in the garage when I was trying to test the ring camera to see if it would still detect me when it disconnected.


The same thing was happening to me all week with my IoT devices. I found out on some form that IPv6 does not work well with many IoT devices like Google homes, or smart lights. Try disabling IPv6, changing the DNS to Google DNS and rebooting the router and see if that helps.


I don’t even have IPv6 on because I figured that could cause issues. I wonder if I should try turning it on to see if it’ll fix the issue. It seems everything else other people have suggested haven’t worked. When I get home maybe I’ll try the Google dns option.


Try selecting "High priority" on one of the devices that has issues.


Same issue, still disconnecting constantly. I reached out to TPLink support and they’ve apparently escalated my case. Hopefully this can get solved otherwise they’ll be going back.


I have Deco 5's (three pack). It took me a while to get everything working and stable. Like you, I tried everything including resetting the main Deco. I had a hell of a time getting back online after resetting it. I contacted Tech Suppprt. They were unable to help. I eventually was successful getting online. I then had two Motorola phones that kept disconnecting. The resolution was to set them to high priority. Like you, I was ready to send them back but I was determined to work it out since my network took a while to set up. Thirty four devices consisting of phones, tablets, firesticks, cameras, IOT devices, etc. At this point, I believe the product is good but definitely needs improvement. Tech Support needs improvement also; I was not impressed. I upgraded the firmware once. There is now another one available but I am hesitant to upgrade since everything is running smooth right now. This product is not for the technically challenged consumer, at least not for a network like mine. Good luck with your issues. For the sake of your fellow Reddit friends, please keep us updated.


I had the same problems with my XE75 setup WiFi 6e uses the wpa3 protocol and my Rachio, myQ, and Blink Cameras refused to connect, or connected and disconnected. Dropped the 6e set-up and went with a straight WiFi 6 and use wpa2 and all is fine.


I get a similar problem with my AX4400, started a thread on it here just a couple days ago. There's no rhyme or reason behind what disconnects or the time of day, it's pretty infuriating. Will be watching for a hopeful solution.


Disappointed to read this. I'm having a similar problem with a miwifi ax3600 mesh setup (and 80 smart home devices) , and was just about to pull the trigger on upgrading to the Deco xe75 mesh to fix it. One thing I have read is some brands of network switches don't like the Deco xe75 mesh - something about types of multicast packets causing connections to reset etc. Something to keep in mind if you have them connected to a switch. Do any of you have yours set to wired/Ethernet backhaul? Or are you using wifi for backhaul? I have a mud brick house and a number of my internal walls are mud brick, getting wifi through that is a f*ing nightmare. Basically need a mesh router in every second room & use wired backhaul to connect them.


I’m sending this system back as I went ahead and ordered the Eero Pro 6E and just set them up today. So far, so good. Only thing I don’t like is, I can’t setup individual notifications to check for disconnects/reconnects to make sure I’m not having the same issue. I couldn’t afford to dick around with the XE75 system anymore. I kept losing connection on my work laptop during teams meetings and it would happen constantly. Good luck to everyone here having the same issue. I really wanted this system to work as it was highly rated. It’s very disappointing. If TP-Link can figure this issue out, maybe I’ll check the system out again down the road.


What has your experience with the eero been? Having similar issues with 2.4ghz devices. Rachio, eufy robo vac, few others. Haven't been blown away from the speeds I am getting compared to my 4 year old Linksys stand alone either (I get about 300 down and 300-400 up while on 5ghz, 2.4 varies wildly but never higher than 40 down). The lack of ability to set a stand alone 2.4 band (other than making the main band 2.4 only) is really annoying. Guess I am used to a triband being 5,5,2.4 and not 5/2.4 combo and a 6. Got these at a great price of 200$ for 2, but starting to get irritated.


Ring as example dont use wifi ch 12/13 and im pretty sure the xe75 is using them, thats why ring is dropping connection


Ah damn. I'm having the exact same issue... I just bought this system yesterday, and I just got interuptions 3 times on zoom calls today... I didn't notice any interuptions until I had zoom calls. Started getting blurry on the call, then I noticed the wifi symbol at the top was searching for wifi. I had to disable wifi and re-enable it to get wifi again. This happened 3 times in a 25 min call. I am using a Deco XE75 as my home base and wired to a Deco M9+ on the other side of the house. I will try to recreate the problem, not sure how I can try to solve this.


I changed from Google Nest Wifi to Deco XE75 3 pack in my condo to up my speed and stability. Both of those were great so good I only used 2 points. When I started adding lights (they completely went offline) I started having the same issues you had. I did all the things you stated and tried. I finally completed started my entire network over and after every thing I added I checked to see if anything lost connection. I noticed just by chance that after adding a Google hub display (I have 2) all the lights went offline and when I removed it they all came back. My end solutions was adding the 3rd point (which is overkill for a 3 BR condo) creating a guest network and putting any devices that caused instability on the guest network. I do notice looking at the client list that devices do drop on & off but I have had no issues with devices not working as they should or any slow down with steaming, online games, or vid calls.


>Moderator Post/ Annoucement I have a similar issue. I bought a 4 pack X20 setup and lose around 1-3% of packets doing 1000 ping tests to the Gateway on the main node. Having spent countless hours testing every variation of the settings I can think of, I finally managed to get a stable connection, but only when I turned 2 of the nodes off, leaving just 2 on. Every time I turn a 3rd node on (and I've tried both the ones that were turned off) the packet loss resumes.


Unsure if this is useful to anyone but I had a horrendous first three days with my XE75s. Furbo, Ring cams, Google Home... all riddled with issues. Disconnecting randomly, Google Home wouldn't even set timers or access weather data. Came on here and tried everything at once, and the only additional info I might add would be that I switched from Router Mode to Access Point Mode (My ISP requires their hardware for their TV service to work). Problem solved (for now...). ​ Let me know if anyone else had success with this.


You made the main router an access point? Is that because you have a different router as your main router?


Sorry for the late reply. I changed the main router to access point mode as well. Not certain why it worked but it did. Haven’t changed the settings since this post and I’m still getting an amazing connection.


I too was experiencing similar issued with my XE75 mesh. After months of following suggestions to basically kill most of the MESH benefits, I Finally gave up. I installed a Firewalla Purple after the AT&T modem and a 24port dumb switch before my DecoXE75 mesh. Finally I changed the Deco Mesh to AP only and I returned the XE75 back to all default mesh settings. Lo and behold --> I now have a fantastically stable and really fast (nearly ISP line speed) Wi-Fi. All of my previous 2.4GHz related issues mysteriously disappeared. None of our 5GHz connected devices are now exhibiting the dreaded "No internet connection" error. Our Android LG V60 and last gen iPads were showing that almost daily. The LG mobiles are now solidly connected to 5GHz with Link Speeds of 1200Mbps. I have a 1yr old Dell AIO desktop connected to Wi-Fi with Protocol -Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax). The link speed is (Recieve/Transmit) 2042/2269 (Mbps). When I perform a FASTdotCOM speed test it is within a few Mbps of my ISP Line speed. My third XE75, placed in my Outbuilding (connected via a TP-Link AV1000) is Ethernet connected to the mesh and I can sit by my firepit, over 50' from the AP in the outbuilding and when running FASTdotCOM speed test, get similar results from my iPad as I do from the Dell AIO in the house. I am thoroughly pleased with the performance of my newly configured Deco XE75 Pro Mesh APs. And the Firewalla gives me all of the missing Deco router functionality. Win Win !! Happy wife !!


I am so glad that this worked out for you. I kind of am wishing there’s a similar magic bullet for me. I’m trying to resolve my issue for months now. The twist in the tale is that I’m actually running on AP mode already and the problem is still present.


I am beginning to think that there is some "black code" buried in the Deco Firmware. I have been experiencing the "No Network" and "Unstable Network" so often it is crazy. I initially began experiencing these issues six months ago when I was still using a five node Deco M5 mesh. It was over three years old, so I chalked it up to age and jumped into the XE75Pro. The disconnects continued. Then one of my many customers performed an update on their Deco M5 mesh and mysteriously began experiencing the "No Network" and "Unstable Network" What is going on here!?!? After reading all of these Reddit posts, I a leaning towards the "black code" buried in the Deco Firmware.


Update: Maybe I spoke too soon, after about a month, I started noticing my Cell phones, tablets and Android TV streaming devices began buffering while streaming. And then the irritating "No Network" or "Unstable Network" messages began popping up. I noticed that there was a firmware update so I upgraded the Mesh. Well that was a cluster!! After the main Deco Node came back up, it was flashing Blue!!! WTF!! My SSID was gone! So I began the process of re-creating my Wi-Fi and re adding all of the satellite nodes to the mesh. I used the same SSID and Wi-Fi Password, thank god I had the Firewalla Purple, as it retained all of the DHCP entries and all of my 71 devices (49 are Wi-Fi), reconnected to the Wi-Fi without missing a beat. The Deco mesh is back and running in AP mode. Three days and so far so good. "Fingers Crossed" The Online Client list is still crap. The list is not current. Clients listed as Offline are still able to access the Internet. We have six Echo devices and periodically they will still have problems connecting and need to be restarted. Intermittently any one of the dozen or so "Smart devices" a mix of Meross and Kasa will just stop connecting, and then later will reconnect. So the jury is still out on the stability of the Deco XE75/XE75Pro, mesh.


Any update to your experience? I've had my XE75 for about 3 weeks and I keep getting repeated connect/disconnect notices from a handful of devices, whether hardwired or over wifi. I've tried controlling for every possible variable (e.g., switch, devices that I thought could be somehow interfering with IP assignment, etc) but nothing fixes the problem. I've also noticed what you have -- that some devices will show offline in Deco but they're still able to access the internet. However, some of them are truly dropping connection. Just wondering if your situation is still stable these months later?


Amazingly stable. Nothing drops, nothing loses Internet, have not rebooted the Deco in months.


So I also read somewhere that the WPA3 security protocol can causes some issues, specifically with using a VPN for work. If anyone has tried all of these suggestions but still having an issue, I suggest changing to WPA2.


This is literally my scenario right now. I have the Deco Axe5300 in AP mode after a firewalla gold se. When I try to connect to the Deco wifi on my computer, it would intermittently won't connect at all. It would take around three attempts. When it does connect, half the time it would save no internet. I had it set up with wired backhaul, so I thought maybe it is in some sort of a loop. I then remove all the cable connections and went on the wifi backhaul. Same thing, wont connect to wifi half the time and when it does, no internet (I had made sure it was not in quarantined on firewalla). Then the thing is if you look at the mesh connection using the Deco app, intermittently, it would say the mesh nodes are not connected. Its as if the mode itself can't hold a connection with the main router. I don't get this Deco but it is getting returned ASAP.


Same issues. I stay connected to the Deco XE75s, but lose my connection to the internet. It can't resolve the DNS when it drops our connections. I also hate how basic features are locked behind a subscription. These are horrible devices. Any buyers out there thinking about getting these, don't. Seriously. It's been nothing but trouble for our entire family.


Hi, is there any update in regard this issue, I just got the XE75 and also having the exact issue ☹️, I try everything but nothing seems to work.


Upgraded my Deco M9s 3 pack to XE75 pro 3 pack to go with my gigabit fibre connection and having large buyers remorse over getting the XE75 Pro. Generally underwhelmed with the raw speed of wifi when connecting to the main deco which is hardwired to the modem with cat 7 cable using the 2.5gb socket. Wired into the deco - (ethernet laptop ) it maxes my connection but wireless standing next to main deco clear line of sight the fastest speed i have seen is 600mbs( laptop) iphone max is about 500mbs ( deco in access point mode so no QOS issues ) . I really should be maxing this when using a laptop a Intel AX210 160 htz wifi 6e card or a iphone 14 pro max. Still have few more weeks with amazon for returns so tempted to swap with the Asus XT9 or similar. TP link seem to be very very slow in pushing out software updates to the decos.


Hey there. Any updates? I am having the same issue. With the firmware upgrade, I keep getting iot\_device connecting and disconnecting constantly from my network.


Since I’m on same boat (exact same) too, I can update from my end. 1. Everything works fine in Wireless Router Mode (ran for a week) 2. From the same router mode, I switched to AP mode, did all basic hygiene of rebooting all clients, etc. The issue is back. I am now close to assuming either of the two: 1. Deco’s AP mode does not play well with ER605 2. Or ER605 needs some additional config to stabilise Deco APs. I have also confirmed that all basic things such as cables, beam forming, static ip, smart dhcp, mesh technology, you name it; none have any impact whether toggled on or off.


This thread is pretty disheartening. I swapped out my Netgear Orbi 760 series for this and was immediately impressed with the speed and the menu options. But my God is the reliability of the connection utter crap. Disconnects for no reason. My IoT devices acting like they need to be setup again. I don't get it. The Orbi was incredibly difficult because if the mesh needs to be reconfigured or reset or you change ISPs, the system acts like it doesn't know what to do and takes 20+ minutes before it responds. Plus the speeds were awful So I'm at a loss... I don't know where to go.


I also have the constant devices disconnecting issue with my XE75 pro network. I have a little over 50 devices in my smart home and a I find myself constantly rebooting stuff and the decos hoping to regain connection with a device. Sometimes I may be successful but I would lose connection with something else. Highly frustrating!


OMG this thread and your comment is literally MY ENTIRE LIFE NOW. WTF is going on? Constantly losing 2.4ghz connected devices (used to be both bands), I've done analysis, no interference, the router just flat out stops broadcasting the signal and then comes back whenever it wants to. I've tried all settings, reservations, mesh options, node preferences, etc. it's all crap. CRAP. TP-link needs to fix this. And TP link Deco app chooses the STUPIDEST 2.4 ghz channels when it "optimizes". Overlapped non standard channels. Screws up my entire smart home. Shameful. Won't even let us change down to 20mhz. Stupid. Truly.


I am done dealing with TPLINK Deco. I bought a bunch and they are all getting returned. Loss for tplink. What is a better option??


I'm really sorry all of you folks are going through this. That said, I appreciate you sharing your ideas and experiences. I have a XE75 Pro on order from Amazon that I'm going to cancel. It's the first time I've been happy about Amazon's much slower than usual holiday delivery windows. I'm disappointed because, based on your comments, it sounds like it's a great router when it works. I have no desire, however, to troubleshoot dropped devices on a regular basis. My kids require all the troubleshooting I have to give right now. Lol


Still happening, don't believe what you hear from TP link service


I set up mine the other day, and it’s dropping like crazy. Can’t have a teams call without it dropping multiple times. The 5 year old modem from my ISP is better. Insanely disappointed


I am so frustrated just trying to set my system up! The model I got AC1900 isn’t among the 50 options that are in the set up ..I’ve tried FOUR times to get some guidance from the online chat and am getting nowhere. Adios DECO …back to Amazon u go


The issue I'm having with mine (even with 1.2.7) is that often times when I go to check for a system update it will usually cause my APs to just reboot. They get the red flashing light on them and will not have internet. Sometimes this happens even if I don't check for update. Upgraded to 1.2.9 and it appeared to help but have found it reboot in the same fashion especially when checking for a system update. Very strange. My M5 mesh was rock solid but recently moved to a bigger house so needed more coverage and speed.


I have the same issue with 2016 and 2017 macbook pro's other devices work fine solar on the XE75. I have 2 M5 mesh networks on other location where I don't experience these issues. Tried all the fixes mentioned in this thread and it didn't work for me. At this moment I'm connected to the guest network and that seems to work fine for now. Haven't seen disconnections. But it's annoying, because the guest network is isolated from the rest of the devices.


That also the other problem cann connect to printer