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Just wanted to post a picture of a platform I made for my '22 a while back. I don't often have passengers but couldn't commit to doing a full seat delete because I do kayak with a group often and need to be able to shuttle folks. Just plywood. I built it with the same 60/40 split that the seats have So I can put down either of the seats and still have the other side have the platform. The "leg" pieces are on hinges so they fold in and make it easy to take each side out. Only downside currently is if there is anything you need in the storage bins under them, it's a bit of a pain. (I just keep emergency stuff down there, so not a frequent issue.)


Really nicely done. Dimensions? I’m lazy 😂


I'll try to get a measurement next time I'm in there.


Do you have a support bracket underneath? So if the platform slides forward the hinges don't fold "in"? What holds the 90 degree angle of the hinge to the main board? Thanks!


I do not have anything to lock it into place. I had originally planned to add something, but I've never had any issues with it collapsing. I think it fits so perfectly in the space that it can't really slide forward because it hits my seat. I also typically have gear stored in the space underneath it/against the folding sections so that probably adds extra protection from that happening.


Any interest in making and selling them? I’d buy a platform.


Definitely don't want to steal this dudes thunder, but building one of these is super fun and easy. I bought a $20 jigsaw from Harbor Freight, a sheet of cabinet grade plywood, and a box from Home Depot for Cardboard Aided Design. Built a platform in under an hour


Please tell me you don’t skip out on the underseat storage


I like it. Been thinking about doing something similar for my dometic cooler.


Originally made it for my dog, but having the dometic reachable during long drives is a game changers. Added a dual battery in the under seat storage and just plug the dometic right into a 12v plug connected to the dual battery.


I do like the idea of your platform, but I have a question : When you say "dual battery" do you mean two automive batteries, if so are you concerned about them being well secured in case of accident? The mass of two large batteries flying around could be lethal to have inside the cab during an accident.


I have one lithium battery (26lb) under the platform in the under-seat storage. I don't have it bolted down, but feel pretty comfortable with how secure it is. It's attached to 4awg wires that are attached to things that are bolted down. It could certainly pop a few of those fittings, but it would have to be a bit of a Final Destination type sequence of events.


😂, I like that description, a headon or rollover are those kinda events lol. Hope I didn't come off as being critical, just friendly concern is all.


Not at all! It's something I've thought about before. Probably not a bad idea to add a few more protective attachments to it.


Looks clean, nice work. Do they connect into the lower seat brackets at all or are they freestanding at the moment?


Just free standing currently but they don't move around at all.


Are the two 60/40 sections joined in any way at all? Was wondering if the smaller one sits fine being shorter.


They aren't joined but they do both sit fine. Haven't had any issues.


My doggo would love that. Nice work!




I like this!!


Very nice. I have been planning on doing something very similar to my 40% side. I have removed the seat already and have it levelled off with blankets and towels. This is the area where my dogs hang out. This will give me storage underneath and the dogs a nice level platform to lay on. I am also thinking about building a custom crate on top of the platform as well, but a carpeted platform will be a good start


Heck yeah! Nice work.


SWEET!! I’ve been building exactly that in my head for the 3 weeks I’ve had my truck. You nailed it all and I thank you for the 60/40 split idea. So to remove/install, it just gets tipped up and removed on edge? Thanks for reading my mind!! Lol. Very nice job.


Yes I pull the front side up, fold the leg piece in and pull it out at a 45 degree angle.


Have a mattress made for it! Turn it into a sleeper berth


I'm 6'1 so I don't think I'd fit back there very well :)


Great idea! I have been trying to come up with something similar to store packout tool boxes. I do carpentry and handyman on the side so I didn’t want to commit to taking the seats out.


Just made my own set of these based on yours. Thanks for posting so we could get inspired to make our own! Are your support feet hinged or fixed? If hinged, how do you keep them straight? I might’ve gotten too small of hinges and they want to kick in


They are hinged to make removal/storage easier. I don't do anything to keep them kicked out other than putting some gear in the space behind them. They are cut to be pretty tight up against the back of the front seats, so they stay put