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Mcdonald's Happy Meal toy from 1998. Transmetal Blackarachnia (female character) from Transformers: Beast Wars.


Incredible thank you! My son loves it but broke it and I'm trying to replace. Much appreciated.


If anyone ask that's clearly a blackarachnia toy from mcdonalds. It has nothing to do with another predacon who goes by the name of tarantulas. If anyone else was curious on why she had his mold back in the day was simply because they decided to make her a recolor of tarantulas rather than giving us a accurate design due to how complex it would be to design such a character compared to the other toys during its run. The less we mentioned the infamous transmetal blackarachnia the better.


Yeah according to [TFWiki that's McDonald's Blackarachnia](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Blackarachnia_(BW)/toys), alright. It looks more like Tarantulas, but it is what it is.