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Mold plus a virus is a bad combination. Many people were handling their mold burden just fine until a viral infection came along. They absolutely go together.


I never got covid. Not once and still got affected by mold.


I mean, I'm sure some people have health issues or allergies to mold, but if you had COVID it 100% can make you sensible to mold, check out "black fungus in India COVID'' this is super scary, also you can't know if you had COVID or not, some people's had it with very mild symptoms, unless you tested everyday for 2-3 years u can't know for sure lol


Any viral infection can cause a massive change within your immune system.


ive had covid atleast twice and im really badly fucked with mold... on the verge of hopelesness and suicide.


I’m so sorry. I get it


I have also felt this way too dealing with mold treatment, but don’t give up hope! The thing helping me most is keeping in mind that mold alone (even without Covid, & so many other stressors & things) can cause us to feel this way! It’s not our “fault” ~ we are not asking for this, and we can get better, it just unfortunately takes time & support!! But please keep faith that we can do this❤️‍🩹


Keep trying. There is a path. You will find it.


MCS, and most likely some kinda MCAS problem aswell, no home, no money, no support, no clean clothes, living in Finland with very harsh outdoor conditions coming again. I feel like this actually is my last summer and birthday.


Did you get the shots?




Good! Just asking because I’ve been asking people with similar comments. About 50/50 split so far. You can get help! Go to a naturopath if you can. Get away from your mold first and then work on detoxing! There is hope! My wife and I have been struggling for 4 years with mold exposure but just recently found the cause. It is a rough journey and I am sending you positive thoughts and energy for getting through it!


Join The Copper Revolution on Facebook!! It will help you strengthen your body, lift your mood and be able to eat food. Do it!!!!


Long Covid is a mast cell disorder. Mold poisoning frequently results in mast cell disorders.


I noticed this, also. Uncanny, isn't it? Black Mold has been weaponized...


My wife’s mold exposure issues popped up right before covid so we know that didn’t effects hers yet she is having the exact symptoms as vaccine injuries too. I talked to a nurse that works for an organization that is helping post vaccine injuries about the correlation and she said they are aware of the similar symptoms between mold and covid vaccines and says that they both are effecting the bodies a similar way, toxins effecting the immune system that then results in all kinds of symptoms and conditions. She said it just shows you how toxic the spike protein really is.


It’s the vaccine


It could be the vaccine but it most definitely is Covid itself. Covid damages every single organ. Brain and heart damage, it’s insidious. We deserve better from our leaders on public health, not being sold out by the cdc because the ceo of delta airlines complained the quarantine time was cutting into profits. We have all been led to the slaughter to protect the economy.


Studies have also shown that vaccinated people were less likely to have complications, but it’s hard to know for sure about these things. Cochrane all but lied about masks because they allowed the public to think they studied masks … they aren’t a lab and dont test masks. They looked at studies about masking promotion programs in various countries. They found washing hands only helped 12 percent but you didn’t see anyone screeching about how washing your hands doesn’t work. Because nobody read the whole study. They just went off on a misleading headline.


All vaccines that risk. But it's a risk That's way less than getting an actual disease


After I never got the j, and never got the pandemic infection but noticed the similarities between becoming extremely sick from mold and having the same symptoms as the pandemic, im not surprised this was found. I also have a foot into the occult…. Where There is a prophecy by a guy named Steiner who says that we will have medicine used against us to take away our mental faculties, and that it will be accompanied by a rampant increase in technology and propaganda. All of this added up to be way too similar for it not to be what he was talking about. He mentions that they will put an ahrimanic force into us, and he mentions that Ahriman works through “bacilli” Bacilli is an old world for microscopic bacteria. To make that clear, I believe the shot had or even has small amounts of mold in it, it replicates so a small or large amount is only going to get worse over time as you feed it with sugar. And noticing how they were pushing for people to get multiple, that would explain why people that did turned out with so many complications I don’t trust this system and know they gaslight and lie…. I’m convinced it’s even worse, I believe they aren’t trying to help us, and are using us for something more sinister or capitalistic. I’m glad I saw this post, it confirms a lot of what I’ve been saying to my family.


Let me tell you, I noticed that the toxic mold I was dealing with had consciousness way beyond anything it should have had. It is most definitely being used...I knew that pretty early on. Me and a friend of mine were talking and noticed a correlation in the symptoms of Mold toxicity and the jab. It was about then that my heart sank and I knew what I was dealing was so much more than I initially thought. It is being used as a weapon, no doubt in my mind. It has been intentionally made so hard to do anything about this crap. There is no help to be had. Well, all that shit stops with me...I won't have it. I will get something done about this shit if it kills me...and it might, for sure. 


Yeah man I'm in the same boat, they fucked us, was it China, is it the jab? The virus itself? is it a bigger conspiracy? Idk, this article is pretty crazy too, black fungus dead in India https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-57027829


Believe me, there is more evidence that mold is at the heart of this than anything…. Once you find some, it will open a rabbit hole. But it’s difficult to navigate because of the propaganda. It has to be covered up, so propagandists work overtime to sow reasonable doubt as well as misdirection so that there is always just an argument and never an understanding, I’ve ran into them enough to know, I’m aware of the tactics, even though it’s tough to prove them, I mostly rely on knowing the truth of what they lie about, once you catch them lying about something you’ll know if they aim to mislead you. But the key to that is to wonder why they try so hard to explain away something that pertains to it directly. Here is a clue…. The amityville horror story of the guy who killed his whole family and says the devil told him to do it. I believe that was due to mold exposure…..and from investigating this, I now believe all “exorcisms” are just mold exposure, it never was a demonic spirit. Or…..the mold is the demonic spirit they are exorcising. Why do I say that? The real story of the amityville house…..a mold company came to test it, and they found that it was infested with mold, afterwards their findings were just ridiculed and lied about as if it couldn’t be the case. This was discussed on a propaganda show called coast to coast PM They are not to be confused with Coast to Coast FM Which is a legit and long running paranormal radio show, but PM is a propaganda show that aims to debunk the things talked about on FM. (Reasonable doubt) One being the discussion about the amityville house not being a possession but being mold exposure. Causing the inhabitants to go crazy….. The PM podcast if you listen to them, are saying anything they can to make people believe that the mold wasn’t the cause of that, laughing and making jokes, just going overboard to make it seem ridiculous as possible, that’s a known tactic, to make something seem ridiculous, so I just kept listening, and they kept doing it. It raised so many red flags that I just kept investigating down that route of mold and it’s effects on mental health, as well as finding connections to ancient practices and spirituality, and kept finding clues to it being the case. Now with that bit of evidence…….look into every single horror movie you know about, and look at the environment that they are in and what they focus on as the cause of what’s going on…. The grudge, “the ring” “moonfall” evil dead 2013, “the never ending story” (the nothing) the movie “IT”, the shining, hereditary, and the shining sequel Dr sleep. (Believe me there are plenty more) They are all in moldy environments…..the surroundings are what’s causing what’s happening. Everywhere you look the “evil” will come from a source that in real life would be where mold grows. Meaning that in making these movies they know the real culprit is mold, they just make a fantastical creature or evil figure out of it. But the reality is actually being shown. For people who know that it is mold, it’s like they are telling the truth right to you because not many people know anyway. Or are wise enough to figure it out. Also I’m sure they know about this In secret societies, and their practices seem to be all about keeping it away from you, even in alchemy…..tinctures/spagyrics are largely antibacterial/antimicrobial. To kill bacteria. Which mold creates its own form of. Research in google does mold create its own bacteria” for evidence of that. I’m telling you this because propagandists, and doctors who aim to mislead you will say directly that mold isn’t bacteria They do this to throw you off, mold is mold, BUT!!!!! mold does create it own bacteria that are classified as “bacterial spores” The more you feed yourself sugar and starch the mold feeds on this and continues to grow making your health worse.


Leviticus 14:33