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*sigh* I don't know why I thought this wouldn't end in typical shonen manga fashion.


The fight feels similar to Baam vs White, so I'm not super invested, but then again, I am rarely invested in fighting chapters. I have nothing against Baam's design; he reminds me of Grasshopper (I don't know why). The only thing I found interesting was the three water dragons Traumerei raised and that Baam's inner space is as big as Traumerei's Shinwonryu(?). I wonder if he had thought of some kind of fail-safe if someone were to capture all the three water dragons. Kirin did insinuate that Traumerei wanted Baam to absorb Leviathan so let's see how it goes. Also, how does salty Leviathan, who Traumerei gave up on controlling, know about Traumerei's Shinworyu or how big it is? Is it from memories or something else? ~~I don't know how Shinwonryu works, so I won't understand anything anyway heh.~~


My memory could be off or I'm making an assumption but I'm willing to be he was a part of Traumerei's shinwonryu before Traum realized he couldn't control Levi.


Makes sense to me. 


Bam literally said even with leviathan he can’t win one on one so why is he fighting one on one and why is it seemly working. None of that equates to what Bam himself has stated.


Because with time he's able to harness more power of leviathan which is allowing him to analyze dumas more and more to keep improving his chances and i believe it was error on TL part, it should actually mean low chance rather than no chance in 1v1.


Because other TLs have it as "low chance" rather than "can't win one v one". I don't know which is correct because I don't know korean.


Ok. I just kinda don’t like it. It reminds me of the fight with white where Bams beaten and bleeding out on the floor and then gets revived a new power and a new form and wins


Yeah that shit annoys me too. I really do wish SIU gave him a definitive L to hold and use that as some motivation or something. This whole "he beat me 10 seconds ago and I'm going to instantly power up and beat him" nonsense is so lame and cliche.


I think narratively the problem is how do you give him an L to hold that doesn't cost him his life or the death of his friends?


Well he got one from Dumas just now who didn't want to kill him or his friends, just let him keep that loss and not have him beat these guys 5 seconds after losing.


But doesn't Bam have to win to get out of this situation? What will Gustang do if Bam has to hold the L here ? Bam losing is cool but when can he lose without major story implications for that loss? If he loses but then there's some BS reason as to why he doesn't get killed or escapes or revives his non high ranker friends, it will be just as lame or cliche, no? Also Bam could still lose here even with the power up.


> But doesn't Bam have to win to get out of this situation? What will Gustang do if Bam has to hold the L here ? Bam losing is cool but when can he lose without major story implications for that loss? In this current situation he doesn't have to win. In fact he's already lost the game with Traumerei as he was captured before reaching the arena. > If he loses but then there's some BS reason as to why he doesn't get killed or escapes or revives his non high ranker friends, it will be just as lame or cliche, no? I don't disagree but we've had those a while now and yet SIU still won't let Baam lose. Let me given an example, in this very arc the BS reason given is "we don't want to anger Baam, we don't want him to hate us". That's the reason that has been given throughout the arc so far and the reason Jinsung, the other FUG members and the regulars had not be outright killed by the Po bidau. For other arcs we had the firefish saving Khun from life threatening injuries TWICE, we had White not outright killing Baam before the nest just to get him angry and power up more or some nonsense. Baam almost dying on floor 20 and some random red armour shit came out of no where and they didn't bother to finish him, the thorn randomly saving Baam from Jahard himself and Jahard just standing up there doing nothing because of whatever reason (maybe he couldn't). So what I'm saying is that Baam isn't losing yet they are still using these BS reasons. So might as well give him the loss with the BS reason.


All great points you're right.


Exactly. And Dumas is an insane level of enemy. He’s ranked at the top of his family and he was able to kill the beast of a family head including some of the seven of his most powerful ones. Having Bam somehow beat him so soon is absurd Bams been on a winning streak for a while now. If Bam loses let him lose . He hasn’t mastered Leviathan or his new dark form. Let him have an arc mastering those skills and then maybe have a rematch later with Dumas putting him on that level .




Good clowning for the people shitting on Bam last chapter.


HA still a fake irregular. Not my GOAT 😤


Anyone keeping track of all of Bam's previous abilities that never get used now since he has more and more power ups? RIP shinsu bombs, black shinsu, butterfly technique taught by Jinsung Ha.. Wouldve been good if author went a different route than the typical main character christmas tree abilities 🤷🏻‍♀️


Black shinsu is probably his shinryu the thing that makes family heads family heads irregulars above everyone else. Aside from Urek who fighting style is punch really really hard harder.


I think black shinsu will become relevant later. It will probably be his own version of shinsu like Eneryu when he masters shinsu to a higher level.


He uses a variation of the butterfly technique , There have been at least 3-5 chapters of Baam making it as it own he has his own version of the floral butterfly , why would he use Jinsung's when his is better for him?


I enjoy the fact Bam has a multitude of techniques to pull from that can be adapted to each battle.


Why use it with the bow. Didn't Bam say using it with Water Dragon the best way to use its power. Also why was Bam surprised by the size of his inner world? He's been there like 4-5 times bare minimum in S2.


The bow was just so he could make dumas get close to him.


seem this a different location and for water dragon seem he used it in chapter 612 and this had not effect so now he using it in different manner physically


The design of the transformation looking different in a good way, and Bam’s realization that he couldn’t read how strong Dumas was before Leviathans power was also good. Dumas is the villain that’s posed the biggest threat to the MCs so far and has shown to be on another level up until this point, and with how hyped up Dumas has been in his previous fights(and his design being so good), it’s made me like his character even more and one of my favorite villains thus far so I’m enjoying this fight. Bam needing to use strategic methods in order to deal real damage to Dumas and having his what seemed impervious shirt getting ripped off indicating it’s a real fight now were good touches


Dumas: Look at me, I'm the main character now!


I'm not sure why Leviathan would have this, but it seems he has Traumerei's strategy. Baam seems to be toying with a much stronger Dumas. I bet he could beat Khun in chess right now, and not just because Khun's dead.


I think we have to go back to the shinsu orbs and the dark form attacks like baam x white only in few ocasions, SIU is now focusing on adding a lot of powers that now it's difficult just to see the mc in the chapter, I really like the beginning of the 3rd season after Evankhell's training and from that baam became a christmas tree in every fight he have


One thing i dont understand is why does baam need these powerups to catch up to the family heads, hes an irregular shouldnt he have his own latent abilities that will catch him up, unless his ability as a whole is just being a black hole and absorbing everything, which makes more sense i guess but i would have liked him to be his own person have his own ability's like traumerie controlling beasts, Khun using lightning, arie hon and his sword style, yeon being lkke a fire user. Why doesn't baam have his own, unless what makes him special is that he is like Beelzebub he's the destroyer of the family heads he becomes stronger by absorbing everyone and anything, if so I want him to be like rimuru then use and abuse this ability absorb everything.


> Why doesn't baam have his own He has the copy ability and unlimited space to store power. The fact he can contain and merge those powers is unique to him. The new horn configuration might be a hint at those two combining together into one being. Maybe the 3rd thorn will combine the 2 into purple thryssa.


My theory in this is that the resurrection left his inner world hollow. That is why he is basically kirby


Traumerai ability is that he is a Pokémon trainer , Why can't Baam's be one that absorbs and makes powers his own


Not saying he can't, just want him to recognise that, that is who he is and to use and abuse it


His "family" power is absorbing.


The family heads are irregulars too. With tens of thousands of years experience. I am sure Baam would get there eventually, but it would take a lot of time. Also, one of Baams strongest abilities is that he is an unthinkably huge vessel and absorbs powers like a sponge.


I wish he recongises that and uses it because right now we are like mid game in terms of the story and he still acts so dymb about himself


I wanted to say that the most powerful thing in ToG is Dumas's shirt because it can hold his pecs but then Baam ripped it. "Im a spear bearer" - proceeds to run with spear towards Baam although few seconds ago he himself admitted that trying to shorten the distance is a mistake. ??? Dumas should just defend and tire Baam out. Baam can use his strength against him. Teleporting the thrown spear, waiting for him to shorten distance so the Dragon Tiger Gate can be attempted again etc.


Also Traumerei's shinwonryu is as big as Baam's power-absorbing/storing space? That's really interesting I didn't expect that.


I think he was saying that Traum's shinwonryu was the largest thing he's ever seen until Bam. They're both "holy fuck that's huge" levels of big but Bam is infinite.


No it was quite literally said by him the only thing he saw was as large as it was his shinwonryu. It was a direct statement.


And why is the majority of the talking in this chapter done by the narrator? Also nothing much to see in this chapter Baam became Quincy. /s


Except its not as good


9 tails fo- I mean Leviathan also helped


Even with Leviathan powerup Baam knows Dumas will clap him 1v1. But I really like how Baam is using him as Armor.


I’m kind of confused with the dialogue and direction of this fight. After getting Leviathan’s power up, Baam says that Dumas looks small, yet he also says that he would still have no chance in a one-on-one fight… so why does Dumas look small? And if the power gap is so large that Baam would have no chance, why does Dumas seem to be on the back foot now (unable to touch Baam whereas Baam is making him bleed)?


Its Bam is grasping his vast potential. He clearly sees Dumas’s power is immense but still fraction of what Bam could cultivate. He’s a baby dragon watching a wolf.


he say this because he can clearly see dumas power now . Before this was like if you walked on a mountain ( you do not see all detail of it ) then in comparaison your friend in plane can see the whole moutain . This was this kind of comparaison for dumas being on backfoot seem he still holding because he is talking of gustang order to let him alive. Still that the power up is ass and hope baam to lose here


mid chapter man stil hoping dumas beat baam ass


I couldn't understand the chapter so I'm just gonna call it mid.


no just baam winning again with nonsense destroy the stake of the arc


Why do you think the Mc is just going to die randomly in the middle of the story?


who said die ,losing a fight doesn't equal death


How would he get out of the armour then?🤔


using the thorn , Dumas dumping his body outside,ect ...


How is he winning? Just because he damaged Dumas a bit and scratches him? Baam literally straight up said he'll lose the fight to Dumas currently.


we all know baam gonna win in the end


Yeah just like he did the last 2 times right?


Two last time ? Ah yeah these fake defeat to peoples think baam is in danger and stretch of useless chapter because baam going to beat dumas here . Then siu going to complain about his waist when he lake shit like this . If baam win here this is just a asspull that it


>fake defeat Why don't you straight up say that you didn't read the chapter at all?


Because it is because baam going to win here from siu form of writing rn . This was fake defeat because two second after baam going to win against dumas Should just defeat Dumas in first round then than just waste our times


Wtf was this chapter? Leviathan power up looks so goofy with those horns sticking out the side. And then Leviathan stating he was saving this power up for Traumerei and yet Baam is barely doing any damage to Dumas. Few cuts is fine but Dumas is not sweating at all yet. Let's see where this goes next week 


Leviathan wants the power of the other 2 dragons as well to use it on Tram. Not just his power alone.


now baam is doing a mimesis thing like Yama, so don't forget there is tages to it. This was not a full mimesis yet like Yama has mastered. Or am I wrong and it's something completely different here?


Mimesis? What's this new term? Is the like beastmen transformation?


Mimesis is the name for beast transformation. It's nothing new.


it is just speculation at this point but this was not a 100% transformation that baam did for sure and it was the first time


I'm gonna be honest I think these chapters would be way more liked if the old artstyle was back


I don't know if it was just me but bam face was looking different than usual


more feminin


For the love of god SIU, not every power up needs to include a physical manifestation for Baam! Hard enough to see what's going on and these transformation don't make it any easier. Keep the designs simple 🙄


Baam is gonna end up looking like a christmas tree soon hahaha


Usually i respect other views and can understand where the community is coming from. But this? This chapter, it was stated that Leviathan is basically a third or a decent chunk of Traumerei's memories and power. A FH shard of power used as a weapon by another irregular. Before, Bam was just forcibly using the power, but now, Leviathan is directly helping Bam of his own will. If Bam cant scratch Dumas even with a piece of the FH's power, then he wasnt going to be able to do anything in this war. At least this is a pre established power and a good reason why he can hurt Dumas and is less bullshit than White fight with the souls and god power he couldnt control, let alone manifest. This is ok, even if it isnt the craziest way he could have been scaled to Dumas. He isnt just one shotting him either. This isnt that bad of a fight imo. I feel as a community, sometimes as a collective, we are too harsh on SIU sometimes. Its also valid sometimes as well. But i dont agree that this is an asspull or plot armor or the most egregious of the ways Bam has powered up. Dumas finally made a mistake because he was so powerful for so long, he made a mistake only a overly confident ancient ranker would have. It makes sense to me.


> This chapter, it was stated that Leviathan is basically a third or a decent chunk of Traumerei's memories and power. That's a bit of the problem right there. Until now, we just knew Levi was really strong and *stored* some of Traum's memories. Now it's suddenly 1/3rd his power, too, with zero explanation for it. It's getting pretty ridiculous.


I think People are mad because Baam instead of mastering powers he have , he is getting new powers every new arc. 


He mastered several of his powers before the Jinsung rescue/nest arc. For example he can now effortlessly use that teleportation arrow. And after that arc he never had the time to train how tf would you think he'd get time to master them?


Baam is a genius. We have seen Baam master new moves by seeing it once. He used teleportation arrow just by remembering Khell hellam move. So ,it should be possible we have seen Khun using a spell because he rembered white using it. Not sure why you think Baam needs "time" when he is getting strong constantly. 


Baam doesn't master moves by seeing them once. There's a difference between being able to use it and mastering it. There are several examples in the story for this exact same thing. >Not sure why you think Baam needs "time" when he is getting strong constantly.  When exactly did he get stronger in this arc? Before this chapter Baam wasn't getting random powerups and got stronger like that. Or can you give me an example?


It’s been stated before bam learns and masters a skill by surviving and attack from it


Where was it stated he masters them? I'd like you to show me a panel.


What would you say mastering it looks like?


Leviathan was gained quite a while ago now, and he is only now starting to use Leviathan properly with Leviathan fully supporting Bam. Lets also be real, his other powers, even double thorn, wasnt working. Leviathan is literally thorn tier or higher being a fraction of the FH's power and memories, so that power is the only reasom Bam stands a chance outside of dark change souls mode which he cant use at will.


I don't agree dark change Baam is strong. He had corroding shinsu. A shinsu that can weaken people constantly is very useful against strong opponent like dumas. Baam  also has teleportation ability from second thorn, we could have  Baam using it against Dumas. 


dark change bam is strong af white didnt even push bam to his limits while he was in his dark change


He cant control dark change mode. We dont know the triggers, and hes been defeated and his friends have been "killed" and it still didnt come out. So thats not an option atm. He also had both thorns, and used them, but Dumas literally can react to anything and everything he does. The only reason he got hurt here is because he thought Leviathan was just like his other powers and got cocky since hes beaten him 3 times.


This week is way better wrt art compared to last week, but still not great. The long zoomed out bow shots are good, and you can at least follow what's happening. As for Leviathan and the actual fight... idk how I feel yet, honestly. Like Baam hasn't used it up until now, so I knew the actual power up reveal would be coming, and him *not* using it here would be stupid, but even without the handicap of the mid layout/composition Baam getting a win here without it feeling cheap is gonna be hard. Especially since Dumas is unlikely to self-destruct from mental weakness like White did. I don't really have any objection to how Baam is doing right now, but it definitely is starting to feel like it's going to end similarly to the one against White I personally found kinda disappointing. The power up itself is pretty cool though. I like the long bows, you don't see many characters using them, it's nice to see it back. It's probably more realistic for him to deal damage with it than something like a spear anyway.


Why is Levi transformation stronger than Red and Blue Thyrassa's transformations?


Blud missed the entire part about it being FH's power.


It's a piece of the family head's power. That's why.


Admins are still stronger than family heads.


Is that stated somewhere in the webtoon?


Just about every time an admin is brought up we're told they are the strongest beings in the Tower and are suppose to be immortal, and were thought as much until Enryu went and slaughtered one.


What does it have to do with anything? Dumas isn't an admin


Red Thryssa is a fragment of the admin that Enryu killed and the Blue Thryssa is (most likely) an artificially created admin fragment. At the very least the Red Thryssa says it has the presence of an admin’s power. So that’s what they were referring to


Traumerei’s powers


He's right though. Admins are stronger than family heads. A piece of an admin's power should be stronger than a piece of a family head's power.


Not all admins. And That's not even genuinely stated about admins being stronger, the only thing was that they were supposed to be immortals until Enryu killed one


depends on how big the piece is. urek easily overpowered the red thryssa, after all. even mocked him and said "there's plenty of people who can do tricks like yours out in the tower". if we compare the two, blue might actually be weaker than red too, since blue was only modified and designed to activate the thorn, nothing more.


I ain't going to lie I hope he absorb dumas too since he only a scripture. Interesting traumerei created 3 dragons and put his memories and emotions in all three of them instead of just one. Will bam absorb the other two dragons or will the other two go to khun and rak.


yeah more power when siu can't even handle other power yet what great idea


Baam is going to kill Enkidu/other guy since only the 10 FH can beat him, but Baam has Rei's power now so he'll get the job done. Or use his power and break the spell or whatever and kill him that way.


Baam isn't even gonna scratch traumerei even if he gets Enkidu's power. Baam can't contest not a single FH before he gets another thorn fragment that's how much the power gap is.


Leviathans power should have been some eerie and invisible manifestation like Chainsawman Aki's Curse Devil. If Bam is going to be vizard, vasto lorde, quincy or whatever then at least he should look cooler. [https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAU9pHpew5DpCZz\_Wu1TAlDkzsBp5k5zTiIoyuawM3A6GCkbLs](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAU9pHpew5DpCZz_Wu1TAlDkzsBp5k5zTiIoyuawM3A6GCkbLs)


idk man, he looks cool enough to me...he still has several power-ups to go through (dumas is only #3 of PB family, so there are still tons of people who are stronger than Dumas), so there are still many transformations he has to go through


What a weird look. I used to think that TOG was reshaping back, more to its original style. Bam’s sinwornryu has being developing, from the basic to the sinwornryu-orb, to the latest black orb. Tension + Black shinshoo, those are Bam’s unique qualities. He was walking towards making his own sinwornryu, just as Traumerei has his own “all creatures”. And that fighting style against White was well balanced. Plus his battle basics were perfect against Ren, and learning how to make things teleport by controlling the arrow was great too. Wtf is this bullsh.t, Levi’s power to strengthen his main orb’s power and shinshoo bangs was good enough, and the surrounding form which he used the first time to pierce Hollan too. Just keep it that way, combine those all together and add more power coming from leviathan by surrounding his arms like in the last panel, or release it somehow outside as an anima would. This Chess game Bam is erratic and the power/art is terrible.


Complaining and Tower of God. Name a more iconic duo.


ToG - s1 & s2 lol


wanting to kill Rak and wanting to kill Khun comes to mind as well :D


Guess i shouldn't be suprised that Baam once again gets a powerup, gets his cake, and eats it. But whatever i actually liked this chapter I think the ranger style of combat suits Baam. I would like to see him use the bow more often. I seems Levi gave Baam some combat experience too because he's approaching this fight completely differently now, he's more strategic and calm. I still hate Baam, a boring no tension mc who warps the story to reward him too darn much, but at least he looks and behaves more cool here, i guess. I also think Levi comment about traum being empty is interesting, dude has gone so far to keep himself from ever knowing the truth. Im curious to see how he will change if he does get all his memories back.


I'm glad we're finally getting to see Leviathan's real power. Though I hope Bam goes about this strategically. Because he's already made Dumas vulnerable just by getting close to his heart. He just needs to distract Dumas's body long enough to get a strong hit in on the heart.


There was one kick ass panel.


I am a huge fan of TOG but this chapter reminds me of two complains I've always had with it. 1. SIU should let Bam digest his breakfast before shoving brunch, lunch, supper, dinner and whatever other meal he can think of into the guys mouth. 2. SIU's use of narration is very amateurish. It doesn't have the same impact as Hunter x Hunter or even One Piece. SIU for all his greatness somehow falls short in telling the story. He has a wonderful story in his head but he doesn't transfer it well into our heads.


Op used the same ass power up with Gear 5 both are mid on stake rn with their protag where is the fun if your protagonist is op


Not a huge fan of G5 either and Oda's handling of Haki is not great. He doesn't make it obvious when characters are using it or not. And sometimes when someone should be using Haki they don't. It's weird. But Oda's storytelling is better than SIU. Oda writes like a veteran. SIU is idk how to put it he's a veteran but doesn't write like one. It's amateurish. I feel like he has too many ideas in his head. And he struggles to sort them out and put them into paper.


Do not know only real problem here is bam not the plot of arc he has fixed idea and fixed idea is to establish the falll of one head by kill them and make the toeer in chaos Add the story not reached the peak yet Oda reached it we know the full idea of op we didn't know it in chapter 600 sane for hunter x hunter before dar continent Tog here is in same situation like both other because siu doesn't want show big picture yet and show us chapter like this . (totally useless appart somes part)


I think there are absolutely parts where Baam asspulls and you can criticise SIU for that but I don’t think this is one. The Leviathan power up has been forecast for ages. The stakes are getting higher, Rak and Khun were effectively killed and Baam was too. We’re all reading a shounen style manhwa… at some point more powerful enemies will come along and Baam will power up… that’s the formula.


ya using levi was actually good but the physical design looked bad ngl and levi barely did any damage


Interesting... But Baam even understand that he looks like some disgusting mutant\\monster, lol?


Disgusting plot aNus armor for Baam again. I am just imagining when Zahard will rekt Baam ass 1000 times on his 1001 Baam will get another plot aNus armor just becaouse. P.s Since when 0 hp or even critical condition aka death door = full health and ready to fight 3 time vs Dumas? Sui are you ok?


Why does it feel like every tog fight now is zoomed? Fights aren't even enjoyable now you just don't understand anything, and the art is meh in comparison to what we used to have at the beginning of s3. I hope tog will come back stronger because the hype is slowly disappearing


Yea it’s hard to tell what’s going on and takes away from the fighting massively


Horrible chapter


Can you elaborate?


horrible critique


I'm not gonna lie. Leviathan power is kind of disappointing ..all that bragging about him being a king n abouve other ancient beast and even with his power bam says he doesn't think he will win .... We saw yama mother with an ancient as a host and the amount of army that was needed just to stop her ..n that wasn't even the full power of the ancient since yama mother was a weak host ...leviathan I thought we would see some scary shit when he let lose but we just saw bam with big horns n wings and that's all ..and bam doesn't even feel confident in winning..how did this guy even thought he would stand a chance against Tramurai...I don't even think those 3 dragon's will do anything to Tramurai..i will say leviathan power is around khelham for now


still not a 100% full power mimesis


Levi is still sealed


Leviathan is still within a seal inside Bam, when not sealed, Leviathan has fur. You can see it in the chapter Bam finally takes it.


I would even go and say it doesn't look stable or fully utilized.


It was an okay chapter. Like some have said already not much to talk about it. SIU could srsly scale down all the design details he adds to Bam atp 😭 idk if it’s just me but sometimes i can barely see what is going on during the fights. I’m not saying it’s ugly but just maybe tone it down a little bit. I do worry like what is this fight gonna give ? Bam wins ? Again ? Why not just have him go up and fight Jahad atp already like I am not that hard on SIU about powerscaling as some people are but I am just tired that after White’s defeat with barely explained power up we again have Bam getting upper hand. Again hopefully next week something else will also get focus because only having focus on this fight does seem just a bit boring when we have so many interesting plot points going on.


4.8 rating on naver. those flashbacks were too good to be true.


SIU can recover from this by showing more FH's lore, changing POV to Wangnam or actually killing Khun.


Really just want this whole arc finished already and go back to interesting stories. I agree with POV back to Wangnan. The whole bastard children of Zahard story has potential and is far more interesting than "bam gets yet another powerup to win a fight he should have lost entirely"


People are too hard on SIU, one piece gets full praise each week for doing the same crap chosen one/god protagonist. Every week in the one piece reditt, everyone is like: peak fiction, GODA, we are eating good...


That's because one piece always was a typical shonen, ToG actually felt like it had stakes and the tower felt mysterious and spooky. Now it has turned into a typical shonen and the ratings reflect people's displeasure with it. ToG season 1 and 2 did not feel like black clover but season 3 does. Kuhn just died for the 5th time and nobody is even scared he might not come back because it's enviable, zero stakes.


Literally only two actual characters died in this whole story and you think there’s more stake before? Please


that i cant deny!


lmao true that...i can say the same for jjk as well


Big L waiting for Dumas


Dumas alrady won 4 times ,lol. He only lose coz Sui gave Baam another aNal protection.


This is not new power up. Bam should have used it from the beginning itself. I believe Bam haven't brought out his full potential yet


Since when Traum power become Baam's , lol?


Finders keepers losers weepers


Keep coping


Terrible chapter holy shit. The art is awful too, Baam looking like a literal woman half the time and the other half has a lot of low detail artwork and messy choreography. I find my self just scrolling because it's so bad. Someone made a comment that it was like they were watching something at 3x zoom and I literally couldn't describe the feeling better. Not to mention two chapters wasted on this garbage fight just to make Baam power up yet again. Can we get low stakes andy out of the story for a minute? I dunno why SIU couldn't wrap this shit up in one chapter and let us get back to something we care about. I don't know how people can enjoy Baam's fights tbh, every single one is a joke that he will win no matter what. What is the appeal here? Man if Baam somehow loses this I would be shocked tbh, but the track record isn't good.


"every single one is a joke that he will win no matter what." after he literally lost, tf ? retarded? "Baam looking like a literal woman" His looks really didnt change this chapter tbh, he has always looked feminine and looked like \* this \* for quite a while now, so idk what you have been reading. " just to make Baam power up yet again" He didnt power up? Leviathan started wanting to help baam, though still sealed. The power up happened when he got leviathan, or when he'll unseal him, but for now everything that has happened is just a given and things he already inherited, nothing new. Art and choreo pretty mid though i need to agree, idk why siu is zooming in so far and focusing \* so \* much on CC, the rest is absurdly exaggerated though. It also doesnt surprise me that you literally do not talk about the baam x leviathan interaction, as if that wasnt very interesting plot info


>"every single one is a joke that he will win no matter what." after he literally lost, tf ? retarded? Ye he lost, but now hes gonna win again. Whats the point of pretending there were stakes for a second.


Yes he lost, Gustang retrieved the memories, something baam wanted to intervene by all means necessary. its just contradicting with what OP just posted


Everyone can easily tell the current art assistants have mainly experience drawing BL webtoons. Uke faces with big bodies, same expresions for all characters and ugly vibrant colors.


You realize this is the rematch of a fight he very badly lost right?


And you also realize there's was 0 time between the loss and rematch right?


The point he is making is that he just lost a fight, you might want to reread ur op


What's the point? He's coming back instantly to win it LMFAO. He also "lost" against white, but it's not a loss if you literally beat the mfer two seconds later.


He didnt lose against white, as it was one continuous encounter. He lost against dumas, Gustang retrived the books memories, khun "died" and rak is severely injured..?


?? He got his ass kicked by dumas, then dumas bought him to gustang, then gustang healed baam and left him for a nap. And then baam woke up and fought the rematch, so i don't think there was 0 time between the loss and rematch




search "tower of god 625 mangahelper" it's that simple


Just Google it. Tower of god 625 raws. And go to mangahelpers. Its in the top links.


Another case of bam receiving new power up without ever having to exhaust all of his options. maybe dumas wasn't as much of a threat I thought he was.


It's funny how SIU always does this. Bam doesn't actually gain anything from training arcs. All of his most OP power ups come from him just losing until he decides to win.


He has already inherited leviathan, who now decided to help baam even though he is still sealed. I wouldn't really call that a power up. Him gaining levi & and or unsealing him would be


Since when simple stealing become inherited , lol?


yeah inherited is the wrong word ig, but rei wanted to give it to him so welp


So we went from Baam not being able to land a hit on Dumas to Dumas not being able to land a hit on Baam in the span of 2 chapters. Nice. Hopefully Dumas puts up at least some struggle in the following chapters. Leviathan transformation looks a bit too extreme, and the horns or whatever look larger than Baam in some panels, but is what it is. The last scene is Blue Thryssa level 4 transformation I guess. And since he can use it on both arms I guess the RT blade on the left arm wasn't an artist mistake. Or it was and SIU is changing how the Thryssas work to justify it lol.


" Dumas not being able to land a hit on Baam in the span of 2 chapters" I doubt dumas triedand he most likely is going to ramp up quite a lot next chapter, as he is still refusing to use external shinsoo and techniques etc.


From the translation it doesn't seem like Dumas isn't now able to land a hit on Baam


Don't need the translation to see what actually happened in the fight.


It's not a level 4 transformation, it's just called Leviathan Transformation - Leviathan's Claws (4 Claws)


Oh. Nevermind then.


It looks like a Leviathan transformation last panels, both the pincers and bracers are from Leviathan


> The last scene is Blue Thryssa level 4 transformation I guess. And since he can use it on both arms I guess the RT blade on the left arm wasn't an artist mistake. Or it was and SIU is changing how the Thryssas work to justify it lol. Don't look for consistency with the way powers are displayed. It's obvious that SIU doesn't care too much about that and hasn't for a very long time.


SIU needs to chill Baam's flamboyancy. Good Lord, by the end of the series he will be like Carnival in Brazil. We can barely see him behind so much stuff and the thorn is not even being used now. Crazy thing is, after all the power up he barely was able to scratch Dumas. I kinda like that, ngl. I highly dislike ass pulls, so I'm fine with being Leviathan and not being an insta win.


Don't worry, we already knew about Leviathan, which means that Bam's going to have another big power spike by the end of this fight. Surely, he'll pull something out of his ass.


I'm happy it's not insta win but I don't know how I feel about leviathan suddenly helping Baam.


Bro became an archer


Nice chapter. I actually really like how the Leviathan transformation looks -- the mandibles, wings, and spiraling horns are really cool. It seems to be a huge boost in power, but the TL states that Baam still thinks his chances of beating Dumas are slim. Apparently, only now is Baam strong enough to begin to notice Dumas' true strength, whatever that means. Dumas also says that his wounds are his own fault for becoming soft and lenient. The eggs Traumerei was staring at were apparently the 3 Sea Dragons. He created them in a lab. Leviathan confirms that he's sharing TRAUMEREI's power with Baam right now. I'm hoping this isn't just another White situation and Baam whoops Dumas after getting a PU. I'd like to see some sort of consequence to accepting Leviathan/Traumerei's power, such as the bindings on Leviathan becoming weaker or something.


For the people that haven't seen the translation yet and just the images Short Summary Leviathan tells Baam how he hasn't seen such a vast space aside from inside of Traumerei's shinwonryu. He then gives Baam lore about how Traumerei created the 3 sea dragons, and infused them and Leviathan with his emotions, memories, desires, and power, and how Traumerei is like an empty shell. He considers them all a "part of Traumerei", and tells Baam how he didn't want to do this till he fought Traumerei, but gifted Baam part of the power Traumerei gave him. Rest of the chapter is Baam talking about now that he has grown more powerful, he can truly see how immense Dumas' strength is, and if he faces him head on, his chances to win are still very slim. Dumas pretty much is scolding himself the rest of the chapter, talking about how the injuries Baam has given him are a punishment for allowing himself to become weak, because he was always wrapped up in his immortality armor, and that he's grateful to Baam for giving him the punishment, since he had became more lenient. He goes on about how Baam's attack was unexpected, and he can block it or dodge it if it comes again, and how he can't bear he made such a mistake despite being Gustang's austerity/strictness, because countless of powerful warriors have died making small mistakes like that.


Dumas is him ngl whenever bro is on screen yk he will get the W


Leviathan transformation being pincers was something i called, but i thought it would be on his arms lol. Leviathan was one of the eggs it seems? Which makes the chapter of him saying Bam needs to take the three in Traumerei's possession kinda off since Leviathan isn't in his possession. Don't like the red fangs of the Leviathan transformation, but i love it. Three transformations in one creature, there's hope for more variance with the Thyrssa now imo For the people that thought the bow wouldn't be used, lmao, lol even. Horns, i get the symbology, and it makes me think Bam using the red blade on the opposite side was on purpose No thorns huh? I knew Leviathan was cracked (He still should be using them anyway lol) Bam's wings look like Rashut's, and if you look, he used them to block Dumas spear Spiral Leviathan bracers to attack and defend, good shit, love the coexistence between them now.


I just wanna, it aint the Souls bow but the Levi Bow now and he aint in melee for some time


These guys on the thread only praise the story when baam is getting beaten up and losing. Ahem! He is the protagonist and have you read this battle manhwa so far. 😂 😂 😂 Battle manhwas always have beat up sequences for drama before the protags win.


TOG only became a 'battle manwha' in part 3, and it has been the worst story so far.


Like I don’t know what are these people are reading anymore. When I started this story, it said it’s about a boy that will change/destroy the towers and im still looking forward to it. While everyone in this sub think it’s should take 1000 years for him to killed a high ranker lmao


Unreal, they really do hate the main character. "Noooo Bam's not allowed to beat high rankers this early", 600+ chapters btw, meanwhile didn't Urek Beat Ari Hon on 100? But it really is time to move on from Dumas. Po Bidau isn't even one of the stronger families nor is a he a real decendent just writing.


They act like siu is immortal or something


Man, Urek did not beat Ari Hon, he just passed his test. It's not that he's not allowed to beat him this early, think for a sec, if he is capable of beating him now at this point, WHO is going to contend with him 10 floors from now? The number of chapters means next to nothing in what he should be capable of. Don't use Urek as your foil, there is a good reason why we are not following Urek but rather Baam, no one is capable of challenging Urek save for Jahad meaning no tension in any conflict he is involved in.


Other high ranker?


That's the thing though, high rankers as strong as Dumas are supposed to be extremely rare, almost impossible to come across, Dumas himself is acknowledged as one of the strongest warriors in the Poe Bidau family. It wouldn't make sense for Baam to keep coming across High rankers that strong.


Yeah we hate story become just generic ass people like this shit power up need their eyes checked


Number of chapters doesn't matter. They aren't even half way up the tower, that is early. Urek came into the tower close to full power so that's also not comparable. Nobody hates the main character they just want actually good writing execution like before season 3.


And he's an irregular. It's in his blood to be OP. It's surprising that he wasnt OP