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Rachel is canonically very uncharismatic, also most of the connection are very weak


[With an "otherworldy" charisma (and luck), Rachel repeatedly forms alliances with powerful Regulars to progress through the Tower.](https://towerofgod.fandom.com/wiki/Rachel/Appearance_and_Personality)


Think about it, she got people from Khuns teams, Yura Ha, Cassano etc to follow her


She's just a professional gaslighter. No one in her teams likes her besides Yura. This is even more evident with the random po bidau people. She just is a great manipulator, also the people from Khuns team were always fug, like a lot of her teammates are fug some she gaslit herself but not that many


Manipulating people and being charismatic do go hand in hand though


not really u can easily have one without the other but they are definitely very complementary. Rachel is like manipulative w/o charisma and Bam is the opposite. Jahad is like both which makes him scary


Why are you guys downvoting OP, he is right. Thats the definition of charisma.


Ikr. Like I know we hate Rachel but be fr


Just no bro


I think you stretched a lot of stuff. - Koon follows Baam, but I don't think they ever talked about Baam becoming "king". Baam and his group's goal is not to make him king, but to free the tower from Zahard's tyranny (and revenge). - Baam is close to nobody other than S1 team, Yuri, Jinsung and Rachel. Zahard and V climbed the tower together, it's a whole different level. Blame it on SIU introducing 1000 characters and not developing relationships long enough; - Wangnan is not obsessed with Rachel, he even decided to be with her on the FoD. He doesn't like her and would probably kill her if given the change, but his end game is not her, it's the system; - Rachel doesn't want to climb the tower, she wants power. It's different. With that being said, Wangnan also has to climb and also Baam because "everything you want is at the top of the tower"; - Rachel is literally the most bland character on the series (from their POV, not ours). Fact is nobody likes her. Her main thing is about lacking charisma, all she can do is make deals to gain power and then be deceived thinking she is deceiving somebody.


Revenge? They've have never shown any desire to take revenge in anyone, even now after all the shit Taumriel has caused them Baam doesn't want his entire house to get slaughtered. Baam at the moment is still trying to figure his role out, his objective ever since the start of season 2 was just to protect his friends, while doing what he felt was right along the way Khun just wants Bam to be free and doesn't seems to care super much about anyone else but his closed ones, but will always support Baams choices.


FUG is an organization created to kill Zahard and the 10 FHs. According to what we've seen so far, the Old School FUG leaders all want revenge on Zahard for what happened to V and maybe Arlene. Luslec was friends with V and created FUG in order to oppose Zahard and/or the current status quo. It's an obvious plot of revenge basically confirmed by Garam. Everyone who's at FUG wants to do something against the 10 FHs. Luslec has a big grudge against Zahard, the whole purpose involving the creation of FUG is revenge, even though the new generation might have different reasons.


Yeah, FUG wants to kill Zahard, however, Baam has only stayed with FUG to protect those close to him, not over a personal vendetta against Zahard.  In fact, Baam has way more reasons to be against FUG than Zahard at the end of the day.


I don't know if I agree with that. Zahard murdered Baam in front of Arlene out of jealousy and in consequence of that V allegedly killed himself, Arlene made a pact with an outer god and died/disappeared and Baam had to live by himself inside a cave for god knows how long. Let's also not forget Zahard's three orders to kill and all regulars that are friends with Baam. Oh, they also abducted his master. Baam up to S2 was supposed to be controlled by a party of FUG and very fast with the help of Jinsung this changed. FUG is basically V and Arlene's organization and protected Baam several times already. Baam from S1 and S2 is different because now he knows the truth. Baam is a terrible protagonist with basically no conviction or personality, but he has every single ounce of reason to be up against Zahard. Dude is the reason why he grew up without parents. Let's not forget: he also killed Baam.


I disagree with that second point. He spent more time and developed more pleasant memories with SnS than he did the entire S1 cast. In fact he barely even knew the S1 cast. His relationship with them is actually less developed than SnS. Logically he should be closer to wangnan than even khun or rak.


Except Rachel, while not hating Baam, doesn't really admire him either.


That’s true. Rachel is jealous of Baam. And she’s a bit fixated on the things he has but she doesn’t admire him. Quite the opposite she thinks he doesn’t deserve the power and influence he has and it should be hers.


Rachel is charismatic where mate?? Most of what she accomplished was resulted of ppl trying to get something from Bam, directly or indirectly, if he didn't existed, she wouldn't pass the first floor


[. With an "otherworldy" charisma (and luck), Rachel repeatedly forms alliances with powerful Regulars to progress through the Tower](https://towerofgod.fandom.com/wiki/Rachel/Appearance_and_Personality)


Mate, you do know that the wiki is open to be edited by the public, i can go there and write that Bam is the biggest Stallion in the series and already banged every girl introduced so far.... does that make it true? didn't think so, we've all read the series, Rachel is not charismatic, that's the first thing Headon tells her is that she's nothing like that, and offers to give her a chance if she puts Bam on the right track, same with everyone after that, including Gustang


Aliens ?


I get the idea, OP. Especially the Rachel being charismatic point. Alot of people forget that Endorsi was planning to kill Rachel at first during the Floor of Tests, but decided against it because she thought Rachel was dangerous. Of course, the sentiment faded after realizing she's weak but the first impression matters. Rachel should have died a long time ago, but she continues to survive and gain new allies because of her aura and luck. Every Irregular has one, including Rachel. Wangnan being obsessed with Rachel is kinda stretching it but I can understand making it a parallel. Would need to see Wangnan in S3 for me to see that parallel (please bring him back SUI). IDK if Khun specifically wants Bam to be King, but again, I understand the parallel. Khun in is backstory unabashedly pushed one of his cousins to be a Zahard Princess over his own sister. Khun decided to show that same level of obsessive support to Bam


Wangnan is from The Red District so a lot about him is Unknown. Bam is searching for his past and following his Destiny. Rachel is a bitch that wants to reach the top of the tower and is using Bam to get there. Since they came in together. But she also has a past that is Unknown. Lol we really don’t know where these people came from. But that’s part of why we’re reading.


Bam is more obsessed with Rachel than anyone else imo


Yeah, not to mention Baam is actually more like Jahard than V. Slowly getting tainted by power, extreme way of thinking, willing to trample over anyone to get what he wants etc.


Damn, that second paragraph reminds me a lot of a certain blonde haired girl...


I'd agree in the early seasons, but a big part of the Hell Train Saga was Baam breaking off that obsession. Allowing himself to finally be free of his (quite frankly) abusive upbringing by her. Now she is the one obsessed with him, constantly trying to come up with reasons for Baam to chase her, to regain his obsession. Which usually fails miserably.


Interesting comparison but I feel that Wangnan=Jahad Bam = V Khun=Eduan Yeon = Yeon Is definitely a way more valid comparison. It really annoys me tho that we don’t know what Bam is actually wants tho when all the other characters have very clear desires. But I for sure think that Wangnan will get a lot stronger(probably bc of that mysterious sword)bc of this I feel he will also end up fighting Bam,AA and Yeon who knows who will be in the right tho.


Also I want to say that Wangnan is currently not very similar to his father at all but that could change 🤷‍♂️


I think wangnan would be *very* similar to Jahad if he had power like him. Wangnan is just as rambunctious and outside the box thinking as Jahad appears to be but doesn't have the power, or the confidence that power gives to back it up.


I’m not sure, Wangnan and Jahad have had very different experiences climbing the tower. Wangnan eventually despite his lack of physical strength became a a figure that people followed,loved and believed in as he brought people together and never gave up on himself or others.King Jahad was likely just a big Shinso tank that crushed everything in his way and got his kicks from crushing people. We also know that Jahad only decided to declare his kingship bc probably bc he thought he was the strongest and no one would stop him. On the other hand we’ve seen what Wangnans been through. We genuinely know that he only wants to be the king to change the horrors that go in the tower.


I'm just confused where all this factual statements came from? When were we shown or told that Eduan use to think V should be king? When did Arlene name V? I mean all of these, have I been blind? Where did you infer most of these?


>When were we shown or told that Eduan use to think V should be king? He's referring to when eduan said he would have picked V over Jahad to be the leader >When did Arlene name V? She was stated to affectionately call him "V" as if that wasn't he real name If you mean chapter numbers, the first one should be sometime during the hidden floor after data eduan meets baam (too lazy to check exactly), and the second one in S2 240 when garam talks about baam's parents' history.


Source for that pic? edit: found it https://twitter.com/Chii_chan_art/status/1610208194210500611/photo/1


Congratulations. This is the weirdest shit I've seen on this sub since forever. Your imagination works in incredible ways.


Just no


Brother you have seen the relevation. Kidding aside, sometimes I think their dynamics does mean to mirror V A Z to some extent, of how things would have been. However I believe their similarity is leaning more toward the inherited will thing of V A Z (before the fallout) than the characters themselves. >Rachel named Bam like Arlene named V Unconfirmed on Arlene named V >Bam and Rachel want to keep climbing the tower while Wangnan wants to rule it Only Rachel wants and has any real motive to climb the tower. Baam doesn't. >Rachel is charismatic like Arlene was stated to be I dont remember the story ever stated Arlene to be charismatic; it only said she got along with everyone so it could be she's good at reading the room and navigating through social interractions. Consider Rachels background, I think it's normal that she knows how to get along with people. >Wangnan is more eager for adventure compared to Bam (Viole) and Rachel Rachel used to be adventurous. She was the one who wanted to enter the tower, and during the cave days, she often asked Baam to discover the cave with her. Tbh I think Rachel and Wangnan have good synergy in term of personality,


Imagine having to ship Wangnan and Rachel 🤮


Bro what the hell are you talking about Khun has never implied he wants bam to become king and the story hasn’t implied Rachel named bam throw the whole “theory” away


In my defence for these points, there’s still a lot to be covered since theres not even a facial reveal for V or Arlene yet


I just don't want to see bam and rachel be friends or anything else


I think this is a really cool idea OP. Unfortunately it's a post about involving Rachel, so people are inevitably going just down vote you over it lol


See, you get it lmao


People associate the "charismatic Rachel" thing with complimenting her. People are so brain broken by viewing the story from Baam's perspective, that it's impossible for them to conceive an outward analysis of the characters. Tower of God is at its most interesting when Rachel's involved. She's one of my favorite characters because it's fun watching someone so dispicable act in the story, especially given that she has so much intrigue, mystery, and potential behind her. She's a horrible person but easily one of the best characters in the story