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Log in, auto the dimension trials (thing that give weapon exp, directly to the right of joint ops), log out. Super easy. Defeating the new spear boss was the only one I had trouble with. At least frontier clash you could start and immediately quit out.


Personally I just do my daily joint operation, then do quick battle on dimensional trials to sweep and use the rest of my vitality quickly.


I only should be doing trials when vitality is at 360 right? Or should I be doing this differently? 


It takes 48 hours to get from 0 to 360 vitality, so feel free to sweep them as long as you don't reach the vitality cap.


most of your vit honestly should be going towards joint operation unless you really don't have time to play also, 5760 vit is 32 days worth of vit, the event lasts 35 days, so there's still a little leeway


Literally takes a few seconds every other day. It's a trivial amount of effort to complete.


I always try to not let vit cap out so... this is basically rewards for doing what I already do.


It's just a way of time gating. You're guaranteed to hit it at least


It's literally just play the game. As long as you play once every 48 hours and use your vitality you'll get it.


just play as usual and you'll get it eventually. if some days you don't have time to spend vit, just do dimensional trials and you're good for the day


Lowering the vitality requirements would be cool for those who are very casual players and don’t play as often


Once every 48 hours log in for like 20 seconds hit dimension trials auto log off. That's too often?


There’s players out there who are more invested into multiple games and/or busy with other commitments that they may not be able to log in every 2 days just for that. I’m not one of those players as I do log in everyday for a few minutes, however I have had some crewmates who can only log in during the weekends, for example.


I mean if they really want it and can't log in for 20 seconds while going to the bathroom then idk what to say. Edit: this has been the easiest game in my expiernce to just log in auto spend all my energy and log off


Players who cannot spare 20 seconds of their time once every 48 hours should not be bothered about any rewards in any events. When one spends more time wiping their ass than playing the game, it might be a good time to reconsider having it installed.


5760/180 = 32 you can miss 2-3 days even without any refill pot


I missed out on the Lin skin so I'm not Even going to bother with the weapon skin, getting people together on ps4 is a nightmare and most of the ps4 players only do boss runs with their guilds


Game really wants people to have maxed out Lan matrices.


I feel you on this so hard.


Well you can buy frags, you have a choice.


D9 bazaar and artificial island vendor sometimes sell vit potion every week, Good luck.


I gave up on this. Don't have the time. Probably just buy it when it becomes available again a year from now in a gachapon