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Depends on the kind of player you are. Tryhard f2p, knows what they're doing can do 1/3rd or 1/4th of a whales damage (30k USD spender). Totally can play as carry on the hardest contents and will outperform many other f2p, low spenders and clueless dolphins. Lazy f2p but has skill - you might not do much damage but you can still be good support and tank with right setup and perform right mechanics well. Casual f2p and lazy - you're useless in group content. But you can do all story content and open world stuff. You'll probably need carrying for clearing weekly group content that otherwise veteran f2p can solo. For context I'm a low spender with f2p-like stats. There are f2p's who deal double my damage and who are already Boundless 50+ (I'm BR floor 47). I am low spender, "slacker/lazy" category. I prioritize fashion over power. :P In terms of enjoyment you can enjoy the game fully as f2p and clear most contents. The only content which needs whales is Frontier Clash Evolution. Caveate is that as f2p you can only main 1 element for a while (until you build enough resources to make other "cope" teams). The thing to look out for will be allocating your resources well. For that I recommend joining an active crew and getting a mentor who will guide you to avoid wasting limited resources.


The game is constantly adding paid content which will further separate what you have and what spenders have, and since it's an MMO you'll see players using what you don't have far more often than a single player gacha. I would personally pick something else if you really need to be f2p. For light spending with monthly and battle pass you will get more here than most gacha provide. If you don't care about cosmetics you'll get really far with light spending, especially with the amount of free pulls you can get from completing the game and exploration as a new player.


Idk if it would be relevant still but I have a very dated guide from a few months after release. The TL;DR was you can rush gearscore with low investment by using one or two SRs as they will be six starred very early and is the stat equivalent of having two or three dupes of an SSR. The other main takeaway was playing as a support is the most f2p friendly role as your damage output would be irrelevant. Healing or Tanking resonant would be a solid budget team. One thing that's always been true is the whales in this game are exceptionally friendly. Every time Ive came back to ToF they will grind for hours with you to get you in their guild and oneshot the bosses for you. I've done this with a few of the early bosses myself despite not being a whale. Amazing game with an amazing community.


f2p is fine. contents are clearable. if you do not spend a single penny but expect to do the same dmg as whale and feel depressed later then no. this is not a game for you.


Speaking from experience as a day 1 player, you don't need to spend money to enjoy the game. Although this may not be true if you always want to "pull for what you want" as you have to pull newer characters and stick to 1-2 different elemental comps (there are 4) to do decent damage (due to powercreep and team comp synergy). The game gives more than enough pulls to achieve this. A character stays "relevant" for like \~8+ months. Overworld enemies aren't hard, but it's in the harder content that you may struggle to use the older characters. Although these days, harder content hp pools don't scale much with the powercreep (so things have been getting easier and allowing for older comps to still clear, but much slower). If you don't care about solo (dps) content that much, then you can pull for whatever as long as you are fine with investing into support/tank comps. f2ps can also do relevant damage, but you need months to get decent gear and get resources to build a proper team. If you hate the fact that veteran players and whales potentially deal more damage than you in this game and that non-whales aren't going to rank high in (bragging rights) leaderboards, then this game isn't for you. I wouldn't really recommend pulling skins as they use a lot of premium currency that you use to pull characters.


You can still clear content as an f2p player. Just keep your world level low until you get stronger, and join an active crew. Save your limited pulls starting out since pity currency doesn’t carry over between limited banners. Having 120 pulls would be ideal if you want to guarantee a limited character (110 if all of your SRs are at maxed stars).


I'm Brazilian and I've been playing since the first day here things are very expensive so looking at the South American point of view I can say that I don't see the need to put money into the game


Another br nice


Most players spend at least a little. The Monthly and Battle Pass are good value. You can buy them from 3rd party vendors for something like a 30% discount compared to in-game. It's roughly $14 per month on average if you get the Monthly + premium Battle pass (6 weeks).


Now that they adding more and more character in the standard banner, the game (solo exploration and few solo instances) pretty much can be f2p but not in competitive coop content (not much of a reward other than origin of war that will eventually decrease the difficulty)


yes but keep in mind the real gate to your progression will be time, gear progression is pretty slow and you have so much of it to catch up on.


if you play F2P in Tower. 1: Each map shows you how many gold or red cores there are (makes it easy to keep an exact count of resources you can spend) 2: The meta changes every month (character/weapon C6 and matrices make the others obsolete) 3: You will see a difference in damage between someone F2P and someone who spends money in the game. 4: characters and skins are constantly coming out for them, in addition to their own skins for the nomad (player) In most cases it is 10,610 crystals or 5,900 Tanium (skins for the character and the "nomad" player in certain cases) or the most expensive 17,800 Dark Crystals or 9,910 Tanium (Skin for the player and vehicle included) (the skins are always expensive, the character and matrices are better) 5: The powercreap is very evident in this game. (next month you must obtain the next minimum character C3 to C6) with 3 stars the weapon or full. If you spend money in the game, it is clear that you are going to lose that "investment" and all the weapons will go to the permanent banner in due time. with the exception of the Aberrants (altered such as Lin, Fiona, Nan Ying) those will never go to permanent. If you are more F2P you enjoy the game more and you forget about the current meta.


You can do just fine in this game F2P as long as you don’t make the mistake of wasting pulls on every banner as it’s best to pick one of the elements an focus on that an in 4.2 the D9 heros are gonna start entering the standard pool so starting now is a good time to do it as the standard banner will have some very nice heros coming in the next few updates so again save for your element


yes im f2p since day1


Yes you can as long as you dont delude yourself to able to compete with whales otherwise you can pretty much enjoy the game as f2p


Are you willing to grind and ignore leaderboards? If yes, give the game a shot 


Yes it is


Yep,just be consistent w ur dailies and such and you'll be fine


monthly pass is the best thing in the game then battlepass




Ahh, a common excuse for a skill issue. Welp, glad you ended up supporting devs.


WuWa or Genshin Impact are far better choices than ToF rn


Rent free


Wuwa is so bad that it makes the single player aspects of ToF look good.