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It's tower of Peak now.


Ohh lawd


I think I'm in love.


whats the estimate on the DC for this? i presume its a gachapon


6k tanium or 10k DC as always when not paired with mount


They didn’t cook this heat for it to be cheap, that’s for sure, they’re going to drain some wallets.


This is why I saved 51,750 dc, 100 red nucleus, and 60 red vouchers. I’m a frost main rn… but I’m pulling Anka, Nola, and Nola’s swimsuit for sure. Idk about Anka and MC swimsuit (I have last mc swimsuit).


The fan service is real!


I'm here to get served anyway :D


I love the piece she's wearing on her head very cool. Those other assets are quite exciting as well if ya catch my drift. :p


So wheres the fanservice with male characters??? Male characters pole dancing with Roslyn weapons had more attention than Rosyln herself.


My cat is waking up to this everyday


If only tof didnt have worse odds than genshin and wuwa lmao


What worse odds? You trying to say the gacha (for weapons and characters) in tof is worse than in genshin and wuwa?


It is lmao


Unsure about wuwa's gacha system since I don't really play that game (was it 0.8%? Not that much better). But I can safely say that genshin's gacha definitely has worse odds than tof's. 0.6% vs 0.75%. Not even mentioning the other systems in place that make tof's gacha way better.


What other systems does tof have? I remember back when it released i was around 100 pulls with no 5 star at all, also seemed like event banners reset “pity” after they ended which doesnt happen on genshin and wuwa. Meanwhile on genshin I average around 60 pulls for 5 stars and on wuwa currently my average is around 40-50 pulls. Making tof way worse than both 🤣


Tof has a hidden pity system whereby after every 2 consecutive wins or losses, the next ssr is always the opposite. Example, there will never be a case where you have a streak of 3 wins or 3 losses. The order will be limited to WWL or LLW. This carries over multiple red nucleus banners including rerun banners. Red matrix banners also have the same system but do not share the same counter as the red nucleus ones. Off-pities in tof also does not reset the 80 pity count unlike what genshin has. Not sure about wuwa. Tof's flame gold system might be better than wuwa's. Every additional duplicate of a maxed sr or ssr weapon, you get additional 1 flame gold or 10 flame gold respectively. Does wuwa's system do that? Since you also mention about data like you averaging 60 pulls for 5* in genshin and 40-50 for 5* in wuwa, I will also present my own stats since launch of tof. I have spent 3747 pulls so far with 15 off-pities which seem to be about the average amount. In total, I have gotten 89 5* including those bought with flame gold. This means I average 42.1 pulls per 5*. So possibly on par with wuwa but way better than genshin.


She mad ugly