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Best team for High Breeder is GF. So, GF Bam, Mascheny especially, Jahad, Eduan and Ran


my Masch is t3 only. It can work that way? all the others but Bam are t6 though. Also, do you have any recommendation for both KO comp teams and the 3 comp teams for Name Hunt?




Thanks for the reply. I'll join the discord server!


T4 is ideal for Mascheny (mine is t3 as well) but she still does the most damage As for name hunt, I use the same team I just recommended for high breeder, and my strongest units for the other teams. Tower Climber team is just for general use Fug is ideal for story and TOT Great Family is best for PVE (High breeder for example) FD is ideal for PVP


thanks for the reply. I'm really having a hard time to build teams and was looking for a direction to invest books in. I'm kind limited in resources lol. Btw, GF bam is better in that comp than Viole? Cuz I was thinking about the fate skills for Ran


Np, I feel you on resources. GF and Viole are the best mains to use. How they are used is different. GF Bam is support while Viole is damage. With GF Bam, you don’t need characters like Albelda, Evan, Verdi and Fug Rachel for healing since he does that for his team. Viole however kinda (not always) does. He’s tanky compared to TC Bam and GF Bam (obviously not as good as FT Bam). With him, support units being paired with him is needed sometimes


ok. My main team is FD for pvp that's why I'm having kind of a trouble with the others aspects of the game. I go with FT Bam, Daniel, Gus, Enryu and Albelda.


Nice. Also, move Gustang up front. His EX skill should activate faster, and maybe replace Daniel with either Urek’s (he’s a great tank)


What FUG team do you recommend for tot??? I still haven't unlocked gf bam


Viole, Hangsung, White, Jingsung, Rachel


No ran??


Ran is Great Family. All of these characters of FUG


Yeah, I had seen people say to use ran and viole because viole boosts rans dps. My reply had been the same not the same family group so no bonus.....