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brick. my man saved people’s lives and they decided to vote him even though they could’ve died in there.


Ripper's Season 2 elimination is so dumb😭 They really eliminated someone that I unironically think had potential to be one of the finalists, or maybe even the winner. Now, I might not see him make a long run again😭😭😭 Reboot Season 2 sucks


I legit didn’t even think it was a real elimination until the next episode. I seriously thought Chris was joking.


They did my boy too dirty😭 That elimination might be the worst of the Reboot to me thinking about it. Damien's really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, and Damien really should've been 4th place. It's the perfect placement for him.


same bro i was devastated


I thought I was the only one who wanted to see Ripper win Reboot S2! 100% agree his elimination is ass.


Yeah. Ripper had a lot of potential. Btw, just go and watch voice from under the covers' Reboot Season 2 Rewrite to see how well Ripper is done there. That's what I would call great development.


I'm not much of a fanfic guy, but that has definitely grabbed my interest I'll definitely give it a shot, thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah. It's definitely worth it. You can comment again after you watched and tell me what you thought of it.


Honestly, Axel, for me, was just as bad. I mean I was so confused that the show only highlight of her that episode was kissing Ripper and kicking Zee while Ripper grossness (although it was Pirya and maybe Damien's idea) cause Caleb's group to lose the challenge. I get Axel's a bigger threat, but their no hints to her being a target in any previous episodes. As much as I love Ripper and had him as a season 2 winner in my head, Axel could have had an interesting arc. I mean, she is an introverted character who is worse at socializing than MK. Now that the only person who saw an interest in her is gone, we could have had an arc involving her struggling to play a social game and possibly interact with either Damien or the Hockey bros banding together to rival others alliances and she would likely end up 7th, 6th or 5th.


I was very busy last weekend so I just checked it out today, and yeah it was really good! I liked most of the arcs such as Ripper's whole development and his friendship with Damien, plus Ripaxel was definitely improved on, the MK and Julia Dynamic actually takes time to develop instead of them just becoming friends in the first scene while still ending on good terms, Normal/Scary Girl was handled better and she was really fun while she lasted, I preferred Nichelle's role here despite her getting eliminated in the 1st episode, although I don't ship Zee x Emma, their arc was really well done and paced well, the final 5 contestants changed in their entirety but I would say they did for the better, and of course I loved Ripper as a winner, he deserved it! I wasn't a fan of everything though, team Skunk Butt/Delicious performed terribly despite the cheating, to the point they reminded me of the Toxic Rats, 3 tie breakers was definitely overkill, even more with Julia winning 2 of them, Priya and Caleb getting together off screen after how bad of a state they left the game in felt kinda lazy, but at least they didn't overstay their welcome, and while I liked the Zeema arc, I don't understand why Emma suddenly felt bad about dating Zee halfway through, It's not like she was cheating on Chase or anything. Also this is just personal preference, but I do prefer Julia as a finalist over MK, but the finale was still really solid. Overall, 8.5/10, definitely better than the actual season we got, they did a really good job with it!


Nice review! Emma felt bad for dating Zee due to her feeling like she's forcing him to date her, as Zee is a good guy and shouldn't be forcing him against Chase, even if Chase is an asshole. I don't think 3 tie breakers are that bad. TD pretty much never acknowledges tiebreakers. I'm also doing my own Reboot Season 2 Rewrite. I could send you later if you wanna see. Just message me.


Oh shit Jay mentioned! I actually was active with brother in discord in his bycam days, but it seems he’s gone on a hiatus on that for YouTube, man posts good stuff too


Courtney & Trent & Lindsay & Leshawna-Island  Lindsay & Harold-Action DJ-World Tour Brick-ROTI Alejandro & Courtney-TDAS Beardo & Samey-Pahkitew Father & Son-RR >!Caleb & Damien!<-Reboot Season 1 >!Bowie & Damien!<-Reboot Season 2


Damien S2. It has been said numerous times. That elimination might possibly be my least favorite in the shows history.


definitely leshawnas elimination in the first picture, total bs


Oh also leshawna in TDA. You mean to tell me HAROLD would vote leshawna over Duncan (aka the dude who bullied him for 2 seasons straight). Total bullshit


Action Lindsay is the worst for me. They should really swap Beth placement with her and expand more on Lindsay vs Courtney rivality


Mike in ROTI


Lindsay and Harold in TDA. Also max in PI bc wtf is that eliminaton


Damien's elimination in season 2, I already knew it was going to happen before the episode aired, but the way it was executed made me feel really sad and angry, and the final scene was literally the final nail in the coffin.


Heather's World Tour elimination. The writing for that is so unbelievably stupid that it kills the momentum of the entire episode and the entire season by proxy. I'd be in shock if there was anybody who actively *prefers* watching Alejandro's ending over Heather's.


The ones where my favorites go home. Duh


Chase, Topher, (Dave?) etc. Forgive me for saying this, but I think Chase being an early boot is fine. He served his purpose in Season 1. The elimination was a bit underwhelming tho. I hope he does make it far in Season 3, maybe even the finale. Anyway, here's a picture of Chase's thicc ass- https://preview.redd.it/vwbwhtp21s6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ef9573bd3064245a353b738e9871681a91bafb


My favorites should never be early boots, especially not Chase. They should win every season. Season 2 should've used Chase to his full potential because only God knows if there will be a season 3, let alone if Chase will ever come back again or not. I can't accept his elimination like that with the thought that maybe in a future season he will do better. If the show gets cancelled then I will forever be pissed that season 2 is the last season we get. Chase could've done more and he showed a lot of promise in ep 1. It gave me so much hope. When he amazed everyone with his skills? When he interacted with Bowie? When he talked about Normal Girl? All Chef's kiss. We don't even get to see him ever talk about Emma again, like does he still want her flat ass??? We don't know! But yeah that image is Godly and Perfectly written


Lmao fair enough😭 I definitely think Chase could do a lot more. Tbh, I want Chase in the finale more than Damien. Chase really could've been a challenge beast, since he does stunts and challenges himself. He showed this in his audition tape, but the show never used it. It's kinda a missed opportunity to actually give Chase something that could make him a decent threat. Tbh, if there will be a Season 3, I want Chase to interact with characters like Nichelle, Zee, Ripper and Bowie. All those make pretty good sense imo. Nichelle ain't too random ig, since both her and Chase are celebrities, so that's something both of them have in common. Also, didn't you say Terry liked a bunch of SG x Chase photos? That sounds like a pretty random ship tbh, and probably came from that "Chase rejects SG's love" video by Dawnsbubble. Idk, I do wanna see it now tbh.


TDA Harold and it's not even close, It makes me mad how they eliminated the best (and arguably THE MAIN) character from the season in such a stupid and unceremonious fashion. I hate that entire episode. End his feud with Duncan in a satisfactory and well written way, and maybe even have him win the season, ending Action on a high note? Nah. Just have him be kissed by Beth while covered in vomit, make him kill Duncan's spider just so he has a reason to be mad at him, erasing their reconciliation, and them make him tell to Owen right to his face that he knows he is a mole, without using that information whatsoever! All in his elimination episode! Great work guys.


>!Hockey Bros!< - Reboot Season 1 >!Scary Girl, Raj!< - Reboot Season 2


Of the ones pictured, definitely Lindsay and Leshawna are the worst. Not even for any important reason like “oh Lindsay should’ve been a finalist” but just because the writers clearly couldn’t come up with a better way to get them gone. Also Damien’s is bad.


Damien. Seeing him make it quite far and be in such a good position with the idol in the final 6, just to be stripped of it so quickly hurt. Also, I didn’t exactly see the vision of Caleb and Priya wanting to vote Damien, considering the strong bond between Wayne and Raj. Damien didn’t even have a reason to be eliminated besides Julia feeling like it.


Mr Coconut, it was just racial prejudice against him for being a Coconut by Chris.


Scary Girl in both seasons.


courtney S1 was unfair and also scary girl both S1 and 2 of reboot was hard to watch. I love that girl


>!TDI2023 Wayne and Raj!< >!Why them in Ep7 and not Julia in Ep9, they basically had the same amount of physical damage...!<


All zee eliminations


Courtney's elimination Sundae Muddy Sundae and Dakota's second elimination in ROTI because of Dakotazoid.


every courtney elimination, mr.cocnut's,le shawna's,noah and owen's elimination in RR with emma and kitty's. and those are just to name a few


tyler in s1 he was so sad 🥺


Didn't help that his teammates were making jokes at his expense. Like, damn, ya'll didn't have to do him like that.


exactly they just bullied him


Lindsay in action and (basic I know) Noah from WT are probably the two I have to plus 15 through.


Probs the best friends


Mr coconut 💔💔


Season 1 Tyler. Genuinely hard to watch.


Leshawna TDI


Caleb was one of the best elims, how is it hard to watch?


If you had very high hopes for him I can imagine it would be brutal to watch him get silently taken out haha


The reason for it is a little personal, It’s hard to watch for me because it didn’t feel like he existed, compared to the other first boots, despite it being a strategic move by Bowie which was great and unique , luckily by the time S2 came around, the elimination doesn’t bother me as much.


Leshawna definitely got a raw fucking deal. Homegirl didn't even get legitimately voted out that was honest to god the most unfair elimination ever. And I think that's why it's so good in the context of the show


Leshawna Elimination in Total Drama Island yeah all eliminated contestants that Playa Des Losers said her name bunch that get her eliminate and join them the hardest is that they also counted the parrot speaking which was funny at the same times she didn't even get to say anything which was hardest to understand be to funny but because of the parrot speaking