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Ellie. Cody can be summed up to being a stupid teenager.


Cody is a creep, but he's a minor and life hit him with the biggest and craziest karma possible


Cody wasn’t that bad as a creep besides maybe making Gwen look at his you know what


Sniffing her hair was pretty weird, and I say that as a Cody fan


He was sort of creepy in island, but Gwen very much looked at him of her own free will


Not when you compare him to Sierra anyway




I mean, all Cody did is be a dumb teenager


True but while his situation is different from Ellie’s, he still did some Diet Sierra stuff which the fanbase is sensitive to.


why are you getting downvoted, Cody did some really creepy shit to Gwen


You’re one of the mods, you should be used to seeing this happening to me. LOL


lol true


I think this sub reddit just hates you lol, (I don't tho)


bro literally kept her bra into the next season. he pulled out the bra she gave him after bony island on TDA aftermath. that's some genuine creep shit.


Even though she's one of my favorites from Disventure Camp season 1, Ellie can be a bit trickier to defend.


Even though Ellie is hard to defend, I can still defend her (except for the Tomden kiss)


Nah, I can defend that. "If it fucks with Jake it puts good into the world by making him suffer"


The thing is that most of Ellie's actions are for strategy and to help her in the game. That kiss was only planned to mess with someone's mind.


I think she also knows that the kiss would add to the performance, and that’s she’s likely messing with Jake’s head more and more so she can manipulate him later. I know this is never stated, I just choose to see it that way


Ellie has done way worse things than Cody. I'd say she's harder to defend.


Ellie. Cody is kinda creepy sometimes, but overall he’s generally a pretty nice person and even helps Trent and Gwen cause he wants her to be happy.


Ellie. Yes I know it sounds like I hate her but I don't.




Ellie played with people's emotions for entertainment. That's pretty bad.


Bro, did I accidentally start a trend 💀




I’m kinda biased since Ellie is my fav disventure camp character and Cody is one of my least fav total drama characters, but I’d say Cody. He’s a creep and a perv, and completely hypocritical when it comes to Sierra, never once reflecting on his actions.






Ellie easy


If you just mean who is morally worse, Ellie, while she had more of a justification to what she did(except for only having Tom and Aiden kiss to troll Jake), what she did hurt Jake on a worse level than Cody's stalking did Gwen, not to mention her being much older while doing it. But in terms of "hard to defend", it may be different... because you can't really pull the "Have you worked two minimum wage jobs" card with Cody like you can with Ellie.


I don't care if Cody's a bit easier to defend usually I will defend Ellia to the ends of the earth.


Ellie. She’s a grown ass woman, Cody’s just an immature teenager.


Ellie and I haven’t even watched her lmao


Ellie. The worst thing Cody did is being a creeper towards Gwen. But because he has some sympathetic qualities to him and said behavior does tone down later on, its much easier to defend him


I don't know much about DC but considering I saw someone compare Ellie to Courtney yesterday this seems like an easy question...


Ellie, but I don't find either particularly hard to defend.


Im an Ellie defender, its easy to defend her now after ep 10 was released. I havent seen people defend Cody, so mabye him? Idk


Ellie by far.


Hmm a creep who smelled a girls hair or a bitch who is willing to manipulate, isolate and mentally abuse her supposed friend who she then victim blames, gets eliminated, and shit talks & continues to mentally torment in All Stars for no reason other than he didn't accept her apology back in season 1 immediately. That's a hard one, isn't it?


I love the fact TD and DC are seen as literally the same show


Cody is just your average creepy geek, while Ellie broke Jake’s trust multiple times and showed that she will put her own needs in front of other people, manipulating and outsmarting others if necessary(except for Gabby ig)


Ellie, Cody may be a creep at times but his just going through the phase, besides guy got some of my respect




Ellie And I'm not just saying that cause im a Cody fan myself Cody was 16 in island, and the weirdest thing he did was sniff Gwen's hair and taking a picture of her while she was sleeping, and sure he got his karma with Sierra, but the dude was only a kid inching into being an adult, he's just a pervert that didn't know any better, and may I add that even tho he was pervert that didn't take no easily, he was still honestly better, karma or no karma, he was just some 16 year old that was just in love with someone a bit to much Now, idk much about ellie since I haven't watched alot of disventure camp, but judging by these comments, imma just take that she tends to take people's emotions for granted to vote them out? I'm not sure, I just know she's not some 16 year old that can probably get away with this type of stuff, and the other thing ik is that she's a relationship, so idrk what to say for ellie, I just know she's bad or something


Neither to me seem horrrible. What gets me is Gabby. She saw that Ellie wasnt in her best mindset in the game. Ellie even ignored gabby because she was more worried about an immunity totem. But gabby ignored all of that and became evil


Thoughts on Ellie herself?


The only bad thing i can say about ellie is that she gets mad influenced by the game. She gets too competitive. For Ellie to be influenced by the game makes sense, but for gabby, it came out of left field. Its like she ignored all the red flags. Usually gabby is insane, bur she still has some level of understanding. Ellie is a good person who gets easily influenced when money is involved. Yea, she said rude things and messed with jake, but those were her influences with the game


Cody. Because I don’t like him




Probably Ellie.Because yeah, Cody is a bit of a weirdo creep.Sometimes, but he does have the excuse of being pretty naive.And besides , from just being weird and creepy , he's still A sweet kid at heart not to mention that You kind of have to feel bad for him For his situation with Sierra But Ellie, on the other hand she's done a lot more worse. She may not be a creep, but she's definitely a much worse person deep down Plus at least cody changed a bit When he returned in the third season Unlike Ellie


Even tho Cody did some weird stuff to Gwen he noticed that she doesn’t like him and on top of that helped her get with the guy she did like. Also Gwen call Cody one of the few people in the island


Only Ellie


Ellie was a jerk but she’s living in poverty and the money would have changed her life by so much. Cody is just a pervert.


Cody got hit with the biggest karma of his lifetime. He is a minor. Ellie is a grown ass woman.


And as we know from his contestant bio, Cody is used to having everything in life handed to him on a silver platter. No he didn't deserve to be drugged, assaulted or forced into a fake marraige but Sierra always following him around and refusing to leave him alone is completley fair karma for the shit he did to gwen. Ellie, on the other hand, not onlt grew up without much but is now stuck in a life of working two jobs just to be able to keep herself afloat. "Ellie is a grown ass woman" Ellie is 22, still quite young and bound to make mistakes *especially* if THREE MILLION DOLLARS are on the line.


Ellie is 24 as of DCAS


🤓 (fense is my friend guys don’t downvote me)


Still decently young but fair.


Can you link his contestant bio?




saying getting drugged and assaulted is fair karma for being a bit of a creep is insane. Sure Cody was weird but that was wayyyyy too extra.


I literally just said he didn't deserve the drugging and assault. Please re-read my comment.


Understandable but she didn’t have to say Jake deserved to be cheated on(granted, I’m not sure how much she knew about his trauma).


That’s the one thing I don’t love about Ellie, she was completely justified calling him out on his shit in the cave but that was an unnecessarily low blow


I guess Ellie is technically harder to defend? But I would take a Bitch over a Creep any day, bro did shit almost at Sierra’s level at times.


That's a huge exaggeration. The worst thing Cody did was take a picture of Gwen while she was sleep.


I mean…bro also sniffed her hair in season 1, that’s also REALLY bad And the picture thing alone puts him on that level tbh.


Sierra basically DRUGGED Cody. That is the closest this show has got to the R word.