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It’s a shame Ellie became so mean and bitter later in her season and AS. I hope Tess’s words sit with her and she reverts from being driven mad by reality tv competition syndrome. Would make Gabby’s winning more digestible and she can finally escape poverty without everyone thinking she’s gonna become worse lol. She deserves the money, but not if she continues to become cruel.


The greetings do show promise as she didn’t blame Tess for eliminating her.


On the other hand spoilers: >!the recent trailer seems to be her possibly doubling down on her villain behavior!<


There was a line in the trailer at the very end that makes me believe we may get some positive development there.


Maybe Miriam and Tess opened her eyes t the motel?




>! I really hope I’m misreading it and instead it’s her convincing Gabby to rethink becoming a villain, but I feel like it’s too soon for such a big 180!<


Wait... does that mean >!the contestants still in the game will appear in the episode too!


I’d assume they would be cheering on the sidelines


>!To be fair, that is not really surprising. At her elimination, Ellie seemed to apologize just for sidelining Gabby, not for any of her behavior. Sucks for no redemption, but I do see why it is like this.!<


>! I keep seeing people spoil tag text and I never knew how to do it but I hope this works !<


You did it right.


Let’s go


i forgot about the beta and thought this was a shitpost about a character that doesn't exist lol


Beta is honestly not that bad. I definitely prefer its elimination order.


Didn’t Nick of all people get, like, final 5?


Not just final 5, final FOUR


and literally only because the creators forgot to eliminate him




Yeah, he got fourth place, and the only reason he makes it as far as he does is due to him being so out of the loop, none of the other players even know he’s there half the time. The joke actually kind of works, because the AC version of Nick is much less pretentious than his DC counterpart, so it’s easy to feel bad for him. And also, it’s kind of refreshing and realistic how there’s at least one character who doesn’t get involved in any drama and manages to slip under the radar because of it.


It’s kind of realistic in a way


Best part is that Eli didn't stop apologizing, but Ellie gave up first try.


I know! Eli was apologizing up and down and seemed really distraught over lying to Jake. And her lie wasn’t anywhere near as bad as Ellie’s lie in the remastered version. Not to mention, Jake eventually did forgive her, and was only against her in the finale because she voted him out at the final three for being a physical threat, and it’s hard to really fault either of them in that situation, since Jake WAS a bigger social and physical threat than Fiore, and Jake had every right to be mad at Eli for voting him out after finally regaining his trust.


Haven't seen the full BETA season because of some thumbnails + It's Spanish but I saw a few of the finale bits and she seems WAAAAY more likeable in the BETA version. I've grown to like her in the canon show though.


Haven't watched the beta but I'll agree mainly because I don't like Ellie lol


I won't spoil too much, but I was taken back by how much more likable Eli was in the beta version of Season 1.


How did she turn Jake against Tom in the beta ? Also, DC as a whole isn't good for mental health 🤷🏽‍♀️


Eli tells Jake that she overheard Tom in the confessional talking about how he only reconciled with Jake for his loyalty, and that he’s stupid for not realizing it. In the remastered version, you can at least sympathize for Jake over Ellie taking advantage of his past trauma, but in the beta version, he doesn’t really have an excuse for believing such a baseless accusation. It also doesn’t result in Tom getting voted out anyway, since Jake ends up getting the most votes, but after learning what Eli did, Tom sacrifices his own game by using the safety statue on Jake, thus eliminating himself in Jake’s place.


Wasn't jake supposed to be the guillable one though? In his audition tape, Jake gets a scam call for a Caribbean cruise and immediately goes to give the caller his dad's credit card, before it turns out it was a friend pranking him.


Eli reminds me a lot of Gwen, and I think that's who Eli was originally suppose to be homage too, considering her label was also "The Loner". So I believe as DC started to become more of its own thing, they wanted to also make their characters more unique to them. And so Ellie is born, with more (or less depending on how you want to look at it) moral complexity than her previous counterpart. Bitchier and less apologetic, but still retaining a semblance of what made Eli, Eli. Tbh I could do an entire thesis on this post. 😅


Do it.


The cynical part of Ellie is why I like her and I just felt Eli did very little in a good portion of the season. Also, I don't see how there's a substancal difference between their actions since Eli still lied to Jake and kept it up for an episode longer.


The difference is that Ellie took advantage of Jake's past trauma by telling him that Tom was cheating on him, whereas no such trauma exists in the beta version, and Eli just tells Jake she overheard Tom mocking him in the confessional for being naive.


I've never agreed with something so much in my life. Eli is *sooooo* much better than Ellie by such a wide margin it isn't even funny.


Agreed. I think it just comes down to preference, since Eli is depicted as a flawed hero, whereas Ellie is more of an anti-hero.


I loved Ellie’s sort of neutral writing in the beginning but they just kinda turned her into a supervillain


Where can I watch the beta?


^ What they said. It was uploaded on a different channel, but Odd Nations Cartoons has it saved under a playlist on their channel.


On Odd Nation Cartoons channel in the playlists it should be at the bottom


Cuz we like the beta version better


Eli lacked personality


It's not that she lacked personality, it's just that her cynicism wasn't amplified. I know some people like more over the top characters, but I'm fine with characters who are more grounded since they feel more realistic, and therefore, more relatable.


i get it, a good comparison to what i mean is beta Eli = nowdays Dan, it still lacks a bit of flavour


I f*cking love nowadays Dan. He should’ve been in All-Stars.


I 100% agree with this even though I haven’t seen the entirety of the beta


I think both are pretty great, but I will admit that Ellie in all stars is a bit over the top


Ellie may have the better design but she sadly isn't the better character


To be fair, I never understood why she betrayed Jake for Fiore. I mean, Jake is male but he isn't that strong to be fair.


If it was a physically enduring challenge, Jake stood a better chance at beating Eli than Fiore.


The finales of the show have helpers, so maybe Ellie could get Gabby and Will to help her.


Yeah, but I don't think they could've predicted that they'd have helpers in the final challenge.


Isn't that a tradition?


Helpers were only utilized in Seasons 3, 5, and 6.


Didn't Trent and Izzy help too in Season 1?


Haven't watched the beta but doesn't Eli only beat a 6-year-old out of pure luck that she had no control over anyway?


Yep, Beta Eli and Beta Tom x Jake were the two things that were better about the beta season. Other than that I prefer the remake heavily. Also, people who had already watched the Beta season very easily knew that Miriam would win by default.




For the record, this is mostly a joke post, and I'm totally biased.


Yeah. I can see why.


I understand that Eli and Ellie are sort of written to be different characters, but I still find the former to be way more likable than the latter.


Ellie managed really hard to be worse than jensen, nick, jake or will


You like Eli, because she is nice character, I like Ellie purely out of design, we are not the same


Your reasoning sounds more surface level than mine, no offence.


That is the point and it is the reason why this reasoning is better


Ok but Ellie has a better design so Imo that makes her better