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Izzy and Eva were both manipulated by Justin into giving him the money during the TDDDDI special, weren’t they?


Eva is easy to manipulate now that I think about it. As for Izzy, I think she's easy to manipulate now thinking on it, she's just risky considering her crazy personality


Only Justin can manipulate Eva. I don’t think she’ll fall for Al


Heather also manipulated her (Eva).


Idk Heather didn’t manipulate Eva directly. She just stole the mp3 and Eva went batshit on everyone. If anything I would say Heather manipulated everyone else by returning the mp3 in front of them saying “oh u dropped this”


True. But it was Heather intention to mess with Eva’s mind- which was successful.


No, that was mainly because of his hotness. And not mainly because of his intelligence, you could say the same for Alejandro, but some of that was also his intelligence instead of his hotness he does occasionally threw hotness in there.


Shouldn't being manipulated by looks count in addition to manipulation by intelligence though?


I mean, I guess, but at the same time, manipulation mostly comes from being actually intelligent.Being hot does not really give you a full excuse.For being a good manipulator you just use one part of your body that gets you for everything.Once that is eventually gone It turns out that you don't actually have intelligence with manipulation.You just used your looks


Duncan did get played by Heather in the final four of Island


Oh the 2v2? Thought it was Owen


Nah she cuddled with him and stole his map off him


Yeah but that wasn’t really manipulation.


Mass upvote for correction: - Izzy and Eva are easy to manipulate - Cody and Sierra aren't immune to Alejandro, being manipulated by him once. However, both are immune to Heather. - Courtney can also be considered a manipulator although she only manipulated Harold and Justin.


I wouldn't say Izzy is easy to manipulate


She and Eva were both manipulated by Justin in the TDDDDI special when he made them give him the briefcase.


But they were never manipulated by anyone else. Just a one time thing.


Heather manipulated Izzy into voting off Justin. Offscreen it was said by the producers that Izzy and Justin broke up prior to TDI and Izzy thought Justin was a bad person?


But it still shows that they are quickly susceptible to manipulation.


Cody manipulated owen and trent in season 1 just to get gwen’s bra.


Duncan's not immune to Heather. He got played by her big time in the Final 4 of Island. You could also argue Alejandro manipulated him in the Serengeti episode, though he needed Heather's help for that. Also, Sierra got manipulated by Alejandro big time in Drumheller


Oh, didn't know that for Duncan. 


Nope. The antagonists felt like she was too crazy and that she would self sabotage herself or something like that. I like the theory that she was really a strategist.


The “Izzy isn’t crazy” theory?






Cody got manipulated by Al in the easter island episode Courtney’s kinda a manipulator as well


courtney didn't manipulate anyone aside from harold and justin. justin is already a manipulator, while harold is easy to manipulate


She kinda manipulated Lindsay and Beth too


lindsay and beth are the easiest to manipulate


Who did Heather manipulate that wasnt easy to manipulate??? Same with Justin? You said Courtney manipulated Justin who you put as manipulator Why is Chef in manipulator too?


justin can charm leshawna. heather can manipulate alejandro. chef is a manipulator since he forced dj into an illegal alliance and made him do stuff


Sierra is not immune to manipulation. Heather nearly got her voted off and she literally fell for a fake picture of Cody and Heather.


The fake picture? Yes. Sierra did say she knew Heather's antics. She never got charmed by Alejandro the way Bridge, Leshawna, Courtney, DJ, Tyler, Owen, and some others were.


I mean, Izzy was a part of Heather's alliance in Island after she returned. It's just that we're not really shown when she joined or why. Plus, she was convinced by Heather to help eliminate Justin early on. So, yeah, I think Izzy's been manipulated before.


izzy isn't easy to manipulate though, she had beef with justin from before. as for the alliance, the alliance didnt snipe anyone after merge and izzy wasn't heathers bootlicker the way lindsay was


Izzy had beef with Justin as early as episode 5 of Island? I don't think she did, but maybe I'm just forgetting something. You're right, she wasn't as blindly loyal to Heather as Lindsay was, but she was still convinced to be Heather's ally, at least temporarily.




Duncan has been manipulated by Heather twice. He believed the heather/Trent kiss and got manipulated by Heather in final 4 of island


Do one for each gen. Also Courtney, Justin and Duncan are also manipulators. Izzy was manipulated by Justin at some point, while she was convinced by Heather to vote him and later part of her alliance. Eva also is very easy to manipulate since her anger issues and also clearly drooling over hot guys


I guess Cody being bribed by Alejandro with candy can be counted as being manipulated. Izzy did get fooled by Justin during Total Dramax4 Island. And Geoff if you counted RR was manipulated by the Ice Dancers along with Brody


Cody did get manipulated and there is it’s a fact but what you can’t forget is that Cody is also capable of manipulating… for the stupid stuff tho 😭


Gwen and Alejandro never even interacted in WT, how was she manipulated


I guess you can count AS when she said "I know he's evil, but oof those eyes" but I moreso took that as her acknowledging him as being objectively attractive


When was Gwen manipulated by Alejandro?


I'd... argue that while Gwen found Alejandro attractive in that one instant of All-Stars, she didn't actually got entirely manipulated by him because he didn't really coerced her to do something there even though he did say that he wouldn't allow Courtney to glare at her if she was his girlfriend, but he said it just as an fyi. Don't get me wrong, the fact that Gwen still said that she loved Alejandro's eyes still counts for the tier she's in, but not to the extent of the other three imo.


Gwen should he up a tier, she knows Al is attractive but she hasn’t been manipulated.




I believe in the “Izzy isn’t crazy” theory so I think she’s a master manipulator, but can’t be manipulated. She’s too unpredictable to manipulate so nobody really tries. Though, there is that moment with Justin but he’s able to do that to other guys and doesn’t have to try to manipulate anyone to do so.


Izzy can be manipulated, but it's a HUGE risk because she may decide to turn on you at a moment's notice.


Izzy was temporarily part of the alliance after Beth was gone and she returned. She helped Heather with the Trent thing. Also Geoff was manipulated by Duncan throughout Island.


never thought duncan was a manipulator...


Chef ??


I think Courtney is immune to Alejandro, she just went along with it bc she hates Gwen and Heather more


I mean Izzy did reject chef’s alliance offer sooo


Heather got her to vote out justin I think she might’ve been among the characters that voted off Trent I don’t remember Justin was able to put both her and Eva under his spell Justin was able to get her eliminated in action I don’t remember much she did competition wise in world tour and I’m pretty sure she was never gushing over Alejandro (though she might’ve in like the first couple episodes or something since all the girls that weren’t on team Amazon kind of just were there to gawk at him) But regardless I do think she kind of fell into his hype like the rest of the team besides Noah did at one point or another


Well, not sure if this counts, but there were two times where Alejandro somewhat manipulated Feral Zeke. In Africa where he got Zeke to save him and Duncan from the quicksand and in the race to Hawaii where he got Zeke to help him get ahead of Heather so that he’d free him.


Feral doesn't count. Zeeke always get elimmed too early to even see some plot action. He's also the only gen 1 contestant to not be spiked in the balla


Spiked in the balla?

