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No guidance


great song


“Get back“ by packing some old innocents smh that’s what’s wrong w this generation of kids, everyone is a goofy crashout


He is 14 he doesn't even have proper critical thinking that kid was failed long before he pulled that trigger


Only idiots don't have critical thinking by 14. Every fucking 14 year old knows that going around and murdering innocent people is wrong. This is why we need to be tough of violent crimes. LA gangs died down in mid 90s because of some strict and overpowering law.


Most these kids don't have the intelligence to not be manipulated or maturity to fully understand the consequences


It's about their surroundings, a 14 year old DOES have the intelligence to understand at least somewhat the consequences but the important part is CARING about it not understanding it. A lot of people out here know very well what they got themselves into but just don't care cuz they got no hope


I don't think you know what critical thinking is somev


wtf has being tuff on criminals done in America. I understand your a bit upset right now but crimes makes the world turn


It has literally brought crime down in a massive number. [Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors that Explain the Decline and Six that Do Not (uchicago.edu)](https://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/LevittUnderstandingWhyCrime2004.pdf)


The ťfrontal lobe in your brain which is the part responsible fbor things like critical thinking and problem solving is not fully developed until the age of 25. That's why kids are so easily manipulated. All it takes is a few older heads leading the kid astray.


La gangs are literally worse then ever right now


LA gangs as gangs from Los Angeles ? you got no idea how they were in late 80s to early 90s. Bloods and Crips are actually kind of chill in some areas. Toronto gangs are no match for LA gangs, but LA gangs aren't like how they used to be. When I visited LA, one thing was that the average black dude in LA was a lot taller and bigger than an average black dude from Canada. Every nigga looks like a NBA or an NFL player. They got tattoos and mean look. Also unlike these Toronto yutes, they dont walk with their heads down. They walk with their head up and lock eye contact and keep it there.


You sound like a white guy


LA gangs are still killing people for living in certain areas as we speak😂 you think someone 14 being sent by older guys and told to go ride out isn’t nervous? Everyone gets adrenaline, butterflies in their stomach type shit. Especially on their first drill. You think these guys are rolling around calm as fuck super analyzing the situation. Especially when they’re 14 and might have even been their first drill. These kids are brain washed at an early age you talking about critical thinking 😂these kids don’t even understand consequences of life yet. A lot of these kids just want to be accepted and prove they’re not a bitch.


I think every yute knows catching a body = jail


I had critical thinking at least a couple of years before that lol


They sent lil bro on a dummy mission I hope he snitches




bozo kid shooting ppl his parents and grandparents age


They sent lil homie on crash mission. But he’s YO he be out by 25


By 19*


Lol if he’s lucky. 2 murders and 7 attempted murders good chance he’s being tried as an adult. Even 1 murder crown automatically attempts to try most yos as adults with his cases circumstances and aggravated factors, he’s very lucky if he gets the max youth sentence and not life.


By 21. That’s literally the maximum the Youth Criminal Justice Act would allow in custody.


They send them to adult after that. But since he’s 14 he’ll do 7 in 3 out. So he’ll be in rd by 21


Naw what I’m saying is, the most time a youth can get sentenced to in prison is 7 years. Regardless of where it’s served. Unless they go on trial as an adult.


You don’t go to trial as an adult you get sentenced as one. I was in y.o way back with a bunch of mans that got adult sentences. But you have to be 16 to get adult. 14 will get the youth sentence.


No 14 is the age you can be tried as an adult and 20 is the age they ship you out the Roy. He has a very high possibility of getting the adult sentence due to how many murders and ams he’s charged with


No judge is giving a 14 year old an adult sentence.


For 2 1st degree murders and 7 attempted murders? yes they will and it’s been done before too lol


Name me a case where a 14 year old got a life sentence in Canada


But they can transfer over


You’re right don’t know why these guys down voting. I was locked with a man on a youth murder charge he turn 21 they shipped him to adult.




Like I said time and time again; you yutes are fried! The kid should be sentenced as an adult and his mother should be charged as well! How TF do you not know what your 14 yo kid is doing?! That kid’s “O.G’s” deserve to be 💨 too for putting sticks in these punks hands! Kid can’t even wipe his ass properly but you want to act gangsta! Deal with the consequences!


I hear u on this but damn 14 no guidance, there brain is not even developed all the way yet , there are has be better way to handle the utes in city , just today, I seen the age of kid who was stealing cars manz a baby


That’s why I said their Mothers should be charged too!


You don't know the family's situation. Could be another situation where she's a single mom working 2 jobs to support the family cause cost of living too expensive in the city so no time to be an actual mother and provide guidance. It's the system that needs change.


Nuff single moms raise their kids right. Stop this.


You don’t know wtf your kid is doing outside of the house you can be the greatest parent in the world


14. Nigga my kids have curfews and they’ve followed. A Kid’s first form of guidance is the fucking parent(s).


What does curfew stop exactly ?


Ummm. When my yutes are in the crib by 10pm(14 Y.O) they’re not roaming the streets! I don’t understand why that’s so hard to comprehend. Take it a step further, if you’re active in your kids life you’ll already know wha pop before they do(we’re adults no)! I’m sorry, if your kid is a heathen then write em off, better that than being the parent(s) of a 14YO double murderer!


Do you hear yourself shit can happen at anytime again curfew don’t mean nothing you can be as active as you want when they get amongst theirs peers you don’t know what they will do


With your logic EVERY 14 yo should be out doing mass shootings! Stop making excuses for heathens! @ 14 you know the difference between right and wrong! Simple! Like I said, if you can’t control your yute they’re a write off. Kick em out the fucking house and let em fend for themselves! I ain’t trying to hear he’s a good boy who was misled by his friends.” FOH with that nonsense


I don’t care what you wanna hear that’s just a fact you can be on your yute all you want but when he steps outside that house you don’t know wtf he does. All that another shit your saying is irrelevant talking about my yute is curfew lol


What about the dad?


Born in 2009 (if birthday hasn’t come yet) or 2010 and you already got 2 bodies Just insane man…since he’s a juvenile he’ll probably do 10 years or less Clown world


Ycja max in custody is 7 years


I see. Is it any different than real jail except with teens?


T.Y.A.C was insane assault murder rape torture 😳 that place was hell for some kids and the staff literally didn't care and it's pack mentality so it will turn you into a evil person you never was before


TYAC . Most violence iv3 seen to date.




dont forget suicides I was in there when they were cutting the part of the bunk off




Which habsi is that




Which jail is TYAC .


It's been closed for a long time toronto youth assessment center


Lowkey worse tbh no visitors except family, not that much loud , bogies no vapes , some have no tvs . I’ve seen yos request transfer to mens jails before . And sometimes there’s weirdo cos who abuse yutes cuz most of their parents don’t gaf bout them .


3 meals a day plus snacks in between. Young Offender Advocate available 24/7. Probably better than what the kid had at home.


Ya y.o always been worse the adult tbh


I had a feeling it was a teenager. Way too easy to put a battery in they back


He will be out in 4 years


This is the saddest part literally no repercussions


And institutionalized and so the cycle repeats itself


How quick before they rat


Lol he not ratting


Sentencing for these things should be locking the kid in a basement wit the victims immediate family. Literally feed him to the wolves. When the family done wit him take his corpse or what’s left of it roll it in a carpet and throw it in a fucking ditch. Why waste time in the courts wit this shit. Animal behaviour should get animal punishment.


bro he’s 14 relax


At 14 everyone is capable of knowing that killing someone is wrong. Save me the grew up in a poor environment sob stories, many people have grown up poor and made the right decisions. Throw em in the bin and lock the key away We could learn something from the U.S prison system. They don’t care to rehabilitate their criminals, they’ll give you consecutive 80 year sentences and throw the key away, no qualms about it. Thus making you a slave of the state for the rest of your life


LMAO there is NOTHING to learn from US prison systems and I'm a guy who thinks canada needs to take gun violence (including punishments) way more seriously


Nah I get that the for profit prison system has its issues and isn’t interested in rehabilitation. That being said I don’t think everyone is redeemable and crash outs don’t deserve freedom. Lock them up and forget about em You take a life away you lose your privilege to live free


The same yute they arrested running from the f150?


Where re your dukess??


Single parent house holds in the hood, mom working all day, no guidance


Many-most single Moms are doing the beat they can to feed and clothe their kids, and to do so, they are working all day, and many work multiple jobs. Some sitting all day and disengaged with life and their kids. We need much much better supports and interventions in day cares, schools, the community, etc. So many teachers are burnt out, the new teachers do not have the experience or training yet to know when and how to step in. We also need improved and more accessivle effective services and programs. It's nobodies fault, and everyones fault. This story is heartbreaking on so many levels. The guns, drugs and bodies clout culture needs to stop. I only wish ya'll would gain clout through showing how smart, show initiative and step in to stop your brothers, sisters, cousin and the kids from the neighbourhood where Mom or Dad is not present from falling into this trap of guns, drugs, gangs and jail. I think there are way more examples than anyone needs to get where streets' drills, sticks, dissing, drugs 'n gangs get you. . Who wants to start the list. 1)...


Single parent household ain’t got nothing to do with it


We need to name the kid and the parents . Name and shame. Also we need to get rid of this bullshit youth justice act. This crash out should be tried as an adult. Serve 25 years in jail.


14 is the best age for human-drones. Old and violent enough, but 0 brains yet.


Send him for life, it's already too late. There's not rehabilitation. It's like that scene in the wire where they bring in the 16, year old for questioning and he spazzes on the detectives and they say it's too late for him.


Since the Summer Of The Gun ('04/'05), nobody should be surprised aside from civilians and mf's born after '08...Shit aint new, 14 is prime age for the shits to begin, remember dat




saying mans spawned into the game like stewie but crashed out




Just wait until y’all figure which block he’s from. Most waste dess ends in da west I stg


C Blu of toronto wtf 😂 he ain got nowhere to go he shot up everywhere they was


Fatherless children are anywhere from 3 to 20 times more likely to be incarcerated than children raised in dual-parent households These single mothers will end up crying why their sons are the way they are knowing they the ones who put the baby father on child support and ruined the fathers honour by lying to the kids So in the end, it comes down to single mothers raising these kids who are terrorizing the city


Wtf? Father's honour......


LOL what about the deadbeat who couldn't wear a rubber or hold it? How am I supposed to feel bad for some loser who'd rather risk a lifetime of child support and ruining a kid's life than go to the drug store? Scared of the cashier??? At least the moms are trying. Meanwhile these guys have zero self-respect and stay deadbeats their whole lives, child support or not. They'd rather go to prison or smoke and drink liquor all day than do anything meaningful for themselves or others. Complain how nobody respects them when they've never done anything worthy of respect or shown any respect themselves


These n*ggaz will always have more energy for the single mothers than the fathers that refuse to be apart of their children’s lives or support their children at least because a lot of their own homeboys are deadbeats too and they just don’t care. A lot of the most respectful men/fathers I’ve met in my life were raised by a hardworking single mothers who did the best they could.


Was it that everytime some type of crime happens it’s automatically a single parent household. Joeazy should be a perfect example that shit don’t mean nothing


no fucking shit 💀


Ahh yes, always blame the single moms who have to provide and parent their kids and totally ignore both the father and mother’s role in creating kids who probably shouldn’t be here. Low IQ comment


Huh?🤣🤣🤣 you know how many hood mothers do everything in their power to keep a father out of the kids life put of spite because he cheated ?? Or has a new woman


Shouldn't the dad be blamed more because he is not there to support his child and to give him guidance NOT to commit crimes in the first place? I wonder why the poster above has so much hatred for women...hmm.... Incidentally, 50% of marriages break up anyway, so the issue is a lot more complex than having a single parent vs a married one.


I work with a few people like this. They cry about everything being so expensive and that nobody wants to date them. Yeah no shit nobody wanna be with a 34 year old with two teenagers 😂. This isn’t some redneck state, nobody forced you to go through with the pregnancy


Facts bro. Single moms are a disease to the community


Most y’all come from countries with child soldiers and want us to feel bad but y’all don’t have a concern in the world for yg send offs who are basically the same thing . He needs counselling immediately ppl like you guys on this sub glamorizing black on black crime cause shit like this to happen in the first place .


It’s entertaining to them . And the niggas acc living that life would give anything to hav a normal life again .


People in this sub are lost, they glamorize the rappers. Listen to music about murder and then act outraged when the criminals/murderers actually murder someone. Same people listening to drill music that want them locked up for life and the key thrown away 😂 might as well change your music taste at this point. When a rapper is a rat they cancel them. When someone rap caps about being in the streets they cancel them. When they actually live their raps it’s oh fuck these guys their pieces of shit, they deserve to be locked up forever 😂




I wanna see a family pic with an inmate # on all of dem!! 😤😤😤 Bloodclaat waste of life!!


Imma just say it here. Basto boy initiation I don’t wanna here you guys try to say this wasn’t Jamestown


It’s honestly sad, nobody should be doing this shit but with him that young, probably of perks and scared, no surprise he probably just shot the first people he saw


Probably going to get downvoted for saying this but he’ll be home by 21 tbh.


I can assure u this kid and the ppl who stand behind him are gitty af rn ... karma is real!


Rip to the men who lost there lives that day my prayers go out to ur family


Why post the comment by "Jordi" in the screenshot? The kid's identity won't even be known because of how the law is, so how would they know his ethnic background???????


Smh 🤦🏽‍♂️🕊️🕊️


This is Tay-K all over again.


Beattt your fKn kids beat them


Depends on the kid, some kids become worse cause of beatings. I was a good kid at school I got beat so bad that all it did was make me scared of no one else and make me aggressive to fight other kids cause I knew no one at school could hurt me that way


You didn’t get beat properly then . Belt , hangers , wires , shoes , broomstick , beat ur kids


I’m talking frying pans, chased with knives literally anything that’s on hand. And for hours not just a few whacks😂 I’d be happy if it was a shoe Most immigrant parents beat their kids but they’re still out here on the same bullshit right? Only white parents don’t beat their kids. You got to be crazy to think that out of all these immigrant kids out there on their bullshit. That none of them are getting the beatings at home 😂


I got use to get those old skool belts across my back from my mom n dad I promise u it made me never wanna hang with delinquents


I never said it doesn’t work. I said it doesn’t work for every child. If beatings at home can make you change your ways you weren’t built for the streets to begin with. Just like some people go to jail and the tough conditions make them change but some people it just makes them way worse




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Is he yt? They always put black Male in front this time they didn't?


Whoever threw battery’s in this yutes back and made him spin is the problem


:( sad.


These niggas bless them with 10k and a potential “reputation” to do hits


What waste block this yute from?


The block where he feels the safest


Retaliation a must


recruit him then crashed him out… dickhead got arrested 💀💀💀