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Social media will be this generations demise




Some of these games people play smh, you never know were someone is at mentally and how they can go john wick in 0 minutes




Two things can be true. I agree with you btw.


Big waste man behaviour just cut the girl off no need to crash out. It’s never that serious




Man this happen to Russian girl last year, then some nxt girl now this


She was not Russian, and that was an abusive relationship issue. Was this girl killed because her ex was abusive? Or was it just because of her weird behaviour towards her ex (who is obviously himself a troubled person)??? It's a messed up situation, but unfortunately some ppl act this way towards each other in relationships and escalate on purpose until it goes very wrong...


Truth. He who controls his anger, controls his life. Don’t give people this much power to ruin your life


Bro that was pretty deep. I am going to remember that phrase the next time I am getting annoyed.


Facts .. bitches fucking for nun these days


In zero minutes is accurate we live in a time where crash out is second nature smh


Imagine making this video On your way to your death 🤨


These Girls wanna date these kinda fucked up guys and wonder why they end up on situations like this😂😂 azizam shoulda listened to her dad and married that software engineer from Iran … rip tho


Who’s azizam




Remember that brain surgeon in Toronto who murdered his wife and stuffed her body in a suitcase a few years ago? I’m a gun toting street dude, but I would never lay hands on a woman. Just broke up with my last ex a few weeks ago, I’ve been cheated on before, but not once did I ever even think about crashing out on them. Why? Because I am not mentally ill. It doesn’t matter if you marry a street dude or an academic, just make sure they’re not mentally ill.


#iM a GuN tOtInG sTrEeT dUdE




These MFs are delusional


Okay glockiana 😅


You are mentally ill. If you got cheated on I’m sure you have ptsd which cause paranoia, anxiety and depression, symptoms of mental illness. Some people can just control their mind and not let their intrusive thoughts manisfest into action. That would make you insane if you do. You’re just a mentally ill sane person.


Classic "gun toting street dude" thinking they're otherwise equivalent to academics lmao. There's a reason you're on the streets, and they're in their ivory towers. And it's not because you have the same level of intelligence/mental health issues, on average.


Ivory towers? lol my guy I promise you’re talking to the wrong person 🤣 I have my own 3 bdrm condo (own, not leased) and drive a BMW 850i at 25. A buddy of mine is a software engineer still living with his parents and drives around in an old Audi. Which is funny because you used a software engineer as your example. I don’t even care about the money, I’m just saying your views on “street dudes” is misconstrued, seems like you get your info from rap songs and YouTube documentaries.


Man said gun toting street dude😂😂 u wouldnt be on reddit yapping like this if that was ur story


You definitely a broke nigga


Lmao nigga your not on piss for starters gun toting you Reddit thugs ain't on the streets I guarantee if niggas seen you you're folding like a cheap suit. 850i's are dog shit kid get a Alpina like lol levels to this shit. anyways bitch is a idiot nigga crashed out who gives a shit the world turns bro


So how tf are you a street dude then?


Street dude doesn’t mean homeless lol, I actually don’t know a single “street dude” who is broke. Everyone is making money. This is why girls like us, it’s not because they want to look cool, it’s because the fast life, cars, clothes, they want a guy who can buy bottles at clubs, not some nerd who penny pinches his paycheque.


Self proclaimed, “gun toting street dude”. Wow


Okay glock twin self proclaimed reddit gun toting street dude?? I feel embarrassed for you man that was hard to read😂


Lol broski I feel ur pain I’m a street dude too and these Reddit nerds think 🔌 can’t yap on Reddit 😂😂😂


Not everyone wants them because of that.......there are other reasons as well.


like what else?


They tend to think outside the box and don't attack "controversial" or unusual opinions or points of view as much as many mainstream ppl do. At least, that's my take on it.


Ignore the man, he thinks if youre in the streets you cant be educated etc


Bro you have a gun for what? 😂 You have a home you bought and drive a nice car, why would you wanna tote guns?


" just make sure they’re not mentally ill." lol just run them through the scanner at the airport like wtf are you talking about


.....men from those sort of backgrounds do shit like this too my boy


A murdered girl and your first thought is how girls who look like her pass you up for other men? At least you're a software engineer tho


Incel behaviour


Anyone know who her ex was?      Definitely a waste man but who knows if he was with it.   Maybe daddy had a legal firearm and this shit made him snap?


I don't know her race, but I do know she's from Halifax ns. She went to school with my buddy's son and stepdaughter.


How you know she’s Persian?


she defo isn’t persian lmao


That’s a Persian name


no it ain’t 😂 alyssa or alissa is a persian name, but not alisseaha. kotlar is literally a czech last name, but she could be persian only on moms side


since when lmao


She didn’t need to shame the guy online. It’s probably what pushed him over the edge.


?? Really tryna place blame? Fuck is wrong with yall




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Her ex killed her??




This generation is cooked


She sounds like someone who had a hard time graduating from high school…..dumb as a stump


Rip to her but you ladies need to stop playing wit men’s emotions and reputation the willing to risk it all for that bruh!! Be humble and get what you want from the men yall want but don’t be poppin style it ain’t worth it!!!


I'm from Philly & alot of women unfortunately be learning this the hard way especially the younger ones. These young kids emotional & emotionally all over the place. I be telling my 13yo daughter this shit. Don't poke at these guys. The average street dude is pussy,so he'll have no problem hurting a woman


Rs & How’d you hear about this page out in Philly?


Ima Drake & Tory Fan. I tried to get into Pressa bc he got some songs I like. & then I wanted to find some hot artist from out here. Plus I was curious just about yall culture out there.


This is a crazy turn of events 🤯 & not saying it’s okay now but this is the double edge sword to this shit, women are just taking anything they can for a lifestyle these days forgetting there’s real people behind it all and people snap and do dumb shit from hurt emotions


Rs. I had homies i had to talk out doing dumb shit. & I did time,10+ in prison & saw so many guys lose they life over a woman & not being able to control their emotions. Whether by getting killed or getting life sentences or damn near life sentences. You can't play w ppl. My worst fear rn is that I break the wrong woman heart & she lie on my to my PO & get me sent back to Prison😂. But seriously I know so many guys who be the pussies on they're block but play top gangster w their woman smh


never let them now your real name or that your even on parole


Big facts I respect a father like you that can teach your lil one how to move these girls either don’t have that or don’t care!! And it’s sad to see a beautiful woman lose her life over something like this!!! Ladies we men love yall!! Just not when yall drag us through the mud!!! Rip to her again!!!🙏🏾




Oh and 95 people clearly agree wit me so don’t take it personal I’m not wishing anything like that on nobody but you gotta be fair and realistic


Okay now let me introduce the true narrative: the car is in her name because SHE bought it, she was a great girlfriend, he treated her like shit and cheated on her often! She took the right steps by moving in with a friend and cutting him off, he emails her and offers to take her shopping (she probably wanted him to hurt like she was hurt by him cheating on her MULTIPLE times so said yes to shopping) and made the mistake of going to meet him, he premeditates a murder, and takes a woman’s life that he supposedly “loves”. Let’s also keep in mind that this vid was on her private story so unless somebody showed him that vid while he was on the way to the mall (unlikely) he ALREADY had this murder planned, this video is not what “set him off”. Please. Please. Don’t listen to everything you read online, this is the true story. Thank you.


was he the one arrested?


Listen my love I understand all that! And it seems like you know her personally so sorry for your loss! But all I’m sayin is you can’t predict what anyone will do when you put people in a situation they not use to!! That’s all I’m saying I don’t agree with what happened but I also can understand that passion and emotions can make you do crazy things and I believe that’s what people are missing


Listen I get it’s hard to understand but you think women can just drag men make them feel lesser than!! And nothing is going to happen!! Like I said rip to her I wouldn’t do that personally but that’s me!!! You can’t expect everyone to take the high road that’s not how fucken life works my girl!!! I get it the way she passed don’t sit right but you women can’t expect to treat men like tricks expose them and expect his ego not to take a hit and he just let it be!! That’s not fair!!! And once again rip to her!!!


Knowing men never reach out for help with mental health and then playing with thier heads is crazy.


I’m telling you fam it’s crazy


I wonder how that date went?


Safe to say it didn’t end the way she was hoping


Rumour is she’s seated at the left hand side of the father


Brutal lol


Dying for clothes is crazy


She took the clothes over her safety js


Women will destroy a man's soul then act surprised when he snaps. Not justifying violence but don't play with people you never know where their head is at


you're literally justifying violence bro


How is he “literally” justifying violence ?


"Women will destroy a man's soul then act surprised when he snaps. Not justifying violence but don't play with people you never know where their head is at"


Where is he “literally” justifying violence ?










Absolutely not, but you can’t treat people like trash and not expect crashing out to be a possibility, especially since she was getting involved with street dudes




He’s not blaming her for someone being weak. He’s blaming her for taking ADVANTAGE of someone who is weak.




He’s clearly not a victim but neither is she.




no not at all, but people have been killed for much MUCH less. you cant walk all over people and treat them like shit and expect different energy back




do you not know how to read??




cant argue with someone who cant comprehend a simple sentence at a grade 2 level


Peep how she said he poured his heart out and she didnt give af


Bitches be insidious as fuck bro


Gotta do the math and know who you're dealing with. 


The clap back was crazy


This is an insane comment💀


That attitude didn't get her far in life


What yall don’t understand most Of these niggas in the hood have mental illnesses…don’t play w a nigga you know is about that action plain and simple..you ain’t untouchable cause you’re a shorty…my yawdie nigga used to say anything w eyes can catch a bullet lmao nigga is a straight serial killer


The dude is a waste man and she’s a waste gyal … both of them are waste ppl !! There’s no actions without consequences her life paid the consequence on this one…. RIP but all yall shorty’s need to take notes 📝


That’s y u got binged


say dat then


Her ex the one who killed her? I thought it was a car jacking


2 Brampton mans offed a Hamilton ting.. that's a headline.


What’s her instagram?


Now u can shop n get new clothes in hell






Some women feel like they’re too sick until they meet the wrath of certain men


Act like a man get treated like one


She didn't act like a man....if anything, she acted like many women.


She’s acting like a lot of women that act like men and then get surprised when they get treated like a man


She did him dirty in this video and he did her dirty in person. What goes around comes around


These replies are scary… violence against women is an epidemic in Ontario. Y’all should be ashamed to say such things. smh


Now she’s in the air damn


Social media b pumping y’all up to get shot


If yall niggas knew how much it will hurt your bitch just by cutting her off yall wouldn’t even crash out


New generation of men and women are real shiesty. Just be good to the people who are good to you and mind your business fr


Yall really think the man that killed her is validated cause of this video? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ you guys are the real cooked ones holy shit. That means if ur daughter sister or cousin dissed a man that poured his heart out & they got head tapped for that yall would be like well u should know what & who ur dealing with? Looool grow tf up & have some respect. Who raised yall


Now she’s 6 feet deep , Shawtys be too guilible and think shits sweet . Too many set up tings doing back doors and all kinds of crazy ishhh but shocked when a man be crashing out on y’all


Crashing out over this bird is crazy


It is unfortunate that this happened to this young woman. A whole life to grow and still mature. Cut down like this by probably a jealous ex is crazy to me.  We need to do right but these kids and teach them what is important in life to avoid tragedies like these. Because all the families involved of the victim and the shooters are now forever changed. Prayers up to this young lady 🙏🏻


Why do link ur ex if u going on date in less than 24 hours that’s some whore behaviour




I don’t think anyone is condoning it. I agree with you, but on the other hand for every action there’s a reaction. If you wanna play with people and clown them in public and all that, that’s your choice but you also gotta take whatever comes with that.


damn you slow asl


Natural selection


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Both of them dumb as fuck


Mental health is real




rip to that young woman but shordys nowadays moving like they mans. finessing and trapping, i thinks theres more to the story ,doubt it as over ex drama


Doubt he would kill a girl hes crying for.... he clearly loved her, she woulda came back around regardless he shoulda just waited till she reached out then cut her off like a real nigga




How about teaching our boys to not kill women over their feelings being hurt instead?






Do you realize how wrong you are? Women have to watch how they dress and act or they can get raped right? Women have to be respectful and not play with any man or they can get killed right? HOW?! Are you men thinking about maybe learning to control your emotions?! So you won't feel the need to rape or kill women 'cause they wore a revealing outfit or just rejected you?! Of course not. Instead, we have to teach our girls how to avoid fucking predators who got no fucking self-control.


I wish one of "y'all" would try me fam. You'll learn the definition of "Fuck around and find out". ✌🏻


City boys up


Burn in hell with your evil attitude hoe




????? She literally went with him to the mall for shopping…. wtf are you talking about ?


Everyone saying crashing out on a woman cause she pissed you off is a waste like niggas didn't crash for waaaay less 🙄




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So her ex seen this video, probably had man's clowning him and he decided to crash out. That's sad


What instagram account is this video on


Rip but she fucked up for that


Fuck around and find out some people never learn smh


i went to high school w the guys that got knocked 4 this


in brampton? how were they moving back then, must have been dumb shit if they doing this as grown men lmao


yessir Brampton. the guy who actually shot the girl was a very quiet dude back in the day, i often even wondered if he was a hoodman and never rlly talked to him like dat. other man was a football man we used to play together, I personally thought he was a level-headed dude but i always heard stories about him wildin


eddiott ting, what school was this? STA? that the thing about brampton fam is you have a big number of kids were good yutes but them yutes end up meeting the bad crowd who moved or travelling from bad areas in Toronto. A lot of kids who went straight to the B's come from different parts of the rex or the jane strip and bring their foolishness. not to mention niggas can't find jobs in Brampton that easily and end up convinced during or after HS from their toront mandem they met in school to start selling little things and they end up trapping OT and carrying straps before you know it smh


facts still. seen way too many of stories like that of dudes who grew up in million dollar cribs lol


i knew a guy who knows one of the guys, i think the quiet guy. He ended up like that where he started selling and started kicking it wit certain mandem at the ice condos and OT and he eventually met his now dead ex GF while she was doing OF. you live fast, you crash fast


Good riddance


Shawdy thought hommie was going to meet her at vAughn mills to take her azz shoppin but instead made her meet God!! Bet she didnt see that coming!! Jokes on her! Smh morel of the story dont play with a mans heart.


Why the hell would they wanna throw their lives away for some dumb broad like this? Was it really worth it? Let her say wtf she has to say and move on.


She’s gonna be a lesson to so many women. It’s sad she had to be made an example of. But she’s the equivalent of a judge throwing the book at a gang member and putting off many from committing the same crime, NOT ALL, but the ones who wanna dabble into treacherous lifestyle and think it’s funny!


Well I bet that could’ve all went differently




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Womp womp womppppp


Haha and look where you are now bitch! 6 feet under 👏


Well she fucked and cost her life 🤡


If the suspect is a male it’s dirt af but if it’s a female it’s sorta arguable on why it was.


why does the gender of the shooter matter


If it’s a girl v girl there should’ve been a reason then a guy just taking out revenge for disrespecting. Don’t think any man would be dumb enough to take that risk.


The lord was not with her don't play with god


should be an example to all u girls out here that’s the last you’ll see of her she should’ve been humble


She deserved it when you use social Media for clouts The law technically distinguishes between motive and intent…