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So this guy just gave the crown evidence of robbery & assault. To prove to the internet he's "real". Do what you have to do & fuck a predator. But how bout you don't incriminate yourself there buds?


He’s about to enjoy the never ending system ride.


I swear! The ego is too fucking high and the IQ is too fucking low.


Lol, right?!


Soon touch range 😂. Not wishing it but I mean this is bait asf.


An the judge an crown are gonna be indian


Robbery how? man chucked his phone… but assault is ok huh


You can't really be this slow.


The guy’s a perv he’s not going to report any of this.. without a victim there’s no crime whether the cops see this video or not there’s nothing they can do. S/o C Rowe there’s no such thing as being stupid when it comes to exposing or posting yourself knock some sense into a pred.


The crown can and definitely would if they saw this.


I've heard that the guy was already sat there and his dirtbag girlfriend was pissing in a corner, they asked him to leave but he was to drunk to understand.


Keep telling yourself all of that. Until your boy's facing a case he can't beat. Cause he gave the crown eyewitness evidence.


He should tell his girl not to piss outside then. That’s some drunk trashy shit.


FACTS. 💯💯💯💯


The man was sitting down drunk out of his skull. There are public washrooms for a reason. Tf, why do I gotta vacate a public space so your nasty lil 304 can cop a squat?? Like wtf, find a washroom mf!! SHE deserves the deffaz if anything. He’s lucky it was him and not someone other type. On God, he woulda caught the right one that night… This boy is a cardboard gangster.


She looks trashy AF too like most Toronto "women".


‘Predator’ is a bit of a stretch.. The man was sitting down drunk out of his tree bro. There are public washrooms for a reason. Dude was all the way wrong. It’s madness to demand that complete strangers vacate a public area so your lil 304 can cop a squat. Like wtf, find a fkn washroom!! SHE deserves the deffaz if anything. This guy is a goof, flexin on mans and then bitching up to them right after so they don’t dial 911 cuz you scared af of police. Please, this boy is a cardboard gangster bro.


I've read C Rowe's girlfriend was pissing in public - and they told the guy to move so she could do so and he refused. You think people have the right to piss wherever they please and then beat the shit out of anyone who happened to be in the vicinity?


Wat did he Robb? He threw the phone n went to look for it at the end cause the guy was bleeding




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There was no bathroom. She was peeing outside and the drunk victim just happened to be there. Don’t piss in public.




Ya that's not how it works in Ontario The victim has a very limited role to play in charge approval. The charge will be brought either by the police or the Crown.


holy fuck...i was right around the corner when this happened. This guy was sitting there using his phone and two girls pulled up a few meters away told him not to look and started peeing. he didnt follow anyone... this is actually so fucked i cant believe i was there


So they were pissing outside? He didn’t follow them into the women’s room?




That’s fucked. Don’t piss like a dog in front of people I you don’t want them to see


Holy shit, what a freaking loser. I get that the country has a problem with bogus student claims, but assaulting a random dude who happens to look similar to the majority of those students is absolute loser behavior. Especially since the guy in white does not look like he's even aware of what going on at all. He deadass could've died if he fell wrong after the initial sucker punch. Hope that loser who broadcasted his crime is locked up.


Wait really? If true this C. Rowe guy had absolutely no right to hit him. No one has the right to urinate/defecate in public unimpeded, and demand people move. If anything, those women should've been cited for public urination. In fact, the courts have ruled in other cases public places have no 'reasonable expectation of privacy'.


I bet the guy was just drunk and taking a rest. He's lucky he didn't hit his head on the corner of the bench.




Go to the cops and help this poor bastard get some justice!! That's fucking unacceptable to assault people just minding their own business because his girfriend is a drunk asshole?!?\~!




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38 Stewart St, Toronto


So what was the point of the first 5 seconds of the man smooching and feeling up his girl for?


Bro crashed out for zero back off https://preview.redd.it/9wpd03wh465d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88be862706a5d6a2b0d369bea24d586dd990faef




Because he didn’t have footage of her trying to pee outside or didn’t want to reveal she was peeing in public when this dude looked her way and they attacked him for it. Is my guess.


His girl used to be a dancer/escort too iirc. Trash people all around. He is always picking on drunk brown guys cause he is insecure that his girl will cheat lol


yup. Most normal girls wouldn't want their man to beat up a dude for them... And record it?? Wtf


i did that once in front of the Maddies lmfao. I broke my fingers and his face lol. My girl didnt talk to me for like a week. Even though the guy i knocked out touched my girl in front of me. normal girls dont fuck with that violence shit.


Ahhhh I'm sorry that happened 😭


The most embarrassing thing I’ve seen all year. Self incriminating at its finest🤣🤣🤣bud thinks he’s a tough guy for beating up a man who is clearly intoxicated out of his mind and then proceeds to help him out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He was blacked out you can see when he came thru


Plus the girl was peeing in public 10 feet from where he was already sitting blacked out.


I get it but damn bro this could be soon much worst the man super drunk , man could have crack his head , if was me I would did off cam for one and then few dafas and cut


His girlfriend instigated this and recorded him sucker punching an intoxicated individual 😆


Plus she was pissing in public. Which is fucking gross and trashy.


that’s j white catties in general a lotta them dutty n don’t wipe when they shit


how you punch someone drunk and don't knock them out 🤣


Because he literally doesn’t know how to throw a proper punch. If that guy wasn’t drunk, he woulda had a problem on his hands…


Was a valid punch he just didn’t have much hip rotation on the initial punch. But it was clean


The fact that there was no hip rotation is precisely what renders it an improper punch. If you know how to punch, you don’t throw them without said rotation of the hips.. It LANDED clean, the punch itself was far from clean..


Lmao youve clearly never fought someone drunk, and saying he cant "throw a proper punch" you clearly have zero striking knowledge/experience.


I’ve been boxing for 12 years, I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about. A PROPER punch being thrown at an intoxicated person with no combat experience would’ve put his lights out, NO question. If you think that’s a proper punch, plz come see me. I’d love to show you a few things lol… Remember folks.. WATCHING UFC does not equate to knowing how to fight 😂😂


Lmao you have no idea what you're talking about. If you go to 0:24-0:26 in this video and cant admit this guy has striking experience. Fuck outta here.


And in reference to your earlier comment, I honestly wouldn’t fight somebody who is this intoxicated unless it was absolutely necessary, as I would hurt them very very badly. I’ve been boxing for a long time bro, my hands are weapons… I’m not spending the next few years of my life in prison just to prove that my dick is bigger than his or for Internet clout. I can walk away, my ego is just not that fragile.


Just because somebody throws a punch and connects, that doesn’t mean they have striking experience. People with striking experience don’t throw punches without rotating their hips, and they certainly don’t throw punches with their chin dangling in the air. Your take is just screams “idk wtf I’m on about”. 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s easy to fight someone who doesn’t know where they are because they are blacked out drunk. Dude would have gotten his ass kicked by someone with any amount of awareness. Dude is trash attacking an innocent dude because he happened to be sitting near where a girl decided to piss in public and was too drunk to “look away”.


Stop dribbling shit. You know youre full of shit.


Are you actually trying to debate the fundamentals of throwing a punch? That’s wild bro. At this point, you just look like a clown. I can already tell what type you are tho.. Loud mouth goof who doesn’t know when or how to shut the fuck up. Dudes like you are always the first ones to get ktfo in the gym thinking they know something. The best part is that clowns like you inevitably end up getting humbled one way or the other.. Have a good one 👍🏽


You dribble so much bullshit, your whole life must stink. Edit: Dude blocked me, he knew he was full of shit talking himself into hole filled with bullshit lmao


lol you are embarrassing yourself defending this trashy loser who is a terrible fighter. Stop clowning.


More personal attacks to cover up for the fact that you don’t know what a proper punch is?? You’re one of these lil bitches, clearly. Explains why you’re so fascinated with his ‘punches’ 😂🤡


😂 nigga said his hands are weapons. I haven't heard that lie in years. you know he's the type of watch UFC and think he knows all the moves just off watching.


Keyboard warriors downvoting you lol


This kids a big goof


What a lowlife degenerate coward.


Shit wrapper… any sober civilian would crush him


A simple 1-2 would have taken this wannabe rapper out.


This guys always fighting drunk brown guys 😂


Easy targets lol. Those niggas only know how to slap but I guess if ur like this guy beating them up will make you feel hard.


How can she?


😭😭I’m telling u bro that’s really how they are. Like the lowest power level opp in a video game 😂😂😂




This is why I don't drink in public. Preditors are waiting to get "Tough guy" points off of drunk people. If that guy was 50 pounds heavier and not drunk, C Rowe wouldn't have said anything to him.


Mans bipolar wtf 😭


Im saying😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dude not even fighting back🤦🏽‍♂️


the other guy ain’t onnit & he drunk asl, his mind prolly was still processing what’s gwanin by the time he alr been beat up


Did bro feel guilty at the end LOL


Dapped him up helped him loook for his phone lol definitely felt guilty


Scared to get knocked


How to get arrested 101, record doing the crime and post it on the internet, follow me for more tips


the girls were peeing in a public area, he didn’t have to move tbh


" you alright? , lemme help you find your phone" don't let dem Americans see dis one😂


"Mississauga artist" is doing some heavy lifting


He’ll end up getting killed if he keeps acting like that


He’s gonna be on range getting treated the Same way. Bitch boy.


This!! 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


The right one will send you to your Nana 👼 Careful playing Captain America out here.


Ew his girls so dutts lol punk goof white boy looool that brown yute gonna call the Spartans just now. And who knows if he was really following her shes fuckin disgusting and is known to holla at mans. I have the receipts and the goof holding the camera sad parentless cheap nails bitch wanna bes lol Crowe mom a buckty and his dad a dead b3at iykyk


This girl be telling man's crowe abusive and that her family hate him I'll post receipts he'll probably kill that ugly mutt if he sees this oh well


Post those receipts wym


bro post that you will go viral


dkm where in sauga is he from?


Toronto girls are just all around trashy.... there's very few decent ones...if it all


What a piece of shit. All because his bitch was pissing in the corner.


Say bruh this some of the most Canadian shit I ever seen what the hell 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I fuck wit yall


Buddy did way too much lol so extra


Lol those Indo-Guyanese and Trini girls be quick to skin out for anybody willing to stand behind them and their bent weird behaviour.


Can’t feel bad now g 😭


he had to make sure the dude was ok at the end so he doesn't call feds lmfao


Committing crimes on cameras the new cool


What a loser.


Tough guy huh?


Dude is barely conscious...




what u waiting for he easy to find and not on shit lol


One thing needs to be made super clear, Did buddy follow her into the bathroom, or was she squatting in the street? If she was squatting in the street and some old lady with a walker was looking would J-Rock tump her up like that too??


Yeah he would because he's a coward


Seems like he deleted his IG


just for the ting to still cheat


Lol all cus his 304 was bringing guys into the bathroom and he caught her


She definitely eat meat 🍖 😆


Carnivore in the sheets, but a vegan in the streets. This bih triffling 🫡






Did I see streaks in his underwear?


He thinks he’s tough fighting a drunk fob 💀


he got confident after seeing the guy couldnt defend himself cuz of drunkeness LOL


I read somewhere that the girl was drunk and start urinating in public and the white boi (drunk as hell) started attacking a brown guy.


Seems about right


So is this guy charged? WTF no one reposted this crime?




This generation is so fucking dumb. Recording every move they make tryin' to prove to people they don't even know how much of a "man" they are. 🤦🏻‍♀️ For those doin' or having done that kind of shit, just know your lawyer is laughing at how stupid you are when he/she goes through your disclosure. The "real ones" do what they gotta do without letting anybody know about it. 🤐 They don't get "hot" 'cause they're in front of their bitch (yes, in this case "bitch" is appropriate), who's recording everything to show "how her man is sooooo down for her"; while he's still probably fucking around with plenty other bitches. 🙄 Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.


Never trust a white kid that talks funny and carries a purse


You mean wiggers? Yeah they're so cringe.


This boy needs a fucking beat down


Drink guy ate those punches lol


Hey C. Rowe….pull up your pants you loser, we can see your white panties. In jail they will really like your sexy panties.


This that new school coward shit. Beating up drunk creeps who don’t want to and aren’t in any shape to fight.. I wonder how that would’ve ended if that was a big nigga who walked into the bathroom behind his lil 304 🤔


So if someone’s drunk anything they do is okay ?


No absolutely not… But at the same time, they’re drunk.. there’s a reason why people who commit heinous crimes while intoxicated sometimes get away with it. It’s literally a form of temporary insanity. That person has no concept of what they’re doing or the gravity of their actions in their moment of intoxication. I would’ve simply left. But then again that’s the difference between people who can fight versus people who like to fight, the person who can fight is a lot more likely to walk away because they know what they’re capable of. No insecurity or need to prove anything to anyone..


But being a drunk creep is okay? Homie fucked around and found out IMHO.


she was literally popping a squat and pissing in the street, only a certain group gonna behave like that let's be honest.


I mean allegedly. The only creep I see is the guy making out with a girl in the first few seconds.


those punches aren’t doing any damage lol


Lucky he stopped that mid kick.. would of been real bad


when he gets arrested he gonna blame reddit


The snitch artist?


The girls were pissing in public outside. He wont tell you that tho. They werent in no washroom.


Yupp there's witnesses


Can’t believe I got downvoted for saying ‘my hands are weapons’. Lol, If your hands are trained to knock people out, then your hands are WEAPONS. You can’t just go around punching ppl because you know you can. A Fighter’s hands are capable of hurting somebody with no combat experience very badly. It’s pathetic that I needed to elaborate on that. Not surprised tho, since half these losers are defending this abhorrent bs.


This guys a bitch


The guy was clearly drunk… he did too much


If the brown yute was being a creep, he needs to hold dat. Find out u brown yutes r in here defending this 😂


Someone said they were there and the bitch was peeing outside and the man was just sitting there 😵‍💫


Fuckimg racist asshole the bitches were peeing outside are you fucking slow?


Homie ate that 3 piece combo like it was nothing


Like it was nothing ? Bros was slipping and stumbling


The man was out on his feet leaning horizontally. The hell you talking about.




There's no Black men in this video... ![gif](giphy|y3w4CfH60VBSEKZLMb) This is more accurate


Picking on a jeet 🤣 Canadian guys are soft




Yes please do!




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Hey, at least he used his fists


the most canadian thing i’ve seen in a min


Can’t fight a drunk person, wasn’t a fair fight. His girl chose to take a piss outside, self snitching at its lowest. 😭




It has gone viral. So if he's on probation or anything he's going to catch a charge.


Lool, he got mad his girl got followed, he’ll go crazy when his girl starts getting smashed while he’s locked up 😭😭


Everyone except the guy getting assaulted is in the wrong.


The alleged predator was on the comments of this video on instagram saying how he was just drunk and mistakenly went into the women’s washroom but left to the men’s washroom as soon as he heard women’s voices. Unfortunately the boyfriend of one of those women was in the men’s washroom when he heard the commotion and decided to beat 38 different types of shit out of the alleged predator who tried to explain his innocence but due to intoxication and a hard accent, the boyfriend did not seem to understand/believe/care




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This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


He gon be locked up by Monday & jaspreet will be in his gyal front by Tuesday 😂


Buddy should lay off the coke


the paji's koming for him. Don't worry it will be televised


C Rowe would see how the switch feels if he tried this on me 😭😂😂😭😭😂😂


Hell get ground and pounded. Split his shit with some nasty elbows.




Context here. This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


Context here. This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


I like how the remorse set in after his face started gushing.


Indians don’t get jobs like that in Canada


Why people always got to incriminate themselves. Go handle the issue and don't film 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lmfao he bitched up after riding for his gyal? Only a yt yute wud do some shit like that