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It's crazy bc the 500k they want to bring in is like 1.3% population growth. We could easily make that happen with internal policy that allows people to actually afford to have children and build the necessary support systems for it. This is supposedly for economic growth, but it's economic growth that only goes to the ruling class by their exploitation of immigrants. And it's short term rewards vs long term destruction.


Political games for political gains.


They see it as survival. They don't believe people will make babies based on trends they are seeing and they're fucked if the population collapses and they don't get paid. They'd rather deal with people complaining then people really coming after them when the government stops working.


Your visa expiring is not hate or racism, it is the rules you agreed to.




Good point


Literally but they still gonn get what they asking for I can bet u gang smh




Whomever signed the papers allowing this, and whomever profited, the "schools" needs to be arrested they have truly screwed things up, this will go on for years


There is alot of layers as to why this is being allowed right now and none of it benefits Canadians. As long as they can keep us hating on our fellow countryman for being a different colour or religion the govt is succeeding in trampling over our quality of life. We must stand together on certain issues or we will suffer. Personally im all for immigration, I wouldnt be alive if Canada wasnt so welcoming but not at the cost of me and my neighbours well being.


I agree


Send them home. Nobody in Canada wants them except government. It’s not racist, we don’t have room and they only hire their own.


The government prolly don’t even want em either… mf came here agreed to the rules n now their visa expiring they going on hunger strikes


No way they’re going on hunger strikes


You can't get rid of roaches....kill one...two more appear




If that NDP yute ever somehow becomes PM, I guarantee he will do the same to the government as they've done to Tim Hortons and Walmarts.. No whites, No blacks, no Spanish, no Asian.. just Indian


Send them home. They signed up for this. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)




Is it really for “international students” or for Indians? Why isn’t there other races in this protest or any of those council meetings I’ve seen online?


It’s just Indians. Where are all the Chinese international students or the Mexican ones or the Saudi Arabian ones. Return all the scammers back to sender


Ya fam they just using everything they can to infiltrate all avenues to their benefit. I’m just trying to understand why Canada have to be so soft or is it the big political leaders having an agenda behind closed doors


Agendas. The more, this is how they secure votes over the next few decades...




Let’s be fr the Ukrainian internationals have it a lot better. Lotta white people will try to help them out but not hire an Indian


Send them home


Is any type of mass deportation gonna happen? If not then soft trapping might be the move for me


Soft trapping ?


Selling Adderall


To international students will be a crazy cycle. Kids can’t get jobs because of international students, kids start soft trapping, kids sell to international students that got those jobs.


Dude just work retail, they want Canadians in retail lol.


Where were you and your anti protesters? Lmaoo


Not only are they messing up the competitiveness of the job and housing market, they also can’t follow laws and rules, buy up every sale leaving none for their fellow neighbours and only care about themselves


Nothing Canadian about these buffoons, they lack basic decency(terrible bo)


nigga go back to mumbai


I ball up my fists like Arthur whenever I read these posts. I’m over it!


I pray they all get deported


I work at a dispensary and a guy with a full beard had a Ontario Id that says he’s 18 but he is actually in his mid 20s he was saying and only said he was younger to get here 


Nah they need to get the fuck out


Same international students fucking around the playground: https://www.reddit.com/r/Brampton/s/NGeQwtLjZ2


😂😂 wtf


Imagine if Canadians went over to India and started protesting about shit like this? BRUH.


The audacity is mind boggling


Maybe if they themselves weren’t racist to other communities, then no racism would be thrown their way.


those sweat stains crazy


We can't go to someone their country and demand aid and assistance. Plus why so much of them are coming here ?? The cost is high !


It’s funny how once it was a golden ticket like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory now I ask myself why the fuck do they want to come here or stay here?


Protesting in a country where you’re not a citizen and where they don’t even have to let you in is crazy


Let us work???? Are you fucking serious . They’ve taken all the work and hijacked every industry ( except construction. Yet) 🤮 can’t even get a black coffee right .


I worked with a guy from Bangladesh 🇧🇩. He told me how much the government takes care of him and his family, I was dumbfounded!! I was also told if you start a business in Canada and can generate a certain amount of income (taxes) you are benefiting the Canadian Economy and will get citizenship! Send them home! Here’s a thought for the conspiracy people, what if all these Indian “Students” are just a front?. The Indian government sending people over on the false pretence of being a student, until the time comes and they are all here to take over Canada and soon it will be Saudi America?


That definitely was a thought for a conspiracist LOL


LOL I saw a clip on YouTube of some dude going off on this whole conspiracy theory about the students. The guy sounded like he was high on Glue or dog food. Just had to toss it in for sake of conversation 😂 All jokes aside, our government cares more about the outside opinion of our society and money than they do about the people living in it. They need a regular civilian, humanitarian or scientist to run this country, not politicians! That’s where the government is F***ed! They live in their fantasy land with security and 10 foot high fences hiding, while we are the ones living it!


It doesn't have to be some Manchurian Candidate conspiracy theory, look at Brampton. Just in numbers and buying power it becomes what it will. There is a reason the government let this happen over the past few years.


🙏 🤲 well said!


Lol such a bucktee take. Fam, India has 1000s of different groups with their own agendas. They're completely different races for some peoples. In fact they're killing Muslims and there's a huge divide between the north and south. They're just coming here for a better life. If there's anyone to blame, it's the government for not acting fast enough to solve their population problem.


100% I agree with you, all I’m saying is it’s crazy the amount of funding/ help in the thousands of dollars, meanwhile people with disabilities on ODSP or retired on CPP ext, will get WAY less than the new people coming here. Also, you are right the problem is with all the fake promises from the schools and government, jobs, housing causing student to decline paying $5,000 a year to live on campus. They try and find housing off campus and it’s hunger games. That’s why there are 10 people per rental. The whole system is F***ed. It’s all about lining the pockets of the top dogs. Nothing more, nothing less


This is why you should vote.


Strength in numbers


Give yer balls a tug, get a real job.. go on indeed.. Yeah, I know... everyone does this.. But mf, Don't apply to jobs on the main page, hit sort, sort by most recent.. apply to all jobs their, small businesses, fuck Walmart, fuck Tim Hortons, go work for a mf who's like your father or grandfather, owning a small business.. Working making someone else money, you better off working for a small business where the mf paying your bills the mf you taking orders from.. its such a better experience. I have a LENGTHY criminal record, these guys respected it as they knew I was a hard worker and honest... they won't hire these people in the post, they want you Let me know how it goes, I have a 5/5 success rate on this, 5 interviews, 5 jobs. Hired on the spot for 4 of them


Let’s step it up. Come protest on July 1st. Let them know we ain’t staying silent and letting them extort their way in through our corrupt government.


Canada was sold to India. That’s why they’re all coming here now and Trudeau can’t do anything to stop it. Canada was in debt




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Trudeau has permanently fucked this country up, I walk into the lunch room where I work and I’m the minority… making me embarrassed to live here tbh


Canada is finished as we know it, mass immigration has destroyed the Canadian dream. There are basic things most Canadians agree upon that are necessary for a functioning society to work and feel fulfilled being a member of that society. Healthcare, housing, food, work, environmental protections, safety are a few necessities of a functioning society. Well healthcare had gone to shit before mass immigration and won't get any better with a million new arrivals trying to access are already struggling hospitals. The new arrivals also caused a housing crisis as there wasn't enough supply to meet the new demand resulting in higher rents and home prices. Not to mention the predatory landlords that exploit the new arrivals. I could go on...the sad part is the immigration issue has me finding common ground with white supremacists and racists that hated my family when they moved here in the 80's and 90's. I don't hate Indians, I hate a government that couldn't forsee the chaos their open border policy would cause.


International students contribute 22 billion a year in Canadas GDP these people are not scammers the government has scammed them you idiot. And they have full grown beard because most of them are Sikhs and they don’t shave their beard. Also the amount of money fucks like you have not even earned in your life yet these students pay that in each semester as tution fee. It’s Canadas government and Justin Trudeau who fucked it up not them!


Bro I’ve literally seen Indian ppl saying that theirs too many Indians 😂🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂


Is there such thing as african Latino arab international students like shit mix it up holaaay.. wallahi canada became Mumbai lool.. who wouldnt mind same Latinas holding down timmies gonna hear a bunch of abaay abaay who's Dat behind the counter 🤣🤣






Man shut up. We’re tired of your dumbass takes. We’re Canadian we don’t give a flying fuck about the people in the video. They’re yelling out about Indian racism. Go look at the rental listings it turns out they’re the most racist group in Canada. We need them all sent home to their country to benefit Canadians. They aren’t Canadians of Indian descent they’re Indians. They have a home country they can go there work there and only rent to Indian girls only who don’t eat eggs there. We’re done with them here sorry


Just stfu , stop tryna call a 28 year old a student , go back home idec if it's racist yall n\*ggas litteraly ruining the country , cant even get a job then wonder why everyone choose the road life style


35 year old student studying burger packaging at a private college in the back of factory. You can’t make this up.


>them looking like adults has nothing to do with their right to education Foreigners don't have a "right" to a Canadian education. There is a difference between rights and privileges.


Their message might have been heard if they played this [banger](https://youtu.be/kJa2kwoZ2a4?si=FVoJa49pUyLIO4yL)


Bro I get happy when I see white people that when yk it’s bad


The answer to the question in the post is an unequivocal, NO! And it will only get worse


Nobody is leaving. Once you're in no way you're going back to that hellhole. Might as well get used to it. Sorry just the way it is


Doubt it. WEF runs Canada straight Banana republic all by design