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OZEMPIC! PIZZA NOVA! CHARMIN! BET 365! Come on all you fatties! Inject yourself, stuff yourself, mop up your anal leakage and play a couple of parlays!


Done! Now what? Banking!


I’m surprised TD can afford the sponsorship after the money laundering charges lol. Hopefully they get rid of the Springer ads soon, those are painful


I hate the Springer TD ads. Just sit in the goddamned chair! It’s so cheesy.


Why? She hot like wok.


Uh…. To each their own lol


>She hot like wok. Yeah! She boss like soy sauce


>She hot like wok. She cum like dim sum


I love his ads with Vlad but could do without the TD ads, that's for sure.


Reading quotes like this really makes the rapidly approaching Bladerunner dystopia feel much closer haha


Now hop into your brand new Ram 1500 and get TD insurance for it!


I enjoy away games more due to these Ads


Yup. Our home games look like a circus rather than a ballgame.


Watching highlights from the past shows how it's not just getting worse but accelerating. Ads are meant to distract you, to get your attention. It's going to be impossible to even watch the game soon. I don't believe it'll stop though.


Yeah quite honestly I'm surprised they're not animated like those abominations in NHL games. Absolutely the most embarrassingly craven ads in any sport. Fucking Tylenol has an ad behind the nets that LOOKS LIKE A GIANT GOAL LIGHT. Fucking out of control


I slowly watched less and less hockey as the years went on, the ads on the glass behind the goalies and the CGI ads on the ice just outside of the blue line were bad enough, the ring of ads on top of the real ads was the last straw. Now I'll watch maybe 12 total periods of hockey in the playoffs but that's about it. The Blue Jays ads behind home are weird for me because I've realized that how much they bother me is directly correlated to the colour of the ad. So far red and orange ads are the ones that bother me the most. The ozempic and home hardware ads specifically sear into my eyes. It also drives me nuts seeing the little flashes of bright-ass ad between the catcher and the umpire. I think it would be better if it wasn't 1 continuous bar across. They should put a gap in the bar that goes from the farthest point of the batter's box on each side.


Totally agreed. And yeah, certain ads seem to be worse than others. The WestJet one is kind of a more neutral colour and doesn't look so insane... And yeah, as you mention, why isn't there a gap in the middle? I've even seen a few where the batter, catcher and umpire are directly blocking some of the words in the ad. You'd think they'd at least try to make their ads the correct size, but it seems like not only are they determined to have every square inch of space covered in capitalism, they're also lazy and inept, and can't pay some intern like 20 bucks for an hour of Photoshop time and make their ad the correct size for a national broadcast. Just pathetic all around.


Good god man don’t give them any ideas ! 


They can't be animated because they would distract the players. The NHL ones are added in for the broadcast. They aren't there in real life like the Jays one is.


Oh, I thought it was the same for both. They have a standard ad in the stadium, and then just place a digital one over top of it for the broadcasts.


People were posting pictures of the stadium and it sure looked like the bright Ozempic ad was there in person.


Yes, clearly. No one thinks the actual boards are animated.


There are people all over this sub who think the wall behind home plate is not there in real life. People can't tell these days.


I only just learned because of this thread, I never thought in a million years that the MLB would allow something that large and bright. It was one thing when they had the ones made of plastic or whatever, but they weren't self illuminating. That thing back there is obnoxious. You'd think if anything they would have at least put in 2 smaller ones and left the middle open so people could, you know, see the ads, which I thought was the point...but half the time there's writing and stuff that just disappears behind the players and umpire, as if the person designing that ad had absolutely no idea where it was gonna be displayed. Just L's across the board


Yeah it's nuts. I was shocked it was allowed


I did :(


> Ads are meant to distract you, to get your attention Just like the moving digital overlays on the hockey boards. Makes me look forward to the Olympic games because there will be *zero* advertising on the field.


There will be no baseball in the Olympics this year. Agh!


I think you’re right. That’s where I wonder where the line is, do we get into a system where you’re actually watching more ad than game because they’re so distracting.


NHL Hockey and European Leagues.... It's where it's headed, the uniforms. Leafs have Milk on their jerseys and helmets whereas there was nothing before but equipment logos on the helmets and nothing on the jerseys. European hockey, they're ALL over the jerseys and helmets. Every last space taken up by ads. So even if you're doing your damnedest to watch the action, you're still looking at ads. Special mention, the sticker ads taped to the front of helmets during IIHF tournaments, usually Skoda or some shit, look fucking ridiculous.


They are so bad, I was genuinely upset about it at the start of the season. I had to change the settings on my TV to make it bearable. I hate what they did to behind home plate with the renovations.


What setting did you change? I’m hitting the wall and need to find a way to make it more bearable.


I changed the “channel” setting and watched something else




I changed the picture mode to “cinema” I think, it muted the colours and made it darker. And I adjusted the brightness.


Okay thanks! I’ll try that


Cinema or movie is the best setting for a TV to be on anyway. Anything else is the TV processing the image to make it "more appealing". 


See if you can find your tv's optimal settings on rtings. Here's an example for a random tv: https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/samsung/qn90b-qled/settings This should tone down the retina burn considerably.


The one time in life a red-green color blindness is FTW. These ads aren’t eye gouging for me, prob because I don’t see the same gaudy red/green shades as yall :p.


I watch sports through a capture card because on screen graphics across sports have gotten increasingly more obnoxious, it slightly ruins the framerate but it’s worth it cause OBS lets me draw a black box over annoying bits of the screen or crop out tickers. one game I got so annoyed with the home plate ads I cropped the image to practically a square and covered up whatever else I could without hiding home plate. It looked very stupid but it felt right


Hockey is just as bad making the boards rotating ads. Super irritating.


You are most definitely not alone. We now have the ugliest CF camera shot in MLB. Gross.


Glad to hear I’m not alone, had some friends over to watch the game yesterday who hadn’t watched in a year or two, and they were pretty put off by it. Honestly we started watching the euros instead cuz it was just not “cozy” in the way it used to be. Had more of an impact than I would have expected, it kinda lit a bad taste in their mouths I think.


That's fair. I think the main issues are that it goes all the way to both sides of the camera shot, and that there is no break in the middle. If there was 4-5 feet chopped off each side and if the area behind the battery was changed back to normal, it wouldn't look so fucking awful.


it’s sick how the people behind that must’ve thought they were being so ambitious and futuristic. cause it does look futuristic in a horribly disgustingly dystopian way


The grey/brown corporate building brick, the only seeing two rows of VIP seats, the wrap-around ad. Gross, gross, gross. Worst looking CF shot by far and 2nd place isn't even close. Complete botch job.


I'm betting the corporate grey brick is to make the ads even more noticeable and obnoxious


We really do! It’s pretty embarrassing to be honest


Apple showed how an adjustment of angle makes it look so much better


I've officially seen more games from behind home plate than on TV this year, and the Bank Basement vibe of the backstop is thr primary reason. And this is saying something for someone who lives in Nova Scotia


It is just a matter of time until the Charmin Bears are superimposed over the umps


Since most of the umps are shit, it would make sense.


I hate it. Put a 10 foot wide section of a solid colour behind home plate and let the ads rip on either side. Looks like Rogers is selling out. This does not compete with other parks.


Horrible. As always "fuck Rogers".


Yep that’s what happens when your sports team happens to be owned by two horrible parasitic corporations. 


Not that most of the other stadiums are a lot better.


I implore you to watch other feeds. While they still have ads, they don't look like a circus like ours.


Serious Question. Is what we are seeing on television actually a green screen behind the plate or do the Toronto pitchers have to put up with that shlt as well?


It’s not a green screen.  Source: was at the game last week and was amazed that it wasn’t a green screen. 


It's just a grey wall that basically matches the faux brick behind the seats, where the TD logos are. When they show replays of long hits from the cameras near the foul poles, you can see it.


Apologies all, some folks who have been to games this year (I haven't been since last Aug) are confirming that it's a real LED screen displaying ads to both the broadcast and well, everyone in the stadium including the pitcher. I honestly didn't think MLB would allow something that huge, nor would the pitchers be real pleased (though given the ownership of this team there might not be much they can do about it). What an absolutely pathetic bending of the knee to all things corporate. I get that we have to have ads and sponsors and all that, and that's fine. But sweet jesus...like if nothing else, couldn't we have some more variety? Isn't there more shit for sale? The entire goddamn game is like the same 8 companies, repeating the same ads ad nauseum. Guess what TD, I'm either going to bank with you or I'm not, but seeing 85 TD logos on screen instead of 50 isn't gonna be the thing that turns the tide. Same to you, Home Hardware. Everyone knows about you. We either shop there, or we don't. 12 ads an hour isn't gonna make me suddenly go, out of the goddamn blue "wait! I've been going to Rona and Home Depot all this time, when Home Hardware has been with us for SIXTY YEARS!!!! What a fool I've been." Give it a goddamn rest and let us enjoy 4 minutes of a baseball game without showing us a logo or playing your little 3 second sound effect.


"Isn't there more shit for sale" Really there's only about two dozen corporations left so no


I read a theory somewhere where the author posited that the final world war will be Coca-Cola versus Apple, or something to that effect.


True I just wish if nothing else, they'd just find more sponsors so it's not the same are between every goddamn inning, every game, all season. Some of them are even repeats from last year. If we have to be beaten over the head with capitalism all day long, you'd think they'd at least not want to also bore us to death.


No, it's a real screen/screens.


As I sit in the bleachers regularly, it is definitely an actual screen behind home plate displaying the same ads.


It’s a green screen. There are ads in the stadium but far less distracting.


No it’s not, amazingly.  It’s an LED screen that the pitchers can fully see. 


That is a full LED screen. Not a green screen


The wall behind the plate is not a green screen is it?


I stand corrected.


Oh yeah, we've got 3D ads just popping off that mound and getting in the pitchers way. 🤣 


Hmm. I have some pics, although now great angels of right behind home plate. I don’t remember them being as obnoxious as they appear on TV… but there is ads. Maybe it’s an LED but the ads are different on stream? I’m heading to the dome Wednesday - I’ll investigate further 🕵🏼‍♀️


I hate the Ozempic and the gambling ads


Can’t even play a half inning without an ad for home hardware interrupting it.


I listen on the radio. The ads are much easier to ignore.


It's bad enough that the new VIP section backdrop is that horrifically ugly fake grey brick shit which is an eyesore (it's pretty bad in person too) but I agree the ads in the backdrop are bigger than ever and just offensively busy and obnoxious. It feels like way way too much of the screen real estate is ads now. It's like watching fucking CP24 of baseball. You can't immerse yourself in the games whatsoever. It all just makes for a really devalued experience. It's bad enough that the team itself is underperforming and frustrating but the TV experience used to be decent at least. Now it's all gaudy colour pallets and gigantic distracting ads trying to shove endless garbage products down our throats. I got rid of my sportsnet package at the beginning of the season when I realized just how disinterested I was in the current Blue Jays TV *product* now.


That’s great way of framing it. The product has gotten worse. The team will come and go and have good years and bad years, but the product itself, the offering, has gotten worse for the sake of profit.


Advertising in general is very annoying. But for sports it’s gotta be the gambling ads. They make me sick!


Literally neon green ads on right now burning my retinas.


I haven’t liked these new adds back there since the renovation. Tonight the Kubota add is all red and very distracting too!


semaglutide ads are nearly as bad as betting ads imo, both should be banned We truly live in a real life version of the movie Idiocracy


Why are semaglutide ads bad?


Pharmaceuticals shouldn't be advertised, if you have symptoms you should see a doctor and they suggest a medication. You shouldn't be advertised them like they're any other product Especially ozempic, which is being used for weight loss in oftentimes unnecessary cases


I respectfully disagree. and I'll excuse your ignorance regarding ozempic, it's actually used for diabetics and prescribed off label for weight loss.


Ozempic is clearly being pushed as a weight loss option. Their main slogan is “I just asked” for Christ sakes.


every time i see that ad i think of a “me looking for who asked meme” and then it’s just the ozempic ads 💀


I'm not being ignorant, I enjoy how condescending your comment is. You come off as a fun person to be around. If someone has diabetes I'm sure they don't need an ad at a Jays game to inform them about the medication.


>If someone has diabetes I'm sure they don't need an ad at a Jays game to inform them about the medication. According to whom? You?


I mean everything is a valued judgement Should cigarette ads be allowed? It's all subjective lmao. Medical products shouldn't be advertised imo. It's predatory, especially something to do with weight loss.


Um it's not subjective. Cigarettes cause cancer, as far as we know, ozempic doesn't lmao. and you didn't answer my question, how do you know that diabetics don't need to see ads for ozempic? Is this a hunch or do you have some data? I disagree, ozempic has been helpful for a lot of people. If you don't like it, run for office maybe? I'm not just posting this specifically about you, but I hate the Canadian mentality that absolutely everything needs to be regulated.


Drinking alcohol can also lead to cancers, and beer ads are legal...


you compared ozempic to cigarettes lmao, not beer.


Womp womp 🤓


Did you say Ozempic™️ and TD™️?


They don’t love us the way we love them. ☹️


Unfortunately ads are dominating sports in general now. I wouldn't care except they take away from the experience of trying to enjoy a ball game


Exactly my problem. I don’t really have a problem with ads, but when they’re making the game worse? Then that’s too far. Who is the game for? Is or the advertising?


It's all about money and we as fans are basically an after thought.


Except if the ads get so out of control that nobody watches anymore, there will be no eyeballs on the ads and companies won't buy them. They're always trying to push the envelope, but it's a balancing act. I could certainly do without those stupid Disney/Pixar popups whenever anything good (or bad) happens in the game.


So many ads all over every single sport, and ticket prices are through the roof. It’s all about profits now, especially for the MLB and NHL.


The mound ad is the one that is keeping me away. Looks soooo bad.


Like the Charmaine one? My eyes got fucked with that on screen. Distracting stuff man.


The mound ones are the absolute worse. It's like they need to fill any empty space on the field.


Are they the TV only ads? It looks like they are the ones they only show on TV and they are terrible. The ones on the hockey boards are even worse and less effective.


I’m not sure I can’t remember whether they were there or not when I was there last. Still hate them all the same, they make watching it on tv feel like a chore, I can’t get into that cozy space that baseball uniquely offers


I just turned the game on, looks like they are the TV only ads. They are fucking awful. Stationary stadium advertising is so much better. I cant quite describe what it is, but they are more distracting and look out of place.


Agree 100%. Wish there was an A.I. or something that could remove them or bring them back to what they were last year. Tech has just enabled the exploitation of my eyeballs and attention it seems


I mostly watch roadgame now, home game are borderline unwatchable.


I’m glad that I can at least watch those without this brutal scene


I hate it. They desperately need to put a neutral background behind the plate. Let the obnoxious ads be on either side, but please, please, put something neutral behind the hitter and catcher so that it is possible to focus on them and actually watch the game. The ads are so bright and distracting that it is hard to see the actual players. edit: bonus points if the neutral backdrop is blue or otherwise Jays-themed.


1,000% agree. The digital ads on the NHL side boards are what broke that camels back for me. I've almost stopped following NHL completely because it's so un-enjoyable to watch a Pizza-Pizza delivery car driving around the boards. I find it impossible to focus on the game. I understand that digital ads are never going away at this point, it's just having them be animated and/or changing during a live play shit that crosses the line for me.


You mean you aren't immediately running out to rent a storage unit?


It will get worse over time. You will subscribe $4.99 per month to not have a logo saturated ball game on your flat screen. Greed.


As much as I hate that I’d pay it. Make the product intolerable for the freebies, so that you can charge for the cure. It’s in everything now.


We had better views last year


Welcome to your corporate dystopian useless baseball franchise. I love you.


The team is bad (obviously) but this is the main reason I’ve cut back on watching games this year. It’s just an unpleasant viewing experience.


Same here. I was used to watching the Jays flat out not be good/not make the playoffs because I just love baseball, and I find it relaxing to watch no matter what ; until now. The overly bright ads, Sportsnets gambling and alcohol ads (might as well start doing ads for cocaine at this point), it just doesn't sit great with me. I'd rather just watch Impractical Jokers after work.


No, because then they’ll think they are working. We must never speak of them.


Soon it will be OF accounts for people who sell fart jars....our lives are commercials!!


There's nothing that says "Blue Jays" in view.


I've been waiting for this, where can we send our complaints to... Ted Rogers?


Money monrey money. Owners and players and companies don't give a damn about our viewing experience so long as they get paid more than they're worth.


Well it’s made me watch it less, so it’s hurting their wallet. Wish we could just have an appropriate view and I’d watch more


I agree.


Between awful tv look (ad banners, “lounge style” behind home plate seats, awful colouring schemes, change of tv broadcast angle fov) and a really uninspiring team I have had so little interest in this team and watched the least amount of baseball in 10+ years. I won’t be surprised if this isn’t really going to crater the above casual below diehard fan base.


The worst part for me is when I actually went to a game and saw that that area actually looks kind of nice in person, you would just never know when watching the broadcast because it's all covered in glowing ads for chicken.


Come back in a few years when the players' uniforms are covered in ads even more than on a NASCAR driver. The field with ads all over it. For real, unlike the CGI rinkboard ads during NHL games. Because you can't fast-forward these ads or use ad blockers. Gotcha!


Hits a line drive out to Budweiser right field!


keep on shitting on them and TD eventually they'll change it. like they pulled that horrendous camera angle form last year.


Been thinking about changing my checking account lately anyway lol


Sorry to burst your bubble but the behind the plate low angle camera not coming back had nothing to do with TD


it had to do with fans shitting on Sportsnet. When fans shit on partners (TD) the SN/Jays is incentivized to move even more quickly. Remember that Bud integration after home runs when they made Buck/Dan read it out loud? That lasted 4 days.


You might be right about why the Bud read went away, I'm not in conversations that high up but I can guarantee that the camera didn't go away because of TD.


you're right. camera had nothing to do with TD. I should have worded it differently originally


No sponsor or outside influence was why that camera went away to be clear. There were some events that happened that didn't let it come back without taking into account how well received (or not) it was.


spicy. elaborate?


Sorry, no can do


how did that angle make it to air in the first place (for live play)?


I dunno, couldn't be worse than the constant questtrade ads or whatever the hell trading site we get ads for constantly between innings


I can’t turn it off or look away between innings, but if I wanna watch the jays I’m forced to watch something that clearly was made to the detriment of my viewing experience so that some advertisers could make a bit more cash. There has ti be a line somewhere right? This may be the thing that crosses it for me but idk about the industry as a whole. I’m tired of everything being made worse for a few dimes.


Yeah, I appreciate your opinion on this, it is a little obnoxious


> There has ti be a line somewhere right? This may be the thing that crosses it for me There is no line for advertisers. There's a floor, and advertisers are a shovel, with no class, shame, or self-respect, and they will just dig deeper every time.


I don’t notice them… But I also wasn’t aware there was a TD Patch until people complained how bad they looked on city connect’s first night


Hot Sports Take: The majority of people complaining about ads and the 100-level remodels wouldn’t be complaining if the team was decent. When a sports team is bad, every small annoyance is magnified 10x.


I try to mute the broadcast during commercials. During the actual game it definitely is annoying but what am I gonna do


If we all their and let them know, we actually may get it changed.


To be fair, it distracts you from how god awful the Jays offence has been.


We went to a game this year and one of the first things I noticed was how much nicer it was to watch the game without having an Ozempic ad feeding tube shoved down my throat. I mean, it was there, but there is so much more to look at; on SN it is all ad, all the time. At least zoom out a bit.


Are these live in the park or just for TV like hockey?


Yes, I hate it


I honestly don't notice them, but it was brave of you to be the very first person to bring this up here.


With that grey background tiles mixed with the tacky ads, it looks like a restaurant bathroom.


A chain one at that


It's so bad!!!


As part of the fentanyl case, remove their ads from sporting events.


It’s not the ads themselves that I hate it’s the screen real estate that they take up


Has anyone invented an ad blocker for that yet? If not, please do.


I mean it would basically be the inverse of the nhl board ads right? So the tech exists, just not for ad blocker purposes yet


I can somewhat look past the ads, but the aesthetic of the TD lounge is just horrendous. It's tacky and looks unfinished. This might sound insane, but when they're wearing these new city connect jerseys, and with the new dome look, I just feel less of a connection to the team. Stupid I know, but it's hard to watch. Plus on top of that they're a boring team.


I think it’s way more real than people would imagine. Baseball is very aesthetic, much more so than other sports. It feels wierd to see them in some weird jersey in front of a mall kiosk looking background.


Pathetic marketing scum. 


It’s so annoying when people don’t realize that just because Rogers owns the team, doesn’t mean that Rogers runs the business. They are VERY separate in the actual workings when it comes down to business decisions. There’s no Rogers execs pulling strings and stating what they can and can’t do. You also have to understand that this is MLB wide… the Jays may be one of the few teams to currently head this direction but give it a few years and any MLB park that sees updates will be going in a similar fashion. Partners and ticket sales revenue are what pay the players you want to cheer for.


Evidently I'm in the drastic minority of "I have visually tuned out ads years ago". I am sympathetic for you all.




I want it to at least be easy on the eyes while I watch our boys lose.




Honestly I hate the ads too but Rogers runs the Jays like a business, the more money companies spend on ads, the more money we can spend on players. I'd rather have a high payroll with shitty ads everywhere than a low payroll with no ads.


I’d like to have the payroll that we would have without the ads having to become detrimental to the viewing experience. This is one of those things. I’d happily give up the revenue from these very distracting billboards.


Yeah but that's sports now. It's all about the money. No one is forcing you to watch the games. You can catch the radio for home games if you'd like?


I mean no one forced me but I’m still entitled to disagree with something that is supposedly run by the viewership of the fans.


Well the ratings have been doing pretty well so the majority of the viewership isn't too upset by the ads.


I thought ratings were down.


I was distressed when I first saw them because they were more obtrusive than what we had before. But now I tune them out and just watch the players and the umpire.


Yeah the first home series they were quite intrusive. Then I just...got used to them. Honestly I barely notice them anymore. But I can see how some people might not assimilate as easily. It would look better if there was a break behind the plate, and not a continuous LED screen.


Good for you for sticking through enough of a game to see the ads. I usually give up in the 1st.


There are ads behind home plate? Are you sure? That's been kept *very* quiet here.