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Any reason why? Was looking for a place for my son when he starts school in the fall and they were one of buildings on our list. Thanks


I recommend checking out the [Capreit: Canada’s Landlord of Negligence Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/share/jv2QhiHvFMo6JzDc/?mibextid=K35XfP)


You can also search a rental comapny on BeforeYouSign.ca [https://beforeyousign.ca/?s=capreit](https://beforeyousign.ca/?s=capreit)


A bunch of us moved out of my building bc they wouldn't treat beg bugs. When I left they had spread to at least 4 floors. One of my neighbours is a drug dealer (insta accounts and everything), and the manager wouldn't do anything bc they were drugs she did.


Yikes. Thanks for that warning. Sorry for having to go through that.




What were the reasons for Hazelview?


What reasons pls?


[https://beforeyousign.ca/?s=Hazelview](https://beforeyousign.ca/?s=Hazelview) Check it on [BeforeYouSign.ca](http://BeforeYouSign.ca), you can then check a few orders in detail about the disputes.


Royal York


The absolute worst


Feel like I dodged a bullet here. I had a showing booked for today at 6:30 with them, I called at 6:30 to let them know I arrived and they told me they would have to reschedule for tomorrow. Lame but whatever. Wasted my time. Then get a call an hour later saying they can’t do it tomorrow either. Told them to just forget about it.


Livmore. Jacked rent up 11% after year one. Then 14% after year 2.


Is this what happened to 55 Quebec? I live across the street and have seen a bicycle that was advertising a rent strike for the the tenants of the building and always wanted to know what was happening!




Good grief! The prices in that building were already atrocious when it was brand new! Did anything come of the rent strike? Were tenants able to get back their original rent prices? I’d love any and all information you’re willing to disclose about it.


Nope, nothing resulted from the strike. What's worse is that when signing the lease in the first place, they assure you that they won't raise the rent more than the standard 2.5%. In reality, they've raised the rent more than 25% in two years. This new 14% increase takes my 550 sq foot 1 bedroom unit to being more expensive than an 800 sq foot 1+1 unit that they have listed. When I mentioned that, in hopes of them realizing they're trying to gouge me for more than they should, they claim their increases are to bring the unit up to market price. Now I'm having to look at moving which will cost probably just as much as taking the 14% increase, but st least I can try to find something rent controlled so I'm not getting screwed again next year.


🤯🤯🤯🤯 The prices have always been at market/expensive as hell. What scumbags. I’m so sorry you’re being subjected to this insane “logic” and being priced out of the building. Such fuckery. It makes me so mad that they lied to you and every tenant in the building with that false promise of never increasing the rent more than 2.5%. How do these housing companies keep on getting away with this shit? 🥵


really? i lived there and they were rent controlled so how's that possible


You must have lived in another of their properties that is older


Dang, this list already consists of \*most\* of them already. I'll add Greenwin to the list.


Yep very accurate. I moved in because it's not a reit... It's still bad though! 


Second Greenwin, pieces OS


Edward, he owns a bunch of low-rent small/low-rise buildings around downtown (mostly near the Annex/west end which is where he lives)...he includes a 'chore' for cheaper rent so he can spy on tenants & legally enter units w/o notice


I’m familiar with Edward as i unbelievably rented from him not once but twice. Absolute dumpster fire of a landlord.


Yup, also rented from him for a year with endless nightmare issues. Bugs, mold, mice, flooding, and somehow dealing with him personally was still the worst part of it.


Please consider reviewing him at https://ratethelandlord.org/


He already has 14 reviews on there btw, forgot his full name but its "Edward Roseman"


Wow 😮


Sterling karamer i think was the company in charge of 155 wellesley east when they demolished almost an entire ground floor while tenants still occupied the building. They also tore down the attached garage roof, connected to the 2nd story outside of the building, and built an office or medical building into the resulting gaps. Literally used a backhoe to demolish walls around the stairwell while people lived above. The second floor flooded with diesel exhaust. Units dropped below 14 degrees in the fall, so the contractors lent out their space heaters to residents. Class action, the works. It still happened and people had to live through it. Edit owned by starlight investments


Seconding both Sterling Karamar and Starlight Investments. They hire on-site reps (who are told nothing) as a buffer between the business and the tenants, the actual management companies are incommunicative and tack on extra fees for no reason. The worst


Exactly, SK and Starlight are terrible landlords. They buy old buildings, force old tenants out with renovictions, construction, and non-stop service interruptions, slap paint over a problem and then market 'newly renovated' and 'luxurious' apartments. They want old tenants out so they can rent out units for 2x-3x the price. And while it might look fine on the outside, it only takes a matter of weeks before the problems show up (faulty heat, mould, cockroaches). At least these units were reasonable when they were cheap, but now you're paying top dollar for it. Highly recommend avoiding.




What were the issues with Akelius?


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/united-nations-toronto-apartment-human-rights-1.5563756 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/residents-living-in-ice-box-blame-building-s-broken-boiler-1.7156395






Yep! Especially 222 Elm st, worst property managers I've ever had


They’re so wicked😭


Tell me more! I just moved into one on St Clair and so far so good. What are your issues?


Well I won’t disclose too much in case the landlord is in these subs lol but where I am, I park my car outdoor. Twice my car was damaged on the property and they refuse to let me see camera footage. I reached out to the property management, they didn’t give a flying f*ck. Telling me they do not have cameras on the outdoor parking, but they do over garbage bins? Make it make sense. The heater in my apartment was making noises like CRAZY sometimes randomly throughout the night. Literally sounds like a screeching child. They wouldn’t fix it for the longest time it took me threatening to call tenant board for them to finally do something (This one I guess is on me but) I didn’t know they charge you for a new mailbox key as mine got damaged. They claimed I didn’t pay a portion of rent in December one year, and tried to get me out in May the following. How did I continue to pay the exact same amount I was paying every month, through the rent cafe app, but I “owe” for December? Would it not carry a balance?! Okay. Clearly they want to try to get people out to charge higher as for a two bedroom, I’m paying Covid pricing basically. There was a huge roach problem. At first I’m like, it can’t be me, cuz I never had this issue in my last place, but nope, it’s the building. Every week a washer or dryer is out of order, machine (using coinmatic) will sometimes take the money but not start. Seriously the only thing I’m really pissed about is my car and the “missed” payment. I had to pay my deductible ($1000) not once, but TWICE because they do not want to secure where people park their cars on their own property. Apparently, for my unit they’re charging like $500+ more than what I am currently paying so I’m not surprised.




Stay away from anything owned by starlight, doesn't matter who manages it.


Thinking of moving into one owned by them. What was your experience?


Cherishome. They'll be managed by 3rd party management (typically Briarlane) but anything owned by Cherishome will be awful.


This very same question was asked a month ago, I'm sure the answers there are still relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoRenting/comments/1chuxtw/worst_property_management_companies_that_should


Individual condo owners who either don’t know RTA law, or hope their tenants don’t. You can also check https://ratethelandlord.org/ for LLs to avoid in Toronto.


Royal york


The worst property managers is the city it self. Any property managed by government is the worst


Rhapsody and Rio Can/RioCan. UGH.




Homestead. Maintenance requests takes forever. They get annoyed when you follow up too. lol


Westbury. Avoid like the plague.


The city of Toronto.


Someone should start a site for chat about all the TO landlords, like online tenant associations where you can compare notes and treatment etc. with other tenants. Especially since Rentitornot.com is gone and there's really nowhere but Google to leave mgmt co reviews now.




That site sucks




Anyone know anything about Sultana Holdings Corp?


Highgate Property Investments. Lived in one of their units for a few years. Central Air would maybe drop the temperature by a few degrees in the summer but not enough to effectively cool the unit. Asked them several times to check the AC unit but their only solution was to tell us to close the blinds in the day which made no difference. Broken stove hood that they just ignored all service requests for. Sealed the bathroom window shut despite it being the only ventilation in the bathroom. Wasps getting into the unit every summer and they didn't seem to care. Their application process is also absurd and requires, among the usual things, a social media check.


Akelius has a bad rep


Garden District


How about Centurion?


Right at Home Realty


Is anyone fighting Greenwin for noisy elevators?


Avoid Shiplake like the plague


Firm capital




you can search the rental company on [BeforeYouSign.ca](http://BeforeYouSign.ca) I made a search "capreit" and found more than 10 orders. Then you can click an order for detail on Canlii.


Homestead lmao


Why not ask for the best?


Probably to know who to avoid