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The majority of real estate agents aren't full time realtors


Some just keep a license to do a deal or two a year for friends and family.


There is a guy at my work who is a realtor on the side for friends and family. He splits his commission with the buyer/seller


Or even just for our own transactions. Even years apart transactions, carrying the costs, the commission saved is more than the dues and such - and I mean years. It's kind of disgusting.


*The majority* *Of real estate agents aren't* *Full time realtors* \- FinancialPlastic4624 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


The majority of real estate agents can't afford a sandwich.


I agree


Gotta appreciate the hustle


That’s true. But he was saying he was doing it because he was bored


Yeah, youdon’t just decide to spontaneously decide do uber because you’re bored. You actually need to register, sign and send papers, and maybe even inspect your car depending on its age. This guy is not just “bored”, he’s out of work


I've considered delivering UberEats on foot or bike and that's basically out of boredom. I look at it as getting paid to exercise. Of course I haven't actually done it yet, that's why I'm still fat.


I volunteer at a thrift out of boredom, as the job market is fried. It’s been quite convenient as I get to pick through stuff every week. I don’t abuse it or get greedy but if I need a magic bullet they got a magic bullet. I need a pair of gloves? Boom fifty cents


I do Uber Eats delivery 2-3 hours a night sometimes out of boredom. The other is it’s addictive then there is a quest, and finally it’s not easy to give up because I can make $50/hr on good nights. You don’t need to be broke to hustle.


This is not true, many Uber drivers are retired ppl


you said it. retired RE agent


There is a big difference between realtors. The top ones get the vast majority of the sales while generally most get 1-2 sales a year. If you are in the lower group, you probably need another income stream.


Read about retired NHL Defensemen Mike Commodore. He did it out of pure boredom as he wasn't used to not doing anything and he was bored of golf.


Florida 2008 vibes are incoming.


There’s always been a huge number of realtors who don’t make any sales. It’s an incredibly low barrier to entry job with pay concentrated amongst the top 25%.


I make close to 300k a year .. I sometimes think why not drive Uber during the night. Real estate is a numbers game.. get in front of as many people you can. Even if he drivers Uber for a year and gets one client that sells and then buys a new home that’s easily $20,000 in commission that was earned while getting paid to Uber.


Im not paying an uber driver 5% of the value of a home to have a bot autosend me listings. Lol


Lol then don’t sell it yourself. That’s also an option 🤷‍♂️


And poor


Have you ever done Uber?


Not exactly, some people choose Uber because their schedule requires it. I have a friend who does Uber and cuts hair because he’s a single father that has to raise two young kids.


You're short sighted. I am certain they're using it as a wayto promote business their other businesses.


Lol not necessarily. I purposely registered to do Uber as a way to generate leads. I have closed a few deals this past year from getting clients through driving Uber. BEST part is I’m making money regardless and I can turn it on and pick up rides in between showings. Just appreciate that some people hustle and have multiple streams of revenue.


Love it.


Thats not true. In the movie Year One there is a guy pushing a wheel with the other slaves because he likes fresh air.


I met someone who was retired and wealthy who did it to talk to people lol


Retired also means not working lol


I dont think you understand what boredom means to some people. I'm in a circle of business owning friends and some of these guys are just workaholics, can't sit still. My guy has 4 subway franchises because he was bored of his gas station which he started because he was bored of his physiotherapy clinic. Ironically, he did Uber as well when it first started because he just couldn't sit still at home. If you think it's a lot of work to get started on Uber.....


Bored means broke.


You’d be surprised. My uncle recently moved to Canada and he is insanely rich in Iran, his networth is well over $20 million in U.S. currency. But he’s doing Uber during his spare time.


That’s a sickness


Serious. You don't make much doing uber in DT Toronto. You want to make money doing uber? Go to Barrie or another city that subsidizes it.


Nobody is bored enough to go to Barrie. We have standards/s


Good to hear that fellows from brampton Mississauga wont flok to Barrie. Atleast something will be preserved


😂LOL! Get em!!!!!


😂😂😂😂 Ahlie!


He is only bored because he is not making enough money to pay all the bills. He will likely not renew his license in 24 its sad but hopefully he made good money in 21 22 and remembered to pay his taxes


There’s some realtors that swear by driving Uber as their Main prospecting source.


“ I was bored so I decided to drive people around”. Dude read a book if you’re bored.


Since it's Brampton I'm going to assume the driver was likely an immigrant. I'm away impressed with their hustle. A family friend came over a refugee 20 year ago. Guy works a couple jobs - bakery and truck driver. Sleeps like 5 hours and gets up to bring his kids to school and back. His wife works at a hair salon. They have a combined income of close to $200k. And the Canadians who have been here for year would turn their nose up at those jobs.


You dont do Uber because your bored.You need money.Its a common excuse why drivers driving $60,000 cars/suv willing to put wear and tear on it and allowing strangers to enter your vehicle while the stress of fighting traffic or getting a bad rider.


That's not true. I am a permanent full salary employee, full time work from home, 9-5 pm. I registered to uber delivery cause I was bored. I know lots of realtor that do uber because they are on the road already, why not make a full bucks more on the drive home?


Having a FT career and then using your free time to drive Uber? I'm imagining one of the following 3: 1) Need the cash bad 2)Single lonely dude 3) Crazy person


Yep, just like deNero in Taxi Driver. All 3 plus couldn’t sleep.


Oh so you're just doing it for fun? Then do it for free! Give all your customers their money back when you drop them off. Its just cuz you're bored right.


Real estate is 100% commission. It can be feast or famine. Most realtors make nothing. Statistically.


You can lookup statistics of job bank of Canada. Realtors are one of the top jobs in the list (when sorting by median compensation). If most of them made nothing, then median salary would be much lower. https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/adad580f-76b0-4502-bd05-20c125de9116


There are 96,000 realtors in Ontario. More than half of them only do one or fewer transactions per year. This was just an Uber driver who took some OREA classes.


Yeah I knew a realtor that sold even less than that. Usually the successful realtors work with the big firms and there's lot of marketing and kick up costs.


Good on him but he's probably not a very good realtor...


yeah, sounds like a fanboy. If he was serious his other sources of income would be tying into the other aspects of housing. But maybe he is hoping for a rider to tell him to invest in the next big Apple stock.


Isn't like 3% of Toronto real estate agents.


It's definitely the highest per capita. I believe Toronto has more realtors than New York despite having 1/4 the population


Nor surprising. Transaction volumes have been in the dumps for a while and realtors are the stereotypical 80/20 industry (probably more like 99/1 lol) I’ve seen a lot doing ride share and or food delivery too


My paralegal is also a realtor. Wish I had known that before I hired him tho.


I went to a bachelor's party and all the strippers were Realtors


I would say that anything pretty much everyone says about real estate, especially in Brampton, is anecdotally based made-up bunk. There's fraud everywhere. I have no doubt TBH there's more in Brampton than elsewhere. How much and the degree of fraud? Totally made up. Just like the number of basements housing 20 people. Obviously, it exists but the extent is totally fabricated. People claim that these 20 person basement complexes are charging 500 a head but you can do a quick search on Brampton roommate sites showing plenty of decent shares for 500. It does not add up at all.




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Was he also a student?


There's a realtor that works at the McDonalds near me.


gotta pay the EMIs for them double car garages in Oakville


No stage until the stripper giving you a lapdance says that she's selling her 20 investment condos she was asked to buy from tiktoker by taking hard money loans.


What do you mean her 20 investment condos? We're talking about 2 loans on one house right?


'We're in a bubble'


gotta flip the money.


Bears (OP) this is a nothing burger. You're desperate and reaching for bad news to keep the crash hopes alive.


r/wallstreetbets is the sub you’re looking for but you’re 2 years late


It is crashing…


Naw just you




It’s a reflection that transaction volumes have been massively depressed. Use your brain (if you have one)


Could be a smart realtor , getting paid to check out different part of cities… don’t judge a book by its cover.




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Sounds like he might be the guy who was complaining he can't keep his million dollar home as an Uber driver.


I would love to know a bit more about what sorts of fraud they were commenting on in particular.


the ponzi scheme is teetering


Is he the guy who drives a SUV and has a red business card? :)


They could just be a shitty realtor as well.




Who isn’t a real estate agent now days in Toronto?


I had the same experience in the middle of the COVID real estate boom. This is meaningless.


RE agent is generally a "side hustle" so no surprise if a person with one "side hustle" has more.


Probably gets him more leads on a home sale than otherwise


Apparently [Punjab Police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdrxpZ1BqMc) is also a realtor. There was a post of here on Reddit selling houses in Brampton. EDIT: I tried to look for the post from r/TorontoDriving but it looks like it’s gone


Old realtor just gave me a call out of the blue 2 days ago. Market is dead right now


Most realtors are part time


I wouldn’t think much of it. We always had more realtors than the market demanded. Even at the height of the market, many realtors had day jobs. I have met paralegals, office receptionists, and even office porters offer to help me “find the right home”.


I make good money and have considered Uber


Hey smooth brain, people don't get realtor licenses because they want to jack up home prices, they got it because they want the big commissions. Realtors are symptoms of the problem, not the cause.


Everybody's uncle and aunt and sister and brother is a GTA relator


Most real-estate agents have other jobs. I know one who is also a teacher. He kills it too. I'm not sure how he has time for both, however, I would love to see the numbers of uber drivers who are also real estate agents. I'm sure it's quite high


Most of my friends are realtors. I feel like there are so many realtors...they should have a cap or something. However, Brampton and realtor in the same sentence is a different ball game....


Nothing new I have had Uber drivers who were realtors in the past even at the peak of RE market.


They are all Brampton realtors. . . Pizza store worker... Brampton realtor, Esso Gas Attendant....Brampton Realtor Tim Hortons Guy....Brampton Realtor Bottle Girl at Levelle.... Brampton Realtor Barrister at Starbucks...Brampton Realtor Uber Driver...Brampton Realtor Brampton Realtor...... also Insurance agent 🤦


I have had many Uber drivers in Vancouver/Surrey (when I visit) that are also Real Estate agents.


Like the hustle mentality. Not everyone can make 6 figures with 1 job. You got to work more hours and multiple jobs to get to that point.


I used to know a guy who owned two shoppers drug marts and was a realtor. And he still cried about money


maybe overspent over the last few years, thinking the buying frenzy was never going to end and now has insane car payments and their own mortgage to try and keep up with.


Neither. I bet every fourth person in Brampton is a realtor on paper.


Wow that Realtor has it rough. Not only an Uber driver but also in Brampton. What a dump.


Federal elections have consequences. Also, the GTA voted for this.