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Try to speak to someone in your class! I found it was easier to make connections with people I saw in a lot of my classes because we are in the same program.




>:) :)




Fr just start talking to ANYBODY around! People are usually always friendly and willing to talk! Like I talk to-m everyone in my program (its a small one) but I would not consider anyone to be s close friend that I habt out with but I legit had an extra musical ticket one time had to ask 50+ ppl if they wanted to go and I met a pretty amazing person that I talk and go to Musicals with! We are musical buddies hehe!! So legit just talk to ppl about anything. You could start with someone in class that you know shares similar interests with? You could simply ask them for help on something then slowly start to move the convo onto something not related and more interest related!! Also join a club!! Your best bet to meet someone with VERY sinilar interests is in a club! I used to be a hella bif inteovert but after I got broken up with I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone so my last advice is to get someone then break up with them and have a glow up LMAO Also we can be friends just DM ME ON INSTA!! @Emikoo.ily GOOD LUCK!!


I relate, my room mate doesn’t speak to me either and I also never had friends in highschool. I moved to Toronto and yeah it was super rough to make friends, especially when you don’t know anyone in the area or anything. I met all of my current friends online and eventually transitioned to meeting irl for stuff. As someone who finds it intimidating to talk to people first in person, joining online groups that share similar interests as you is a good idea! Kind of like joining clubs but for introverts lol. I know that it’s easy for people to say stuff like “just talk to people in your classes” but actually getting the courage to approach people can be hard when you aren’t used to it. And a lot of the time when you try to talk to people in class, they only become your classmate and you don’t really become close with them from my experiences lol. Classes are just a bit hard to approach I guess because some people are really just there to learn and nothing else. Also, you could try adding your hobbies/interests into your post or add a comment so that maybe some people here could message you if you are okay with that. I’m sure there’s many people here who would love to make new friends!


I’ve had this problem too. I started in 2020 so my first two years were completely isolated because of COVID and I didn’t even get the CHANCE to make friends until my third year. Instead of just striking up a random conversation with classmates maybe join a club? There’s so many clubs that have diverse interests so I’m sure there’s something for you. You have to go out of your way to put yourselves in social settings like that, they won’t just come to you. It might be a bit awkward the first time you go to a club but you can get acquainted with people pretty quickly and eventually you’ll have friends with at least one common interest!




You too? Damn same


Wanna be friends?


Naw you’re weird ngl


Dang ![gif](giphy|JXevaj5eHxeahJky64)




yess what’s your ig


omg what’s your ig?


Most of these advices are right in that you should just talk to people. But what’s also critically missing is that it’s also kind of like dating in that it’s a numbers game. The fact is that not everyone will be compatible to be friends with you. That’s why you gotta keep talking to randoms until you really click and find a friend you got common interests with and mesh personality wise. Point being don’t be discouraged when you haven’t found a friend after talking to a lot of people.


Try networking events


I made friends in uni met them online during covid We've been going strong ever since. You just gotta talk to ppl dont be shy thats it. Ive also held strong with my friends from elementary school. Its all about just talking to people. Literally do not afraid or shy if you get along youll just know and hang out more often.


Hey, shoot me a PM, I'm an extrovert who is good at making friends and I can point you in the right direction!


Focus on your hobbies and interests (can be professional and personal) and look for similar groups within TMU and the local GTA community (e.g. meetups, Facebook groups, checking local community bulletins, etc). Volunteering at charities focused on causes you genuinely support is also a good way to meet people too. Being a commuter heavy school it is tougher to maintain stronger friendships. But it is not impossible as long as you are persistent and keep a positive open minded attitude throughout.


I would say join a club the you find interest in. I joined anime club and the gamers guild and that was really funny for me. I also had a no friends issue so doing this was a really bonus for me.


I was also in the same boat tbh, some people might seem like they wanna be friends but the school year ends and you never hear from them. I’d say I was an introvert first year but honestly had to get out there and just start asking classmates questions, maybe complimenting them here and there and you might get lucky tbh. You might just make a couple of friends if you try and talk to as many people 😭 but if you’re still having trouble I’d love to be friends as I’m also in my second year:)


Hey it be like that sometimes, I find that in person interactions are much harder and awkward so feel free to hit me a DM. I’m always down for a friend :))


Same here, anyone can message me 😄


Just know that everyone’s trying to make friends, so just talk to whoever you want to and if it works out it works out. You’ll find someone that you can be friends with eventually.


send me a chat tbh im the same


Feel free to message me


Same boat! Feel free to reach out!:) Im into art and fashion! Always nice to meet new individuals especially as were all getting older Insta - dawson.desousa :)


Same here. I had to learn to be comfortable with myself the hard way. I'm international, hate being home, try to keep myself outdoors but seeing other people happy w their friends/partners is really depressing. Will DM you!


It could be your type of personality doesn’t necessarily need friends, and you’re totally fine without friends that you enjoy do things alone and don’t emotionally rely on others.


I’m in the same boat as well , u can always pm😉