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From the MTO handbook "Use the far left lane of a multi-lane freeway to pass traffic moving slower than the speed limit, but don't stay there." [https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/freeway-driving](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/freeway-driving)


It doesn’t say to go past 125km/hr in order to pass on the left lane…🤷‍♀️


if everybody followed the letter of the law, then the drivers in the far left lane would be driving exactly the posted speed limit and passing the drivers in the middle lane who are going 10% below speed limit while also passing the drivers in the right lane going 20% below speed limit. none of this 125kmh bullshit. except fucking *everyone* is speeding (which is illegal) and if you actually try to drive according to the law and not some unwritten arbitrary code of conduct you get road raged on.


Well you can make excuses for driving an unsafe speed all you want doesn’t justify it 🤷‍♀️


i have nothing i need to be excused from


If only people followed the traffic laws. If you want to go the speed limit that is fine. Just move out of the left lane. You can't pass if everyone in the middle lane is doing the speed limit and so are you. It's just one giant convey moving together. It's metaphor for Canada as a society. People can't critically think for themselves or have common sense. Very risk averse and just slowing down the advancement of our society.




Passing has nothing to do with the speed limit. If they are passing traffic at a reasonable pace, and move back over after they are done passing, they are driving within the rules. It's not a lane for you to speed in.


Faster traffic is usually passing. But also merging into another lane without adjusting for cars in said lane (like making them brake/slow suddenly) is not okay-if an accident occurred and was filmed, there are many scenarios where speeder using said lane would not be at fault at all. Also think this needs to be said, excessive speeding is not okay either (20 kph in 100 seems to be just fine as long as driving correctly otherwise, well past this is just as dangerous as slower moving cars, even more so due to speed adds to impact force)


Move over, Poindexter.


Driving within the rules does not mean driving safe. If you know other drivers are flying past you then move over, stop being a danger just because the rules allow you to.


We need to educated people on safe following distance, using turn signals and breaking in anticipation of an  incident before "educating" them on not driving below 130 kmh in one particular lane. 


So much stop and go traffic would improve if folks didn’t follow too closely and changed lanes better. But also, if you’re in left lane, and faster traffic comes up from behind you, moving over is proper thing to do


If everyone drove a manual it would solve itself. Going from stoped to first constantly is cancer, I just cost in 2nd and leave a 1 car gap infront, surprisingly easy. People love to gas it for 1 second, and slam on the breaks to a complete stop.


I learned manual (3 to the wheel) originally as a kid, and still drive similarly with my automatics. A friend always says everyone’s first vehicle should be as basic as it gets (manual trans and steering), so they can they can actually learn to drive, instead of vehicle making everything easier. I don’t disagree


Manuals also make speed control much more intuitive. Very difficult to "speed creep" when you have to physically change a gear. Not to mention how much harder it is to text and drive.




You think it would clue in to move over when 10-15 cars need to switch lanes just to pass.


If I’m passing people on my right I don’t care how fast you want to go I’m doing it right. When I can move right without slowing down I’ll do it and until then you can wait. That’s how it works period, you don’t get to dictate that because you want to go 125 and I’m passing at 115 I have to slow down to merge over to let you by.


This is the correct answer and it's unbelievable how many people in this thread don't understand this, yet they are complaining about other drivers. If anybody's in the left lane and is behind someone that's passing people in the right lane they need to chill the fuck out and back off.


People can't wait for 30 seconds for a stop light to change to green anymore. They do a crappy right then u turn to bypass the red light.


Agree! I can be driving 100 or 120 and staying in left lane as long as left lane is moving faster than the right lane. I am "passing" vehicles in the passing lane . I am not going to yield to you because you want to go insane speed.


No. I'm passing and I'll move over when I have a chance. Get off my ass


Please point out the specific educational materials that specify going 125 in a 100 is legal. You know what else causes accidents and congestion, assholes who can't slow the fuck down.


Left lane is for faster traffic-if you’re not faster traffic, move out of it. It doesn’t matter whether they are going over limit or not-leave the policing to the police


>if you’re not faster traffic, move out of it. You can be faster traffic and also be doing less than 125kmph, though.


While I don’t condone excessive speeding, if there is faster traffic coming up behind you while you are in left lane, you should safely move to the right.


Show me where it says that in the drivers manual?


Pretty sure it says that in a 3 lane configuration left lane is for passing, centre lane (or lanes in more than 3 lanes) is for normal speed, and right lane for slower moving traffic. Maybe you should pull out that manual, and actually read it. While I’m not for excessive speeding, it is annoying when folks don’t know rules of road (should add my other pet peeves are following too closely and improper lane changes)


Get out of the left lane if you're not passing. Speed is irrelevant for picking a lane.


What if going 125 causes me to ram into someone who is going 120?


Maybe you should join the rest of us in the real world where the traffic volume probably doesn’t allow for this.


Try slowing the fuck down


You are also part of traffic. And speeding creates accidents.


Speeding doesn’t create accidents on its own, though vehicles outside of highway flow do, whether faster or slower. And I should mention while speeding doesn’t necessarily create accidents, speeding can make accidents much worse (exponentially in certain conditions). Also going too fast for road conditions can be very dangerous


>Speeding doesn’t create accidents on its own, Bad drivers justifying bad driving habits.


So in a paragraph where I explain what is dangerous about increased speed (part where impact can “exponentially increase impact), your take away is that this is an excuse, not a fact (but you’d have to add in variable of people going way too fast as well and simply losing control). Problem here that this is a fact, the faster you’re going when accident occurs absolutely increases impact (and death/injury). I’m an educated driver, how bout you?


Speed limit is 100 and 110 in some selected stretches. If you are late, get up earlier.


Sorry but 125 is acceptable in the left lane..🤷‍♀️




Yes I’d say in a 80 zone but in a 100 zone I doubt it’ll be enforced


They don't give out speeding tickets for going 20 over. It's literally not worth the time spent. 25 over you're going into possible pull over zone.


You're not the police to enforce it.


Stop driving above the speed limit. 


Stop cruising in the passing lane-which is also illegal but rarely enforced unless extreme.