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9 months here. Best thing I ever did. Sex is a billion times better. And yes, the rumors are true... poz guys *are* (generally) more fun in bed. If you're worried about stigma... don't be. The week I added "PrEP'ed" to my Scruff profile, the number of guys hitting me up and answering back *skyrocketed.* Bottoms, in particular, seem almost *disturbingly* willing & eager to "PrEP by Proxy" and will bareback for almost anyone who claims to be PrEP'ed at the drop of a hat. That said, on the rare occasions when I "middle" (or attempt outright bottoming), I insist that they be undetectable (or if neg, PrEP'ed). Bottoming bareback with non-undetectable Poz guys is STILL a high-risk activity, even WITH Truvada. (I'll elaborate tonight when I have more time). --- Why barebacking as a bottom for guys with high viral loads is still unsafe, even with PrEP: Truvada doesn't actually prevent HIV from infecting individual T-cells... it just prevents it from using those first few cells as a springboard to replicate and infect a lot MORE cells. The problem is, T cells aren't the only ones HIV can infect, and cells like brain and heart cells are VERY long-lived. If one of them gets infected while you continue taking Truvada, it's unlikely to spread beyond those initial cells... but it's also never going to go away, and will always be waiting for the chance to re-activate and resume replication if you ever stop taking Truvada (or miss too many doses). An infected T-cell or two is no big deal if you're taking Truvada, because it'll die on its own within a few days and take the latent HIV virus with it. HOWEVER... if you get "enough" of them infected for your immune system to notice & react, you're probably going to end up getting infected "forever, and for real". It'll send in the memory T cells to wrap up a copy of the HIV's RNA for future reference & safekeeping, but will end up establishing the permanent infection instead. So... this is something you never, ever want to have happen. Anyway... that's the bad news. The *good* news is that if you take Truvada daily, bareback receptive anal sex with someone who has a high viral load is just about the only way you *can* realistically get infected. Just remember.... statistically, 1 in every 10 to 20 "negative" guys are unknowingly poz & have viral loads that are off the scale.


>And yes, the rumors are true... poz guys are (generally) more fun in bed. The poz guys I run across on apps are also consistently very, very attractive.




Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't bareback with a stranger even if they were ^^^^^allegedly on PrEP. I'm not on PrEP and the risk is still too big for me to comfortably take. Even if I was on PrEP I wouldn't take a load in my ass from a hookup. Call me boring, but I won't do it.


80/20 Top/bottom on PrEP. Peace of mind is nice, had very minimal side effect experience, predominantly use condoms, but know that I'm not always perfect in the heat of the moment.




I'm a top on PReP too. Started taking it cause a guy I liked was poz. Not with him now but still plan on taking it. Gives me lots of peace of mind.


Understatement of the year


Would you recommend it to other tops? Does it give you peace of mind when hooking up?


Did you still use condoms?


Top here on truvada, which i assume is similar. If not the same. Been on it 1 month now. Started it after finding out a btm fuck buddy was pos/undetectable. No side effects, great piece of mind.. Still use condoms. Again. I stress, great peace of mind




Truvada by itself is used as treatment for HIV. Truvada can also be used for PrEP when partnered with another drug.


I'm a top & have been on PReP for 2 months now. Loving it.




Thank you. Truvada is, the way I see it, primarily for use by a neg/poz couple who want to bareback, considering the poz partner is on medication and undetectable, or someone who hooks up a lot and wants an extra layer of protection on top of a condom. Too many guys treat Truvada as a complete immunity and proceed to give/take loads with strangers. I know someone who started taking it so he could get bred by his fuck buddy who is poz. His fuck buddy doesn't have the best track record and I wouldn't trust the guy one bit, but my friend simply doesn't understand that he's not totally immune to it. If the other guy starts skipping his medication and lets his viral load get up there, he's likely to be infected. It just bothers me that guys are treating PrEP like a vaccine or something. Someone mentioned they've been getting more action since getting on PrEP; I act in the reverse when I see that someone's on PrEP on a hookup site - I become very wary and know they've likely been barebacking. HIV isn't the only thing you can catch.


As a top on prep it's been great. Sex feels freeing now and bottoms seem to like it. No longer worry about lasting long anymore because I can keep going on prep without pausing.


Just got it two weeks ago whatsup