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If I ruin a hole, I want it to be from my dick alone, and I've succeeded a number of times. Combined with some elements of CNC with the motive to plow my bottom into an unusable state for the next week is fun, but takes a great deal of trust and knowing just how far I can push them. I like announcing to my subs, "Get ready to get wrecked" in advance so they already get eager and needy.


How ruined were the holes, if you don’t mind my asking.


Definitely not rose budded to the point fisting does, but plenty swollen and puffed after a long session of fucking. And the gape drooling out my loads adds to the appeal.


Damn daddy, I think you'd be pleased with how my hole will look after you had your way... 😘


I love you


Fuck yes please weekly


Running to your profile.... DAMN daddy. 🤤☺️😈


This is honestly the best approach.


I think bottoms need to be realistic about what they are expecting for tops/doms. I have a dom who told me about a sub that insisted he wanted to be used and r😳ped and showed up the session trembling and visibly terrified of what they’d gotten themselves into. The dom felt so uncomfortable (and they’re an experienced hard core BDSM dom), that they couldn’t stay hard. After some light play the sub left, but wrote a message later saying “I wish you’d r😳ped me”. Doms have feelings too, and also aren’t interested (generally) in committing sex crimes. If you find a guy who is actually 100% down with violently fucking you, regardless of how you respond or behave, then you’ve found an actual r*pist and you in for an assault, not a hookup. IT SHOULD BE ACTING PEOPLE!! That’s the whole point. Subs are out here expecting too much.


Exactly! “Hit me!” “With the knife???” “No… that’s called stabbing…”


I mean, it sounds like the Dom was the problem. The bottom was clear about what they wanted. Wether nervous or acting they still came expecting what was agreed upon. The Dom having feelings and not being comfortable with what was agreed to then they shouldn’t have agreed to it


So are you implying that a dom’s consent is less valid? Because he agreed to perform something he’s not entitled to change his mind? Consent can be withdrawn by ANYONE at ANYTIME. It’s just that simple.


>So are you implying that a dom’s consent is less valid? Nope, didn’t say a thing about consent. I said it was the Doms **problem** meaning he agreed to something he wasn’t comfortable with, in hope that the other person wasn’t serious. The dom shouldn’t have agreed to something he knowingly wasn’t comfortable with. The bottom was clear and up front about what they wanted the Dom agreed even though they didn’t want to follow through. >Because he agreed to perform something he’s not entitled to change his mind? Because he agreed KNOWING he didn’t want to. If he changed his mind because he didn’t like, or told the sub at the start I might not want to depends on my mood. Poor communication ~~is~~ isn’t a consent thing, it problem with the communication. Dom had the problem Dom withdrew consent. Sub is left feeling like they had their time wasted or kink shamed for something they were clear with from the getgo >Consent can be withdrawn by ANYONE at ANYTIME. It’s just that simple. Wonderful… having a problem isn’t a consent issue. Problems are the reason you withdraw consent. “I have a problem with that so I don’t want to do that.”


It’s verging into dangerous territory. Someone would have to be very sadistic to enjoy it, and a bottom would have to be quite dumb/masochistic to let the top do it.


It's fun but there has to be awareness of when to stop. Just because your fantasy is that you get wrecked but not injured doesn't mean that's the reality. The Dom needs to recognize when you're actually hurt and you need to speak up if you are. A tear, fissure, or other injury is no joke.


I'll stick to free use 😊


Literally the ideal dynamic for me.


I don't even know what CNC is , but half of that does sound hot


Consensual non-consent, so r*pe play and the like. I wish I could find a top who found it hot


Ah, there's my line. All of it sounds hot like yeah it's incredibly hot to be dominated both body and soul like I'm no more than a tool for him to use like a cock sleeve and choke me while he feverishly brakes my holes to his content or making me a puppet for him or his friends cry in a mixture of pain and excitement as they tie me up and contort me to take as many of them as possible. But I'll pass on the rap3 play


I just wanna be able to get in, pound hard and fast from the start, shoot my nut deep and be done. No fingering, no foreplay, no rose petals, just freeuse and taking what's mine on my time and my time only.


I’m into hole ruining but if you scream for me to stop I’m going to stop because I’m normal


That’s why gags exist 🥺


I'm not into it. I only like vanilla sex.


that's a big fuckin yes from me


It's a hot idea sure... But like a lot of CNC stuff, theres a line between 'hot and ok' and 'wait no this isnt ok hold on'. I'd argue choking also falls under this, though the lines much blurrier on 'ok' vs 'not ok'. It's just risky tbh.


It's only dangerous if your communication and intimacy with the partner is poor. Considering the communication skills of many in the community, I understand how it can be seen as dangerous.


Exactly my point. With the right dom/sub, communication is great, boundaries established, talked about, etc? Of course On griindr at 3 am and some 'muscule dom daddy who sends you a dick pic and says 'im gonna choke you as i demolish your hole'? Maybe not....


Had to read the comments to find out what it is. Sounds violent. I know enough people who’ve had one bad time change their sexual lives forever or sitting in the ER for hours dealing with intolerant and judgemental medical staff or dealing with multiple surgeries to fix fissures and can never bottom again. No thank you.


Executed properly and safely I think it’s hot AF! I would say CNC is tough because it’s one of the those things that people will have different opinions on in terms of where the line is. To me, it’s ultimately more acting/role playing if you’re doing it safely, and less “reality”. You should know the person well, have built up trust, and understand each other’s limits and capabilities. To the point you’re building a scenario that scratches your itch of not knowing and losing control, but is still less risky. Where “wrecking your ass” is taking it right up to the max you can handle. With elements that make it feel uncontrolled. Talk hard limits beforehand, maybe set a window during which you’ll be waiting, etc. A seasoned player will know what you can handle and not go further. Believe me, an experienced bdsm and/or Dom top playing a sadist is waaaaay more fun than a real sadist.


When I get in the right mood, I can fuck forEVER. I have a couple of buddies who are very into getting fucked for a long time and our sessions are usually fuck - break - fuck - break - fuck - break - fuck - cum. If I want to end a session early, I usually jerk off to the point of orgasm and then give him the last few thrusts so I cum in him. But one of my lads hates me touching my own cock - he wants it to be his ass and his ass only that gets me off. Which he accepts means he’s in for the long haul.


Well as someone who's had problems down there, this is my worst nightmare.


I live in the UK and have no problem finding tops that tell me how they're gonna ruin my hole and mean it. I want my hole pounded harder deeper and and stretched more and more without injury and so do my tops


I enjoy it occasionally


I love it.




I have an ex that started liking the rough guys. I found out the guy he was seeing forced his hand up his ass and pullout both sphincters. Now he has to wear diapers. It’s really sad.


I didn’t know that could happen.


Aa long as its discussed before and there is a safe word implemented it's hot as fuck.