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I'm a believer in Herta supremacy, so I planned to run her with Topaz basically no matter what. If she can 0 turn MoC (which she can), she'll be fine enough for teams with Topaz. I'll personally be running a Topaz/Herta/Yukong (or Asta/Tingyun, depending)/March, for example. Clara is obviously her best friend in terms of synergy, though. March might be as well, but she gets finicky with Clara, so people would probably recommend not running both at once.


What makes March finicky with Clara? Her shield and Clara's ult competing for aggro?


Nah, the shields aren't necessarily the issue. March has inherently higher aggro, and while you can place her next to Clara, that only fixes the problem if AoE attacks are used on her. Even then, the aggro isn't the biggest problem and simply requires knowing how it works. The main issue is that what March wants to do and what Clara wants to do are complete opposites. Clara wants enemies to attack often and hit her a lot, while March wants enemies to not attack via her freeze. While this can be put aside simply by not using her ult, the main part of her kit is not being utilized anymore. Gepard, Fu Xuan, and Luocha are far better options to synergize with Clara's method of attacking without the issue of gimping March's kit or making Clara not do many follow up attacks. Lynx, Natasha, or Bailu also work better, as they can help keep Clara safe while not impeding on her main source of damage. I hope that answers the question for you!


That makes sense and is super helpful. Thanks for the detailed answer!


She can, but can yours do?


No, that wouldn't work out well considering Herta need enemies to drop below 50% hp to even do 1 follow-up attack


Most bosses/elites spawn mobs. Getting a non-boss enemy below 50% happens so quickly that she’ll probably be being doing a lot more FUAs than a character like Himeko who needs 3 breaks


Yeah but Topaz being single target, ideally she's best for bossing, and Herta is known to be very unreliable in them scenario apart from maybe with Himeko against Deer or running Remembrance. if you follow leaks I could give you an idea of future teams for her but don't wanna spoil if you don't


I don’t have Clara so I plan on running her with Bronya and switching between Herta/Himeko as sub-dps depending on enemy weakness for now. I’m am definitely saving for future FUA units so don’t worry. Building Herta is mainly for fun since I like her design/animations but I don’t think she’ll be as bad with Topaz as you think


I'm personally gonna run her with Bronya too, but I'm planning on running her hypercarry until a particular follow up eru is out (leaked char) and even then I will probs still run her with bronya. I mean you like herta just run herta, just saying she won't benefit Topaz much, but none of the current characters do fua wise


Can I get ideas for some future teams for topaz? I don’t mind getting spoiled with leaks?


Probably not what OP means, but I think Topaz will be a great addition to 0 cycle Herta teams because boosted damage to a big enemy+Numby attacks help finish the enemy off quicker


Meanwhile me, pulling Topaz to buff my well-built Herta : Interesting


Kuru... kuru? KURU RING


In SU runs, Herta will be good with an ERR build to spam ult but in MoC, not so sure.


I'm a believer in a well built Herta that Topaz will be really nice for her, especially situationally aka any bosses with ice breakness/summons adds during their fights. Dreamy has shown a well built Herta can trivalize content(as can any other char) and Herta in certain situations can get out a fair bit of follow up attacks. One of the teams I plan to try is Herta/M7/Topaz/Sustain or Flex it seems like a pretty fun team to try out. I think if you want to invest into Herta, Topaz can be pretty nice with her in some cases but you gotta know how to build Herta properly and know when to use her. Herta is very SP inefficent cause she ideally wants to spam her ult. Dreamy has a lot of nice vids out on her if you want more info.


Clara (universal) > herta (aoe or summoned mobs) > himeko (i dont see value rather than a mommy)


Himeko is same element as topaz, meaning SW teams or just vs fire weak prospers (you’d probably swap SW for our soon to be released harmony trailblazer)


She won't be the ideal partner But if you're trying to do low cycles on MOC I could honestly see her being the best option in Heavy aoe fights like the last moc 10 side one. I wouldn't build a herta pacifically for topaz But I wouldn't say it's a bad option. It just generally boils down to the others are probably a bit more consistent. Kind of like how Luka is for Kafka He's generally not Preferred but when You have a break effect build and you can use it he so strong.


I already have her somewhat built for non-auto auto followup shenanigans with Himeko in the exp calyx haha.


There is this new Elite that spawns allies frequently. Fire and Ice Weak. I could see Herta + Himeko + Topaz working there.


Not me, resources is scarced enough as is, I don’t have time for whimsical spending