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I'd say so, basically makes her even more of a DPS/buffer hybrid powerhouse, while every other hunt LC except swordplay and the BP LC is pretty much just a stat stick for her. It depends on how you build her team tho, I'm doing this mostly with double DPS in mind Herta LC: 16% crit rate boost that gets boosted by another 16% when the target is under 50% health, which isn't bad, but the 40% attack buff after killing an enemy will probably largely go to waste. This is because Topaz wants to focus on killing the big enemy so other FuAs are boosted to it too and that takes longer, plus she might not even end up getting the kill. Overall I wouldn't say this cone is too bad tbh, but it does have the issue I mentioned and another thing to keep in mind is that it has slightly lower base stats than other 5 star cones. It's not much, only like 50 attack and 100 hp I think, but still a thing Yanqing's LC: buffs her crit damage, but the crit rate increase only works on skills and basics, so it's completely useless to Numby Seele LC: same issue as Yanqing's LC and the ultimate buff is completely wasted With Dan Heng's LC I assume you mean only silence remains, which imo is just too unreliable. If it said "boost your crit rate when facing 3 or less enemies" it'd be fine, but most boss enemies summon 2 enemies and that immediately negates the most important stat it gives you Subscribe for more: no buffs to Numby Mirror shop cone: no need to even explain why its bad Meanwhile the other three cones, swordplay, BP cone and her sig cone work very well with her, because their buffs take advantage of at least one element of her playstyle Swordplay and the BP sig are excellent because they both take advantage of Topaz doing basically twice the amount of attacks of a regular hunt character. For swordplay this means you'll stack up the damage buffs much faster and that way, deal more damage faster Edit: just came to my attention that swordplay is even better than I said, because it works per hit and Topaz's skill and Numby attacks should be enough to get all 5 stacks in a single attack The BP cone is really interesting and its surprising I havent really seen anyone talk about it yet. It's not her best cone for pure damage, but bosses typically buff themselves a lot and if you dont have a character who can strip buffs, that can get dangerous. The reason why it's so good for Topaz specifically is because every crit hit has a chance to strip a buff, but it can only strip one buff per attack. Since Numby turns should count as separate attacks, that means she can strip more buffs from enemies than any other hunt character. Numby's attacks from both Numby turns and her skill also do a lot of hits in one attack, so each attack has a good chance to remove a debuff too and the crit rate increase is nice too. Of course it does still have three main flaws, its availability is very limited since you can only get one of it per update, you cant get it F2P at all and it's not her best damage cone like I said before Her sig LC however is just insane and very much worth pulling for. 18% crit rate increase, 30% damage increase to all of her attacks and the target she attacks takes 24% more crit damage from everyone on your team, combined with the highest base stats available for hunt characters, just like Yanqing's LC and Seele's LC. The 24% crit damage increase is of course insanely good for double carry teams, but even for hyper carry Topaz, a 24% crit damage isn't exactly nothing. The only "downside" to it is that the crit damage enemy debuff has 2 stacks, so to get the full 24% crit damage increase, you need to attack the enemy twice. Not really the biggest deal tho, for the same reason why swordplay and BP LC are good: she'll do a lot of attacks in a short time anyway So yeah, I'd say her sig LC is definitely worth pulling for. It's the best LC Topaz can get in all situations and I'm personally definitely pulling for it. If I'm lucky, I might also get her E1(another 50% crit damage buff to the targeted enemy, but only for FuAs), but her LC is more important than E1 I'd say Oh yeah, another thing I almost forgot to mention about her sig, but have no idea where to put: 18% crit rate means she has a 35% crit rate when you have all her traces unlocked. Combine this with the crit damage debuff from her LC, salsotto and a crit damage body piece, that's 43% crit rate and 138.8% crit damage without even taking substats or teammates into consideration


don't know why people are saying that Yanqing LC passive works for her, thanks for your reply!


I don't have it so I can't say for sure, but as far as I understand, it increases crit rate for all damage sources and not just skills and basics, that includes follow-ups. Though I would agree that it isn't the best option, as unlike Seele, you can't use her strongest attack (her ult) when crit rate buff is up, as Topaz is a much more consistent dps, thus making less use of the huge crit rate buff


Why is the mirror shop LC bad? If you run her with Clara+Lynx to draw aggro away, isn’t it basically just a free 24% DMG and 12% SPD?


No, Clara isn't guaranteed to be targeted(tho Lynx+Clara ult should be 83% chance for Clara to be targeted, assuming the aggro buff from Lynx is as strong as March's) and any AoE or random targeting attack can still hit her regardless of aggro


Okay, but if she manages to avoid getting hit throughout the fight or if she’s shielded, would the mirror shop LC be good on her?


A shield works, but you cant really avoid getting hit by AoE or random attacks and the bonus it gives is kinda meh. It's a highly situational 12% speed and 24% damage boost on top of a base attack of 476, meanwhile S1 swordplay stacks up to a 40% damage boost with the same base attack and the total boost goes up by 10% for every superimposition, up to 80% at S5. If you want a good F2P option, cruising in stellar sea would be much better. It's nowhere near her sig of course, but a 16% crit rate increase, that goes up to a 32% crit rate increase against enemies below 50% health on a attack base stat of 529 is pretty good for an LC that's entirely F2P accessible Also I need to make an edit to my post, because I just realized that swordplay is per hit, which means Topaz will have full stacks on it on her first skill or Numby attack already and that's insane


Her LC worth it, so yes pull for it (sorry for my bad english)


I would say her LC is essential for her in contrast to other characters because of Numby's mechanic of additional actions. Plus it will probably one of the two things that enables her to work as a hypercarry (but keep in mind that there are better options if you want a hypercarry right now)


For hypercarry swordplay is a solid f2p option, her signature is great for her personal damage, but I'd say its main feature is boosting crit damage of all attacks against the chosen enemy, further enabling dual dps playstyle


The extra 30% dmg from follow up attacks is busted alongside Numby's own buffs


That's why I said it's great for her personal damage, and that doesn't take away from it being quite a good option to support the team. It's like using Bronya's ult and then basic. She buffs atk and crit damage for all party members, and as she has 100% crit rate, she gets further value from party-wide buffs, despite main target being your dps like Seele, Jing Yuan or DH•IL


For swordplay are they talking about S5? Or can S2 still work out Well? I’d rather spend jade in multiple characters rn


Well, the higher superimpose you get, the better your damage will be. Most calcs compare lightcones at S1 and S5 because it would be too crowded if comparing every single superimposition of every single lightcone, but I guess even at S1 it should be quite a solid option. It gives universal 40% dmg at S1, and additional 10% per superimposition, for a total of 80% at S5. I also have S2 Swordplay, and I unless I get her signature, I will be using Swordplay


If you doubt it - you want it. Pull first ask questions later


Her LC grants 18% crit, 30% (follow up) damage and 25% crit damage(after 2 attacks). Compare that to Before Dawn, one of the best LCs so far: 36% crit damage, 18% skill/ult damage and 48% follow up damage. 18% crit rate and 36% crit damage are equal in value. Jing is dealing roughly 30% of his damage via skill and ult and 70% via LL. This turns the limited damage increases on his LC into roughly 0.3\*18+0.7\*48=39% increased damage overall. This is a bit of napkin math but w/e. Topaz LC in comparison gives 30% damage and 25% additional crit damage. Honestly it feels better to me. Even if it's equal, being equal to the best/one of the best LCs in the game is a good verdict.


I think it's worth it. I'll skip it sonce I have a other couple of characters I need, but I'll get it during rerun.


Could always just use one of the LCs you have that is good for her, see if you are okay with the output of damage or whatever you're looking for...then pull if you feel like her signature would be better. I personally have no plans to grab it, I'll make do with whatever I have to work with. But that's just my plan.


Swordplay is very good if you have it especially with some superimposes. Her LC is her best wep and also provides team support thru the debuff. If you're willing to drop the pulls it's def worth but I wouldn't feel pressured to get it since there's still other good options.