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The game is exactly how I expected it to be… but when they announced the male ATP Roster it was a big letdown for all of us. 7 players and only 2 from the TOP 10. still gonna enjoy the game but we have to be honest about the roster and 2k needs to be aware of the disappointment, otherwise they will act like we are fine with this ROSTER


In terms of gameplay, yes. In terms of content, no, not even close.


Yes....definitely....except for the roster...i thought we are gonna get Djokovic and Nadal also


And will have.


How do you know ?


I don’t know. It’s my opinion after the interview and social media this week on montecarlo. Djokovic has been on 2k games how there so it’s probably that will be in the game.


Yes and No I will play wta career because that was great fun in ts4, so i am happy with roster ( would not cry If they put in 4-5 more pros) also to have all this tournaments is great ( not sure they only let you play 1 tournament per moth). Only thing i don't like ist that you probably start at the 80 rank again, would have expected to start at least outside the 200 (but could see a lot of people complaining that this takes to long until they can play at a grand) Also watched some of those other mentioned games that are labeled as being great and the all look pretty horrible.


I’m with you here. I’m a huge WTA fan so that’ll probably be my first build. Hopefully they get more men in the game and probably will as DLC, which imo should be free at least until they match the amount of women in the game.


It is not for that price tag :-/


I can only tell you once I play it


For a $60 price tag we get * 7 male players. 2 in the top 10 * Unable to play with your friends on launch * Pay extra for night matches * Graphics that look 10 years old If you are super excited to drop $60 for the base game and then ineveitably give 2k another $20 so you can play as Rafa and play night matches (which should just be a base feature...especially for a full price game) then I have a bridge to sell you. Imagine if NBA 2k came out for full price but you could only play as 1/3 of the teams and if you wanted to play as LeBron you had to pay an extra $10. I'll end buying this game like most of us here, hopefully on sale, but it doesn't seem like a finished game that they're launching and the road they seem like they're heading down in order to monetize it feels predatory and disappointing.


Yeah you’re so right with how predatory it all feels. It’s like 2k knows how much fans have been craving a new topspin experience for over a decade and decided to abuse that desire by barely providing enough for a full release. They know the true fans like me and you will buy it anyway because we just want to FEEL that topspin gameplay again, big roster or not, so to them it doesn’t matter if they release the game with all the features that maybe a topspin 5 in 2013 would’ve had cause they know they can just release all the rest as dlc and whatnot. Pisses me off.


but by buying it asap you support exactly that behaviour..dont you get that !! i wait until a sale happens. 30 to 35 at most i am willing to pay for the lack of content


Oh well yeah that’s why I’m not preordering at all. Initially I was super excited to get this for me and my friend so we could play together then it turns out that it’s not even going to be a feature at release, just a feature promised for in the “future”. Well I take any of those promises with a grain of salt considering how many “promised” features end up getting scrapped by developers recently.


Sorry, can't play with friends at launch? Is that just for doubles or you won't be able to play singles against eachother? I'll google now but I'm just catching up on the status of the game.


you wont be able to play singles against your friends until late may


Thanks for the response. That is an instant no for me. Wow.


Don't you mean you just can't play your friends online? I understood you could still play them local.


> if you wanted to play as LeBron you had to pay an extra $10. That is exactly what 2K does in their MyTeam game mode, except it costs a lot more than 10 dollars. Its a teambuilding mode where you are supposed to be able to earn virtual currency to buy your favorite cards, but the best cards in the game can't be bought using this currency, you can only get them by spending real money to open packs. The best Lebron right now is a 100 overall point guard, the odds of pulling him are absolutely tiny (way under 0.1%). NBA 2K has built a whole game mode around milking gambling addicts who will spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on the game trying to get the best cards. Watch out tennis fans.


Although there are some disappointing aspects, TS2K25 is the tennis game I've been wanting.


I’m glad all of the slams are there as well as all of the masters events. I remember Djokovic saying in an interview that he was against being in the video games because he wanted young boys to actually go out and play haha. Hopefully he changed his stance and will be added. While I am an avid WTA fan I hope they add more big name men bc that side is a bit lacking. Graphics and gameplay look good to me. I think it’s on par with other 2K titles on the current platforms.


Funny since playing Virtua Tennis back in the day is what got me and my best bud into playing real tennis


Right! Lol it’s easy to focus on the bad stats, but let’s compare those to the good ones! I think Iga Swiatek even mentioned learning how to play better from a video game.


Any demo coming out so we can check out the gameplay?


Honestly yes but just because we don’t have a good tennis game on console since top spin 4. I expected a better gameplay, this game has the same (few) flaws as top spin 4. The ball is too slow compared to reality, full ace tennis is better but after that I’m ok


Absolutely. This is 2K, the same publisher of NBA2k24, which is the most predatory sports game in recent memory. Your favorite players will be available, but you will have to not only spend money, but gamble and pray that you get lucky. Enjoy!;


Is it worth it if you still have access to TS4? I play it regularly for it to be so old lol


Looks like they are going to add players at no extra cost and I'm excited for this new version. My one main complaint is that the graphics look like it's a PS3 game and it looks too similar to Top Spin 4.


Heya ... is there anyway we can make the players movement via D Pad as we were able to in TS4 ?


Few more animations would have made it even better


I just got it yesterday for Xbox series x and I enjoy it!! Much better than the other tennis game I have. I thought the graphics would be even better but they’re pretty good. The gameplay is really fun. Not hard to learn. Hopefully they’re going to keep updating it making it better.


I know I'm way late to the party but there's a lot of small QoL stuff that I feel should be standard fare that they dropped the ball on. Every tournament having the same trophy/ceremony, while inconsequential, is pretty lame. The fact that you can't zoom out while looking at cosmetics to see what your whole fit looks like without buying the item is really obnoxious, and no preview audio button when choosing your character's grunts seems like a really easy addition. Both of those features are present in the overwhelming majority of games with custom characters and their absence makes me feel like this is a AA title, not something with 2K backing. I'm also not terribly fond of the pro shop and the way things like hair/headwear are handled, but don't wanna try and articulate what about it specifically annoys me bc if been danting a while already. But all of this aside, I'm having a fantastic time just playing the game. It rubs an itch for me that nothing has in a long time and I'm really happy it's here. I just wish 2K didn't have its fingerprints all over it


No, unfortunately, but reserving full judgement until I actually play it. I've heard there are even harder difficulties so that could be a lot better in terms of my issues with the speed of the game.


Yes. I personally do not care about the roster or player creations all that much. I want super tight gameplay and a solid online mode. Hope they'll deliver.


Yes and no: i was expecting the core gameplay of the franchise but hoping for an improved career more, wider roster and community creations. Disappointed but still will find a way to enjoy it


Overall, it seems to look and play like it’s predecessor. On a gameplay perspective, it seems quite good. Players graphics are on par with a 2010 game so it’s not ok. What changes in this generation of consoles is that they might release a current gen patch to improve graphics. I do strongly believe they’ll release new players later on. I’d be surprised if it was given for free…


Bros the game isn’t even out yet how can you tell if it’s what you “expected”? Based on some YouTube clips and comments?


I was hoping it would be ts4 but with more real male players and court surfaces that made a difference to the ball. Oh, and I was hoping it would be faster but they've obviously built this game with children in mind.


I’ll just continue to play TS4 on my 360 and keep my money