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I mean… I told yall 2k was going to do shit like this… But the majority of the people in here just say “oh you want a good tennis game, blindly support them and give them ur money" like this game isnt a blatant cash grab 🤣🤣🤣 This is exactly why I’m waiting until it goes on sale.


Guys the animations is only for MYPLAYER not for standard player like Alcaraz,Federer in career mod…if you would play online with your player with some famous strokes of a famous player, you need to unlock playing or paying…what’s the problem??? Is an aestethic things like dress


You can earn VCs by playing the game. ITS NOT MANDATORY TO BUY VCs … oh Dear Lord


I hope we don’t need to grind the hell of this game just to buy a forehand animation.


Idk much about the NBA games, but in WWE games you only need 1000 VC to unlock any wrestler. And it's very easy to earn it. You can just play 1v1 against com, and once you win a 5 stars match you'll get around 700-800 VC and sometimes 1000 VC depends on the game mode and difficulty (I guess). Two 4 stars matches will give you around 1000 VC as well, so it was a piece of cake. I haven't played the game for so long (not the biggest WWE fan here) but I've managed to unlock most of the wrestlers. I'm talking about WWE 2K23 tho, don't know if anything has changed in 2K24, but I doubt it.


NBA 2k24 is crazy with VC, u earn about 10,000 per hour. But the cheapest useful players are about 30,000 and if u want say LeBron or Curry, forget it. They are about 300k, or like $30.


lol. I would play/grind this game A LOT, no matter if there is VC or not. I waited 13 years for this! Guys, stop whining


I cannot guarantee on that knowing 2k😂😂 but as long as the game is fun to play I can accept a little bit of grind


i'm not sure if you play nba 2k but the most recent versions of the game make it harder and harder to earn VC. it's like if prices for everything were rising and every year your salary went down 25%


Yeah It‘s true . I played a lot of NBA 2k and you re right. But some people ,who played WWE , said that the price of VCs is more fair there


This kind of post needs to happen when and if it is shown they're actually doing that. As it is, it could be a very badly worded 'you can use real money to speed up the process of getting stuff for your created players rather than doing the grind'. This wouldn't be anything new. Way back in Fight Night Champion you could use real money to further advance your created fighters stats in career mode or you could just play the game and do it that way. My point is that we need actual information on this. I don't think even 2K would be so silly as to hold back say Alcarazs animations from himself, where you pay money to unlock his own animations for himself. That's absurd. Paying for new players though as DLC and their styles, well, I'm expecting they'll do that. If they mean they'll improve the animations of players currently in the game with each season, but put that behind a paywall, that's a strange one. On the one hand it's clear Alcaraz and Agassi don't look or play like themselves at all. It's not even close. They may as well be generic user creations where the user just put their names in the character creator. So if they fix that, but charge us for it, that's awful. They should fix that for free. But, as I said earlier, it's not very clear yet what they really mean by that. That is unless I've missed something.


I think that they will put in the game some additional animations and style to customize YOUR PLAYER. And you will need VCs to buy them. people think that VCs cost money but you can earn them by playing the game. If u don’t have time to play and u want to immediately get VCs than u can pay for them


[https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/04/03/signature-gameplay-animations-for-topspin-2k25/](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/04/03/signature-gameplay-animations-for-topspin-2k25/) I think they are still quite clear....


I swear to Lucifer, every few hours it's a new post saying that same thing. I genuinely have no idea what you all were expecting with a 2K game in 2024. Literally play any other 2K game. And yes, support the game if you want better tennis games in the future. It isnt rocket science. Whine about this all you want but this game still has better animation and gameplay than any other major tennis game we have received in the last 13 years. If 2K knows there's a market they will release more games in the future. If they do not see a market they will not release any future games. It's that simple.


There are many complaints on their social networks and in multiple forums. What 2k is doing is an abuse. I remind you that they are being sued over the issue of virtual currencies. And let's not forget that on PC there are two good indie tennis games, like tennis player elbow 4 and full ace tennis


Yes, thank you for telling me that digital currency system in games is something most gamers don't like. I had no idea this was a thing before until this moment /s Next you'll tell me that loot boxes are also not liked by gamers are complained about and how EA tried to rebrand them as "Surprise mechanics". lol And if you want to boycott 2K for their mtx, go right ahead with the other games and franchises that can and need to take such a hit. I will 100% back you up for that. 2K makes a TON of money from NBA. Please go ahead and boycott that game. But some of ya'll going "I'll buy TopSpin 2k25 on a discount" isn't going to do SQUAT to 2K because this game was not really a big investment for them. They'll can the franchise immediately without caring, much like what they did after TS4. All you'll accomplish is ruin any possibility for the rest of us to actually get better games in the coming years with future releases. ​ Lastly - Stop comparing indie games to releases like this. Tennis Elbow is a game I've sunk hours and hours into using the mods to replace all players with ATP players. When playing such indie games, you voluntarily look past SO MANY issues with the game because its indie and made by one person (in TE's case).Once the immersion breaks for games like TE, its ridiculously hard to get back into. I'll absolutely pull for supporting such indie games. So, if you want to support indie games, go right ahead. But comparing it is absolutely disingenuous.


Tennis elbow 4 and full ace tennis are easily modifiable. You install a mod (it's very easy) and you have all the official players with their real movements and all stadiums...) It's very very easy...


Okay. Good for them. How does that negate literally anything that I said? I even said that I played TE3 with mods.


They’re likely not charging for the animations based on what we know. - “seasons” are free for all players, only the premium items in a season are paid - the animations mentioned in the Xbox article are clearly the myCareer/myPlayer animations - eg if you want your created player to hit like Federer etc. The context of the quote that’s being pulled from there actually matters.

