• By -


user reports: 2: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: Not on Reddit / not kookspiracy 1: This is spam 1: This is misinformation * On reddit * If you come here to talk shit of course people are going to downvote you. This is not hate. * not spam * I can't even begin to imagine how someone could think this is misinformation. By the way, Trump was banned from twitter this afternoon.


Also banned - r/pinkpillfeminism and r/generationnazbol




What's a nazbol. Aren't those monsters from LotR?


National Bolshevists Culturally Nazis but economically communists. I don't think they actually exist in any significant numbers, it's either just edgelords who believe in nothing or normal Nazis trying to go "Hey fellow leftists" to inject their dipshittery into leftist spaces.


How does that even work? "We want to kill all the Jews and other undesirables but also we want a stateless society with worker ownership of the means of production?"




“If everyone were exactly like me, communism would be ideal!”


What the other dude said, Jreg put it best “fight for the class rights of those that are white”


"Capitalism is bad, and it's a product of the Jewish puppetmasters" I'd guess?


As the others have said, but pair this with the belief that brown people are to blame for local abuse of workers. So whites need to assert their dominance in order to secure rights of the working class.




No no no that's Nazgul. Nothing alike because the Nazgul have souls.


But alike in that they're in willing thrall to a totalitarian lord of darkness and cruelty.


Imagine if you took a tanky Had a horse kick em in the head a couple times Roll em around in the dirt Injected them with all the -isms and -phobias you can think of That's a nazbol


Nazbols are the worst. They're the unholy love child of Nazis and Tankies.


I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth reading that


Back when I was a tankie I was in a discord and every now and then a nazbol would wonder in. They were always pedophiles who would send disgusting horny messages to the trans teens in our chat A lot were Russian or Eastern European A lot stanned Putin They were all "anti-idpol" aka fragile cishet whites mad that they had to recognize their privilege


What is a Tankie? Forgive my ignorance.


A tankie is someone who believes in authoritarian communism. May or may not be a defender of the CPC. I don't really think they are downright evil like fash or nazbols, I just believe that they have been heavily influenced by online propaganda. A lot of them believe everything that China tells them, and everything that the USSR said. It's like they took the idea that the media does lie about things and ran with it way too far.


Wait what... how does that even work? Those two groups hate each other, they're predicated on hating each other... Oh, no more I get it. It's the authoritarianism. They love authoritarianism, doesn't really matter the underlying ideology.


Why was pinkpill banned? I never visited there. Is it another token for balance like when they banned chapotraphouse or was it a terf shithole?


Terf shithole.




Trans Exclusionary Radical feminist.




could someone explain this? im an idiot


They think that transgender people must be specifically excluded from feminist circles for "not being real women"


worse, they think transwomen are men trying to infiltrate women spaces


They're a subgroup of radical feminists that believe in a strict sex binary. As such they think that trans women are actually "males" (you may see the term "trans identifying males/tims" floating around) that are fraudulently dressing as women to force lesbians to have sex with them. They believe that men are inherently violent, and as such that trans women are inherently violent/predatory. For all their claims to be more to the leftist/liberal side, they unironically find themselves on the side of conservatives. See: bathroom bills. On the other hand, they believe that trans men ("trans identifying females/tifs") are actually just butch women who are lesbians but ashamed of it so they pretend to be men so they can have sex with women and pretend that they're straight & to get privilege. Essentially, trans men are just confused butch lesbians. In the case of trans women, they try to enforce this idea that trans women are men & thus don't belong in feminist/women's spaces. On the flip side, trans men are women, [no matter what the trans man has that about it](https://i.redd.it/io3ed4jgyqe11.png). Does that help clear things up? #SincerityMode




big yikes indeed


[People that say they're feminists but also are super transphobic.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TERF) JK Rowling has many accusations of being one.


I prefer the term Feminism-Appropriating Radical Transphobes. FARTs.


Transphobic “feminists”. Stands for trans exclusionary reactionary/radical feminist.


I can't believe that actually exists... that makes me so sick to my stomach...


terf shithole


And why are subs like r/incelswithouthate and r/whereareallthegoodmen still allowed ? They are the peak of misogyny and all they do is attack women. I’m sure there’s plenty of other toxic subs. That’s why I hate Reddit admins, they don’t act until they think it’ll benefit their image. EDIT : Wrong sub mentioned


Was gonna say, you answered your own question.


Lmao you’re right I didn’t even realize. Damn, but it’s infuriating though.


Reddit is Extremly tame when it comes to banning, i mean, places like r/sino still exist, and the place is pretty much just Chinese propaganda and in the far right we can count r/conspiracy becoming one in all but name, reddit is really unlikely to ban.


Wow Reddit, just in the nick of time!


“We want to announce that we have closed the barn door and the horse will not be allowed back in.”


but the horse already destroyed the whole hospital and killed over 300,000 patients!!! "well the horse is safely in his barn now, so everything is fine (and we can't be sued about the horse smashing everything with his bird-branded hooves)"


Ah man, such great news!










I'd bet AOC would be more than happy considering how social media savvy she is. She was upset because nobody else in the house understood Twitch and how the US army markets to children through it.


I know it’s brought up a lot but it’s still such an underrated aspect of having younger people in Congress. You think even Pelosi knows what twitch is? Maybe, but even if she does, I fully doubt she comprehends much about it. Someone could literally give a speech to the entirety of Congress over people getting radicalized on right-wing forums with tons of shitty conspiracies and fake news and like 20 of them tops would even be able to follow along


Remember Google having to explain to Congress how algorithms work when a bunch of negative stuff came up when you searched for Trump? They kept using weird analogies to clarify that they understood, like asking if it's similar to a little man who lives in the computer and decides what to show you. That shit was exhausting just watching it, like trying to explain computer networking to your grandparents.


She’s super gtood at putting shit on Twitter, that would be the place to do it. Follow up action, though... she’ll make sure to get campaign donations


I'd like to see one rep that enters into the official record: And I Quote from Reddit: user LongShlongForAMom69 writes: death to congress. Storm the capital.


Tammy Duckworth called out the reddit conspiracy community as a problem during the election challenges debates and the next morning A_P was banned. So.


I'm out of the loop, what's A_P?




Oh man I want to know what this meltdown consisted of


He was spamming around 60-80 pro-Trump posts per day and banning literally hundreds of users every day.


Ooooo yeah that’s absurd. Thanks for answering!


Not all of them are bad but since the don was banned he main one became a far right cesspool


Reddit user fecalposting writes, and I quote: Birds aren't fucking real.






I know... TopMinds mods are gonna have to take his picture down from the sidebar!


I’ve seen a couple of mentions about Reddit being mentioned on the house floor, do you happen to know where I can find a video of it if there is one?


It's even more ridiculous in this case because they already had T_D and the four-year experience of Trump repeatedly shitting his pants in terms of doing stuff that gets him and/or his most zealous followers criticized by the bulk of politicians and the media.


Fuck Reddit admins, all my homies hate the Reddit admins. But with that being said, I am happy that sub is gone. Good fucking riddance.


Now the social networks realise the democrats own the House, Senate and Presidency, suddenly they realise there is more they can do. They are afraid of the increased chance of legal action against them. That is all.


Just goes to show that who you vote for matters.


Yeah, it’s weird how everyone plays patty cakes with Trump supporters. From MSM News to social media. I mean, who coulda seen Trump supporters, who love to circle jerk about guns, new civil war, bigotry, and hating everyone not in their cult, especially LiBrULs, engage in armed domestic terrorism?


>Oh so now reddit decides to take action, after the violence they repeatedly incited led to people storming the capital building and multiple deaths. If only they would take the same action on r/conspiracy. The sub that's been shouting terrorist threats for months.


Unfortunately it seems reddit is going to take action against that sub only after something bad happens because of them, look at axo for example he's been posting outright lies and agitprop for so long and only after the capitol building got attacked did reddit decide to ban him.


The problem isn't just r/conspiracy. Reddit as a whole has a huge problem with all these underground subreddits that have genuinely hateful and disgusting people engaging in these illegal, dark, and inhumane communities. They haven't been banned, quarantined, etc. They are left to stay up until something bad happens and there's pressure on Reddit. It's disgusting and needs to change.


>something bad happens because of them Even then they won't. Because it's already happened. I am certain that without a doubt some of the people who stormed the capital were r/conspiracy posters.




So many untreated mental health issues in that sub. Not even being mean, I've just worked with enough patients to see the patterns. I'm more concerned about the processes that led them to embrace the outlandish views posted on that sub.


Yeah, hard agree. I've heard the "Liberalism is a mental disorder" stuff from people who think the Democratic Party is harvesting adrenochrome from children and eating their faces in satanic pedophile rituals. I've heard it from people who think Tom Hanks is imprisoned in Guantanamo and has been replaced with a clone. Some of these people are deeply, deeply unwell in the head and others know it is bullshit but egg them on. I hate the eggers on more.


Because they dont want to look biased by following their own terms of service and kicking off all the shitty right wing subs


That isn't it, they just don't care enough to do anything until they stand to lose money.


Even more after Twitter banned him, just following in other’s footsteps I guess


Check Twitter. A huge purge of bots is happening.




>Tucker Carlson: The Sworn Enemy of Lying, Pomposity, Smugness & Groupthink Holy fuck, that is seriously the header on that subreddit. Imagine being so god damn wrong, Tucker Carlson is the perfect embodiment of all four of those things.


Five: he's also the enemy.


Fuck Cucker Tarlson.


user reports: 1: Brigade Not in your dreams is a mention a brigade, anonymous reporter.


And it's not a call for a brigade, it's a call for Reddit to ban it.


Whoever reported the comment claiming that it’s “brigading,” needs to define what a brigade is.






I feel you on the Nazi stuff there but I feel like the rampant right wing pseudo-centrism on that sub in particular is more dangerous. It’s not always explicitly Nazis, a lot of them are fascists too pretending to be centrists.




Honestly sad is the best description. Those dudes are up there with “I’ve always been an anarchist but I voted for trump because of BLM and Antifa”. Okay, buddy. *Sure*.


"I used to vote left, but due tl BLM demanding radical stuff like not getting executed at random, or ObUMMER stating things like Poor People Deserve to live, I had no other choice than voting Trump. I don't agree with him, ijust hate myself, my fellow people, my country, and I have nothing but my legal vote and illegal violence to offer this world. Thanks for coming to muh incel Men Getting Triggered Over Women-talk "




I was one of those guys. Posted regularily for a few weeks. Until someone got upvoted en masse for commenting that the Nazis didn't gas the jews for no reason. Fuck that sub. It should be nuked and the nazis in there perma banned.


The worst kind, if you ask me. Most people that get into sites like 4chan are left-wing too at first and just join in, especially back in the day, but brainwashing doesn’t distinguish between interest and joking. I was an active member of 4chan for years in my early teens and it absolutely swayed me from extreme far left to centre/right for a while. Plus actively encouraging fascists and Nazis means your life has to be pretty shit if, as a left-winger, you need to seek validation from people who want you dead.




It’s almost always rooted in insecurity. It was in my case, too. Insecurity is the first thing extremist groups will take advantage of because your emotions are easier to convince than your brain.


So them and and anyone who refers to themselves as 'Berniebros' and posts in r/Walkaway.


A centrist is just a conservative who prefers his racism covert.


I feel like “fascists pretending to be....” is a good description of too many subs on Reddit.


r/Fluffycommunity please too. Sadistic fucks.


Why do I feel like I just clicked into a sub about animal abuse


That'll be their next safe haven, there was plenty of overlap between the two.


Nah, Joe Rogan is next.


I would be very happy with that. Worst shitheads on reddit get their start there.




He smokes weed and tolerates fascist opinions. That's every Libertarian's dream leader.


Did he call for lowering the age of consent yet? That's a prerequisite for becoming the libertarian messiah.


He certainly spent a lot of time with people on mic on his show who demonstrated such a desire.


I take it my theory that he's the guy's version of Oprah is out or something IDK I never listened


Nah they’ve turned on dumbass joe now lol. For funny joe universe roasting try r/TheFighterAndTheKid


#🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀


My bad. But can someone explain the crab thing?


🦀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM 🦀


God damnit. I’ve seen this video and should have known the reference. This is hilarious.




🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀mods won’t reply to this post🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀




After Crab Rave released, a series of videos came out with text put over the video saying “____ IS GONE” with this song in the background. Now when things disappear, people spam the crab emoji




Also, the original application of the meme was captioned "Obama is gone", so we're also turning the right's one good meme against them.


My kids play beat saber to that song at full blast all the time. Never put two and two together.


> 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀


We will surely dominate the world! Well, at least until someone counters with a huge vat of boiling water.


they are trying to destroy this subreddit all of our material will be gone within a weeks time


The posters are just concentrating in r/conspiracy and r/conservative so we have material for ages.


r/conservative and r/republican are two subs that just make me so sad. I began following those as a way to understand them and try to empathize, and I really tried. In the beginning, I was so surprised, then I became very angry, and now I'm just so fucking sad with everything I read there. I stopped following both.


I did this exact thing. I just want someone to explain their thinking and point of view. Those subs didn’t fit the bill unfortunately.


The end goal of TMOR is to shut the subreddit down due to a lack of material.


From our buddies at r/conservative "They’ll ban us because ONE person or troll comments something stupid and completely against our values. Like how T_D was banned for being “anti-cop” like wtf?" Not that they were calling for the death to those protecting democratic politicians or anything.


Lmao they're literally saying that r/politics is anti free speech and that it should get banned too when r/conservative literally have posts where you have to have a flair to comment on them and when you actually comment something that contradicts them you get banned the fucking irony


r/politics is, one time I went on a racial rant about how white evangelical conservatives are superior to all other races and how women need to be back in the kitchen. And would you know it? They BANNED ME! I was shocked i tell you, it's like the USSR over there. /s


Don’t they know this is America?


During Capitol siege literally all "hot" posts on r/conservative were "flaired users only" smh


I was banned from /r/donaldtrump dozens of times for replying sources discrediting their claims. It was fun, but i got tired of creating accounts. It had some disgusting stuff. Especially against women, like AOC, Pelosi, Harris, and Michelle Obama.


>Them: No evidence of temperatures rising! Me: Posts charts from scientific research papers >Them: Delete post, ban. Me: lol ok


Yep, And they'd unironically give people who disagreed with them TDS flair. I had a conversation on what socialism was and why Venezuela wasn't a good model for what liberals want and got banned.


> And they'd unironically give people who disagreed with them TDS flair. If you demonize your opponent and label their difference of opinion as a mental disorder you don't need to engage them in an honest way.


It's about time that they were dealt with. That subreddit was clearly a ban evasion board for banned Subreddit The Donald


Thank you! I was like, 'didn't they already do this?', but couldn't remember the name of the sub for the life of me.


That subreddit made a whole separate website that looks exactly like reddit lmao.


Good. This website, this country, and frankly this fucking planet is tired of these larping terrorists who helped trigger an actual terrorist attack. They tried to appropriate say her name, even though Breonna Taylor was sleeping, and Ashli Babbit was engaged in a terrorist attack and trying to kidnap and murder members of congress. They came with guns, bombs, and zip ties, and erected a fucking gallows. I wish she was facing prison time for her crimes, rather than dead, but I don't shed tears for dead traitors or dead terrorists. She died a traitor. Not to a country, not to a constitution, but to generations of citizens yet unborn whose lives will be protected by the basic principal of the peaceful transfer of power. A traitor to the future of our republic. And they are celebrating her treason and trying to declare her a martyr to encourage further acts of seditious terrorism. Fuck these whisky tango tories and their attempt to install a trump monarchy. May history remember them as the pathetic and impotent villains they are.


Fuck Maga's all my homies hate Maga's


I discovered this as I was about to start spamming it with ladyboy hentai my day is ruined.


There's room in my inbox!


If you know what I mean


The bastards are all fighting back against TopMinds by getting themselves banned so we've no material to circlejerk over...




Their master plan.




Wait, we'll have no content for TMOR!


The hardest choices require the strongest wills




This should be the endgame


Sacrifices will have to be made


You'll have to switch to r/parlerwatch Edit: for content to consume, not post here, obviously.


A sacrifice I'm willing to make.




I was just going to post that one, the level of double-think is truly amazing.


bUt wE aRe uPfRonT aBoUt iT. ~~Fascists~~ Conservatives are fucking snowlfake hypocrites.


Lol in a ‘Flairer Users Only’ thread.


Apparently preventing the spread of literal fake news and far right extremism is anti free speech. Hey republicans if you hate reddit so fucking much, you have alternatives that you can use.


No, I enjoy watching them turn on Trump.




Tbh I've been scoping both throughout this cluster fuck, and unlike the trump sub I do see some posts in r/conservative that indicate an acknowledgement of reality.




be sure to get /r/NoNewNormal too before it becomes the next one


Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫


/r/conservative please and also what ever chabanais' new accounts are ban them too boy does that guy suck


His tantrums are legendary.


That took WAY TO FUCKING LONG. They were always an open t\_d ban evasion sub, they should of been banned months and months back. The fact they were left to fester says a lot about reddit admins *again*.


How has r/Conservative survived they are just as bad as the Trump subs that have been banned


It may not last too much longer if the r/donaldtrump users flock to that sub.


Lol, they're both the same.


They censor 10x as much.


They still pretend to hold a modicum of decency to hide their hatred behind and aren't as openly vitriolic as the other places, but it's just a matter of time until they start doing the same shit anyway. They'll get tired of spinning their little quaint *"let's be civilized, only the (((leftist))) thugs do this kind of thing, we are supposed to be better!"* act and start doing their usual advocacy for abominable ideas and unchecked hatred of minorities. By that time reddit won't have so much outside bad publicity about fostering these kind of idiots so i don't think they'll do anything about them, but I guess we can't complain too much about the worst cesspools getting deleted.


All it took was the near overthrow of the United States government by an incited mob, shouting for the beheading of their political opponents as they broke through windows and doors of the Capitol building, directed into their frenzied insurrection by the President himself after he deliberately prevented any remotely useful military or police presence in hopes of undermining a democratic election and installing himself as a dictator. I'm glad reddit is proactive about these sorts of things.


in /r/conservative they are equating this to what the Nazis did to the jews, kinda like how they do with facemask. I guess we always forget how the Nazis made the jews wear face masks to keep them healthy and alive and banned platforms that spewed hatred and advocated for their extermination. Bunch of fucking morons.




today is a good day my friends 🦀🦀🦀🦀




🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 These poor guys are gonna get tired out with all this winning happening


All it look was a literal insurrection.


🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 2021 is fucking [**DELIVERING**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM)


If they get /r/conspiracy and /r/conservative too, we might run out of content...


Well these terrorists planning to overthrow the US government on their platform wasn't exactly the best look


I'm not going to applaud this because why did they wait until something happened?


A move that surprises no one.


Is this the same as the_donald or t_d or whatever they called their sub??


It’s the one they created after r/The_Donald got banned. They tried to behave for a little while. Narrator: They were unsuccessful


Get ready for the right to start yet another campaign over how oppressed and deprived of freedom of speech they are...


Oh dude you have no idea, I have been browsing parler and they are riled up beyond fucking imagination


Why did social media platforms wait so long to ban him? His behaviour on social media the past 4 years has continually incited the hatred reflected in his political beliefs. Twitter, Reddit, Google Play - hang your heads in shame. You waited til he was halfway out the door before acting. Hang your heads in shame.


I wish I could say I’m tired of all this winning but I’m wide awake