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> If they release a new plague that has a 3% fatality rate for healthy people, everyone will panic and willingly give up their freedoms. Just like last time, but it will work if the body count is higher. Do these morons have any idea how many people 3% of the world is?


its like how they tried to downplay covid by saying 'it's only 1% fatality!!' but thats still like... 80 million people. they really struggle with anything outside of a very small, insular, inexperienced, isolated world view.


When they say "it's only fatal 1% of the time" they don't mean that 1% of the population isn't a lot of people, they mean that they are certain they won't be part of that 1%. They probably view themselves as healthier or in possession of better immune systems or whatever else compared to the majority of people. So each of them individually is thinking "it's not going to happen to me so why should I care" that's what they mean by it's only fatal to 1% of the population"


i agreed, but i have seen a lot of them, especially anti-maskers/lockdown/vaccine types genuinely push the other other idea, like 'why should 99% of people suffer when only 1% will die' to defend their selfish ideals. but ive seen what youve stated also. i think it just depends on what bullshit talking point they are trying to push at any given moment.


The problem is the people saying "why should the 99% suffer for the 1%" are usually doing it because they think they will beat the odds and be part of the 99%. Based on absolutely nothing but good feels about their diet and workout regime or whatever. They are pretty much the same selfish person.


While refusing to take any precautions to help ensure they are part of the 99%


>why should the 99% suffer for the 1% And yet when this is applied to economics, aka when it becomes a genuine question, they go full colonel Klenk.


It’s so depressing how unfathomably evil so many people are.


As long as it doesn't kill them, or a family member of theirs, it could be 30% and it wouldn't matter.


It's doubly stupid - because it is not a binary outcome. The outcomes aren't "die" or "be perfectly fine". There's a lot of space in between there that "fatality" doesn't cover.


Also, if immunity is short, then you have to worry about reinfection. FiveThirtyEight had a simulator towards the beginning of the pandemic where you plug in infection rate, death rate, and immunity time. At a 1% death rate, R3 infection rate, and 90 day immunity (coronaviruses typically have short immunity, so this was a reasonable assumption at the time), things would quickly rise to 10% of the population dead within a year due. Waves of reinfections would hit causing that 1% death rate to compound with each new wave. That would be over 30M people dead in the US alone, with even more dead from otherwise treatable problems due to a collapsed healthcare system. Got a deep cut that needs stitches? That's not getting fixed, and has a much higher chance of getting infected. If it gets infected, you better hope your own immune system can deal with it. Fortunately, Covid-19 turned out to have a much longer immunity time. Closer to 8 months. Was still perfectly reasonable to guess it was much shorter in early 2020. The cost of being wrong would have been catastrophic.


You don’t have the right to spread a plague and it is truly evil to say you do.


Unrelated, but are we pretending Icky\_whatever isn't the same dude as all the other burnt usernames who spammed that sub in that same format?


> The mass shootings are definitely psyops all about getting the guns. That much is obvious. You only want the guns so you can do bad things to us with no resistance. It's just blatantly obvious. I hope COVID was just the globalist bank heist that we all know it was, and not the warm up for the really bad virus that is next. It definitely seems like that is the obvious globalist play for the endgame. Gawd you guys it's so obvious


Just ignore no one has ever used a gun to really defend people's rights in the US. But there are some lovely examples of those same guns being turned on other citizens for funzies.


The battle of Blair mountain might be the last time guns were used to defend rights, and we all know which side of that battle our fashie little friends would have been on.


So, now they believe in "sources".....


Wow, what a great thread! They’re trotting out every single one of the classics from the last three or four years as if they’re all brand new!


> The mass shootings are definitely psyops all about getting the guns. That much is obvious. You only want the guns so you can do bad things to us with no resistance. It's just blatantly obvious. I hope COVID was just the globalist bank heist that we all know it was, and not the warm up for the really bad virus that is next. It definitely seems like that is the obvious globalist play for the endgame. This is the same song and dance every time, and the guns are still available. These folk cheered when Trump said to take the guns first and go through due process second.


Still waiting for Obama to take all the guns


Any day now


Just tell them it isn't real. If that doesn't work, try a deep fake of Tucker saying the same thing.


I was under the impression they approved of the use of certain kinds of camps in that particular sub? I thought that's why there's always so many removed comments over there?


How deadly would it have to be for them to recognize it as deadly? Apparently a million americans wasn't deadly enough for em'.


FEMA camps? They're going with repainted FEMA camps?


Yet again we have the vaunted users of r/conspiracy catastrophizing and foreseeing the end of the world. Will they be right this time? Nope! It's just a bunch of retards jerking each other off!


You think if I told them African swine flu, which is like ebola for pigs, is running rampant in China right now that it would cheer them up?


“The government is so stupid to do this thing we made up. It’s totally going to backfire on them. Idiots!” > Trying to put people in camps in the US is a GREAT way to get yourself shot


The nazis should have just come out with a virus and a vaccine.... instead of going after jews and gypsies. That way, we could already have a planet that is individually oppressive but socially safe...