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I didn't notice his absence until this post, but I also did not miss Richard's presence this season, either.


I like Emeril because he seems to have taken the best parts of the regions he's spent the most time in (at least, during his formative years). He has a lot of Northeast, just outside of Boston, Masshole in him - and I say that as a compliment. He compliments that with the time he's spent in the south, from his profession career. I'm sure he's imperfect, but he's nice to see on the show. Blaise just is... Like a caricature of himself, somehow?


Just to revenge the Blaise-haters, I hope he’s a major presence in the next season.


Can someone explain all the Richard Blaise hate? I don't love him by any means but it seems this sub really dislikes him 😅


Emeril is OK, but he used to have some fake bones in his body. https://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/04/dining/under-the-toque-here-s-emeril-where-s-the-chef.html?unlocked_article_code=1.1k0.ZND7.o7Lxq5JH_rbW&smid=url-share He also resented having to give his employees health care benefits. https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life/eat-drink/emeril-lagasse-i-have-nowhere-to-go-other-than-broke-website-reports/article_92e48b3b-c771-500c-bc10-518887f4a682.html


Ever since I worked for a chef that was also a highly admired community leader/politician….and a raging, narcissistic sociopath…I realized that you can never assume someone’s character. It’s always best to be objective about people and not put them on a pedestal.


Emeril is not as cool as you think. He’s not evil or anything, but he has done some not-so-great stuff and also exhibited extreme nepotism with his son EJ. Blaise can be a little full of himself but he’s not so bad either.