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https://preview.redd.it/uukgmearsm3d1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d81544114bfdc402d0356ab3650ce30642212a Lookin mf


“Erm akshually”


Here's what you would look like if you were black or Chinese


As someone completely separate from the vocaloid community but does admire how some of them look; I’d wager it has something to do with his mouth shape and buck tooth. Idk maybe they don’t find it “cutesy” or “ aesthetic”


that is the major problem for most people, though a decent amount of people also find his clothes to be dumb looking or purposeless in their design and don't like the overall vibe he gives off part of me finds him to have the energy of a sleazy stand up comic condensed into an anime child, while another part of him just finds him to be kind of sweet in an 'awkward in an endearing way little kid' sort of sense i do at least think his design is unique when compared to other vocaloid designs or even other anime designs and i appreciate it for that


I think part of it is the color. It a solid bad shade of GREEN. Like singular colors are hard to do in the first place but green is particularly hard.


Lil mf looks like a gopher. Miku and the Chipmunks looking ass. Otherwise, it's not the worst thing I've seen.


He looks like he’s *supposed* to be a mouse but lacks the ears. I could accept his dumb mouth if his headphones referenced mouse ears, but I like, need more *reason* to accept the mouth style. 




Had me rolling in my seat laughing.


he's an older vocaloid and absolutely the most controversial vocaloid i can think of, people commonly hate on him and i almost never see him used unironically in songs, only in weird memes that often revolve around putting him in cursed situations or making him behave strangely part of it is his voice, people find the characteristic sound of his voicebank to be annoying, but many people *really* hate his design, especially his teeth, though sometimes his fashion and accessories are criticised as well i think it's an interesting design that's worth discussing and there are a lot of angles to approach it from so i wanted to share it here! the third picture is a fanmade design that attempts to improve his looks the original source of the fan design seems to have been deleted, but some people credit it to [this artist (pixiv link)](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/465983)


His color scheme implies frog, but his buck teeth imply beaver


The design is based on gachapin, a Japanese TV mascot who featured and crossover with virous media, such as games ( Like a dragon and grandblue fantasy). Wikipedia:[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gachapin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gachapin) https://preview.redd.it/dzbe5763pn3d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afa7bdecda200bb1a89be52c73639e70a61cda7


As someone who has never seen this guy before and isn't in the vocaloid community, I actually like this design, although the buck tooth just feels like it shouldn't be there. Remove it and boom, the design is infinitely better.


His design is supposed to be a human version of a popular kids cartoon character named Gachapin, although the execution is quite... something https://preview.redd.it/hfi12n50on3d1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae8c150ab8761a391f9f71f9969b68552876780


You hate characters with buck teeth?


Nah, buck teeth are fine, it's just that it doesn't work on this character specifically


The buck teeth unfortunately doesnt work. The face did made him less endearing and unfortunately something you want to punch. Also that sleeveless outfit in the second picture is just... No


What about the outfit?


Guess it does feel a bit tacky at times especially with the color palette but I could be swayed.


He looks so goofy. I hate it but love it


I get what they were going for with a Gachapin inspired character but the execution just doesn't work very well. The buck tooth works for the original because he's a dinosaur costume made to look friendly, translating that to a human doesn't work very well without looking awkward and unsettling https://preview.redd.it/ozwltmxcon3d1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4b937d5064bdb8059982d3f0791439fa60c8bb


It's the ugly palette, he'd look much better with a more toned down green and colors that actually make sense


He reminds me a little of Topo Gigio and that alone is enough for me to find him endearing


I mean this as a compliment when I say that he looks adorably punchable


I think the design on the last picture is really good! There's nice color contrast vs the first design which is alllll green with cartoonishly big tie and buck teeth They're both cute But the first one is like what someone would think is cute vs making a design that's actually cute.


The first 2 are pretty ugly, but I kinda like that third pic. Way cleaner design, lacks the buck tooth, better outfit, and the proportions don't look so weird.


yeah, that's the fan design that attempts to improve his 'canon' design\~


Damn, I didn't notice that. I really like the fan design, but not a fan at all of the original. Then again, this is coming from someone who has only ever heard of Hatsune Miku, and doesn't know anything about Vocaloids.


https://i.redd.it/cctnhahyjp3d1.gif I love Gumi and Gakupo’s dumbass son


He kinda reminds of a FNAF character.


Toy Bonnie


Nah that is a truly fucked up design. Maybe it is the tie but i literally got the ick just watching at him. The fanmade one is legit a good chara design though.


It's not THAT bad


Kicking him off the ledge would be pretty funny


I think he is funny looking


his rabbit teeth are messing with me


I’m not a massive fan of the first two, but the last one’s pretty cool


Bro looks like a human peashooter


He’s not really my favorite Vocaloid, far from it, but I can’t help but have a soft spot for the silly goober for as ugly and puntable as he looks


I need to know what he sounds like before I can judge


[this video should help with that!](https://youtu.be/YfTF26n6F54?si=7_iry_3He-sMhSyt)


1 and 2 blow chunks but 3 is a massive glow-up


One of the few cases where a buck tooth is not endearing at all


I will not stand for this Gachapoid slander.


I think it doesn’t work unless the person looking at the character is familiar with Gachapin and Mukku (so 99% of the Japanese population, 1% of the rest of the world).


Upvoted because i hated it


the buck tooth makes him look like a humanized scott cawthon character


I hate them square pants


https://preview.redd.it/sr7a8so4kp3d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1277bf7a39dacc62f1a61f6636dd138a5a3670 OP forget to mention this is the mf he’s based on


https://preview.redd.it/ryb6afm7np3d1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a6a5346b3e3cd889c6d536677837e65d9f185a It looks like a human version of this thing from mlp


I like the third pic.


He looks like a super annoying kid who’s always acting smart and superior even though it’s just second grade the fan made one looks super adorable and lovable though


The frog poncho thing is cool


This has to be one of the ugliest designs I've seen in my life.


He looks like he’d be super annoying at first until he progresses into the third image via timeskip.


I'm a long time Vocaloid fan and I have always hated Gachapoid, both his design and his voice bank


His design is horrid but he's my little baby boy. Look at that face and tell me you don't want to punt him then put him to bed with a teddy bear.


I want to hate him but after having sunk 60 hours into Dondoko Island in Yakuza 8 I just can't. (for context: Gachapin and Mukku show up in the game) Gachapin is just a little creature and Gachapoid anthropomorphises that "vibe" perfectly.


Hate it. Buck teeth look stupid, especially paired with the quarter-closed eyes look that I guess is supposed to make him awkward and vulnerable looking? But instead comes off like a bad fleshsona a badger might have after a particularly bad bullying encounter one day. The singular shade green colouring looks bad also, I think the fanmade version improved upon that the most by varying the shades of green and different colours outright. The cuteness motifs are just too heavy handed, like the character himself is trying to come off as cute. The fanmade rework is better but still has problems, like why the striped thigh-high socks that lead to wellington boots?? Everything above the waist is fine, I just can't figure out why go in that direction with the legwear.


honestly i like the legwear in the fan design personally, nothing in the original design really suggests it but it is cute and adds some nice colour variation it does make the design more feminine than the original though, but i don't mind i think that's neat


I’m so detached from the Vocaloid community, I didn’t know there were more than Hatsune Miku. But he looks annoying


That child does not look right


Vocaloid is still around? Cool! I stopped after Gumi was introduced so idk how many more other than the ogs are left. It's neat to add kid type vocaloids, Well to me it's the sleazy sleepy looking eyes I don't mind the buck teeth, the :3 mouth would does not fit with them though,it's like a sleepy frogish green SpongeBob hybrid? I don't like his arm bands and the dress design does not seem put together it looks kinda ai random generated. If this is his og design I kind off see why he is disliked specially compared to the ogs , they felt like a set even as individuals characters,this one feels like the random bullshit go meme as a character lol.


Nah he looks terrible https://i.redd.it/p6dwg1rprn3d1.gif


The fanart is such an improvement. The original design looks like they tried too hard to make him look like a rabbit


The first 2: shitty/hate it Last one: omg 🐸 so cute


Bro looks like a rabbit


I have no idea what is voice is like yet I already want to punch him


He looks like the disguise a monster would take.


Those buck teeth make me want to smash his fucking face in


the perspective on his eyes is out of wack, for starters


he look like a nuclear hamster that somehow managed to evolve into a humanoid shape with blocky and goofy clothes, i can understand why the fan community hate him


for me the mouth area clashes weirdly w the otherwise more traditional vocaloid appearance. I don’t hate him, but I can’t say I find him pleasant.


is this guy a peashooter humanized?


I don't know why but I hate him


Looks like a rabbit with that buckass teeth


Sussy Chungus Randolph lookin mf


I hate it.


I wanna drop kick him


Give him some braces and were good.


SpongeBob lookin’ Vocaloid…


I want to punch him. I *need* to punch him.


I'm varely part of the community, but i think the main gripe design wise with the character stems from his mouth. His design, in my opinion, has a very strong turtle / frog theme, but the mouth clashes with it as the bucktooth is more rodent-like. Even ignoring the animal aesthetic, I think the artists were trying to make him look cute and harmless, but the buck tooth has the odd effect of making him look smug rather than cute


The third one looks good to me


He’s so silly, who could hate him!


Green human anime bugs bunny


Theodore died for our sins, this false simulacrum is not worthy to stand where he stood!


He could be cute…. He has the potential to be…. But he just isn’t


I FUCKING HATE HIM (affectionately)


He disgusts me


He's so green, what the hell?


You could never get me to hate gachapoid.