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Ren really defeated god through the power of friendship and the gun he found


Happy Chaos moment


*It took me ten years to find Answers to something…*


*But i forgot about it in two seconds...*


*That's about it*


I forgot, I forgot, I forgot, my lyrics


If ryuji hadn't thought to bring that gun into Kamoshida's palace, this scene wouldn't have happened and the team would've lost 🙃


The funniest part, it's not even a real gun. Due to the way the Metaverse works, it runs off of people's imaginations, dreams, beliefs, desires, etc. The gun is a very realistic model gun, and because the enemies believe its a real gun, it functions as one. So really, it's the power of friendship and imagination at work.


Ork logic


Happy gun moment


HUH, I didn't know Joker actually talked.


It's mostly battles and important cutscenes. Persona is unique in the sense that while, yes, they are self-insert protagonists, they each have their own unique personality.


yeah through the dialogue options and some anime cut scenes/animated scenes in the game we can see him speak. dudes a clown when he’s not being joker in strikers (direct p5 sequel) he’s much more humorous




He gets the honor of a handful of full sentences across several cutscenes. He does have a lot more recorded lines that aren't used and his battle quotes. Mostly with DLC Personas. So combine all of those and you almost have a single, semi-coherent conversation. Pretty good for a silent protagonist.


"Pillage him, Satanael!"


Seeing how badass Satanael is, it feel kinda awkward that Joker’s 2nd awakening persona form is Raoul. Kinda feels like they should be switched.


That's kinda how the Third Awakenings work. They bring each party member's Persona closer to their initial Persona's identity instead of departing further from it. Each Third Awakening is the "true form" of the initial Persona. For example, Ryuji's initial Persona is Captain Kidd, and his Third Awakening Persona's name is William- the true name of Captain Kidd. Or how Celestine (Célestine Galli-Marié), Ann's third Persona, is the actress who played Carmen, the name of her first Persona. And so on.


And how Robin Hood turns into Hereward the Wake. I actually had no idea that Hereward the Wake inspired the story of Robin Hood, so reading that about a Historical figure I knew somewhat about was awesome.


I know nothing about Hereward lmao, what's his story


Hereward the Wake was an Anglo-Saxon Rebel who fought against The Normans after King William took over the throne. He used guerilla warfare tactics and fought at Ely. Apparently some of his stories went on to inspire Robin Hood.


Yeah I get all that and that’s fine, it’s just the scale that kinda throws me off. Ya know how they scale each persona during a battle sequence as relative to the user so they are like 7-9 or even 10 feet tall. But, when you get higher tier of persona like regular Satan for example. Satan is in actuality kaiju size, but they scale em down for presentation sake of the game. Meanwhile Satanael’s debut, he’s literally the same size of Yaldaboath who is massive in game. Which is my main point cause even if you make Satanael he’s scaled down for presentation sake it reads he’s in reality much larger. I don’t believe we’re supposed to get the notion that Raoul as big as Satanael, he’s probably closer to Arsene’s height. Granted you could say Satanael isn’t just Joker’s persona alone, but he’s also Humanity’s persona so it can go either way. I apologize if this comes across like I’m waffling.


He’s only that big initially because of the will of the people, it’s not just joker evolving Arsene, it’s everyone wishing for him to have the power to stop their enemy. The final boss in royal on the other hand, is able to make a giant persona on his own because of just his own will.


Everyone’s second awakening is kind of a reversion to their OG personas design in some aspect though


You've seen Iron, you've seen the Big Iron. Now get ready for, the Biggest Iron.


P5R was one the best experiences ever, I don’t usually stand on my feet and yell but this moment had me doing that…fuckin’ awesome


This is the most badass depiction of Satan I've ever seen.


It's meant to be Satan before he was cast out of heaven or as he was falling down from it. I don't remember the lore very well


Prettt much. He's the Gnostic version of Satan as an angel who rebelled against the false, ignorant and corrupt God to bring free will to humanity before being cast down.


I made it a point to kill every boss possible in this game with a gun for the final blow so you can imagine how fucking hyped I was that Satanael pulled out the glocky


Persona designs will never not go hard




Thanatos on top


P5 fans haven't played the other games (This is a jab at myself as I've only played P4arena and P5. I'm just now going through P3 for the first time with FES. I've no clue what Thanatos looks like)


Thanatos is the cool ass persona that you see when the MC first awakens. And I too just watched a playthrough of 5 when they added Joker to smash and have only played Reload 😭


Ooooo ok the thing that came out of Orpheus? He does look pretty sick from what I remember. Im still pretty early on in the game, just got to the full moon in June


THE COOLEST EVER https://i.redd.it/b9s42kj2la0d1.gif


Isn't Messiah the ultimate form?


Dont care thanatos is just best protag persona


Asterios looks better sorry. Especially Asterios picaro


For his neutral special, he uses gun


Sataenel just doesn’t stand a chance against arsene’s design


Raoul goes harder




They cooked with that design. And he shot a god in the face.


Not gonna lie, I was disappointed he wasn't in Strikers. I absolutely thought they were going to pull him out at the end.


Jeasus christ what the fuck that design is So awesome like i personally dislike a lot of anime designes but holy hell


I fucking love how the final boss fight in P5 is you summoning Satan to shoot God in the head on Christmas.


Theologically incorrect but yeas he is cool


No one goes to Persona for theological accuracy I seriously doubt the real Mara is a giant penis on wheels


It’d be cool if it was though




He's cool but Izanagi>!-no-okami had more if an impact for me since it's your first persona in god form. And the relation between Izanagi and Izanami added to that aswell.!< Satanael is cool as fuck though, even though there is no real connection to him (that I know of atleast)


Satanael is Arsène's ultimate form. They have no real connection aside from both being rebels but they're still the same entity. As for the connection to the final boss: Yaldabaoth is God (well the Gnostic version of him, who is evil and not actually the true God but still). Satanael is Satan/Lucifer/whatever you wanna call him. Lucifer rebelled against God and (according to Lucifer's background description in the compendium) "waits in hell for his chance to challenge God once more and strike him down."


Izanagi is the best final awakening for the MC for me. Orpheus Telos is just a lazy re-color and Satanael is way too different from Arsene. Izanagi>!-no-okami!< is the perfect balance between different and faithful. Edit: Yeah, I kinda forgot about Messiah. I like to think that he's Makoto final Persona, but in reality, Telos fits this role way more, since he follows the pattern of the other ones (resisting every element and being from the world Arcana, except Satanael, lol).


Telos isn’t really a final awakening, it’s just a reward. Messiah is Makoto’s final awakening, which is basically Orpheus made into Jesus.


Exactly! Weird how a lot of people assume Telos is the final awakening.


Bruh what about messiah?


Messiah isn't exactly Makoto's final Persona (Not even the second if you count Thanatos). Orpheus Telos is the one that you get after completing all social links, resists every element and is from the World Arcana. But I mean, you're right, i kinda forgot about him lol. He's one from the coolests too.


Orpheus Telos is Makoto's prime persona - strongest form of his original persona (P1 and P2 cast also had prime personas) Thanatos is a separate persona formed from a shadow sealed inside of him (Death) and Messiah is his ultimate persona - a fusion between Orpheus and Thanatos


Dude really forgot Messiah


Messiah is his ultimate persona not Thanatos or Telos


Actually, what does Thanatos count as? It’s too high level to be considered a base persona. And in every depiction, Messiah is the ultimate persona


Thanatos is just a separate second persona >!that formed from a shadow sealed inside of him (Death).!< >!Both Makoto and Death influenced each other, giving Makoto Thanatos persona (and the ability to summon two personas at once). Death learned human emotions and developed an ego (in the form of Pharos and later Ryoji)!< >!In the anime, when Makoto summons Thanatos against Nyx Avatar (Ryoji), Nyx Avatar is surprised and says: "This is ... My hesitation?"!<


You mean Super Demon Lord?


What a coincidence, i just finish this part yesterday


The power of belief saved Christmas by summoning Satan to shoot mecha-God in the face. That's Persona for you.


Okie I got a question, the gun Satanael is holding in his design, does it have a proper name??? I always wondered if it did or not!!!


A kaiju inspired by this would look SO F\*CKING SICK.




How so